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View Full Version : GOPer Who Got Millions in Farm Subsidies Thinks the Poor Should Starve

05-20-2013, 04:11 PM
Stephen Fincher (http://inplainsight.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/19/18307642-ax-hovers-over-food-stamp-program-as-costs-grow?lite), a deranged Republican congressman from Tennessee, is very angry that the federal government is committed to preventing poor people from starving to death:

Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” he said.

The reason this is even more egregious than the usual Republican class warfare is that Fincher himself is a poster boy for government dependency. It's not just that he's benefited here and there from some government help. That sort of low-level hypocrisy is almost to be expected from these types. But Fincher has received millions - $3.2 (http://m.commercialappeal.com/news/2010/jun/07/fincher-faces-anger-over-farm-subsidies/) million as of June 2010 - in federal crop subsidies. The people who refer to themselves as Tea Partiers (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/01/AR2010040101930.html/) threatened to derail his candidacy over this, but then they realized that they have no principles, and supported him anyway. He's now a member of the "Tea Party Caucus," which, amazingly, is something that actually exists. Fincher's brother and father also snatched another $6.7 million in subsidies as Stephen geared up to run for Congress on a platform of eliminating "wasteful government spending." The "wasteful spending" that he had in mind, of course, was that which serves policy aims with which he disagrees, such as keeping poor people alive.

House Republicans are on a mission to slash the SNAP program by $20 billion over the next decade.


Confederate red state Repugs never fail to amuse.

05-20-2013, 08:30 PM

05-20-2013, 09:31 PM
unwilling to work? I'm pretty sure a lot of people are very willing to work.

05-20-2013, 10:36 PM
"lot of people are very willing to work."

a lot of people are working at shit jobs like Wal-mart, retail, food service and still are dependent on public assistance.

Fincher's dog whistling racism to the bubbas, since we know black people are characterized as unwilling-to-work welfare frauds, going back to St Ronnie and his Welfare Queen in a Cadillac.

05-20-2013, 10:39 PM
Lol, dog whistle racism. Only dogs can hear it

05-20-2013, 10:54 PM
a lot of people are working at shit jobs like Wal-mart, retail, food service and still are dependent on public assistance.

It would be nice if we lived in a country where people like yourself, who have sympathy for welfare recipients, footed the bill for them, while the rest who had no sympathy weren't held accountable for giving a dime.

Goran Dragic
05-20-2013, 11:28 PM
It would be nice if we lived in a country where people like yourself, who have sympathy for welfare recipients, footed the bill for them, while the rest who had no sympathy weren't held accountable for giving a dime.

It would also be nice if I didn't have to pay for the War in Iraq and worthless farmers who need subsidies to make a living, but Republicans insist the tax payer has to foot the bill for both.

I guess it works both ways.

05-21-2013, 12:07 AM
So because I don't want to pay for welfare recipients that means I support a war? Go fuck yourself with your ass backwards logic.

05-21-2013, 12:22 AM
It would be nice if we lived in a country where people like yourself, who have sympathy for welfare recipients, footed the bill for them, while the rest who had no sympathy weren't held accountable for giving a dime.

Disagree, it would be a completely shitty country. It would be a country that screams "you're only a fellow American if you can make ends meet, otherwise you're scum".

That would include people like soldiers that risked their lives for every other American (almost 10% of them are unemployed, 20% for women) that would find their country turned it's back on them. Things like the VA, veteran's unemployment benefits, etc are welfare too.

I get that there is probably some people gaming the welfare system, and I'm pretty sure everyone would like that to be addressed and resolved. But in those cases, welfare or the 'safety net' itself isn't the problem. The problem is the loopholes that allow gaming the system.

05-21-2013, 01:10 AM
Disagree, it would be a completely shitty country. It would be a country that screams "you're only a fellow American if you can make ends meet, otherwise you're scum".

That would include people like soldiers that risked their lives for every other American (almost 10% of them are unemployed, 20% for women) that would find their country turned it's back on them. Things like the VA, veteran's unemployment benefits, etc are welfare too.

I get that there is probably some people gaming the welfare system, and I'm pretty sure everyone would like that to be addressed and resolved. But in those cases, welfare or the 'safety net' itself isn't the problem. The problem is the loopholes that allow gaming the system.no we are in agreement. It's the gaming of the system that pisses me off, and the Dems have made it easier and more desirable to game. That's what gets me.

05-21-2013, 01:51 AM
This piece of shit should come work at Target and see how he likes it. Let this fucker work at Target for a month and see if he loves working minimum wage and barely making enough to survive.

