View Full Version : I heard rumors that Timmy will get majority to full custody of the kids

06-03-2013, 11:40 PM
Any validity to these rumors? The rumors also included that Amy cheated on Tim for 2 years with a fitness trainer. If Tim does indeed get majority or full custody of the kids, will he retire after the Finals are over?

06-04-2013, 12:02 AM
Who knows if they are true, but no, Tim won't retire yet.

06-04-2013, 12:04 AM
Yeah because NBA superstars cant afford nannys

06-04-2013, 12:18 AM
Yeah because NBA superstars cant afford nannys

Tim is more of a family man than most athletes, just asking a questions regarding these rumors and the possible outcome if they are indeed true.

06-04-2013, 12:25 AM
He can always hire SJax to nanny his kids. Last time I checked he was unemployed.

Kori Ellis
06-04-2013, 12:29 AM
I heard something similar -- that he would be trying for primary/full custody -- because of the background of the guy that she's been cheating with.

06-04-2013, 12:30 AM
I heard something similar -- that he would be trying for primary/full custody -- because of the background of the guy that she's been cheating with.

What about his background, tbh?..:lol the guy is a thug, adding insult to injury?..

06-04-2013, 12:32 AM
I heard something similar -- that he would be trying for primary/full custody -- because of the background of the guy that she's been cheating with.

Wow..that's crazy. The guy must be a complete idiot to have a background so bad that it would cause Amy to lose full custody of the kids to Tim. Good, that's what she deserves if true...

Keepin' it real
06-04-2013, 12:38 AM
You must not be familiar with the legal bias against men in divorce/custody cases, regardless of the circumstances. Timmy's only chance (that we common men don't have) is that he can afford to pay for the best legal representation money can buy. So I'll give him a 20% chance of pulling the upset. He'll have a much better chance against the Heat.

06-04-2013, 12:41 AM
He can always hire SJax to nanny his kids. Last time I checked he was unemployed.


06-04-2013, 12:44 AM
I have a hard time believing that a judge would grant full custody to an athelete who's on the road all the time.

06-04-2013, 12:50 AM
I hope he gets it

06-04-2013, 04:43 AM
I hope he gets full custody and don't retire yet.

06-04-2013, 05:28 AM
Women get full custody 80%+ of the time. Has nothing with who screwed whom.

Divorce For Men: Why Women Get Child Custody More Often

Although the law no longer presumes mothers are better parents, the best interests of the child often dictate that children stay with mom.


Why Do Women Win Most Custody Battles?


So unless Amy is a drug addict, seriously mentally ill, proven prostitute, etc, etc, she very probably takes the the kids. Child support will be murderous.

06-04-2013, 06:41 AM
Amy is a fuckin idiot. Pardon my french. She has a great HOF NBA player for a husband. Who by all accounts a great human being, worth millions. Not to mention, the two have been together since college. Yet she cheats on him with a personal trainer? Give me a fuckin break. Poor Tim. What is wrong with this world these days? She will get what she deserves one day.

06-04-2013, 07:50 AM
All the usual pre-trial posturing done by the attorneys. Tim's attorneys will use Amy's infidelity and the threat of exposing her and her lover by way of discovery and depositions, hoping to make Amy cut a deal favorably to Tim. Both attorneys know they have two cash cows here and the billing will be phenonmenol and neither attorney is going to want a quick ending. In the end, both parents will get joint custody with Amy the primary custodian with Tim having very favorable visitation and a favorable financial settlement to Tim especially with his pre-nup. Judges could care less about who was screwing who and usually don't allow a lot of discussion about it unless one of the parents was screwing somebody else while the kids where in the next room.

It is very, very odd for the wife of a very wealthy man with a pre-nup and kids to be screwing around.

06-04-2013, 07:53 AM
He will have to have video of her shooting heroin in front of the kids to get full custody. At a minimum she will get joint custody and child support. Cheating is not grounds for losing custody.

06-04-2013, 07:56 AM
Sad story for Timmy. Fuck Amy.

06-04-2013, 08:01 AM
This crap again? Save it for the offseason.

06-04-2013, 08:25 AM
Maybe Tim can call Steve Nash's lawyer! Bitch got a good man that has stuck by her side since they were broke, never let fame get to his head, is a great father, an is rich. An this bitch let some bad acting thug fuck up their happy home! Its sad the way some people have no control over their hormones. An like it's said, she's gonna get custody of the kids so she's getting child support an thats enough for.that.cheating hoe to live on with her thug man. An Tim gets stuck with bills, partial time with his kids for being a.great husband, father, human. How fucked up is this world man!?!

