View Full Version : Do You Like How the Spurs Defend Their Own?

07-11-2005, 05:54 PM
Looking back at this season's playoff games, was there ever a time you wish SA would stop being so proper and polite and just kick some ass? Here's what I mean--one of many things I love about the Spurs is their comraderie, their genuine caring for each other as teammates and seemingly--friends. This kind of chemistry builds championships. But sometimes I feel they are lacking an element crucial to team-building--defending each other.

I mean defending each other when attacked by flagrant fouls, manhandled, or publicly dissed in commentary. The Nuggets verbally and physically attacked at least two Spurs and Pop and the players refused to engage the attacks and of course you have to respect the Spurs for "rising above all that while letting their play talk for them." That must be unbelievably frustrating to be so 'straight arrow' while others get away with virtually anything. True the Spurs had the last laugh but how do they let all the crap they deal with roll of their backs so easily? Karl, Melo, Denver Press, Sonics, Ray-Ray, Fortson, etc. c'mon! Duncan was almost ridiculously polite to the Sonics when Spurs were hard fouled..."I wouldn't do that...." I know that's Duncan but damn how about one time "You touch my boy again and that's the last time you'll do so..." That's an exaggeration but you get the drift.

I'm not advocating violence at all, I love how respected the Spurs are and how they are "bigger" than everyone else. But sometimes it makes me think they aren't fired up enough when other teams intentionally hurt their own. How do they not want to fire back? Or do you like how the Spurs handle situations like that because they do earn respect?

Big Pimp_21
07-11-2005, 06:09 PM
If they weren't "fired up" enough...they wouldn't be champs. When is the last time that Denver or Phoenix won a title. The Spurs are smarter than those teams...thats why they win.

07-11-2005, 06:14 PM
I can see the spurs "Defending" their own....and then getting suspended...no thanks.

I'm fine on how the team presents itself. That's a part of the reason I enjoy the Spurs.

07-11-2005, 06:16 PM
attn: Alamode

That is a clever name you have.

Ed Helicopter Jones
07-11-2005, 06:16 PM

07-11-2005, 06:46 PM
We went through this when Denver and Seattle were supposebly roughing us up.... the Spurs play Spurs basketball and when they play Spurs basketball they win championships...

07-11-2005, 06:46 PM
They defend each other by winning the game. Sure they can start throwing elbows, and pushing people around but it may cost them a couple of technicals or even an ejection.

07-11-2005, 06:56 PM
You could tell the T-Wolves weren't all the way in '04 by the way they let themselves get sucked into all that amateur garbage in Denver. No thanks.

07-11-2005, 07:06 PM
The guys do stick up for each other. I think it was the Denver series ( it was definitely this play offs) when Gino was talking about how much it meant to him that Timmy stood up for him.

I am proud of our guys for not sinking to the leval of the opponents henchmen. We really do win the right way.

Solid D
07-11-2005, 07:08 PM
If Rasho went in there and said "Whyyyyy-I-oughta...." then boy boy, that would have made 'em think.

Otherwise, no other suggested changes.



07-11-2005, 07:10 PM
Remember in 2004 in the play offs when Rasho stared down Kobe Bryant who got a technical and sulked off like the cowardly snake that he is? Good times! My baby did me proud!

07-11-2005, 07:17 PM
Remember in 2004 in the play offs when Rasho stared down Kobe Bryant who got a technical and sulked off like the cowardly snake that he is? Good times! My baby did me proud!

Yeah Rasho was like "do you really want some of this???"

What happened to that guy

07-11-2005, 07:21 PM
Remember in 2004 in the play offs when Rasho stared down Kobe Bryant who got a technical and sulked off like the cowardly snake that he is? Good times! My baby did me proud!

Also, remember how Kobe hurt his shoulder because of Rasho in 2003....ok, that's not a really good example, but I don't think that Rasho ever helped the Spurs as much as back then.

07-11-2005, 07:30 PM
Over the years, I have seen many of the guys have an " enough is enough" moment.
Rasho's was my favorite.

The Spurs get pissed but unlike many other teams, they are great at keeping their perspective. The guys prove their superiority in the final score, the only one that counts!

07-11-2005, 08:15 PM
Team mates should always get your back.


The Indiana Pacers.

