View Full Version : Antonio Daniels Confirms It: Spurs showing interest

07-13-2005, 10:08 AM

Antonio Daniels Confirms It; Spurs Showing Interest
LAST UPDATE: 7/12/2005 8:03:47 PM
Posted By: CyberBob
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By Don Harris, News 4 WOAI

Could it be? A.D. back in S.A.? Not likely.

There are now numerous reports floating around that the Spurs are showing interest in Antonio Daniels. That may be true, but it doesn't mean he'll be back.

Daniels played great against the Spurs in the playoffs, and lives here in town. He will command a salary somewhere north of five million bucks a year.

So how could it happen?

We've got the inside scoop. We talked to Antonio's camp today, and confirmed that the Spurs have shown interest.

About the only way A.D. would be back in San Antonio is if somehow Seattle cooperates in a sign and trade deal. Right now, Seattle doesn't look to be cooperating.

Daniels left town Tuesday for Las Vegas where he is scheduled to meet with several teams in the next few days. Daniels told the Seattle Times Friday that the Heat, Lakers and Jazz have expressed interest in signing him. He told the newspaper it's likely he would visit with one of those teams next week.

Daniels, 30, hasn't started more than 32 games in a season since starting 50 as a rookie with Vancouver in 1997-98. He played in 75 games for Seattle last season and averaged career-highs in minutes (27), points (11.2) and rebounds (2.3).

07-13-2005, 10:18 AM
Well, his "camp" confirms it anyway.

Would be an interesting signing, we would have to trade a guard away to get him the minutes he would need.

07-13-2005, 10:21 AM
I think it's part bargaining ploy.

If the Spurs are interested it has to be good!

No way the Spurs are going to spend 5+MM on AD.

07-13-2005, 10:23 AM
I think it's part bargaining ploy.

If the Spurs are interested it has to be good!

No way the Spurs are going to spend 5+MM on AD.
I agree. That is a lot of money for a backup PG.

07-13-2005, 10:27 AM
It's what we pay Barry....

He'd probably have to be the one shipped out somewhere -- obviously not Seattle.

Don't see it happening for several reasons.

Mark in Austin
07-13-2005, 10:30 AM
For Antonio's career, I think his best bets would be Cleveland or LA.

Marcus Bryant
07-13-2005, 10:35 AM
Ya think they want Shaggy back?


07-13-2005, 10:52 AM
Daniels to LA Lakers would give them a big boost--Daniels, Kobe, and Odom. Then again, Daniels, Lebron, and Hughs are a pretty good Big Three also.

07-13-2005, 11:04 AM
Hell no. No way. Absolutely not.

Sure, he had a great series against us. That happens sometimes when players play against old teams.

But think of it this way: Was that Antonio's best playoff series performance ever? Probably. Is that the best he's ever played? Possibly. Is he likely to repeat that performance on a consistant basis: Highly unlikely.

Where does he fit in our rotation? I'd rather have Barry on the floor (passing, IQ), or Devin (defense, aggressiveness), or Beno (entry pass).

Remember that? Remember Antonio trying to lob the entry pass to David? At least Beno can get the ball into the post.

Let's move on, people.

07-13-2005, 11:08 AM
fuck antonio
we need him like we need more tahoes with w stickers

T Park
07-13-2005, 11:43 AM
I'd rather have Barry on the floor (passing, IQ), or Devin (defense, aggressiveness), or Beno (entry pass).

Yeah Barry played much better than Daniels last year.

Oh yeah, Beno was fantastic too.

Fuckin homers.

07-13-2005, 11:49 AM
Are you for or against Barry, T-Park? I assumed for since he is your avatar pic but your post just now confused me.

07-13-2005, 11:54 AM
Yeah, and Daniels is going to have a much better career than Barry.

AD had one good series. And has no upside.

We haven't even scratched the surface of what Brent Barry can do for this team. He had a tough time adjusting in his first year here, no question.

But if you'd rather have Antonio Daniels than Brent Barry, I reverse my stance:

You should be banned for a year.

Kori Ellis
07-13-2005, 11:58 AM
AD had one good series. And has no upside.

Did you watch basketball last season? Antonio had an awesome YEAR, not one good series.

That being said, I don't think it means much that his "camp" confirmed that the Spurs are interested. I'm sure the Spurs have made 100's of calls regarding possible free agents this summer. And Antonio's "camp" said 15-20 teams have expressed interest in him. He's likely to get a starting job and good money from someone.