Homeland Security
06-04-2013, 08:53 AM
Amy is a fuckin idiot. Pardon my french. She has a great HOF NBA player for a husband. Who by all accounts a great human being, worth millions. Not to mention, the two have been together since college. Yet she cheats on him with a personal trainer? Give me a fuckin break. Poor Tim. What is wrong with this world these days? She will get what she deserves one day.
You may not be familiar with the modus operandi of the stereotypical American white woman. This is pretty much par for the course. Tim for all his wealth and greatness is pretty much a beta personality. She attracted him and got him to marry her, they had kids so she has a long-term financial draw out of him, and now that he's getting older, the end of his NBA career is in sight, and she would have to deal with his actually being around a lot of the time, she's found herself an alpha to fuck.

The white woman will plan this shit out years in advance. I tell you the truth, white bitches are reptiles. With Tim's personality and interests, he should have married an Asian woman. Hopefully he learns from his mistake.

06-04-2013, 09:08 AM
Amy is a fuckin idiot. Pardon my french. She has a great HOF NBA player for a husband. Who by all accounts a great human being, worth millions. Not to mention, the two have been together since college. Yet she cheats on him with a personal trainer? Give me a fuckin break. Poor Tim. What is wrong with this world these days? She will get what she deserves one day.

She'll be a laughing stock in Texas for the rest of her life.. Whispers all around whenever she walks into any restaurant..

06-04-2013, 09:43 AM
Kori - I had heard that things were largely amicable between them (as these things can go) and that they've been seen together with the kids since the divorce papers were filed, but I don't have anyone who actually knows anything.

I would think full custody would be nearly impossible for someone who travels frequently in the course of their job, and I wonder if he is seriously aiming for full custody or simply a better joint custody arrangement (it's not uncommon for both petitioners to appeal for full custody up front). If there is serious concern about Amy's boyfriend, then a 'morality clause' is easy enough to add into the custody arrangement - though that only covers until marriage in most cases. But if there is legitimate concern about this fellow (criminal record, drugs, accusations of child molestation, etc) then he may be able to get full custody after all.

Unfortunate all around.

06-04-2013, 10:25 AM
she cheats on tim, you guys jump her shit.

tony cheats on eva, you guys jump her shit.

06-04-2013, 10:25 AM
she cheats on tim, you guys jump her shit.

tony cheats on eva, you guys jump her shit.

06-04-2013, 11:56 AM
she cheats on tim, you guys jump her shit.

tony cheats on eva, you guys jump her shit.

Truth bomb.

06-04-2013, 12:03 PM
To those that are saying that Duncan won't get much custody because of his traveling, that's my point exactly. Don't you think he knows that? I'm saying, is it a possibility that since Tim is trying to get majority to full custody of the kids, could that mean he's retiring after the Finals?

06-04-2013, 12:04 PM
You may not be familiar with the modus operandi of the stereotypical American white woman. This is pretty much par for the course. Tim for all his wealth and greatness is pretty much a beta personality. She attracted him and got him to marry her, they had kids so she has a long-term financial draw out of him, and now that he's getting older, the end of his NBA career is in sight, and she would have to deal with his actually being around a lot of the time, she's found herself an alpha to fuck.

The white woman will plan this shit out years in advance. I tell you the truth, white bitches are reptiles. With Tim's personality and interests, he should have married an Asian woman. Hopefully he learns from his mistake.

I guess that's the philosophy of Trump, who marries these "reptiles" with a 5 year pre-nup and dumps them a year before they become "full partners". Going on the offense. Not that I necessarily agree with your sentiment, but Asian woman might be a good call. They tend to be more interested in power than sex.

06-04-2013, 12:07 PM
Sad if true

06-04-2013, 12:20 PM
If I was Tim Duncan and Spurs win #5 I would retire if that is what it takes to get my kids custody..

06-04-2013, 12:26 PM
she cheats on tim, you guys jump her shit.

tony cheats on eva, you guys jump her shit.

This is a Spurs forum.

06-04-2013, 12:26 PM
she cheats on tim, you guys jump her shit.

tony cheats on eva, you guys jump her shit.

Cheating is cheating, but cheating with kids involved is a lot worse.

