View Full Version : Why hate Shaq?

07-12-2005, 08:42 AM
Why do Spurs fans seem to hate Shaq so much? Yeah he talks alot, but he is one of the few players that seems to back up his talk. For the most part, I think he is a funny guy to listen to on an interview, and although it might be disingenuous, he seems like he cares about people also. He is one of the few guys that I stick around to watch an interview of that is not a houston athelet. He is a me first athlete, but its hard to find a superstar that is humble like Duncan, that is why he is a commodity. Maybe people don't like him because he is an enemy and you can't like the enemy. You can't deny his greatness in the game. Anyways why does it seems as though a lot of the Spurs fans have a hatred for him?

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 08:46 AM
He is a pompous ass at times, but is funny at others. But he is a grandstander and showman.

The big reason most Spurs fans don't like him is that he sort of snubbed the city (he didn't like it growing up and doesn't mince words about it), and he concocted some story about David Robinson blowing him off for an autograph to motivate himself personally, but allowed the media to believe it was true. It was all made up.

07-12-2005, 08:47 AM
Because he is a dumbass

Mr. Body
07-12-2005, 08:49 AM
He may be a funny guy, but for a commedian he sure plays an ugly brand of basketball, knocking positioned players over and the refs standing around applauding and giving him free throws for his charges. He's tremendously limited in his skills, although given his allowances, he does a really good job at it. I for one am enjoying watching the twilight of his career, as he'll slowly get exposed to ESPN to be of limited talent and huge girth. It also doesn't help people on this board that he has a big mouth out of which some slanders (WBNA team) and some lies (Robinson never gave him an autograph) have come. He's also an idiot (Pythagorean theorum has no solution) but since most of us are idiots anyway and love being idiots, we'll give him a pass on that one.

07-12-2005, 08:49 AM
remember the "Spurs is a WNBA team" thing...

thats why we hate Shaq.....and his mouth!

07-12-2005, 08:50 AM
He may be a funny guy, but for a commedian he sure plays an ugly brand of basketball, knocking positioned players over and the refs standing around applauding and giving him free throws for his charges. He's tremendously limited in his skills, although given his allowances, he does a really good job at it. I for one am enjoying watching the twilight of his career, as he'll slowly get exposed to ESPN to be of limited talent and huge girth. It also doesn't help people on this board that he has a big mouth out of which some slanders (WBNA team) and some lies (Robinson never gave him an autograph) have come. He's also an idiot (Pythagorean theorum has no solution) but since most of us are idiots anyway and love being idiots, we'll give him a pass on that one.

:lol Exactly.

07-12-2005, 08:50 AM
Random Summer Thought Forum

07-12-2005, 08:50 AM
I'm not a Spurs fan as much as I am a 76ers fan, but I still have a strong dislike for Shaq. The trash talk I can deal with, but this guy is the biggest bully in the game's history. He elbows and butt bumps his way to the basket and I just don't like the way he plays the game. I do not dispute that he's probably the most dominant center the game has ever seen. But I still dislike the guy's game a lot more than his trash talk. He behaves like he's the best thing in basketball since Michael Jordan but yet he can't shoot his free throws properly, can't defend like Ben Wallace or rebound like Tim Duncan.

07-12-2005, 08:51 AM
I don't hate Shaq (although I'm not a registered, card-carrying' fan, either). I think he's a big funny bozo-the-clown man who needs to talk a lot of trash to psyche himself up. All that talking is not about the other team or the other players, it's about Shaq and all it shows me is his insecurity, still to this day. If that's what he has to do to build himself up, let him run on. It's harmless. Nobody pays any attention to him anymore, LOL. And, if you really listen to him, he's downright hilarious (and brilliant).

And, when he messes up, nobody is harder on Shaq than Shaq.

And, in most cases, he does back up his talk. I get a huge kick out him, when he's caught out on something he's said, and he replies, "Did I say that?" And, in a lot of instances, if you really follow up on the stuff the media credits him for saying, he's misquoted. But, he does actually say a lot of shit.

The ONLY problem I have ever had with Shaq's endless banter...is his trashing the city of San Antonio. I don't like that at all. If not for Cole High School and the city of San Antonio, Shaq would be a crack dealer. This city put him on the map and on the NBA radar, and he absolutely should not trash it like he does.