07-13-2005, 11:59 AM
he had an good year
i wouldnt mind him, but hes gonna want big money and a long contract
if wants to sign for 2 years a couple mil per year pick him up
but theres other priorities we should address

07-13-2005, 12:01 PM
You're right. Antonio did have a good year. Probably the best of his career.

What are the chances he improves on that next year? What are the chances he even matches his success?

Jaren Jackson had a great year in his career, too.

Kori Ellis
07-13-2005, 12:05 PM
What are the chances he improves on that next year? What are the chances he even matches his success?

Well, he put up very good numbers the year before as well - actually better shooting percentages than 2004-05. He just didn't plays as many minutes in 2003-04. For the last two seasons, he's also led the NBA (and been 2nd in the NBA) in assist-to-turnover ratio. So I think it's likely that he matches that same success.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating bringing AD here. I'm just saying that don't knock what the guy has done the past two seasons.

07-13-2005, 12:30 PM
i'm sure it makes TD a happy camper to know that the Spurs are keeping an open mind with regard to his buddy AD. but it's time for AD to get paid. it won't happen here.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-13-2005, 12:39 PM
Antonio wouldn't be the first player to ever play above his head in a contract year. No thanks.

As for this "report", yeah, like an agent has never leaked that a certain team is interested in his player in order to generate action/higher bidding by other legitimate suitors.

Sounds like Antonio's "camp" is playing the public negotiating game by the book.

Duff McCartney
07-13-2005, 12:43 PM
T Park doesn't care who the Spurs sign as long as he gets more free stuff from the Spurs for all the money he spends on them.

07-13-2005, 12:49 PM
T-Park is a big cheer stick fan is he? = )

07-13-2005, 12:49 PM
Then again, Daniels, Lebron, and Hughs are a pretty good Big Three also.

Daniels would be #4 on that team after Big Z. He is an all-star, after all.

Throw Gooden into the mix, and that's a very nice starting 5, though it's pretty soft in the middle.

07-13-2005, 12:51 PM
Antonio wouldn't be the first player to ever play above his head in a contract year. No thanks.

He also wouldn't be the first point guard who finally figured the game out later in his career.

It's still not going to happen, though.

SWC Bonfire
07-13-2005, 01:28 PM
fuck antonio
we need him like we need more tahoes with w stickers


Mark in Austin
07-13-2005, 01:39 PM
If the Heat can afford him, Starting next to Wade would be pretty kickass for Antonio, and Miami would really be able to turn up the defensive heat (no pun intended) with their backcourt.

07-13-2005, 01:43 PM
Forget the sign and trade angle. The Spurs should convince him to sign for less money by dangling the carrot of him reprising his role as the spokeperson for Jim's restaurant.

He's be a nice addition, but it would be an unneeded shakeup in my opinion.

07-13-2005, 07:18 PM
Please God, let Seattle be STUPID enough to trade AD for the great O2 to CO2 convertor, Brent Barry.



AD would be an awesome combo guard here, and this year's series against SA was far from his best. He was the only muthufukka to show in 2001 against LA, a series that most have forgotten. 19p/3.3a/2.0r

07-13-2005, 07:23 PM
its hard to dump on ad for his last season given beetle barry's performance. antonio would fit in great in the motion offense. hell, he could run point in that kind of offense.

if you're paying barry $5 mil a season suddenly antonio's price doesn't look that bad.

barry's contract ends in 3 seasons at most. the big cat's source tells him that there isn't a team option after the 2006-07 season though he seems to remember that there was an option. if so, seattle would only be on the hook for 2 more seasons with barry...

07-13-2005, 07:24 PM
Please God, let Seattle be STUPID enough to trade AD for the great O2 to CO2 convertor, Brent Barry.



AD would be an awesome combo guard here, and this year's series against SA was far from his best. He was the only muthufukka to show in 2001 against LA, a series that most have forgotten. 19p/3.3a/2.0r

You're right. I remember that series. AD showed up big in the 2001 sweep vs. L.A

07-13-2005, 07:31 PM
antonio didn't quit when everyone else did. he's a gamer.

07-14-2005, 02:21 AM
AD's a good combo guard, but as proved in the last 2 rounds of the playoffs, and indeed in game 7 if the Finals, when the Spurs hit the three well, they often win.

Given the way our offense is structured in key stretches of the game: 1 pivot player (Tim), 2 penetrators (Tony, Manu) and 2 three point shooters (Horry, Bruce/Barry), I think we need Barry more than AD although AD may be a better player right now. Barry can also be trusted to handle the ball when Beno is struggling, so the need for a combo guard is somewhat negated.

