View Full Version : What's your reason for living?

05-11-2013, 02:02 AM
I honestly don't have one or maybe I do but don't know what it is. What drives you to live? When you get up in the morning, afternoon, or night, what do you use to get you to do whatever it is that you have to and/or want to do? Family, money, success, your significant other, fame, making a name for yourself, etc...? I honestly feel sometimes like I don't have a soul or part of my soul is gone. I'm sure some of you will just shit on me as usual. Go ahead and tell me that I'm a useless piece of shit with a useless degree and I should just kill myself. There, I already helped you by bashing myself.

The Reckoning
05-11-2013, 03:26 AM

05-11-2013, 03:51 AM
Jacob should have shuffled off this mortal coil in June 2011..looks like it's all gonna be downhill from there..

silverblk mystix
05-11-2013, 07:19 AM
I honestly don't have one or maybe I do but don't know what it is. What drives you to live? When you get up in the morning, afternoon, or night, what do you use to get you to do whatever it is that you have to and/or want to do? Family, money, success, your significant other, fame, making a name for yourself, etc...? I honestly feel sometimes like I don't have a soul or part of my soul is gone. I'm sure some of you will just shit on me as usual. Go ahead and tell me that I'm a useless piece of shit with a useless degree and I should just kill myself. There, I already helped you by bashing myself.

You might actually have a better reason than most people...

The fact that you DON'T have one is just as good as those who do it for...love, money, success, etc...

Those reasons are no better and no worse than NOT having one.

Give yourself a break.

05-11-2013, 07:23 AM
Do I need to call the authorities?

05-11-2013, 08:49 AM
I honestly don't have one or maybe I do but don't know what it is. What drives you to live? When you get up in the morning, afternoon, or night, what do you use to get you to do whatever it is that you have to and/or want to do? Family, money, success, your significant other, fame, making a name for yourself, etc...? I honestly feel sometimes like I don't have a soul or part of my soul is gone. I'm sure some of you will just shit on me as usual. Go ahead and tell me that I'm a useless piece of shit with a useless degree and I should just kill myself. There, I already helped you by bashing myself.

:lolthis should help you it shows life's progression if you're willing to work hard for it.... --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70RQLtdVeU

as for me I would love nothing more than to taste cuckingfunt's wet and hot pussy...I bet she taste's so good...I would suck on her clit for hrs....actually the thought of what she tastes like after coming home from work on either a Fri or Sat gets me so horny...the excitement of her sitting on my face would be like a kids first trip to Disney World...

05-11-2013, 09:25 AM
My reason for living is to have sex with all white women.

I envision a future where this planet is filled with nice golden mix babies.

Not messicans

05-11-2013, 09:35 AM
You might actually have a better reason than most people...

The fact that you DON'T have one is just as good as those who do it for...love, money, success, etc...

Those reasons are no better and no worse than NOT having one.


That garbled mess makes absolutely no sense.

05-11-2013, 09:37 AM
My reason for living is to have sex with all white women.

I envision a future where this planet is filled with nice golden mix babies.

Not messicans

^ you're dizgusting

05-11-2013, 10:16 AM

Clipper Nation
05-11-2013, 10:32 AM
Jacob should have shuffled off this mortal coil in June 2011..looks like it's all gonna be downhill from there..
:lol Gaycob's reason for living being the Mavs finally winning a title

silverblk mystix
05-11-2013, 10:32 AM
That garbled mess makes absolutely no sense.

It is actually profound. Not surprised that you cannot understand it.

05-11-2013, 10:54 AM
You suicidal after the Mav's dismal season?


Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

05-11-2013, 11:59 AM
Not suicidal. I just think about this shit a lot while I'm working in the coal mine. I think about a lot of shit while I'm mining coal. Thinking is the only thing that I can do that helps me keep my shit together at the sweat shop. Besides, I'm too much of a wimp and pussy to kill myself. And I wouldn't want to make my parents sad. I just honestly can't think of anything that could possibly be my reason for living. I don't really feel alive anymore. I just exist which is sad but true. It's like I lost my soul or a part of it. When I'm in the coal mine, I feel like Hermie the Elf. I don't want to make toys like every other elf does. I want to do something else. I was just curious to see what other people's reasons are for living but most of you guy did what I predicted you would and basically used this thread to shit on me. Some of you act like you're in elementary school to be honest on here. And if you're going to insult me, get some new fuckin' material. Bashing me with Xanax and Gaycob jokes really? Talk about originality.