06-04-2013, 12:28 PM
You may not be familiar with the modus operandi of the stereotypical American white woman. This is pretty much par for the course. Tim for all his wealth and greatness is pretty much a beta personality. She attracted him and got him to marry her, they had kids so she has a long-term financial draw out of him, and now that he's getting older, the end of his NBA career is in sight, and she would have to deal with his actually being around a lot of the time, she's found herself an alpha to fuck.

The white woman will plan this shit out years in advance. I tell you the truth, white bitches are reptiles. With Tim's personality and interests, he should have married an Asian woman. Hopefully he learns from his mistake.

I agree with everything you have said. I knew guys who looked like they were in stable marriages with attractive white women but within 7 several years the marriages ended in divorce. Two thing all these guys had in common was they made good money and were busy working most of the time. In all cases lol it was the white woman who cheated with some regular Joe. I always thought they cheated due to the boredom of the relationship. I always tell young guys that money will buy you hoes but it doesn't buy love.

06-04-2013, 01:13 PM
he should have married an Asian woman. Hopefully he learns from his mistake.

06-04-2013, 01:24 PM
This is a Spurs forum.

try to explain.

06-04-2013, 01:31 PM
try to explain.

I figured I'd be simple with you, as you didn't understand how the Spurs fans here would be biased to their players, regardless of whom was at fault in the relationship.

Vito Corleone
06-04-2013, 01:32 PM
We don't even know that she wants full custody, for all we know she wants her freedom.

06-04-2013, 01:32 PM
oh, blind worship.

06-04-2013, 01:40 PM
I'm pulling for Tim, I have had my daughter since she was 3 months old, she is 11 now and I even had her mom on child support that she never paid a dime of, Just last year I got her to waive her rights and her one agreement to sign was to not go after all the back child support, DONE!!! I even paid for all the court cost. she hadn't seen my daughter in over 9 years anyways.

Maybe Tim can pay her off? since he had a prenup he can offer her more cash if she agrees to him having custody?

06-04-2013, 01:42 PM
oh, blind worship.

Parker and Eva's weeding was a bullshit marriage. She was fucking half of hollywood and Parker half of the Spurs team wives. nobody gave a shit when they divorced, also there were no kids involved.

:rolleyes mavfan

and whoever said Duncan might retire, good point. let's just hope he doesn't get the kids so he can play a few more years :tu

06-04-2013, 01:46 PM
turns out tim's was, too.

Big Empty
06-04-2013, 01:51 PM
Im happy for Tim, he got married way too young. He must be super excited about dating other woman!

06-04-2013, 03:44 PM
I guess that's the philosophy of Trump, who marries these "reptiles" with a 5 year pre-nup and dumps them a year before they become "full partners". Going on the offense. Not that I necessarily agree with your sentiment, but Asian woman might be a good call. They tend to be more interested in power than sex.

Be careful what you ask for. Yoko blew the Beatles up.

06-04-2013, 03:45 PM
turns out tim's was, too.


06-04-2013, 04:06 PM
is the trainer she's cheating with black?

06-04-2013, 04:14 PM
To those that are saying that Duncan won't get much custody because of his traveling, that's my point exactly. Don't you think he knows that? I'm saying, is it a possibility that since Tim is trying to get majority to full custody of the kids, could that mean he's retiring after the Finals?
I was thinking the same thing the other day. It seems like Parker knows and that's why he keeps saying he promised to get Timmy one more ring.

06-04-2013, 04:26 PM
I am delighted to read so many insightful comments of people that know the Duncans so well.

06-04-2013, 05:13 PM
It amazes me how people have an opinion on everything even subjects they know nothing about...

Reminds me the tp-eva-erin drama...

Everybody's quick to judge but who knows if Timmy isn't responsible for his wife wheat on him???

If a man doesn't take care of his wife (or vice versa) it doesn't shock me that, at some point, one of them go elsewhere ...

Anyway, this isn't our business, and even if, we don't have enough info to have a solid/definitive opinion.

06-04-2013, 05:32 PM
It amazes me how people have an opinion on everything even subjects they know nothing about...

Reminds me the tp-eva-erin drama...

Everybody's quick to judge but who knows if Timmy isn't responsible for his wife wheat on him???

If a man doesn't take care of his wife (or vice versa) it doesn't shock me that, at some point, one of them go elsewhere ...

Anyway, this isn't our business, and even if, we don't have enough info to have a solid/definitive opinion.