07-12-2005, 08:52 AM
He is a pompous ass at times, but is funny at others. But he is a grandstander and showman.

The big reason most Spurs fans don't like him is that he sort of snubbed the city (he didn't like it growing up and doesn't mince words about it), and he concocted some story about David Robinson blowing him off for an autograph to motivate himself personally, but allowed the media to believe it was true. It was all made up.

Agree. He brought the hate on himself...he talked down to the city of San Antonio and to one of the greatest NBA citizens of all time (David). He can get fatter and dry and blow away.

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 08:56 AM
(Pythagorean theorum has no solution)

:lmao I forgot about that one... I wonder if that was covered in his recent mail-a-degree MBA?

07-12-2005, 09:01 AM
There are so many reasons to hate Shaq, this should be a list...

5. He makes up nicknames for himself.

07-12-2005, 09:03 AM
he's a greedy bastard. he left a small-market town that he could have had in the ECF every year and probably take to at least 3 championships... for LA LA land and the hype and money thrown at him there. thats one of many reasons i dont like him. he almost ruined that franchise.

david robinson saved a team/town. tim duncan was built to follow in his footsteps. winning... playing for the team that drafted you... being an MVP not because of media hype... but because you're so good, people have to give it to you.

magic was magic in la. bird was bird in boston. jordan was jordan in chicago. david was david in sa. shaq wasnt shaq until he chased the money.

07-12-2005, 09:05 AM
He is a greedy, selfish player that only knows how to dunk and elbow people. He is only dominant because he is so damn huge. Everybody gives him way too much credit. I don't think he is one of the top 5 centers EVER. Not because I had the fat bastard, just because he doesn't have true basketball skills. If you can't hit a jumpshot, you shouldn't be considered great.

07-12-2005, 09:11 AM
So I see that a lot of people don't like him because he hates on San Antonio. First, maybe Robinson did blow him off. He may have been busy that day or something, I don't know what the alleged story is of that instance. Also, I don't know about a lot of you but I didnt like my hometown, and I would probably never go to live there again. If someone asks me, I will tell them what I think about it. Same thing with San Antonio. Good city but not the best. And for the people saying he is dumb, do you not think he knows what he is doing with all his talking. His popularity grows and grows and whether people love him or hate him, he is gaining fame.

07-12-2005, 09:16 AM
He is a pompous ass at times, but is funny at others. But he is a grandstander and showman.

The big reason most Spurs fans don't like him is that he sort of snubbed the city (he didn't like it growing up and doesn't mince words about it), and he concocted some story about David Robinson blowing him off for an autograph to motivate himself personally, but allowed the media to believe it was true. It was all made up.[QUOTE]

At least David will always have one thing over shaq that is:

Robinson's lasting legacy was also defined by his status one of the pre-eminent philanthropists in all of professional sports. On March 23, 2003, NBA Commissioner David Stern announced that future winners of the NBA Community Assist Award would receive the David Robinson Plaque, with the inscription, "Following the standard set by NBA Legend David Robinson, who improved the community piece by piece."

07-12-2005, 09:18 AM
I do not hate him.

When SA plays anyone in the playoffs who beats them, the star player on that team is the enemy.

07-12-2005, 09:21 AM
First, maybe Robinson did blow him off. He may have been busy that day or something, I don't know what the alleged story is of that instance. .

Did you actually READ the post below that said the incident never happened? He made it up. David Robinson (especially at that point in his career) would not have done that, anyway.

Also, I don't know about a lot of you but I didnt like my hometown, and I would probably never go to live there again. If someone asks me, I will tell them what I think about it. Same thing with San Antonio. Good city but not the best. And for the people saying he is dumb, do you not think he knows what he is doing with all his talking. His popularity grows and grows and whether people love him or hate him, he is gaining fame.

San Antonio is NOT Shaq's "hometown". He is a military brat. He went to high school here, but he did not "grow up" here (I'm not sure he has grown up). It's ok to not like your "hometown"; but when a city give to you and does for you what San Antonio gave to and did for Shaq, you don't trash it. You respect it, and even if you don't like it, you don't trash it. Period.

