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View Full Version : Video captures Jasper, Texas, police officers beating woman

06-04-2013, 02:01 AM
A southeast Texas town with a history of racial unrest on Monday fired two white police officers recently captured on video slamming a black woman’s head into a countertop and wrestling her to the ground.

“The amount of force used was abominable,” the woman's attorney, Cade Bernsen, told Yahoo News.

The incident was captured by security cameras at the Jasper, Texas, police headquarters.

Video and the rest of the article here (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/video-captures-jasper-texas-police-officers-beating-woman-204501776.html)

Wild Cobra
06-04-2013, 04:09 AM

At least the fired them this time. I get tired of seeing nothing happen to the perpetrates of crime when they are law enforcement officers.

May they rot in jail also.

06-04-2013, 07:56 AM
that whole area is pretty damn sketchy.

06-04-2013, 08:14 AM
East Texas, as racist as the Old Confederacy (while being deep in the Bible Belt)

06-04-2013, 08:59 AM
I remember in 6th grade we had this project where we wrote letters to the residents of vidor, tx explaining to the why racism is a bad thing... Then my teacher sent those letters to random houses in vidor. I always laugh when I think about some redneck opening his mail and getting pissed off because he can't understand the lecture he is getting from some random 6th grader in Converse.

Homeland Security
06-04-2013, 09:09 AM
Just some crackas cracking a crackhead.

06-04-2013, 09:19 AM
I remember in 6th grade we had this project where we wrote letters to the residents of vidor, tx explaining to the why racism is a bad thing... Then my teacher sent those letters to random houses in vidor. I always laugh when I think about some redneck opening his mail and getting pissed off because he can't understand the lecture he is getting from some random 6th grader in Converse.

a buddy's wife's father was Grand Dragon or whatever top mucky muck in Vidor KKK decades ago.

06-04-2013, 11:37 AM
I remember in 6th grade we had this project where we wrote letters to the residents of vidor, tx explaining to the why racism is a bad thing... Then my teacher sent those letters to random houses in vidor. I always laugh when I think about some redneck opening his mail and getting pissed off because he can't understand the lecture he is getting from some random 6th grader in Converse.

:lol random but reminds me of a line from a Devin song, one of the more creative ones imo, had to explain this one to some friends when we listened for the first time and I cracked the fuck up at it



06-04-2013, 12:41 PM
Cops Beat Woman Holding a Toddler After Her Friend Videotaped Them


06-04-2013, 12:41 PM
Black 14-year-old Carrying a Puppy Tackled and Choked by Police for Giving Them a "Dehumanizing Stare" Grown police officers allege that the unarmed teen looked at them funny.


06-04-2013, 12:43 PM
:lol random but reminds me of a line from a Devin song, one of the more creative ones imo, had to explain this one to some friends when we listened for the first time and I cracked the fuck up at it



Don't laugh, we were doing IMPORTANT WORK. I'm telling you, you don't know how much time and effort I put into that letter. I was making a difference.

Also we adopted a manatee.

Also, I am at work, I am going to have to slip away to listen to this. LOL Also, I would appreciate a NSFW next time :lol

06-04-2013, 01:03 PM
Also we adopted a manatee.

I think I killed him off Key Largo several years back.


06-04-2013, 01:10 PM
I remember in 6th grade we had this project where we wrote letters to the residents of vidor, tx explaining to the why racism is a bad thing... Then my teacher sent those letters to random houses in vidor. I always laugh when I think about some redneck opening his mail and getting pissed off because he can't understand the lecture he is getting from some random 6th grader in Converse.

Although I'm sure it was well intended, that is a really bizarre project.

06-04-2013, 02:03 PM
Although I'm sure it was well intended, that is a really bizarre project.

Thinking back on it, of course it was bizarre (like I said though, I still love to think about the reaction of the residents who received such letters), but it was most certainly really cool in our minds as we were doing it.

Now that I think of it, that was also the year that we got pen pals (if we wanted one). You could choose the nationality of origin/gender for your pen pal. I chose French, because, you know, french girls. I kept up with her for years.

