View Full Version : Lakers: Where should CP3 and Dwight go this summer?

Leon Black
05-09-2013, 03:01 PM
Sure both could stick with their current teams and make the most money, but they ain't winning shit with their respected teams. Only logical thing to do would be to team up somewhere and try to win some rings.... amirite??

With that being said...... let's look at the teams that could possibly lure both D-12 and CP3 this summer :

1. Houston- A big 3 of Harden, Paul, Howard would look damn good, not sure those players really fit well together though.

2. Atlanta- Maybe keep Smith or Horford to go along with Paul and D-12.

3. Detroit- I just know that these niggas will have plenty of room to add both, but have no lure whatsoever. Shitty coaching, management etc, etc

4. Dallas- Wouldn't be shocked if Cuban pulled a rabbit out of his ass this summer, Dirk is the perfect compliment to both Dwight and Paul tbh. Good management (Cuban, Donnie) and coaching (Carlisle) are also pluses for Dallas.

A couple intriguing options, Paul and Howard have to know the only possible way they will win is if they team up this summer..... Atlanta, Houston, or Dallas are all viable options.

Clipper Nation
05-09-2013, 04:11 PM
Tbh, you should add in a "one of them stays, one of them leaves" option.... it very well could be that CP3 stays in LA but Dwight goes to Houston, tbh.... and no, CP3 wouldn't win shit with that mental midget Bible Kemp on his team :lol

:lol Tacker
:lol Britney Spears
:lol Mexican med school

05-09-2013, 04:14 PM
Paul deserves better than Dwight's stupid ass.

Leon Black
05-09-2013, 04:32 PM
Tbh, you should add in a "one of them stays, one of them leaves" option.... it very well could be that CP3 stays in LA but Dwight goes to Houston, tbh.... and no, CP3 wouldn't win shit with that mental midget Bible Kemp on his team :lol

:lol Tacker
:lol Britney Spears
:lol Mexican med school

:lol backdoor

05-09-2013, 04:43 PM
Insider from CF

Just got off a call:

Dwight is not happy with how the Lakers have treated him and how the Lakers have constantly backed D'Antoni.

The Rockets have been doing a hell of a job to get him here. Harden has been calling/texting. During all star he spent a lot of time with Hakeem and Hakeem did the BEST sales pitch ever. He got him with McHale and they hit it off.

Dwight doesn't see a big deal in the extra year with the Lakers and states that everyone opts out of that 5th year anyways, so it wouldn't make that big of a difference.

Dwights agent DOES NOT want him to come to Houston and feel the Rockets management can not make a championship team.

Dwight mentioned that in LA there is a "millionaire tax" which Houston does not (I have never heard of this or have any idea)

Dwight and Fegan STILL want to be in Brooklyn but don't see that happening.

Atlantas only way to get Dwight would be to sign Paul as well, they are the team that can sign to max players I was told (didnt check this out). Atlanta also has power because Dwight just recently reconnected with his father and his father is out in Atlanta.


05-09-2013, 05:30 PM
Insider from CF

Amnesty Parker, sign Dwight. NB:lol=f:lolcked

05-09-2013, 05:36 PM
Amnesty Parker, sign Dwight. NB:lol=f:lolcked


Clipper Nation
05-09-2013, 06:43 PM
Amnesty Parker, sign Dwight. NB:lol=f:lolcked

B:lolnner could use a good veteran backup, come to think of it :lol

05-09-2013, 06:47 PM
B:lolnner could use a good veteran backup, come to think of it :lol
Can you imagine if B:lolner taught Coward how to shoot 3's? you could have Diaw running point, B:lolner at shooting guard, Bane making fags quit at SF, with Timothy and Kemp ruining shitheads in the paint. Then, outta fuckin nowhere, you got Kemp dropping nukes on niggas at 26 feet out. Stern would probably cancel the next 5 seasons and jabba the spurs.

Leon Black
05-09-2013, 06:48 PM
Insider from CF


Thanks for this. I needed a good laugh :lol

Leon Black
05-09-2013, 07:16 PM
B:lolnner could use a good veteran backup, come to think of it :lol

:lol Clippers
:lol Del Negro still head coach
:lol blake griffin exposed as monkeyballer with no actual bball skills
:lol CP3 bolting
:lol lead series 2-0
:lol lose series 4-2
:lol backdoored

Latarian Milton
05-10-2013, 12:37 AM
dallas would run in jubilation if they can get it done imho. PhD would sound even greater than the triple D tbh

PhD dynasty, lets hope for it