Again, I don't think you are actually reading the other posts here. I also said I thought he was brilliant and I don't think his trash-talking about other teams/players is destructive. He does it for Shaq.

And I agree 100% with those comments here about him not even being a "good" basketball player, let alone a "great" basketball player. The man has zero fundamentals. He can stuff the ball or dunk it if he's under the basket. Period. That is the extent of his skills. He's not good defensively, with only his size in his favor (again, no skill). If not for his size, he would not even be playing in the NBA. They'd laugh at him for his basketball ability...might even hold him up as an example..."Do not play like this if you want to play in the NBA".

07-12-2005, 09:23 AM
He is a greedy, selfish player that only knows how to dunk and elbow people. He is only dominant because he is so damn huge. Everybody gives him way too much credit. I don't think he is one of the top 5 centers EVER. Not because I had the fat bastard, just because he doesn't have true basketball skills. If you can't hit a jumpshot, you shouldn't be considered great.

I used to feel the same way about the skills, but there are a hell of a lot of players in the N.B.A. that lack a lot of skills but because they are so athletic its nullified. Shaq is a freak of nature and everyone says there will only be one MJ, well there will probably be only one Shaq. To combine his speed and athleticism to that huuuuuuuge body, I think its great to watch. Shaq is a huge dude and is quicker than probably anyone on this site. Thats what I like about him, but yeah he can't make a shot outside 4 feet, but he pretty much doesnt need to either.

07-12-2005, 09:25 AM
Didn't Shaq call the Spurs-Pistons finals boring? You've got to give respect to get it back.

07-12-2005, 09:25 AM
To combine his speed and athleticism to that huuuuuuuge body, I think its great to watch. Shaq is a huge dude and is quicker than probably anyone on this site.


:lmao :lmao :lmao

07-12-2005, 09:36 AM

:lmao :lmao :lmao

Have you ever seen Shaq play in person? And I'm not talking about the oft injured Shaq that decides when he wants to play that is here today. The old Shaq that won the rings and before ran the floor well. He is not lightening fast but that dude can move at that size. Guarantee that Shaq from 4 years ago is faster than anyone in this forum unless of course you are like a track guy or something. Dude could move and agile. And another thing, to the people saying that SA made him what he is. C'mon if you think that Shaq would have been a crack dealer if not for San Antonio then you are crazy. Shaq would be what he is no matter where he played at in the U.S. Its not like SA honed his skills. He is a huge athletic center, and that carries over in any city. And if all he is is a big bully then why was Oliver Miller never any good? Or any other guys that were his size in the league?

07-12-2005, 09:39 AM
Why do Spurs fans seem to hate Shaq so much?

Becasue I do. I've hated him since before I even lkiked basketball. NOw that I like basketball I hate him more.
fucking Shazamm, cockeyed, mumbler. always talkign big shit. I hate people who are overly proud ... whatever happened to a humble attitude? God I can't believe he tried to be a rapper. He;s slow as fucking molasses. He's like the jolly green giant standing under tha basket with big sticky buns for hands.
He;s50% talent and 50% size and bulk.

I just hate him. I hate him. I hate that fuckin tard.

07-12-2005, 09:40 AM
Didn't Shaq call the Spurs-Pistons finals boring? You've got to give respect to get it back.

I believe he also said that he wasn't even really watching.

07-12-2005, 09:40 AM
Have you ever seen Shaq play in person?

Yes. Many, many times (including when he was in high school and much younger and smaller than he is now). And, I repeat...

:lmao :lmao :lmao

I did not say that San Antonio made Shaq what he is (you are proving to me over and over and over that you either refuse to read others' post, or that you cannot read them). I SAID, and I quote:

If not for Cole High School and the city of San Antonio, Shaq would be a crack dealer. This city put him on the map and on the NBA radar, and he absolutely should not trash it like he does.

I stand by that 100%.

07-12-2005, 09:46 AM
How did San Antonio put him on the radar? He put his damn self on the radar. No matter what town he played in, he is on the radar. So if Shaq was not from San Antonio then would be a crack dealer. A 7'3" crack dealer. I just want to know what part San Antonio played in him getting to point that he is now other than being a city that he lived in. I would say that L.A. put him on the map for what his fame is today with all the glamour and media coverage that surrounds that town. If Shaq would have played in some small town in Minnesota, he is on the radar and still going to a big school.