That teacher was really into extracurricular stuff for an elementary school teacher. (she was hot, to boot)

06-04-2013, 02:04 PM
I think I killed him off Key Largo several years back.


that's alright, I let my child support lapse in the latter half of 1992

06-04-2013, 05:44 PM

At least the fired them this time. I get tired of seeing nothing happen to the perpetrates of crime when they are law enforcement officers.

May they rot in jail also.

Wow, that black pussy you tapping must be good. Before you would say some shit like "The video doesn't capture the negro bodyslamming an officer to justify excessive force. Media!"

06-04-2013, 06:32 PM
:rollin @ that officer trying to drag her by her feet, then falling on his ass when he pulls her shoe off.

06-05-2013, 01:54 PM
:rollin @ that officer trying to drag her by her feet, then falling on his ass when he pulls her shoe off.

Best part of the video, tbh.

Trill Clinton
06-05-2013, 02:50 PM
so sick of seeing white police terrorize, abuse and in some cases, kill, minorities. i thought we were in 2013 not 1920??? when are these cro-magnon men gonna catch up with the times?

06-05-2013, 02:54 PM
that whole area is pretty damn sketchy.

Yup. From Jasper where James Byrd Jr. was dragged behind the truck until his head and torso split from his body, to Vidor. This video kinda sums of vidor.


06-05-2013, 08:36 PM
Woman Calls 911 for Help As Police Punch Her in the Face Repeatedly

A Washington woman with cognitive and hearing disabilities says she endured vicious police brutality. The woman, Megan Graham, told her story to KIRO 7 (http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/federal-way-woman-calls-9-1-1-during-own-arrest/nX8p3/), a Washington-based news outlet. She could face charges of felony assault of an officer, though she says she didn’t assault anybody.

The alleged abuse occurred in Federal Way, Washington. Graham was trying to visit a friend at an apartment complex when she saw a police car trailing her. The police saw her using a cell phone, and she says she told the police she was going to drop her dog off at her friend’s apartment and that he could follow her.

That’s when the incident occurred. Graham says she did not hear the police officer’s order to get back into her car, and when the officer grabbed her wrist, she felt like she was being attacked. She called 911 to explain the situation to another police officer, and hoped that additional law enforcement officials could calm the situation down.

In a recording of the 911 call, Graham can be heard saying: “You attacked me before you said anything! There is no point whatsoever for you to touch me like that, especially with my condition, so how dare you even touch me?” The officer is heard saying that she is under arrest.

Another responding officer punched Graham in the face a few times, while telling Graham not to resist arrest. When a police officer put weight on Graham’s hip--where she was injured--”she reacted by trying to flip over. Federal Way police said she assaulted an officer during that struggle,” reports KIRO 7. (http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/federal-way-woman-calls-9-1-1-during-own-arrest/nX8p3/)

A photo published by KIRO 7 shows Graham with black and blue marks over her eye and face.


06-06-2013, 01:05 PM
Don't see how this is racist.

06-06-2013, 01:24 PM
Don't see how this is racist.

cops against the human race

06-07-2013, 01:44 PM
In Mistaken House Search, SWAT Team Ramages through Iraq Veteran's House and Shoots His Dog

Another raid on the wrong residence; another dead dog. This time (http://www.wkbw.com/news/Army-Vet-Says-Police-Raided-Wrong-Apartment-Killed-His-Dog-210151651.html), Iraq War veteran Adam Arroyo says he came home on Monday to find his door busted down, and his beloved pup dead from bullet wounds. The Buffalo, NY police did not seem too concerned with cleaning up blood or anything like that, but nonetheless left behind a note of sorts: a search warrant for the apartment next door.

“They busted the door down, with a battering ram or whatever,” he told the Buffalo News (http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130604/CITYANDREGION/130609629/1002). “They came in, and within a few seconds of entering the apartment, they murdered my dog. They shot her multiple times. They had no reason to do that.” Arroyo says his dog, a two-and-a-half-year-old pit bull named Cindy, was killed while chained up in the kitchen, which he discovered ridden with bullet holes.