05-11-2013, 12:06 PM
Sound like a fancy troll to me.

silverblk mystix
05-11-2013, 12:41 PM
Not suicidal. I just think about this shit a lot while I'm working in the coal mine. I think about a lot of shit while I'm mining coal. Thinking is the only thing that I can do that helps me keep my shit together at the sweat shop. Besides, I'm too much of a wimp and pussy to kill myself. And I wouldn't want to make my parents sad. I just honestly can't think of anything that could possibly be my reason for living. I don't really feel alive anymore. I just exist which is sad but true. It's like I lost my soul or a part of it. When I'm in the coal mine, I feel like Hermie the Elf. I don't want to make toys like every other elf does. I want to do something else. I was just curious to see what other people's reasons are for living but most of you guy did what I predicted you would and basically used this thread to shit on me. Some of you act like you're in elementary school to be honest on here. And if you're going to insult me, get some new fuckin' material. Bashing me with Xanax and Gaycob jokes really? Talk about originality.

I actually gave you some positive feedback - but you focused on the haters instead.

You might be onto something that a lot of people never see - this is a good development for you. Most people just chase the carrot on a stick their whole life and always think that if they get that carrot - this will bring happiness. Some actually get the carrot and realize it didn't bring happiness - so they get depressed - and then they get back on the horse and chase a bigger, shinier carrot and repeat the cycle all over again...
Some die never having understood what they were doing or why they were chasing a carrot.

You stumbled on a very good thing - that you don't necessarily have anything to live for - if lucky - this might point you in quest for truth, for clarity, for reality....it might be worth it.

Where did this idea that you have to have something to live for come from? What does it mean to "live for" something?
Isn't this idea basically saying that you want something to feel happy about?

Think of the times in your life when you were happy. What caused it? What brought it on?

Investigate all this and follow this nice insight that you had because there is something that wants to reveal itself to you.

05-11-2013, 01:58 PM
My lord and savior, Jesus Christ

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

05-11-2013, 03:13 PM
I honestly don't have one or maybe I do but don't know what it is. What drives you to live? When you get up in the morning, afternoon, or night, what do you use to get you to do whatever it is that you have to and/or want to do? Family, money, success, your significant other, fame, making a name for yourself, etc...? I honestly feel sometimes like I don't have a soul or part of my soul is gone. I'm sure some of you will just shit on me as usual. Go ahead and tell me that I'm a useless piece of shit with a useless degree and I should just kill myself. There, I already helped you by bashing myself.

Don't base your self worth on what anonymous people say about your anonymous user name.

If you're doing that, stop.

I am living because I am inherently an alpha male and as such my role on this Earth is to dominate others in ways I cannot legally illustrate here.

05-11-2013, 03:14 PM
I actually gave you some positive feedback - but you focused on the haters instead.

Even a drugged out suicidal bipolar nutjob knows to ignore advice from a be@ner prison guard.

05-11-2013, 03:19 PM
Don't base your self worth on what anonymous people say about your anonymous user name.

If you're doing that, stop.
I am living because I am inherently an alpha maleand as such my role on this Earth is to dominate others in ways I cannot legally illustrate here.

^ you NAMBLA leaders are so full of yourselves

05-11-2013, 08:56 PM
I live for today. I don't live for the past, or future. Just today. It makes things simple and I don't have any extra pressure or stress because I am not worrying about anything except the present.

05-11-2013, 09:18 PM
This could be a HOF thread

05-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Don't base your self worth on what anonymous people say about your anonymous user name.

If you're doing that, stop.

