View Full Version : Would you rather.........

05-30-2013, 07:51 AM
Be in a college class that grades on a Bell curve full of blacks or Asians?

Blacks don't seem so smart and have a poor work ethic when it comes to studying. Few get though a 4 year college that attempt.
Now I know there are exceptions and you will see the occasional smart black guy but generally that is the exception.
I am all for equality of rights but lets face it blacks have a history of performing poorly in school. Call me racist but no disputing there are differences in the races outside of physical appearance and school performance is one of them.

Asians on the other hand do well. Go to any college library and you will see Asians spending hours in there studying and usually in groups.

05-30-2013, 10:02 AM
asians are too pussy to take outdoor activities so they just bury themselves in books to kill time, they work hard but have no creativity which means they're nothing but computers made of meat. that's why the education system is so screwed up imho, it prefers fucktards to smartasses and it makes my blood boil. their technologies were all stolen from US i mean if they're truly that smart, why can't they come up with those shits on their own?

05-30-2013, 12:40 PM
I grew up around blacks, lived with a bunch of them in my Navy days, the thing I've noticed is they don't like to read. I've never seen a black guy read a book. Yes I know all about Ellison, Baldwin and Wright all great writers, Langston Hughes a great poet.

The Asians I've known were sharpe, knew early on what they wanted and worked to get it. You don't see them standing in line at the welfare office, laid out on skid row.

Wouldn't want to be in that class at all.

The Reckoning
05-30-2013, 01:30 PM

the unmentionables i would do to this specimen

05-30-2013, 01:39 PM
blacks and asians in the same class, no matter how smart the asian clown is, if grades are skewed down cause of the dumb shits, then ur fucked being in that class