View Full Version : Grantland: We Went There: The Spurs Grind Out a Sweep at the Grindhouse

05-28-2013, 10:10 AM
This is normally a place for serious basketball analysis — mulling X's and O's, rotation choices, and Lionel Hollins's fantastic wardrobe. But let me step back for a second and say how cool it was watching San Antonio walk off the court, having clinched a return to the Finals after six years away. Tim Duncan shared a long embrace at midcourt with Manu Ginobili, who did so many crazy, brilliant, and disastrous Manu Ginobili things in this game that I lost count. Ginobili bounced off of Duncan and hugged another Spurs staffer almost as aggressively — with a hard chest-bump, a fist to the back, and a stern growl. It was a hug that said, "Fuck yeah, we did that!"

And as Tony Parker, so crazily great in this closeout, did his mandatory TV interview on the floor, Ginobili and Duncan strode in single file right below press row and into the tunnel, stopping to high-five a few fans. I got chills — literally, chills — watching those two walk off the floor, satisfied with a great accomplishment, hungry for one more, a lifetime of basketball already behind them.

Ginobili was earnest afterward in his remarks to the press. He spoke of how the Spurs won the title his rookie year, in 2002-03, and how young Ginobili, filled with confidence and hair on his head, just assumed it would always be like that. He learned over the last half-decade how truly tough it was just to get this far, and he was deeply appreciative of this next chance.


05-28-2013, 10:31 AM
Ginobili has definitely saved his best for last.

05-28-2013, 10:58 AM
Very enjoyable read, thanks for posting. I found this funny/insightful and agree with the work Matty did in the post against Randolph.

• Bonner had a long pregame conversation about gypsy moths, which apparently breed once every decade or so in and around Bonner’s native New Hampshire and cause all kinds of problems. This is what Matt Bonner talks about pregame. His wife also supplied him with a sandwich right after the game. Matt Bonner loves sandwiches.

• Exciting news for NBA nerds who enjoy Bonner’s deadpan “Coach B” YouTube series (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bQc7UpUfqE)of instructional videos: Bonner informs Grantland that “Coach B” is set to return, with a special guest appearance from Brian Scalabrine. You read that right: Matt Bonner and Brian Scalabrine have apparently filmed a comedy video together. Prepare accordingly.

Bonner, by the way, worked his tail off against Randolph in the post, and though he struggled some on the glass, his fronting defense made it tough at times for the Grizz to enter the ball to Z-Bo. All the Spurs’ big-man defenders, including Bonner and Diaw, did great work sliding from behind Randolph and around to the high side exactly when the Grizzlies were prepared to throw an entry pass. Folks assume Bonner is a poor defender, and while he has his limitations, he works hard, and he’s very proud of his growth on that end of the floor.

05-28-2013, 11:18 AM
But let me step back for a second and say how cool it was watching San Antonio walk off the court, having clinched a return to the Finals after six years away.


Has any team ever done this without blowing up the original, and re-building?

05-28-2013, 11:20 AM
ace3g with the goods as usual

05-28-2013, 11:40 AM
Ginobili has definitely saved his best for last.

^ this

With 9 days off to rest and heal, I expect Manu to tear it up in the Finals.

05-28-2013, 11:58 AM
Great piece from Lowe.

05-28-2013, 12:06 PM
Fun read. Thanks Op!

05-28-2013, 12:42 PM
Excellent article. Props to Green, Splitter, Bonner (did I just write that???), and all the guys.


05-28-2013, 12:51 PM
Wow, excellent read - thanks as usual ace3g :tu

05-28-2013, 01:06 PM
I loved the line in the stroy:

"Matt Bonner loves sandwiches."


05-28-2013, 01:34 PM