05-21-2013, 08:10 AM
I'm sorry Jacob but I don't remember filling out your application and forcing you to work at Target. Fuck you and fuck Target. Do something with your life and find a new job, complaining on a message board will get you no where in life.

05-21-2013, 09:03 AM
no we are in agreement. It's the gaming of the system that pisses me off, and the Dems have made it easier and more desirable to game. That's what gets me.

Debatable. Things like extending unemployment benefits ad-infinitum is done by Congress, so that one is definitely on both parties.

The reality is that whenever there's an economic crisis, the 'safety net' is used much more. Just common sense. And neither party wants to get blamed for leaving people hanging.

05-21-2013, 09:33 AM
"neither party wants to get blamed for leaving people hanging."

Ryan and other sociopaths are obviously working to leave Ms of people hanging.

05-21-2013, 04:14 PM
Why do so many more welfare recipients vote Democrat?

05-21-2013, 04:16 PM
Why do so many more welfare recipients vote Democrat?

you'd think fincher would be a democrat.

05-21-2013, 04:22 PM
Why do so many more welfare recipients vote Democrat?

Dems have traditionally been the party of Have-Nots, the Repugs the party of the Haves, 99% vs 1%.

While the Dems haven't done much FOR the 99%, the Repugs are aggressively screwing the 99%.

05-21-2013, 04:43 PM
The 99% includes far more than just welfare recipients. I'll ask again. Why do welfare recipients disproportionally support Democrats?

05-22-2013, 09:26 AM
It would also be nice if I didn't have to pay for the War in Iraq and worthless farmers who need subsidies to make a living, but Republicans insist the tax payer has to foot the bill for both.

I guess it works both ways.

Farm subsidies benefit the landowners who may or may not farm. Take away the subsidies and besides eliminating a lot of needless jobs will eventually lead to lower land costs. Nothing more nothing less.

Rick Santorum
05-22-2013, 09:28 AM
Farm subsidies benefit the landowners who may or may not farm. Take away the subsidies and besides eliminating a lot of needless jobs will eventually lead to lower land costs. Nothing more nothing less.
:lol dumb redneck farmer trying to defend farm subsidies in order to justify the welfare he gets from the government
:lol farmers being too stupid and worthless to earn a living without the big bad gubbamint as their wet nurse

05-22-2013, 09:40 AM
:lol dumb redneck farmer trying to defend farm subsidies in order to justify the welfare he gets from the government
:lol farmers being too stupid and worthless to earn a living without the big bad gubbamint as their wet nurse

Throw all the insults you want. If you reread what I wrote you'll see that the farmer does not benefit unless hes the landowmer. Sort if like an industry passing down a tax to the consumer.

Yes. I'm stupid. So stupid I put myself in a financial situation that most here can only dream about at twice my age through some very good investments and hard work.

Rick Santorum
05-22-2013, 09:48 AM
So stupid I put myself in a financial situation that most here can only dream about at twice my age through some very good investments and hard work.
and through gubbamint handouts.

You're no different than someone who lives in the slums of Baltimore and is subsidized via foodstamps and the earned income tax credit every year.

05-22-2013, 10:08 AM
Which is it? Am I stupid or scum? I'm sure it's all luck, right?

05-22-2013, 10:18 AM
Average SNAP payment is $130/month

I'm all for cutting out fraud and loopholes (esp doc/clinic/hospital medicare/medicaid fraud which must total more than SNAP fraud), but I bet only a tiny fraction of the SNAP recipients are cheating to get $130/month

Rick Santorum
05-22-2013, 11:07 AM
Which is it? Am I stupid or scum? I'm sure it's all luck, right?
It's not luck, it's government handouts. This country has makers and takers as Mitt Romney says, and you're a taker. I give you props on gaming the system.

05-22-2013, 12:15 PM
You failed to tell we why the majority of welfare recipients continue to vote Democrat. Coward.

Average SNAP payment is $130/month

I'm all for cutting out fraud and loopholes (esp doc/clinic/hospital medicare/medicaid fraud which must total more than SNAP fraud), but I bet only a tiny fraction of the SNAP recipients are cheating to get $130/monthYou delusional fucking apologist.

"Some say that welfare fraud is not a significant problem. While there is a general feeling that welfare fraud is rampant, advocates for welfare programs insist that fraud is only found in 2%-3% of cases researched by the thousands of welfare investigators across the nation. It certainly is possible that more fraud takes place than is being reported. There isn’t any way to really substantiate that feeling, however, without it actually being reported. We know that some fraud exists; but, with such low rates of it being found, it certainly isn’t the biggest challenge that welfare programs face. Is welfare fraud a big enough problem with which we should even concern ourselves?