07-12-2005, 09:51 AM
Yes. Many, many times (including when he was in high school and much younger and smaller than he is now). And, I repeat...

:lmao :lmao :lmao

I did not say that San Antonio made Shaq what he is (you are proving to me over and over and over that you either refuse to read others' post, or that you cannot read them). I SAID, and I quote:

If not for Cole High School and the city of San Antonio, Shaq would be a crack dealer. This city put him on the map and on the NBA radar, and he absolutely should not trash it like he does.

I stand by that 100%.

WTF?? :lol

Even if Shaq was born in Timbuktu, he would have made it in the NBA.

07-12-2005, 09:52 AM
why say spur fans hate someone when you have no proof
when he plays against the spurs you root against him

I doubt most spur fans would want shaq dead
that to me is hate

07-12-2005, 09:54 AM
How did San Antonio put him on the radar?

Ummm. HE PLAYED HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL HERE (and San Antonio LOVED him! Not many others, who were probably as worthy, in this city got any notice Shaq's senior year of HS). And, because of that, he got a college scholarship. And because of that, he was noticed by the NBA.

Do you need a picture? Or a map? Do you understand how people wind up in the NBA? They don't get picked up off the street, even if they are 7'4" tall.

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 09:59 AM
They don't get picked up off the street, even if they are 7'4" tall.

No, but they get picked up off the Mongolian Steppe :lol

Solid D
07-12-2005, 10:00 AM
He has gone back to Cole High before... when he was in town and talked with his coach and some of the kids. I think he likes San Antonio.

He makes stuff up because he's a big teaser and he says stuff about the Spurs because they are rivals and he knows it will bother people.

There was one thing that happened when Shaq played for Orlando that wasn't too cool. Shaq got thrown out of a game against David and the Spurs and his stepdad Phillip Harrison stood up and led his family and Shaq's entourage out (I was sitting in the baseline risers). The fans really let them have it for stomping out like that.

07-12-2005, 10:01 AM
Ummm. HE PLAYED HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL HERE! And, because of that, he got a college scholarship. And because of that, he was noticed by the NBA.

Do you need a picture? Or a map? Do you understand how people wind up in the NBA? They don't get picked up off the street, even if they are 7'4" tall.

Do you read any of my posts bro? I hope you read yours cause they are not making you look too intelligent. He is not in the N.B.A. because he played high school basketball in San Antonio. If he played high school ball in any other high school in America, he is in the N.B.A. and probably the same player he is now. If San Antonio is puts players on the radar, then hell every high school player should want to come here. I seriously doubt that Cole coach molded him into the player that he became. Don't know the guy, but I'm sure he is like a lot of high school coaches and had this beast of a kid come to his program and road the wave that this kid created. To say that San Antonio put him on the radar and without it, he would not have a college scholarship is straight ignorance.

07-12-2005, 10:01 AM
No, but they get picked up off the Mongolian Steppe :lol

That would not be a mediocre black military-brat student and fair-to-middling basketball player, then, would it? They are a dime a dozen here, no matter how tall they are. Unless they get some recognition and promotion at the right time in their lives, AS SHAQ DID.

07-12-2005, 10:02 AM
Do you read any of my posts bro? I hope you read yours cause they are not making you look too intelligent. He is not in the N.B.A. because he played high school basketball in San Antonio. If he played high school ball in any other high school in America, he is in the N.B.A. and probably the same player he is now. If San Antonio is puts players on the radar, then hell every high school player should want to come here. I seriously doubt that Cole coach molded him into the player that he became. Don't know the guy, but I'm sure he is like a lot of high school coaches and had this beast of a kid come to his program and road the wave that this kid created. To say that San Antonio put him on the radar and without it, he would not have a college scholarship is straight ignorance.

To you, I say "Bullshit!" Trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a wall...except talking to a wall is more fun, they listen better. Are you really so sure that your opinions are fact? 'Cause I have news for you. They're not. They are your opinion. Only. Not worth more or less than mine or anyone else's. And arguing opinion as fact does not make you look very intelligent, either.

