View Full Version : Muslims Riot in Sweden

Dirk Oneanddoneski
05-30-2013, 03:39 PM

by James Buchanan

The U. K. Daily Mail reports: “It is supposed to be the model multicultural state. But Sweden is facing problems of its own after gangs of immigrants spent a fifth consecutive night rioting in Stockholm. Officers are battling to keep the capital under control after hundreds of cars were torched, a police station set alight and fire services kept from a major blaze by a stone-throwing mob of youths. To make matters worse, rioting has now spread to Sweden’s two other major cities, Gothenburg and Malmo. The disturbances, which have lasted longer than the riots in England in the summer of 2011, started last week after police shot dead a foreign-born pensioner who threatened to attack them with a machete. Left-wing activists came forward to accuse police of racism – a charge strongly denied by the Stockholm force.”

“Growing unrest turned to violence last Sunday in a north-western suburb called Husby – where more than 80 per cent of the residents are from overseas, mostly Turkey, Somalia and the Middle East. Trouble then spread to some of the city’s most deprived areas, shattering the country’s proud claim that it is a template for a successful and ethnically diverse society.”

There is no such thing as a “successful” multi-racial society. Diversity has always been a problem, not a strength throughout human history. In the 1960s, the United States was the most prosperous nation in the world. We were able to fund a manned space mission to the moon while also funding the Vietnam War.

Today America is over $17 trillion in debt, a staggering amount that we have no chance of paying off as our productivity continues to decline or be outsourced. We have 48 million people on food stamps and we’ve been in an economic downturn since 2007 which we’re apparently never getting out of.

Why is America on the skids just 50 years after its most glorious decade in which we landed White men on the moon? There’s a simple answer: Diversity. America has allowed in millions of low IQ people from the Third World, who simply do not fit into American society and who have created a crushing tax burden. Because most minorities work only low-wage jobs, the taxes that they pay are insignificant compared to the cost of all the government services that they receive (like public schools and emergency room care), so White taxpayers have been increasingly burdened with rising taxes that sustain the Third World invaders. This has been increasing for decades with no end in sight, and bipartisan traitors in the Senate, known as the “Gang of Eight” want to hand out an Amnesty that will eventually make citizens of another 33 million poor Mexican illegal aliens.

Our first big hint that we had a major problem came with the Black riots of the 1960s. An arrogant minority population, descended from ex-slaves, began holding demonstrations and even rioting in the 1960s. Back then the Black population was only 10 percent of the US.

The logical solution to the Black problem back then should have been to expel the Blacks. Give them their own country in Africa or send them to Caribbean nations and/or Brazil. Blacks were never meant to be US citizens as noted in the Dread-Scott Decision of 1856, which proclaimed that anyone of African descent could not be a US citizen and therefore had no rights as a citizen.

It was a mistake to make the Blacks citizens after the Civil War. The decision to make them citizens was motivated by an evil desire by the Republican Party to get their votes. It had nothing to do with: Was this a good decision that will benefit America in the long run?

Clearly the results have been disastrous. Since the era of Segregation ended, over 50,000 White people have been murdered by Blacks, more fatalities than the US suffered in the Korean War. Millions of White women have been raped and an astronomical amount of wealth has been transferred from White taxpayers to Black welfare parasites. Thanks to Affirmative Action and racial quotas, less qualified Blacks jump ahead of White people for college entry, jobs and promotions. We even have a president, who was woefully unqualified for Harvard Law School, who was let in despite his inadequacy, and enough simple-minded liberals and moderates were impressed by his stolen prestige, that they made the mistake of making him president.

The bottom line is that the United States should have immediately expelled its entire Third World population when the Blacks started rioting in the 1960s. We were at a crossroads and thanks to Jewish control of the mass media, we were fooled into going down the wrong road toward MORE Diversity, which has only caused more problems.

Sweden, England and the other nations of Europe are in the same position that the United States was in the 1960s. Their minority populations are becoming a problem. They have grown so arrogant and so certain that they will never be expelled that they are rioting whenever they feel like rioting.

Europe can either decide to expel these ingrates, to load them onto planes and freighters and dump them off in the Middle East and Africa, where most of them came from, or they can choose to go down the same road that the United States chose. A road that leads to financial ruin and increasing, not decreasing racial animosity and problems. The Jewish-controlled media of course will insist on maintaining Diversity which is the wrong choice. Don’t listen to the Jews; they profit off chaos. Do what’s right for the future of White nations all around the world and expel the Third World invaders.

05-30-2013, 03:48 PM
wait what?

05-30-2013, 03:49 PM
Agreed. I've always been down with the "Back to Africa" program and those similar. Hopefully Europe smartens up and expels all those 3rd worlders back to their chocolate countries or be@nerland.

05-30-2013, 04:41 PM
Posting in classic thread. :lol

05-30-2013, 05:16 PM
Everywhere they go....BOOM!!!!!!!!

Anyone still not getting it?

05-30-2013, 07:41 PM
it depends on the angle from which you view it imho. it was diversity that made american great in the early 20th century, but it's also the same thing that ruins this country at present day, maybe we can seek some reasons for this from biology...

mixed-race people are superior in the 1st or 2nd generation (like how things were in the blooming days), they're smarter than pure-bred and that's a main reason why american managed to surpass Europe in the era between two world wars. but the quality of mixed population starts to deteriorate real fast from the 3rd generation onward. what's the percentage of americans with 100% european pedigree? most of you have asian/jewish/black bloods in your bodies and it's your irreversible fate.

05-30-2013, 07:58 PM
it depends on the angle from which you view it imho. it was diversity that made american great in the early 20th century, but it's also the same thing that ruins this country at present day, maybe we can seek some reasons for this from biology...

mixed-race people are superior in the 1st or 2nd generation (like how things were in the blooming days), they're smarter than pure-bred and that's a main reason why american managed to surpass Europe in the era between two world wars. but the quality of mixed population starts to deteriorate real fast from the 3rd generation onward. what's the percentage of americans with 100% european pedigree? most of you have asian/jewish/black bloods in your bodies and it's your irreversible fate.

Well hell that explains it.

05-30-2013, 08:38 PM
deport them all, could care less if they are born in new country, should still deport them...