I am living because I am inherently an alpha male and as such my role on this Earth is to dominate others in ways I cannot legally illustrate here.
:lmao yeah, so alpha you spend every waking second on spurstalk and god knows how many other message boards. :lol you're a loser dawg, fess up :lol

The Reckoning
05-11-2013, 11:52 PM
i live for the off chance of a threesome.

05-11-2013, 11:56 PM
what the fuck :lol

05-12-2013, 12:01 AM
I don't value my worth on what immature arrogant anonymous posters think of me on a message board. I base my worth on what I've done in life. In my opinion, I don't think I've done that much. My parents tell me that I'm too hard on myself and that other people my age are going through the same shite because of the slow ass recovery in the economy. The last 10 years of my life have been spent in college and at wonderful Target. I've been tempted of thinking of unique ways to improve my resume and possibly get some business cards with my info on it. I also get tempted a lot to just say fuck it to Target and living in North Texas and selling most of my possessions and getting all the money I can and just leave and go to some place far far away and explore or whatever. However, that's more of a fantasy because I'm a pussy when it comes to risks. I rarely take risks. I'm that paranoid.

05-12-2013, 12:33 AM
Discover what makes you happy and chase after it. That always takes a level of risk, and like you said you are afraid of risk. So grow a pair.

05-12-2013, 01:04 AM
I just find something to look forward to and when shit gets tough, I keep repeating to myself just this many more hours, days, weeks, etc until it happens/I can do it. I try to regularly work out too, makes me feel laid back and generally happy with life.

The Reckoning
05-12-2013, 01:29 AM
the risk is half the fun tbh. would rather end up in a 3rd world country prison after a badass trip than sit through the US' labor camps ie: no promotions, cubicles, 45 hour work weeks with no vacation just staring at cat vids and spurstalk all day, etc. etc.

Latarian Milton
05-12-2013, 01:33 AM
i don't kill myself because i think it would be very painful. i want to be famous like my nigga bron but not being able to be that great ain't a reason for me to cease to live imho. you can live for fun while pursuing you dreams, if your only goal of life is to reproduce as much as possible (like most wetbacks) you're probably even more soulless than those hedonists imho

05-12-2013, 01:47 AM
:lmao yeah, so alpha you spend every waking second on spurstalk and god knows how many other message boards. :lol you're a loser dawg, fess up :lol

That's because, unlike you, I don't own a home in breck, bro. Unlike you as well, my son actually has my last name.

05-12-2013, 01:49 AM
I don't value my worth on what immature arrogant anonymous posters think of me on a message board. I base my worth on what I've done in life. In my opinion, I don't think I've done that much. My parents tell me that I'm too hard on myself and that other people my age are going through the same shite because of the slow ass recovery in the economy. The last 10 years of my life have been spent in college and at wonderful Target. I've been tempted of thinking of unique ways to improve my resume and possibly get some business cards with my info on it. I also get tempted a lot to just say fuck it to Target and living in North Texas and selling most of my possessions and getting all the money I can and just leave and go to some place far far away and explore or whatever. However, that's more of a fantasy because I'm a pussy when it comes to risks. I rarely take risks. I'm that paranoid.

10 years in college and at Target? I'd have killed myself 7 years ago. What degree are you going for, astronaut?

If you were raised easy and never served a day, life must seem hard. Once you do a couple of tours or if you're raised poor, life only gets better.

05-12-2013, 02:02 AM
When I said 10 years, I meant that the first half was spent at college and the second half at Target. That's what I meant by when I said I felt I hadn't really done anything in my life. I've been poor my whole life. Upper lower class to lower middle class is what I've been in my whole life. Went to college to change that. So far, it hasn't worked out in my favor.

silverblk mystix
05-12-2013, 06:25 AM
I don't value my worth on what immature arrogant anonymous posters think of me on a message board. I base my worth on what I've done in life. In my opinion, I don't think I've done that much. My parents tell me that I'm too hard on myself and that other people my age are going through the same shite because of the slow ass recovery in the economy. The last 10 years of my life have been spent in college and at wonderful Target. I've been tempted of thinking of unique ways to improve my resume and possibly get some business cards with my info on it. I also get tempted a lot to just say fuck it to Target and living in North Texas and selling most of my possessions and getting all the money I can and just leave and go to some place far far away and explore or whatever. However, that's more of a fantasy because I'm a pussy when it comes to risks. I rarely take risks. I'm that paranoid.