07-12-2005, 10:07 AM
Good one!!! Your intelligence continues to shine.

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 10:08 AM
I know somebody who played Shaq in HS. Cole was a small 3A school (I think, it might have been 2A). It ain't like he was playing the High School all-star team every week.

07-12-2005, 10:09 AM
Good one!!! Your intelligence continues to shine.

Please see message # 34 after I edited it.

I'm done with you.

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 10:10 AM
Pache100, nobody is out to get you. Just have some fun, muchacho.:tu

07-12-2005, 10:10 AM
Ummm. HE PLAYED HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL HERE (and San Antonio LOVED him! Not many others, who were probably as worthy, in this city got any notice Shaq's senior year of HS). And, because of that, he got a college scholarship. And because of that, he was noticed by the NBA.

:lmao Dude, it's too early to start drinkin. :lol

Shaq was noticed by the NBA because he was a monster who was abusing every other center he played against. And he ruled the paint and the boards. That's the biggest reason, any other reason is minimal.

07-12-2005, 10:16 AM
Yeah Pache the whole point of message boards is to argue and discuss others opinions man. Its not to get pissed off and walk away. I am entitled to mine and you are entitled yours. If they differ then I am going to try to argue my points harder. The whole topic of this thing was to find out why people in SA dislike Shaq because I never really had a huge problem with him, and the rest of the time I play Devil's advocate to promote more discussion, otherwise a lot of the posts are the exact same in "I hate him" "He is a dumbass" "Shaq sucks errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

07-12-2005, 10:22 AM
Yeah Pache the whole point of message boards is to argue and discuss others opinions man. Its not to get pissed off and walk away. I am entitled to mine and you are entitled yours. If they differ then I am going to try to argue my points harder.

Oh, I understand that. I've been posting on message boards for years (just not this one until recently). I'm not pissed off and I'm not walking away, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just done discussing this topic with you on this thread. 'Cause, man, you ain't listening and don't want to hear what anyone else has to say.

The whole topic of this thing was to find out why people in SA dislike Shaq because I never really had a huge problem with him, and the rest of the time I play Devil's advocate to promote more discussion, otherwise a lot of the posts are the exact same in "I hate him" "He is a dumbass" "Shaq sucks errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

I answered all that, and didn't have a problem with any of it until you started beating me over the head and telling me YOUR opinion was better/more important/more factual than MINE. That's when I quit. It gets pretty pointless when my opinions are dismissed and I get called "unintelligent" just because I disagree with you. I'll pretty much bow out of a discussion with someone every time when that starts.

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 10:26 AM
I hate Shaq because I lent him $20 bucks in 1989 and he still hasn't paid me back. :lol

07-12-2005, 10:32 AM
Shaq is a no talent ass clown who's all about show rather than substance. I don't hate him (for example, I don't want him dead or his family plague ridden), but I have ZERO respect for him. That's about as low as you get in my book.

07-12-2005, 10:33 AM
I obviously feel my opinions are better because they are mine and I will argue them. You were the one using all caps and not budging on your opinions either bro. You are the one that started with the blast that I can't read. You started it and I end it. Thats the way it is. Get your pantys out of a wad and stop getting so sad that people proved to you that San Antonio made Shaq. Corsicana, Texas could have put Shaq on the radar. I dont think of SA when I think of high school basketball. All I think about with SA bball is John Jay and my old roomy STEVE GOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

07-12-2005, 11:33 AM
Shaq got a shitload of pub from local tv stations. The "Shaquille O'neal Highlight Reel" was famous... they milked him and he milked them, but it certainly had alot to do with all the notice he got early on. So I'd agree with pache on that. It didnt hurt, you know?

A friend of mine says it used to be on KSAT?

07-12-2005, 11:42 AM
Shaq is a no talent ass clown who's all about show rather than substance. I don't hate him (for example, I don't want him dead or his family plague ridden), but I have ZERO respect for him. That's about as low as you get in my book.

Oh, come on. He's a very talented ass clown. :lol

Seriously, for myself, the only thing I have against Shaq is the times he's beaten the Spurs fair and square, so I don't have any reason to hate the guy.