This excuse is terrible. If you are an adult, you don't cheat. If it's at the point where you feel you are going to cheat, you file for divorce, then do what you want to do. Terrible excuse.

06-04-2013, 05:40 PM
this is personal stuff, he's a GOAT athlete, not a talentless celebrity

06-04-2013, 06:12 PM
This excuse is terrible. If you are an adult, you don't cheat. If it's at the point where you feel you are going to cheat, you file for divorce, then do what you want to do. Terrible excuse.

I have a novel idea. How about forgive one another and work it out? Gee whiz.

Romans 7 also comes to mind. But whatever.

06-04-2013, 06:13 PM
I have a novel idea. How about forgive one another and work it out? Gee whiz.

Romans 7 also comes to mind. But whatever.

Sure, there is that. Always the best option if it will work.

06-04-2013, 06:23 PM
Sure, there is that. Always the best option if it will work.

For a Christian it is the only option. I think it would work if encouraged. Seems that the default reaction in society is vengeance. We have lost the ability to forgive once a lifetime, nevermind 77 times a day.

I always hoped Tim would be like David in the marriage department. Rare any more.....

06-04-2013, 06:26 PM
I always hoped Tim would be like David in the marriage department. Rare any more.....

When your wife is banging her personal trainer that is a little tough..

06-04-2013, 06:27 PM
Im happy for Tim, he got married way too young. He must be super excited about dating other woman!

don't forget BlackJack and his love for racing. I bet ill see him more often out at San Antonio Raceway testing out their new builds. what a good life he has despite being cheated on.

06-04-2013, 06:31 PM
When your wife is banging her personal trainer that is a little tough..

Mine was banging a lot more than that and I forgave it. It isn't hard to show some mercy to someone. I guess I am weird like that.

06-04-2013, 06:37 PM
Mine was banging a lot more than that and I forgave it.


Sean Cagney
06-04-2013, 06:38 PM
Be careful what you ask for. Yoko blew the Beatles up.

She did, and my friend married an Asian as well and she was trying to control him. Hmmmmmmmm.

Man In Black
06-04-2013, 06:46 PM
You may not be familiar with the modus operandi of the stereotypical American white woman. This is pretty much par for the course. Tim for all his wealth and greatness is pretty much a beta personality. She attracted him and got him to marry her, they had kids so she has a long-term financial draw out of him, and now that he's getting older, the end of his NBA career is in sight, and she would have to deal with his actually being around a lot of the time, she's found herself an alpha to fuck.

The white woman will plan this shit out years in advance. I tell you the truth, white bitches are reptiles. With Tim's personality and interests, he should have married an Asian woman. Hopefully he learns from his mistake.

Sean Elliott would tell you different and he'd tell you from experience:

Bobby Peru
06-04-2013, 08:08 PM

so not only does he get cucked, he has to care for the children?


houston spurs fan
06-04-2013, 08:11 PM
You may not be familiar with the modus operandi of the stereotypical American white woman. This is pretty much par for the course. Tim for all his wealth and greatness is pretty much a beta personality. She attracted him and got him to marry her, they had kids so she has a long-term financial draw out of him, and now that he's getting older, the end of his NBA career is in sight, and she would have to deal with his actually being around a lot of the time, she's found herself an alpha to fuck.

The white woman will plan this shit out years in advance. I tell you the truth, white bitches are reptiles. With Tim's personality and interests, he should have married an Asian woman. Hopefully he learns from his mistake.
Another racist comment from Floyd pacman

06-04-2013, 08:16 PM
For a Christian it is the only option. I think it would work if encouraged. Seems that the default reaction in society is vengeance. We have lost the ability to forgive once a lifetime, nevermind 77 times a day.

I always hoped Tim would be like David in the marriage department. Rare any more.....

Actually isn't it the bible that says infidelity is reason to divorce???!!! It might not use the term divorce, but it is heavily implied.

06-05-2013, 02:34 PM
Actually isn't it the bible that says infidelity is reason to divorce???!!! It might not use the term divorce, but it is heavily implied.

That is a reference in Matthew regarding betrothal, like Mary and Joseph... The Scriptures are emphatic about divorce and remarriage. People just don't know how to read any more, and bad translations don't help.

As for custody....Texas is a no fault state so she can bang all the guys she wants. As long as she isn't dealing meth, she will likely be the custodial parent. It is called joint custody but she will get the money and he will get visitation.

06-05-2013, 02:47 PM
Can't this thread be closed till after the finals...