07-14-2005, 04:40 AM
The Spurs could have had a lasting dynasty if they had held onto Antonio Daniels and Stephen Jackson. To think what could have been and they gave it up for what? To save 5 million per year? Bahh.

07-14-2005, 08:09 AM
The Spurs could have had a lasting dynasty if they had held onto Antonio Daniels and Stephen Jackson. To think what could have been and they gave it up for what? To save 5 million per year? Bahh.

I prefer to deal in reality than coulda-woulda-shoulda. The Spurs won the Championship this year, without either Antonio Daniels or Stephen Jackson...apparently, they had exactly what they needed. It was Pop.

07-14-2005, 09:22 AM
AD couldn't play point in SA.

Now, somehow he can elsewhere.

Could he play point here now?

T Park
07-14-2005, 06:13 PM
I think by signing Oberto, a trade could now be worked with Rasho and Beno going in a S&T to Seattle.

It would make sense for Seattle.

Good backup point, starting center with skills and good defense.

resign Radmonovic and Evans and your set.

Kori Ellis
07-14-2005, 06:16 PM
AD has a lot of opportunities to start around the league right now. I don't think he'd come to SA to be a backup.

07-14-2005, 06:17 PM
I think by signing Oberto, a trade could now be worked with Rasho and Beno going in a S&T to Seattle.

It would make sense for Seattle.

Good backup point, starting center with skills and good defense.

resign Radmonovic and Evans and your set.

The Spurs won't trade Beno. It took them awhile to find a legit backup and Beno is good enough.

07-14-2005, 06:55 PM
Ugh...Rasho and Beno for AD?

I don't get it. It's just my opinion, and I know there's tons of Beno hate right now, but I think Beno has waaaaaay more upside than AD. All AD's done is add some consistency to his game, but it's the same set of skills he had when he was here the first time. He hasn't added anything new to his game, he's just playing his game well more regularly now. That doesn't mean he has more game. It just means he's using the limited skills he has more effectively, but it doesn't change the fact that he has a limited skill set. No three-point shot, can't create his own shot, not an exceptional passer (although I was pleseantly surprised to hear his assist-turnover ratio was strong, but he's still not a PG), and he never really displayed an understanding of Pop's catch phrase: Mental toughness. He just didn't have it. What he did have was athleticism that, early on, showed a lot of potential. He's improved steadily, but not drastically. It wasn't enough then, it isn't enough now. I think Beno has the potential to improve dramatically. He may not, but I feel fairly sure we're not going to see AD have a "break-out" year next year...he's at his peak, or at least near it. Let him go somewhere he can start and take advantage of the growth he's made in the last few years. He didn't do too well sitting on Pop's bench or playing second fiddle to Tony the first time around.

Am I really the only person who remembers AD trying to pass into the post? It was about as pretty as Bruce trying to catch a Manu pass on the break.

No thank you.

Mr. Body
07-14-2005, 06:58 PM
Agree utterly with tekdragon. Beno will become a starting-quality point guard in this league.

07-14-2005, 08:43 PM
Agree utterly with tekdragon. Beno will become a starting-quality point guard in this league.
As soon as Beno learns how to handle the ball he could be a solid backup. He will never be a quality starting point guard. He doesn't have the athleticism to be that.
He reminds me of John Paxson.

07-14-2005, 09:23 PM
As soon as Beno learns how to handle the ball he could be a solid backup. He will never be a quality starting point guard. He doesn't have the athleticism to be that.
He reminds me of John Paxson.

Consider the the lower seeded teams..

He could be a starter.

Mr. Body
07-14-2005, 09:45 PM
As soon as Beno learns how to handle the ball he could be a solid backup. He will never be a quality starting point guard. He doesn't have the athleticism to be that.

I respectfully disagree. When he learns how to handle the ball better against quicker hounding guards - and I think he will - he'll be fine. He doesn't get completely juked by quick players, either. He's too savvy for that.

I'm not saying he's going to be a star, but the guy has oodles of talent. I really think so. A better point guard than a guy who went 23 slots in front of him, Devin Harris. Hell, Magic wasn't all that athletic, just tall. Stockton, of course, wasn't athletic at all. In the right offense Udrih could be a very good quarterback.

07-14-2005, 11:01 PM
I respectfully disagree. When he learns how to handle the ball better against quicker hounding guards - and I think he will - he'll be fine. He doesn't get completely juked by quick players, either. He's too savvy for that.