07-12-2005, 11:51 AM
Oh, come on. He's a very talented ass clown. :lol


Seriously, for myself, the only thing I have against Shaq is the times he's beaten the Spurs fair and square, so I don't have any reason to hate the guy.

Once again, just for clarification, I'd like to point out that I do not hate Shaq. I have a lot of respect for him (as a person, not as a basketball player), and I think he's a good man. He's given a lot back to society. Some of it has been made public, and some of it has not.

As for his relationship with David Robinson, he donated $10,000 of his own money to the Carver Academy when David retired; the Lakers matched it. He's made various other donations to David's charities over the years. I don't think he would have done that unless he respected David. And he donated a chunk (I do not remember the amount) to Tim Duncan's foundation when Tim's father died (if I'm not mistaken, the Lakers matched that, as well).

And, again...I understand why Shaq runs his mouth. The only problem I have with it is his constant insulting of the city of San Antonio. There is no reason for him to do that, absolutely no reason.

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 11:58 AM
...he donated $10,000...

If that's the case, he is a benevolent ass clown, and where's my $20? :lol

A nice gesture, I'm sure he got as much publicity from it as possible, because that's his style.

07-12-2005, 12:05 PM
strangeweather, I concede. :lol

Hey, any philanthropy is a good thing. Oprah, for example, is quite the philanthropist. It doesn't mean I respect her any more. Shaq's offer to pay for Mikan's funeral was generous. Doesn't mean it wouldn't have been more useful to help pay his medical bills so that the man didn't have to sell his MVP trophy or do something more earlier for the pre-65ers.

Shrug. He is what he is and I've mellowed in my older age.

07-12-2005, 12:06 PM
A nice gesture, I'm sure he got as much publicity from it as possible, because that's his style.

Yes, it was a nice gesture. And, no publicity about his donations is not his style. That is not why he does it. Had you heard about it before I just told you?

07-12-2005, 12:12 PM
I obviously feel my opinions are better because they are mine and I will argue them. You were the one using all caps and not budging on your opinions either bro. You are the one that started with the blast that I can't read. You started it and I end it. Thats the way it is. Get your pantys out of a wad and stop getting so sad that people proved to you that San Antonio made Shaq. Corsicana, Texas could have put Shaq on the radar. I dont think of SA when I think of high school basketball. All I think about with SA bball is John Jay and my old roomy STEVE GOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Guess what...we hate Rockets too. You love Shaq...trade Yao for him and be done with it.

07-12-2005, 12:16 PM
Guess what...we hate Rockets too. You love Shaq...trade Yao for him and be done with it.

:lmao :lmao

(I don't hate the Rockets since they got rid of Stevie Francis - and I could have done without that lazy mooch Tracy McGrady - but I sure agree with the rest of that)

07-12-2005, 12:20 PM
Oh jesus... fatass is a knucklehead. 10k isnt even what he loses in his extra-wide Hummer seats. For that matter, everyone should praise Mark Cuban. He's the only one that gave David a farewell send-off... complete with Jumbotron highlights.

and i thought tom cruise killed oprah? (http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID=2397&rtn=index-topten)

07-12-2005, 12:26 PM
10k isnt even what he loses in his extra-wide Hummer seats.

Ok, I'll tell all those little kids at the Carver Academy that.

It's so sad when others have to insult in order to feel superior. :depressed

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 12:27 PM
Well, 10K (x 2 for the match) can be very helpful to someone, regardless of how much the giver makes. Your $1.50 to the Salvation Army/March of Dimes is appreciated, isn't it?

07-12-2005, 12:28 PM
Oh man... lets all start a shaq love fest then?

Cause you know, him coming out and saying David Robinson wasnt a center... not even a top 10 center. (that wasnt an insult or anything?)


07-12-2005, 12:29 PM
Oh man... lets all start a shaq love fest then?

Cause you know, him coming out and saying David Robinson wasnt a center... not even a top 10 center. (that wasnt an insult or anything?)



I don't hate him NOR love him. I just don't think he's the devil incarnate that you seem to.

07-12-2005, 12:31 PM
Well, 10K (x 2 for the match) can be very helpful to someone, regardless of how much the giver makes. Your $1.50 to the Salvation Army/March of Dimes is appreciated, isn't it?

wait... I'm hearing violin music playing in the distance.