Let’s run some numbers to find out. According to the 2010 US Census Bureau findings, there are 114.8 Million families in the US. With 34.2% of US families “on welfare” (see related article: An Expansion of the Welfare State), this means that approximately 39.3 Million homes receive monthly welfare benefits. The Federal government expects to spend $451.9 Billion in 2012 on welfare expenditures. This averages out to roughly $11,500 annually per family or $958 per family per month.

If the fraud rate is only 2%-3%, how much money could it really be costing us? Well…these low rates would mean that roughly 785,000 to 1.2 Million families are illegally receiving welfare benefits. At the average rate of $11,500 per year, this is costing the tax payers between $9.0 - $13.5 Billion dollars every year."

05-22-2013, 12:38 PM
Throw all the insults you want. If you reread what I wrote you'll see that the farmer does not benefit unless hes the landowmer. Sort if like an industry passing down a tax to the consumer.

Yes. I'm stupid. So stupid I put myself in a financial situation that most here can only dream about at twice my age through some very good investments and hard work.

Key word here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Your taxed to death if you work with gubberment or any other corporation. That's why I think that legalizing weed in Texas will never happen. The cartels/cia/fbi/DEA all want an unfair cut of your cake you just baked. Lazy bastards! Saying on TV shows on A&E that they do it for America's youth :cry:cry when in fact they do it for the corrupt banksters/prison system/etc.

05-22-2013, 01:04 PM
You failed to tell we why the majority of welfare recipients continue to vote Democrat. Coward.

You delusional fucking apologist.

"Some say that welfare fraud is not a significant problem. While there is a general feeling that welfare fraud is rampant, advocates for welfare programs insist that fraud is only found in 2%-3% of cases researched by the thousands of welfare investigators across the nation. It certainly is possible that more fraud takes place than is being reported. There isn’t any way to really substantiate that feeling, however, without it actually being reported. We know that some fraud exists; but, with such low rates of it being found, it certainly isn’t the biggest challenge that welfare programs face. Is welfare fraud a big enough problem with which we should even concern ourselves?

Let’s run some numbers to find out. According to the 2010 US Census Bureau findings, there are 114.8 Million families in the US. With 34.2% of US families “on welfare” (see related article: An Expansion of the Welfare State), this means that approximately 39.3 Million homes receive monthly welfare benefits. The Federal government expects to spend $451.9 Billion in 2012 on welfare expenditures. This averages out to roughly $11,500 annually per family or $958 per family per month.

If the fraud rate is only 2%-3%, how much money could it really be costing us? Well…these low rates would mean that roughly 785,000 to 1.2 Million families are illegally receiving welfare benefits. At the average rate of $11,500 per year, this is costing the tax payers between $9.0 - $13.5 Billion dollars every year."

You fucking fucktard fuckface

A few years ago, Medicare fraud in California alone was estimated to be $2.5B+/year


05-22-2013, 01:53 PM
have you'll read "The deliberate dumbing down of America". The author talks about the sovietization that is creeping up across the western world, slowly and surely by indoctrinating our kids into collectivism in our fucked up gubbermint schools. Using BF skinners "operant conditioning" to change the values and attitudes of entire generations. More people taking those handouts will result in the total destruction of what's left of free enterprise.

05-22-2013, 02:03 PM
You fucking fucktard fuckface

A few years ago, Medicare fraud in California alone was estimated to be $2.5B+/year

http://www.medicarefraudcenter.org/medicare-fraud-information/9-medicare-fraud-statistics.htmlWe aren't talking about Medicare you illiterate fuck. You scoffed at your Democrats and their welfare fraud, I showed you it's a huge problem. Your Democratic Party is chocked full of a bunch of cheating moochers, and you seem to have no problem with that.

05-22-2013, 02:06 PM
We aren't talking about Medicare you illiterate fuck. You scoffed at your Democrats and their welfare fraud, I showed you it's a huge problem. Your Democratic Party is chocked full of a bunch of cheating moochers, and you seem to have no problem with that.

stop calling wc a moocher.

05-23-2013, 08:57 AM
It's not luck, it's government handouts. This country has makers and takers as Mitt Romney says, and you're a taker. I give you props on gaming the system.

If the govt has made me successful, it would be through mandates, not subsidies. I've definatly paid much more in than I've ever received on insurance. But you can tell yourself it can't be because of taking risks and hard work.

05-23-2013, 09:04 AM
This piece of shit should come work at Target and see how he likes it. Let this fucker work at Target for a month and see if he loves working minimum wage and barely making enough to survive.

Lol angry. I think you need treatment, but if that treatment proved to be unsuccessful, I feel certain I would be pleased