I'm not saying he's going to be a star, but the guy has oodles of talent. I really think so. A better point guard than a guy who went 23 slots in front of him, Devin Harris. Hell, Magic wasn't all that athletic, just tall. Stockton, of course, wasn't athletic at all. In the right offense Udrih could be a very good quarterback.
Stockton wasn't athletic but he had high IQ and great passing abilities. I can't say the same about Beno. Beno will get a little better but not much. Some players are drafted on potential and that's why they go higher.

Mr. Body
07-14-2005, 11:19 PM
Not saying Beno is Stockton at all. But he does have great sense with the basketball, great instincts, guts and talent to succeed. You saw flashes of how good he can be last year. Had a 20 point game, had a double double game. He has guts to get to the rack, guts to take needed shots, a great passing touch and eye.

Some guys are drafted on potential, and some are drafted on hype. Dallas blew their draft last year on Harris and Podkolzine. Harris was not a #5 pick and I doubt his abilities to become a good point in this league.

07-15-2005, 02:38 AM
Not saying Beno is Stockton at all. But he does have great sense with the basketball, great instincts, guts and talent to succeed. You saw flashes of how good he can be last year. Had a 20 point game, had a double double game. He has guts to get to the rack, guts to take needed shots, a great passing touch and eye.

Some guys are drafted on potential, and some are drafted on hype. Dallas blew their draft last year on Harris and Podkolzine. Harris was not a #5 pick and I doubt his abilities to become a good point in this league.

Agreed, I already see signs of superior court vision, passing accuracy/touch, and jump shot when compared to Tony Parker. If he cuts down on the rookie mistakes he will be a very dependable backup PG. His play tailspinned in the playoffs which is not suprising for a rookie. I would imagine if you looked at the history of rookie playoff performances as a whole you would see a decline in play due to the added excitement/pressure. Actaully that probably would hold true for a multi-year player who had no prior playoff experience as well.

07-15-2005, 03:19 AM

Daniels hopes to sign with Blazers
Posted: Thursday July 14, 2005 1:51PM; Updated: Thursday July 14, 2005 7:23PM

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Free agent guard Antonio Daniels says he played his best basketball under coach Nate McMillan in Seattle and he wants to follow McMillan to the Trail Blazers.

Daniels and his agent had dinner Tuesday night with Blazers general manager John Nash, player personnel director Kevin Pritchard and McMillan.

McMillan coached Daniels the past two seasons with the SuperSonics. The two talked briefly after McMillan took the Portland job last week.

Daniels says McMillan knows how to bring out the best in his players.

The Los Angeles Lakers, Cleveland, Tornoto, Utah and Washington also have shown an interest in the six-four point guard and eight-year veteran.

Nash downplayed the notion that an agreement with Daniels is imminent.

07-15-2005, 03:23 AM
so Daniels wants to back up Telfair?

07-15-2005, 04:40 AM
so Daniels wants to back up Telfair?

Well Antonio was already backing up a less experienced point guard in Seattle, I really wouldn't see much difference. Although I do think that Ridinour is alot better than Telfair at this point in their careers.

07-15-2005, 06:12 AM
Perhaps Portland is content with letting Damon Stoudamire go and are looking at AD as a replacement "combo" guard. Just so long as he doesn't end up with the Fakers - I'll be OK.

Kori Ellis
07-19-2005, 01:29 AM
Nice interview with Antonio -- talking about the kids camp he runs, his wife expecting, free agency, and the possibility of returning to the Spurs.


07-19-2005, 01:37 AM
Antonio Daniels. The man who would dunk on high school kids at Home Court America and yell in their faces and follow it up with some biscuits and gravy at Jims.

Yes, he turned in a great performance in these past playoffs but isn't that something we had seen before? Turn your clocks back to 2001. DA is injured in the playoffs forcing a combo guard named Antonio Daniels into the starting lineup where he averages near 17 points a game and shows what we all hoped from him after the Felipe Lopez trade.

Fast forward a bit more to the fifth game of the next season. Antonio came into the season with the starting point guard job only to lose it a 19 year old rookie.

Trust me, someone is going to regret throwing the money that they are going to throw out at him unless they put him in a system like what Seattle ran this past year and surround him with simillar personal.

As for Daniels on the Spurs? Why? To play a max of 20 minutes a game? To overpay him for what Devin Brown already brings to the table? No thanks. I'd rather keep the Brent Barry we saw in the playoffs and build off of what we have here.

07-19-2005, 01:39 AM
I'm happy AD did not sign with the Lakers.