View Full Version : Boston using Manu's video as example in roster meeting

07-13-2005, 07:37 AM
From an argentinian sports paper today ... so obviously it's a little overboard, but anyway nice reading...

Ginobili's model

Boston, the winningest franchise, uses him as example. Thru a Manu's video, the Celts asked their players to imitate his profesionalism...

Do we fully understand the status Manu has reached after winning, with a prominent role, his second NBA ring?

Not long ago, SanAntonio Express-News printed two "anonimous" quotes that sums it very well: "If I have to choose between Ginóbili and Kobe or McGrady, I'd keep Manu.", said a West Coach (don't tell, but it was Mike D'Antoni, of Phoenix).
The second one only ratifies the Gino wave it's just starting: "He will be, in a short time, the most popular player in the NBA", assured a well known GM of a Western franchise.The compliments didn't stop there. Yesterday, in a Boston Herald piece, it was published that Manu was set as example by Danny Ainge y Doc Rivers, Celtics GM and Coach.
In Boston they showed Manu's video at the start of preseason workouts aiming to put it as the standard of behaviour they will expect from their players in the future. The footage have him in the starring role. In one passage, it can be seen how Danny Fortson (Seattle) hits him really hard, throws him to the floor, and Manu, instead of retaliate, stood up, with his mouth closed, and cashed the two free throws.
Ainge y Rivers value that kind of attitude a lot because it makes a big contrast with last Paul Pierce's reaction, who in the last playoffs had no better idea than answering a taunting from Jamaal Tinsley with a push and that costed him an ejection from the decisive sixth match against Indiana. The Pacers ultimately won that night, tied the series and moved on to win the seventh and go thru. Everybody, including fans and front office, were very disappointed in the team captain attitude. Surely is not the kind of leader they desire. They want that everybody, including Pierce, take a page of Manu's book. they think maybe that way the Celts have more chance of ending as the Spurs: with a ring

El modelo Ginóbili

Boston, la franquicia más ganadora, lo puso como ejemplo. A través de un video de Manu, los Celtics les pidieron a los jugadores que imiten su profesionalismo.

¿Tenemos idea de la magnitud que alcanzó Manu en la NBA luego de ganar, como figura, su segundo anillo? Hace poco el diario San Antonio Express-News sacó dos frases anónimas que resumieron su importancia. "Si tengo que elegir entre Ginóbili y Kobe o McGrady, me quedo con Manu", dijo un DT del Oeste (sshh, no digan nada pero fue Mike D''Antoni, de Phoenix). La segunda no hizo más que ratificar que el fenómeno Gino recién está empezando. "Será, en poco tiempo, el jugador más popular de la NBA", aseguró un importante general manager de una franquicia del Oeste. Los elogios no se agotaron ahí. Ayer, en un artículo del Boston Herald, se publicó que el bahiense fue puesto como ejemplo por Danny Ainge y Doc Rivers, el general manager y flamante técnico de Boston. Los que lo hacen no son cualquiera. Se trata de dos ex figuras de la liga. Y hablamos de los Celtics, el equipo más ganador (16 títulos). Franquicia histórica que vio crecer a mitos como Red Auerbach, Bill Russell, Cousy, KC Jones, McHale, Havlicek, Larry Bird y Robert Parish... Manu, mientras descansa en Bahía —mañana estará presentando un nuevo producto de Microsoft, otra de las empresas que se acercaron—, es cada día más grande.

En Boston mostraron un video de Manu en el comienzo del trabajo de pretemporada con el objetivo de que sirva de ejemplo de cómo deben comportarse sus jugadores en el futuro. Las imágenes tienen al argentino como protagonista. En una de ellas se ve cómo Danny Fortson (Seattle) le da un golpe durísimo, lo tira al piso y Manu, lejos de hacerse el guapo, se levanta sin decir nada y va a la línea de libres para cobrar el foul. Ainge y Rivers valoran eso más que nada porque la (nula) reacción contrasta con la de Paul Pierce, estrella de Boston, quien en los últimos playoffs no tuvo peor idea que contestar a una provocación de Jamaal Tinsley con un empujón y eso le costó la expulsión del decisivo sexto partido ante Indiana. Los Pacers ganaron esa noche, empataron la serie y terminaron festejando en el séptimo y avanzando de rueda. Todos, incluidos hinchas y directivos, quedaron decepcionados por la actitud del capitán. Seguramente no es el líder que pretenden. Quieren que todos, incluido Pierce, copie a Manu. Así tal vez los Celtics tengan más chances de terminar la campaña como los Spurs: siendo los campeones.

"No puedo explicar lo importante que es el hecho de que todos entiendan cómo tenemos que comportarnos para ser un equipo exitoso", comenzó Rivers. "Cuando Danny (Ainge) me preguntó lo primero que debíamos mejorar, yo le respondí que teníamos que ser más profesionales. No es debatible, este es el primer paso, sobre todo porque tenemos un equipo joven", agregó el coach. Y, por si no había quedado claro, el ex base dio detalles de lo que eso significa. "Deben aprender a mantener la calma en los partidos, saber manejar las prácticas y cómo ser mejores compañeros", finalizó. Como Manu, ¿no es cierto, Doc?