07-11-2005, 08:18 PM
There was a couple of times during the Seattle series that I thought the Spurs should've fucking blasted Ray Allen.

Kind've like how baseball retaliates for hitting their best hitter.

Other than that, the Spurs always play like pussies.

07-11-2005, 08:20 PM
Real Men Wear Black!! Izzzzzall

Johnny Tightlips
07-11-2005, 08:27 PM

07-11-2005, 09:20 PM
You don't have to be demonstrative to kick ass.

The Spurs pussy play got them 3 titles in 7 years. Not bad. :rolleyes

Mr. Body
07-11-2005, 10:29 PM
I didn't like how the Spurs in general weren't knocking Nuggets and Sonics to the ground as much as they got. Cream Boykins every time Ginobili got creamed. I wanted payback.

But in the end, they were right not to let it faze them. They kept their cool in those series and you could see their advantage for it. Late in games you could see the opponent unraveling, getting too emotional, and the Spurs just soldiering on. The only player I remember acting out was Robinson, who got that tech for thwacking Rashard Lewis (I think). He got yanked and never really saw the floor after that point.

07-11-2005, 10:36 PM
the thing is every team will have at least 1 player that will knock some one down,

but for the spurs the person that can fit that would be massenburg, cuz he has no

real purpose, but he doesnt see the floor though. Duncan ,parker, manu are too

valuable to pull such a stunt.

07-12-2005, 08:29 AM
When Spurs get mad, they show it w/their game. It's a bad idea for teams to get Spurs mad, the Seattle, Denver series proved it. That's how I like it.

Mr. Body
07-12-2005, 08:37 AM
Other thing in the playoffs... when the Spurs got bad calls it made them concentrate more for some reason.

Game Seven vs. Detroit they got a series of questionable calls on Billups/Hamilton drives... and I realized then they would win the series...

07-12-2005, 08:47 AM
In Finals Game7, in crunch time, Manu's unchallenged drive right down the paint as Ben, etc. watched told me:

1. The Pistons were forked. "no easy layups in the playoffs". Exactly, the Playoffs were over. The Title belonged to the Spurs.

2. For all the rough play Manu had suffered, all the rough-ians were gone fishin', and the Manu-gizer Bunny was fearlessly still driving for the Championship.

Mr. Body
07-12-2005, 08:51 AM
In Finals Game7, in crunch time, Manu's unchallenged drive right down the paint as Ben, etc. watched told me:

Well, that was when the game seem well over, I agree. It came after a series of humongous three point shots from Bowen, Horry, and Ginobili. Those are what did it.

07-12-2005, 08:56 AM
Actions speak louder than words. Spurs ignoring the baby tirades of the Nuggets and whomping their asses for 4 straight games and then whomping the Sonics in 6 games with a game winning layup by TD is a much larger statement then retaliating back/getting a tech/talking smack. To me, it just goes to show how disciplined and strong-minded the Spurs are not to let that crap get to them and in their heads. Because I know if that was me, I would have had to bitch slap George Karl and Danny Fortson.

07-12-2005, 09:01 AM
Actions speak louder than words.

Agreed. If anyone is gonna get thrown out, let it be Pop (or in rare instances, The Coyote) :spin . It's Pop's job to protest, not the players. And, did you ever notice...that instead of falling apart when Pop gets ejected...THE SPURS PLAY HARDER!

07-12-2005, 09:08 AM
:lol Damn, I almost forgot the Coyote Incident... remember Tim Duncan and Bruce Bowen had a funny quote about that after the game..can't remember what it was anymore.

Pop always retaliates on behalf of the Spurs. I remember one game where he purposefully got a technical in hopes of getting the Spurs fired up.

07-12-2005, 09:12 AM
:lol Damn, I almost forgot the Coyote Incident... remember Tim Duncan and Bruce Bowen had a funny quote about that after the game..can't remember what it was anymore.

I still think that whole thing was orchestrated. Tim Derks said that when he was The Coyote, he never did ANYTHING on the court that he had not warned the referees about or discussed with them. If they did not agree, he did not do it. I think the referees knew ahead of time that The Coyote was going to do something, although maybe not what, and had agreed to "throw him out". It was funny as heck, though.

07-12-2005, 09:14 AM
attn: Alamode

That is a clever name you have.

Thanks, I like it. It can represent a couple of different things.