Of course it is, but we were talking about "why hate Shaq". Not why "what little he gives to make himself sleep better at night" should make us like him. I'm sure if we all had it, we'd give millions to charity. (no one's saying no to that)

07-12-2005, 12:33 PM

I don't hate him NOR love him. I just don't think he's the devil incarnate that you seem to.

I dont think he's the devil. Just a knucklehead.

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 12:38 PM
There are plenty of reasons to hate Snaq. Giving to charity ain't one of them.

His eyes looking like he just got hit in the head by a 2x4 when giving interviews? One of 'em.

07-12-2005, 12:41 PM
His eyes looking like he just got hit in the head by a 2x4 when giving interviews? One of 'em.

I thought his eyes always looked like that, at least they have since I've known of him (high school days). I always think of the cartoon character "Foghorn Leghorn" when I see Shaq.

07-12-2005, 12:41 PM
"I know one day, I'm going to wake up and it's (the soreness) not going to be there. When that day comes, whoever we're playing, they're going to be in trouble. I've been playing like Erick Dampier."
- Miami Heat C Shaquille O'Neal, on his thigh bruise (5/14/05)

07-12-2005, 12:42 PM
"I know one day, I'm going to wake up and it's (the soreness) not going to be there. When that day comes, whoever we're playing, they're going to be in trouble. I've been playing like Erick Dampier."
- Miami Heat C Shaquille O'Neal, on his thigh bruise (5/14/05)

:blah :blah :blah :blah :blah :blah :blah :blah :blah

SWC Bonfire
07-12-2005, 12:42 PM
"I know one day, I'm going to wake up and it's (the soreness) not going to be there. When that day comes, whoever we're playing, they're going to be in trouble. I've been playing like Erick Dampier."
- Miami Heat C Shaquille O'Neal, on his thigh bruise (5/14/05)

Ahhh, nothing but class...:lol

07-12-2005, 12:47 PM
My feelings are similar to Jim's. I don't hate Shaq. I don't hate anyone. I am a Spurs fan period. Unless a player is on the team that the Spurs are facing that night, I could care less about them or their team. Shaq has done some things that I have not liked. The Robinson incident, blasting Dave in his book, the WNBA smack etc. As a San Antonian, I don't like it when someone insults my hometown, nor do I have to like it. When Shaq played high school ball here I was a fan....when he went to LSU, I was a fan like I am of all local kids who go on to play college ball. I even watched his highlights in Orlando because I like to see the local guys fare well. The thing that changed my opinion of him is when he set up an autograph session here in SA for a bunch of kids who had to pay $10 or so to get in....then, with no reason given, he no-showed and when asked about it later he blew it off. That bothered me. The guy has talent, the guy is one of the best to play his position and will be a lock for the HOF. IMO, he has no respect for the game and does not display good sportmanship by disrespecting other teams. I admit I am a purist and was raised in the "respect everyone, fear no one" school of sports. I have to respect his accomplishments, I just don't have to respect him.

Just my .02.

07-12-2005, 01:28 PM
...If not for Cole High School and the city of San Antonio, Shaq would be a crack dealer. This city put him on the map and on the NBA radar, and he absolutely should not trash it like he does.

Arent you exagerating? :drunk

Perhaps he could be playing next to TD if he were drafted by Spurs ... but I don't think so ... I don't hate him ... since he's not in LA.

Who do you hate the most? ... Kobe or Shaq ??? :angel

07-12-2005, 01:52 PM
Arent you exagerating? :drunk

Yeah, maybe a little. But not much.

Kobe or Shaq ??? :angel

I don't hate either of them. I don't even dislike Shaq (except for that one little irritating habit of his). I do dislike Kobe a great deal. For many reasons (none of which are that I think he's a rapist; I don't think he raped anybody).

07-12-2005, 04:45 PM
He's one of the most arrogant athletes I've ever seen.

The only reason he's good is because he's so big and refs let him get away with murder.

He constantly belittles other athletes and teams, and no, I don't think he's funny at all.

He's lazy and could have been much better then he is.

He makes gazzillion dollars even now when he's not as effective.