The coal mine troll was better than the Target troll job tbh

05-12-2013, 08:59 AM
That's because, unlike you, I don't own a home in breck, bro. Unlike you as well, my son actually has my last name.

My son has my last name breh

:lol dmc thinking he's alpha

05-12-2013, 09:47 AM
The coal mine troll was better than the Target troll job tbh

Coal mine was a metaphor for Target.

checking ass holes for drugs is your coal mine.

05-12-2013, 09:57 AM
When I said 10 years, I meant that the first half was spent at college and the second half at Target. That's what I meant by when I said I felt I hadn't really done anything in my life. I've been poor my whole life. Upper lower class to lower middle class is what I've been in my whole life. Went to college to change that. So far, it hasn't worked out in my favor.

if you're living at home with parents, younger than 30, no kids and working retail, what's the risk you're afraid to take?

silverblk mystix
05-12-2013, 11:15 AM
Coal mine was a metaphor for Target.

checking ass holes for drugs is your coal mine.

LOL Your coal mine is being a chump-clone

05-12-2013, 12:00 PM
Your comebacks are both educational and insightful.

Thanks for sharing some of that enlightenment.

silverblk mystix
05-12-2013, 12:19 PM
Your comebacks are both educational and insightful.

Thanks for sharing some of that enlightenment.

Watching someone demolish your woman's orifices is not educational and/or insightful.

Anytime you comment on anything - it is irrelevant - because of what you are into. Cuck.

05-12-2013, 12:59 PM
Watching someone demolish your woman's orifices is not educational and/or insightful.

Anytime you comment on anything - it is irrelevant - because of what you are into. Cuck.

lol more enlightenment

The Reckoning
05-12-2013, 01:01 PM
son smack/aka domesticated males in an e-fight

05-12-2013, 04:02 PM
Target feels like a coal mine sometimes. The only differences you get paid more to work in mines but also have a high risk of dying too. When i say coal mine or sweat shop, those are metaphors or references to target. I sometimes call it "the shop". I am currently living with my siblings because i had to move in with them to make them happy. I dont take risks because im paranoid of the possible negative consequences. I just wish i could remove that from myself. I wish i could take some pill or shot that would subdue most of my emotions.

05-12-2013, 05:45 PM
My son has my last name breh

You finally come up with that 295 scrah, or did you find a lawyer that did it as a charity case?

either way, congratz.

05-12-2013, 07:19 PM
You finally come up with that 295 scrah, or did you find a lawyer that did it as a charity case?

either way, congratz.

300 shy of legit.

05-12-2013, 07:52 PM
Porsche 911 GT3 Twin Turbo Limited Edition Silver paint

One day it will be mine

Latarian Milton
05-12-2013, 08:38 PM
fact is it was never a good idea in the first place to get employed at a job that doesn't fit you and your knowledge. you should've worked to your strength and done what you do best. you need a job to pay off your debt as soon as possible. you've been working your ass off there but the debt stands still, you will be lucky if you can pay it off before you retire w/o any significant changes to your life tbh.

i also worked at a deadend job once upon a time but i've been living freely for almost a year now doing basically nothing but gaming & dicking around, and that's the greatest period of time i've ever experienced since i first went to primary school at 6. now i have multiple options and each of them would lead me to a much better future than if i had continued working there tbh. thing is, if you keep working there, you would have little time to plan for your future on your own behalf since the shitty job occupies 99% of your life. it is a job of ape shit if it occupies too much of your time because for a young guy in his 20s or early 30s, time is more precious than any treasure, let alone that it doesn't pay shit.

i sincerely hope you can get smart for a second and make the right decision (to quit the deadend donkeyshit) sooner rather than later. college might be a sham but your knowledge ain't, and you should not let yourself get fooled by the society tbh. just spend a few more years in college and you'll certainly get a great job with a master or even doc degree in a much better economy a few years from now, which will enable you to pay off the debt within a year something and make them all motherfuckers feel jealous as hell

05-12-2013, 10:41 PM
thisgolddigger or sbm--which one will take the heat off Jacob in this thread first?

