View Full Version : LOL GOP

05-19-2013, 08:24 PM

They have been trying oh so hard to hammer POTUS by multi-scandal, comparisons to Nixon and muttering about impeachment.

Obama's approval average over his presidency: 49%
Obama's approval rating from this past week: 49%

The GOP needs to pull its head out of its ass. This most recent round is the same tactic they used with the last presidency between Lewinsky and Waco. Until they stop focusing on marketing and actually change their stances on issues and being blatant about corporate dick sucking they will continue to fail.

He has been a weak president and they have been impotent in all of their attempts. With most of the major economic indicators going up like unemployment, consumer confidence and business purchase order they need to figure something that works out quick or they are going to eat a big shit burger in the midterms.

I still hold out hope for a third party emerging out of this clusterfuck that we call Washington. Something has to give because only so much fail can continue like this.

05-20-2013, 10:07 AM

They have been trying oh so hard to hammer POTUS by multi-scandal, comparisons to Nixon and muttering about impeachment.

Obama's approval average over his presidency: 49%
Obama's approval rating from this past week: 49%

The GOP needs to pull its head out of its ass. This most recent round is the same tactic they used with the last presidency between Lewinsky and Waco. Until they stop focusing on marketing and actually change their stances on issues and being blatant about corporate dick sucking they will continue to fail.

He has been a weak president and they have been impotent in all of their attempts. With most of the major economic indicators going up like unemployment, consumer confidence and business purchase order they need to figure something that works out quick or they are going to eat a big shit burger in the midterms.

I still hold out hope for a third party emerging out of this clusterfuck that we call Washington. Something has to give because only so much fail can continue like this.

I think the fact we are looking at Obama's term two says something pretty damning about the GOP's ability to field a moderate candidate that appeals to the middle.

As I have said before, you can distill the American electoral process down a bit to get a useful analogy.

You have a voting system with A, B, C. A has four votes, B has four votes, and C just has one vote. A and B vote in opposite ways on almost every topic. In this case, C holds all the power.

There is no way the GOP as it stands now can change enough to appeal to moderates. They will move to the Democratic side of the ledger, and have been.

The GOP will energize its Fox "news" driven base to turn out in enough numbers to win mid-terms, but lose ground in the more heavily contested national elections.

We aren't going to see any chance of real change until the GOP is firmly a minority in Congress. Until then they will play politics at the expense of the nation's business.

05-20-2013, 10:18 AM
Yeah they're blatant about corporate dick sucking while these new-age Democrats are subtle about corporate dick sucking.

Maybe the GOP is losing these petty battles but they've won the war and have successfully shifted the country to the right. They're losing elections and still getting their policies through because liberals have gotten so enamored with the red vs. blue game that they put these moderate pussies in office who appeal to Democrats on meaningless social issues while getting walked all over on economic issues.

05-20-2013, 10:51 AM
ACA is pretty blatant for their reward for corporations. I don't think Repubs using a moderate to get that 5% of undecided is the repubs problem. But I guess we should all listen to two people who will not vote for a republican, on what the repubs should do.

George Gervin's Afro
05-20-2013, 11:01 AM
ACA is pretty blatant for their reward for corporations. I don't think Repubs using a moderate to get that 5% of undecided is the repubs problem. But I guess we should all listen to two people who will not vote for a republican, on what the repubs should do.

You're right, the GOP should keep doing what they are doing. I am hopeful they will.

05-20-2013, 11:15 AM
The Republicans don't have a problem. Taxes for the rich are at 75 year lows while states are basically in competitions for each other with which one can give out the most corporate welfare, wealth concentrates at the top more and more day by day, the supreme court has 5 right wing shills who will always rule in a way to empower corporations more, the term "right to work" has successfully destroyed any collective bargaining power unions had and it's now the norm in this country to excessively spend on defense with imperialistic foreign policy. Those are just a few things as I could go on.

I'd say over the last 30 years the Republicans have gotten everything they wanted with the exception of issues like abortion and gay marriage that mean very little. The fact a lot of it has come from two presidents with a D next to their names doesn't change anything. The country has gone back to being the plutocracy it was prior to 1930.

05-20-2013, 11:28 AM
One big example of how the liberals have no leadership that doesn't stand for anything is the supreme court. Ginsburg is an 80 years old cancer survivor. The fact she didn't step down during Obama's first term could have been a total disaster if Romney got elected. Picture that versus Sandra Day O'Conner who stepped down in 2005 to ensure Bush would be able to pick her replacement while she's still a healthy woman 8 years later. There should be all kinds of pressure on Breyer and Ginsburg to step down now so Obama gets to pick their replacement and ensure the supreme court has at least 4 liberal justices for the foreseeable future. Instead they're gonna stay on and if the Dems don't keep the white house in 2016 there's a good chance conservatives have a 7-2 majority on the supreme court that can do all kinds of crazy shit, all because of a lack of leadership from the Dems.

05-20-2013, 02:37 PM
You're right, the GOP should keep doing what they are doing. I am hopeful they will.
Our districts seem more cyclical than progressive. Biden would have won in 2008. I'm hoping GOP stay a form a conservative than Dem light too.