07-13-2005, 08:57 AM
That's cool. Thanks for passing that on.

07-13-2005, 09:27 AM
[B]Not long ago, SanAntonio Express-News printed two "anonimous" quotes that sums it very well: "If I have to choose between Ginóbili and Kobe or McGrady, I'd keep Manu.", said a West Coach (don't tell, but it was Mike D'Antoni, of Phoenix).

I was actually feeling proud of Manu until I read Mike D'antoni :rolleyes

what paper was this?

07-13-2005, 09:54 AM
I could see D'antoni choosing Manu. Very cool that Manu is being used as an example of how to do things right in the NBA.

07-13-2005, 09:54 AM
The newspaper is Olé

07-13-2005, 10:02 AM

Class-room goal: Rivers, Ainge preach professionalism
By Steve Bulpett
Saturday, July 9, 2005 - Updated: 11:15 AM EST

LAS VEGAS - The video was shown to the Celtics summer league entry this week, and it's the best bet you could make in this town that Doc Rivers will be rolling it again when the full squad gets together this autumn.

Manu Ginobili is the star of the flick. In it, he gets hammered by Seattle's Danny Fortson. But, in what would be an odd response from anyone with the current C's squad, Ginobili calmly peels himself off the floor, walks to the line and makes the free throws.

There is no chest-beating indignation, no macho meanderings. Just basketball. And, Rivers hopes, a lesson in the fact that Ginobili's postseason ended with a championship while the Celtic curtain came down with an embarrassing series against the Pacers.

``I can't begin to tell you how important it is that we understand how we have to act if we want to be a successful team,'' said the coach, who not so coincidentally will be meeting with Paul Pierce [news] here.[/B]The image most Greenhearts took into the summer was that of the team captain shoving Jamaal Tinsley and getting tossed from crunch time of Game 6 in Indiana. Pierce's jersey is still waving in the minds of Celtics fans.

It was Danny Ainge who told reporters after the season that the Celts would be paying more attention to conduct this season, but it was clearly not a unilateral call on his part.

``After the season, I always write down needs and areas we have to improve,'' Rivers said, ``and when Danny and I met he asked me the No. 1 thing. I told him we have to be more professional. I said it wasn't debatable.

``If we want to take the next step, we've got to be stronger in that area. We've got a young team and we've got a chance to mold them. We've also got a chance to reach our vets, and we've got to do it for the sake of the team. There might be times when it's painful, but I think in the long run if we can do it, it will be big for us.''

While Rivers acknowledges the Celts struggled with some of the X and O changes he made last season, he believes that a better total approach would have made the transitions easier.

``We just have to be a professional basketball team,'' he said. ``And forget the basketball; we have to be professionals.

``Our guys have to learn how to be pros. I mean true pros. They have to learn during games how to keep their composure. They have to learn how to handle practices. They have to learn how to be better teammates.''

While Ainge alluded to establishing a code of conduct, Rivers said there won't be anything new.

``They're the same rules, except they're going to be better enforced,'' he said. ``To me, it's about respect. You've got to respect the game. You've got to respect your teammates. You've got to respect the janitor. I don't want them to treat anyone poorly just because the guy's not your coach. . . . Some of them didn't go to college, so somebody has to teach them.''

Rivers - and Celtics fans - can only hope they learn.

07-13-2005, 10:12 AM
"Some of them didn't go to college, so somebody has to teach them.''

Since when is it the colleges' role to teach civility and ethics?

Having pro basketball teams teach civility and ethics to their ballas is about as ridiculous as corporations having to teach the remedial 3R's to their new-hires, including college grads.

The Spurs have it right. They scout character as much as stats and hustle, so they don't have to teach character, but can get on with playing basketball.

Good luck, Doc, but you've got the horse before the cart.

Dumping Pierce would be a good start, then scrub hard to remove the shit stains Pierce left on the Celtics legendary legacy.

07-13-2005, 11:23 AM
I know Manu is one of the bestest, but it is always nice to hear other people say so.

07-13-2005, 11:29 AM
So next season we see celtic players with long hair :(

07-13-2005, 11:30 AM

I wonder what the Boston players think of it...

07-13-2005, 12:03 PM
So next season we see celtic players with long hair :(

:spin :spin :spin :spin :spin :lol :lol

I want that video!

07-13-2005, 02:55 PM
So next season we see celtic players with long hair :(


Nice Article.

07-13-2005, 05:47 PM
Manu makes me feel proud as an Argentine.

07-13-2005, 08:29 PM
well, they better have permission from the nba to use that video. or their video will be edited out of their posts.
:lol :lol :lol

nacho estrada
07-14-2005, 12:17 AM
Try watching video of the entire Spurs team Doc and Danny. You'll get the same footage across the board.

07-14-2005, 12:48 AM
damn thats fucking tight

with all this cred manu is getting he will probably see even better calls this next year....

07-14-2005, 07:16 AM
I wonder what the Boston players think of it...

They said ... "that kid flops" :rolleyes