05-12-2013, 11:19 PM
My reason for living is to have sex with all white women.

I envision a future where this planet is filled with nice golden mix babies.

Not messicans


05-13-2013, 03:00 PM
Reason for living?

I can't afford my fucking funeral.

05-13-2013, 03:22 PM
Sex and family, music, football, track and books.

05-13-2013, 04:08 PM
Do I need to call the authorities?

Chingo Bling
05-13-2013, 04:19 PM
Do I need to call the authorities?

Nah, you yust have to wait for him to act all happy again. Didn't you take any psychology classes, guey? You don't worry about the pendejos that talk about killing themselves you have to worry about the ones that talk about it and then one day yust stop and start acting all happy and chit.

Chingo Bling
05-13-2013, 04:21 PM
Sex and family, music, football, track and books.

Like... with all your family? I knew you were fucked up in the head but you are a real sick piece of chit.

05-13-2013, 04:28 PM
Target feels like a coal mine sometimes. The only differences you get paid more to work in mines but also have a high risk of dying too. When i say coal mine or sweat shop, those are metaphors or references to target. I sometimes call it "the shop". I am currently living with my siblings because i had to move in with them to make them happy. I dont take risks because im paranoid of the possible negative consequences. I just wish i could remove that from myself. I wish i could take some pill or shot that would subdue most of my emotions.

oh man... not again...


05-14-2013, 12:50 AM
I've come up with an actual plan. It might be more of a fantasy but I'm seriously considering going through with it. If I'm not out of the coal mine by this time next year, then I will finally leave the mine and North Texas and go explore this world that I've never been able to see. The only problem would be money. I figure if I start saving now and cut back big time, I might be able to do this adventure for a month which would be awesome but I will admit it would suck after the adventure is over. Once the adventure is over, it's back to reality.

silverblk mystix
05-14-2013, 07:15 AM
I've come up with an actual plan. It might be more of a fantasy but I'm seriously considering going through with it. If I'm not out of the coal mine by this time next year, then I will finally leave the mine and North Texas and go explore this world that I've never been able to see. The only problem would be money. I figure if I start saving now and cut back big time, I might be able to do this adventure for a month which would be awesome but I will admit it would suck after the adventure is over. Once the adventure is over, it's back to reality.

So you are going to come out of the closet...ok.

A lot of people in here will support that. Congrats.

05-14-2013, 09:05 AM
You finally come up with that 295 scrah, or did you find a lawyer that did it as a charity case?

either way, congratz.

nah scrah, I had it taken care of the day after I started the thread. I wipe my ass with $300, but only if tp isn't available - nawwhatimean?

05-14-2013, 09:05 AM
I've come up with an actual plan. It might be more of a fantasy but I'm seriously considering going through with it. If I'm not out of the coal mine by this time next year, then I will finally leave the mine and North Texas and go explore this world that I've never been able to see. The only problem would be money. I figure if I start saving now and cut back big time, I might be able to do this adventure for a month which would be awesome but I will admit it would suck after the adventure is over. Once the adventure is over, it's back to reality.

Dude, just get out onto Harry Hines, find a hooker, and get your dick sucked.

05-14-2013, 09:06 AM
thisgolddigger or sbm--which one will take the heat off Jacob in this thread first?


05-14-2013, 09:19 AM
Reason for living? That's easy - to be successful in my career, start a family, and see the world. Anyone who says that's chasing the carrot, or conforming to some sort of norm to society, is just sad and most likely spiteful. Ones reason for living is to get to whatever makes them happy. For some that's a blowjob from a Puerto Rican hooker in the Bronx, to another it could be "owning" people on a sports forum, for another it could be making long, useless, and repetitive lists. Just do what makes you happy, it's obviously not working at Target, so make big changes in your life or you're going to continue to be pathetic.

silverblk mystix
05-14-2013, 10:29 AM
Reason for living? That's easy - to be successful in my career, start a family, and see the world. Anyone who says that's chasing the carrot, or conforming to some sort of norm to society, is just sad and most likely spiteful. Ones reason for living is to get to whatever makes them happy. For some that's a blowjob from a Puerto Rican hooker in the Bronx, to another it could be "owning" people on a sports forum, for another it could be making long, useless, and repetitive lists. Just do what makes you happy, it's obviously not working at Target, so make big changes in your life or you're going to continue to be pathetic.