05-20-2013, 02:43 PM
I think there should be an LOL for liberals that are laughing at the GOP when they did the same thing when Bush was president. This is American politics and American history.

05-20-2013, 02:50 PM
ACA is pretty blatant for their reward for corporations. I don't think Repubs using a moderate to get that 5% of undecided is the repubs problem. But I guess we should all listen to two people who will not vote for a republican, on what the repubs should do.

If BigMedicine corps didn't get their ACA slice, they would have Harry-and-Louised ACA like they did to Hillary's plan. United Corporations of America, govt of, for, by the corporations. but you never hear the tea baggers whining about that

George Gervin's Afro
05-20-2013, 02:51 PM
I think there should be an LOL for liberals that are laughing at the GOP when they did the same thing when Bush was president. This is American politics and American history.

If liberals would have a set of balls they would have investigated the wmds issue. Rummy told us we knew where they were... the administration was caught in lie after lie however the right sucked bush's balls and when the dems took control of Congress they chose to not investigate him..so you're wrong

05-20-2013, 03:26 PM
Liberals bitched 24/7 about everything that Bush did as president while he was president so please don't give me this bullshit of "liberals didn't bitch or whine about Bush". Like I said before, it's a part of American politics. If a Republican is president, Democrats will bitch and whine about everything that Republican does as president. It's the same when there is a Democratic president. Republicans will bitch and whine non stop until their guy is president. I just laugh at people who act surprised or get bent out of shape when a president is shat on by the opposing party. It's politics, dumbass.

05-20-2013, 03:39 PM
If liberals would have a set of balls they would have investigated the wmds issue. Rummy told us we knew where they were... the administration was caught in lie after lie however the right sucked bush's balls and when the dems took control of Congress they chose to not investigate him..so you're wrong

There's a reason they don't.

George Gervin's Afro
05-20-2013, 03:42 PM
There's a reason they don't.

so why did rummy say we knew where the wmds were?

simple question..

I can't wait to hear your explanation for this..lol

it's obvious he lied but you're not concerned about it.. 5,000 dead GIs darrins silent..

4 dead americans at benghazi..darrins outraged..

George Gervin's Afro
05-20-2013, 03:51 PM
Critics of the war, he writes, accused the Bush administration of lying, compiling "a small string of comments – ill-chosen or otherwise deficient – to try to depict the administration as purposefully misrepresenting the intelligence."

sounds familiar

05-20-2013, 04:27 PM
:lol at those that think the rank and file dems are not turning against Obama. Between his lies, loss of control of bureaucracy, erosion of civil liberties, refusal to regulate the financial sector and on and on, Obama is losing his base. You can tell he no longer needs to run for re-election. I don't think you can say that you can say the same 8 years ago about the GOP and an equally bad president.

The democratic base for good or ill is much more diverse then the GOP's. It's pretty obvious in how they close ranks and are inflexible. Where is their analog to the blue dogs? It's not hard to figure out who the GOP's constituents are as opposed to the dems. Dems have the various minority caucuses, intellectuals, labor, women's groups, LGBT, etc. They have various and often conflicting approaches.

Compare that to the GOP where you have the neocon hawk types, disestablishmentarians, and bible thumpers. There is a lot of overlaps there. Demographically they are similar and the Jesus types have been coopted into the views of the other two over the course of decades. LULAC and LGBT groups aren't going to jive quite as well in contrast. It's why the GOP is so good at obstructionism and the Dems are not. It's why GOP types are less likely to be critical of their candidates. They are more singular.

What I would like to see is the GOP lose the gerrymandering that they use to prop their representation up and a division of the shitty one size fits all democratic party. The GOP's authority is eroding as the boomers die off and whitey loses their majority. Put more plural in pluralism.

05-21-2013, 12:58 AM

at those that think the rank and file dems are not turning against Obama.

Obama support remains strong among liberals...the highest in recent times if I recall the last poll correctly...sure there have been disappointments about the financial sector, NDAA, and othere issues, but overall most liberals agree that Obama is doing a decent job...

05-21-2013, 01:04 AM
The democratic base for good or ill is much more diverse then the GOP's

Not necessarily a bad thing...because of their diversity Dems are less influenced by issues like Guns, God, Religion and abortion..

05-21-2013, 05:45 AM
"at those that think the rank and file dems are not turning against Obama."

Lots of reasons he's disappointing, but he has been and will be tons better than any McLiar or Bishop Gecko.

05-21-2013, 06:04 AM
Of course you two are never going to vote GOP. Ted Roosevelt would come out of the GOP once more and you two would vote straight party ticket. I get that.

There are going to be a lot more sheep like you guys as well. I get that. That being said, civil libertarians, socialists, hispanics, doves, and all other manner of interests are being shit on by his policy. It is being recognized in most every liberal outlet. The rank and file dems in the legislature have distanced themselves from him as well. When Clinto and Reno were getting hammered over Waco, the dems closed ranks. They silence is deafening.

He's a shitty president, and him being better than a couple of douchebags doesn't say much. And say what you will about McCain but I like what he is doing regarding elimination of overseas tax shelters for multinationals. At least he is doing something good. What is Obama doing other than using his bureaucracy to bully political opponents and be completely ineffectual in legislative negotiations?