As WKBW points out (http://www.wkbw.com/news/Army-Vet-Says-Police-Raided-Wrong-Apartment-Killed-His-Dog-210151651.html), the police made a serious error:

The suspect named in the warrant (http://www.wkbw.com/news/Army-Vet-Says-Police-Raided-Wrong-Apartment-Killed-His-Dog-210151651.html) was described as a black male and was wanted on suspicion of dealing crack.
Arroyo is Hispanic and lives at 304 Breckenridge, upper-rear apartment, which has a completely separate entrance and is clearly marked on his mail box.


06-12-2013, 08:59 AM
More police fun

Cops Plead Guilty to Helping Plant Drugs on Woman Sexually Harassed by Judge

With a plot out of a Hollywood movie or a gripping Lifetime TV show, a mesmerizing drama of sex, power, frame-ups, planted drugs, and lies unfolded in real life in Georgia when two Murray County sheriff's deputies recently pleaded guilty in federal court for their part in a scheme to send an innocent woman to prison. Now both deputies await sentencing on charges of obstruction of justice and perjury stemming from an FBI civil rights investigation into the odd goings-on Down South.

The woman in question, Angela Garmley, had filed a complaint with the Georgia Judicial Qualification Committee alleging that Chief Magistrate Judge Bryant Cochran solicited sex from her in return for legal favors in her pending divorce. Shortly after Garmley filed her complaint, she was arrested on August 14, 2012 in sleepy Chatsworth, Georgia, and charged with possession of methamphetamines.

"My client was set up and framed with methamphetamine drugs by Judge Bryant Cochran, whom she had accused of soliciting her for sex in exchange for legal favors in a case she had in Cochran's court," attorney McCracken Poston told the Chronicle.


06-12-2013, 10:12 AM
so sick of seeing white police terrorize, abuse and in some cases, kill, minorities. i thought we were in 2013 not 1920??? when are these cro-magnon men gonna catch up with the times?

If only the blacks could finish High School and become Cops too!

Kidding...it is pretty fucking annoying.

06-12-2013, 10:36 AM
cops against the human race:lol

Trill Clinton
06-12-2013, 11:41 AM
If only the blacks could finish High School and become Cops too!

Kidding...it is pretty fucking annoying.

:lol fuck you, john.

06-12-2013, 12:05 PM
:lol fuck you, john.

Honestly, I've not once met a police officer I didn't think was an asshole. On duty, off duty, they're all generally power hungry, uneducated, and obnoxious. The only one that wasn't a total fucking ass is a detective and long done with being a uniformed officer.

The other day I got pulled over for being on a cell in a school zone. I wasn't on the phone but was resting my head on my hand while driving. I very politely explained this to the officer and even went as far as to show him my recent calls which there hasn't been one in 20 minutes. Dude still have me a warning. When I asked what the warning was for he started raising his voice and saying he could easily make it a ticket. I just looked at him in stunned silence and said, "have a nice day, thank you for the warning". I fucking hate people that won't acknowledge that they could be wrong, but I wasn't going to turn it into a 300 dollar argument.

06-12-2013, 03:32 PM
Cop Shot Litter of Kittens in Front of Screaming Children

On Monday in Ohio, animal control Officer Barry Accorti shot and killed a litter of kittens in front of freaked-out children nearby. “He informed [a witness] that shelters were full and that these cats would be going to kitty heaven,” Ohio SPCA Executive Director Teresa Landon told the Sun News (http://www.cleveland.com/north-ridgeville/index.ssf/2013/06/north_ridgeville_humane_office.html).

Landon said the home owner, who had called for help, assumed the officer "would be trapping them or something and taking them to a shelter and they would be humanely euthanized if they were not adopted."

“Instead, he went to his truck and got a gun, which she thought was a tranquilizer gun, and walked around to the back of the house and approximately 15 feet from her back door shot and killed the 8- to 10-week-old kittens.”


.... in the interest of govt efficiency! :lol