Not being spiteful (I mentioned the carrot) - just giving you truth.

What you said makes sense - IF - AND ONLY IF - those things bring happiness. If they do - good for you.

Why would working at Target or anywhere else be any different than another career? It might make some people happy - It might never make others happy.

You said - "get" to what makes you happy. Where did you hear or learn that happiness is something that you "get" to...or a destination that you arrive at?

This is why I responded to the OP but apparently - he was never interested in finding out about truth or happiness.

Many people "achieve" success in a career and then discover that it did not bring happiness. Many people acquire huge amounts of money and discover that it did not bring happiness. What happened?

Some do. Some don't.

The OP appeared to be one of the ones that was not happy so I tried to give him a way, a path to pursue.

If your plan brings you happiness and this is the outcome of your life - good for you. It might not be everyone's answer.


05-14-2013, 01:00 PM
Not being spiteful (I mentioned the carrot) - just giving you truth.

What you said makes sense - IF - AND ONLY IF - those things bring happiness. If they do - good for you.

Why would working at Target or anywhere else be any different than another career? It might make some people happy - It might never make others happy.

You said - "get" to what makes you happy. Where did you hear or learn that happiness is something that you "get" to...or a destination that you arrive at?

This is why I responded to the OP but apparently - he was never interested in finding out about truth or happiness.

Many people "achieve" success in a career and then discover that it did not bring happiness. Many people acquire huge amounts of money and discover that it did not bring happiness. What happened?

Some do. Some don't.

The OP appeared to be one of the ones that was not happy so I tried to give him a way, a path to pursue.

If your plan brings you happiness and this is the outcome of your life - good for you. It might not be everyone's answer.


Too long, too crappy to read

silverblk mystix
05-14-2013, 01:26 PM
Too long, too crappy to read

Morons hate truth. Been saying it from day 1. No surprises here.

05-14-2013, 04:32 PM
Morons hate truth. Been saying it from day 1. No surprises here.

You've been talking directly out of your ass hole from day 1.

That's the truth.

Smart Ass
05-14-2013, 05:10 PM
My reason for living is to keep from dying.

05-14-2013, 09:37 PM
The coal mine job definitely does not make me happy. It makes me miserable. I think I've been miserable and down for so long that I don't know what happiness is anymore. Yes, I'm sure some of you will shit on that or tell me to go kill myself or something about Xanax or call me Gaycob or something else that's unoriginal and lazy. I do want to be happy someday. Working in retail is not something that I want to do forever. I mainly took the shitty job so I could have a job. I had hope which is now false hope that the economy would get better but a lot of these so-called jobs that have come back are shitty jobs i.e. retail and fast food jobs. I don't want to work in a store. Working in a store does nothing for me. I get no sense of worth, satisfaction, value, or happiness from working at a store. If I had it my way, I'd like to work in some type of field of work that involved travel. I'm just worried that I'm going to be a townie until I die. I don't want to be in 70s or 80s and have never been anywhere. I just turned 30 and I've never left North America. I've also never seen New York or California. Recently, I've been tempted to learn another language because I think it would be a good hobby and help me deal with stress and keep my mind off the coal mine.

Latarian Milton
05-15-2013, 03:27 AM
you don't have to take a shitty job just to have a job imho, shit's consuming too much time which would've otherwise been better used. opportunities won't spontaneously come to your house and knock on your door, and it's almost certain that you'll hardly find any job better than this one with the current resources you have. the 5-6 working experience at the coal mine job won't help you land a decent job by any means, instead it only taints your degree and makes it even harder than when you had just graduated. if i were an employer i'd presume that you must have some deficiency in personality or some mental disability, or whatever shit it might be, because someone with a legit college degree (even though you consider it shit) would've never accepted such a shitty job like this tbh. i was also working at a shitty deadend job a year ago or something, and i quit it just because i couldn't see no fucking future working there, but at the very least it was affiliated to a fortune 500 company so it doesn't spoil my profile & resume too bad imho.

you may as well stop wasting your time on such a meaningless job imho. you can also come back to school and get paid what you deserve after you graduate with a master or even doctorate degree. it doesn't make no sense to regret the past, but it's never too late to fix what you've done wrong in the past imho. you're still on the green side of 30 and are smart enough to not have fallen into a bitch's trap yet, so you have every right to continue pursuing your dreams imho.

there're MANY good jobs out there but you have to equip yourself with better knowledge & skills in order to qualify for those jobs. getting back to school might just be one of the many options for you, you can try working as an aprentice alongside some eminent person in your area (or some new area you desire to work in) while earning some $ to sustain a frugal life, so you can learn some "useful" knowledge and get better prepared for the future. $ is the last thing that matters to you at this point of time imho, you just need to make sure that the next job you're gonna take is not a dead-end one tbh

05-15-2013, 04:03 AM
Is Jacob a troll or is he really in such a shitty situation in life ?

Latarian Milton
05-15-2013, 04:38 AM
jacob ain't just trolling imho, it's easy to read sort of bitterness out of his writtings tbh

05-15-2013, 05:16 PM
To find the meaning of life.

Homeland Security
05-15-2013, 05:24 PM
My reason for living is to enjoy the suffering of my enemies.

05-15-2013, 05:32 PM
The coal mine job definitely does not make me happy. It makes me miserable. I think I've been miserable and down for so long that I don't know what happiness is anymore. Yes, I'm sure some of you will shit on that or tell me to go kill myself or something about Xanax or call me Gaycob or something else that's unoriginal and lazy. I do want to be happy someday. Working in retail is not something that I want to do forever. I mainly took the shitty job so I could have a job. I had hope which is now false hope that the economy would get better but a lot of these so-called jobs that have come back are shitty jobs i.e. retail and fast food jobs. I don't want to work in a store. Working in a store does nothing for me. I get no sense of worth, satisfaction, value, or happiness from working at a store. If I had it my way, I'd like to work in some type of field of work that involved travel. I'm just worried that I'm going to be a townie until I die. I don't want to be in 70s or 80s and have never been anywhere. I just turned 30 and I've never left North America. I've also never seen New York or California. Recently, I've been tempted to learn another language because I think it would be a good hobby and help me deal with stress and keep my mind off the coal mine.

If you want to travel, try being a flight attendant. Fun, easy, good pay from what I've heard.

Then save up some cash, start your own biz in something that interests you.


05-16-2013, 12:15 AM
I just need to get my shit in order. Stop wasting money on stupid shit like fat food, stop staying up til 5am, and basically stop being scared of anything that has potential risks and bad consequences or negative side effects. If I do those things, I will be happy.

05-16-2013, 01:36 AM
You should get a therapist either way..and by either way I mean if you're a troll or if you're not a troll..whatever, you need help one way or the other..

05-16-2013, 03:28 AM
I've thought about alerting the authorities a couple times over the years. If he's trolling then ok--you got me...but I get a suicidal/homicidal vibe from him a lot. I would not like to work in the same office as him

703 Spurz
05-16-2013, 10:26 AM
I honestly don't have one or maybe I do but don't know what it is. What drives you to live? When you get up in the morning, afternoon, or night, what do you use to get you to do whatever it is that you have to and/or want to do? Family, money, success, your significant other, fame, making a name for yourself, etc...? I honestly feel sometimes like I don't have a soul or part of my soul is gone. I'm sure some of you will just shit on me as usual. Go ahead and tell me that I'm a useless piece of shit with a useless degree and I should just kill myself. There, I already helped you by bashing myself.

B/C living is all there is to do. Don't be insane just bc your team didn't make the playoffs. It's OK.