View Full Version : What are your thoughts on the upcoming finals?

06-04-2013, 03:07 AM
Here's mine:

Spurs ball movement is going to expose the cheaterfriends team on national TV... ESPN is going to be embarrassed to broadcast it... Its going be a clinic IMHO... For the Heat to win against Spurs ball, LeBron is going to have to have the most epic series of his career, and I still doubt that's going to be enough.

People picking against the Spurs most likely didn't watch any of the EC playoffs (or the WC Playoffs depending on your position). Specifically how Miami tries to defend the pick and roll. Miami has been touted as a great defender of the pick and roll, but watching the EC Playoffs they have been exposed, especially by Indiana IMO... I am baffled as to why Indiana (or any other team in the EC) didn't run the pick and roll as much as they should have. Maybe I'm used to how the Spurs execute. If anyone saw something different, let me know.... but it seems Miami likes to have a defender cheat off of their man to double on the roll guy after a pick... And that's about all their defense amounts to on the Pick and Roll.... there were many times they did this against Indiana leaving a man wide open. That's what kept the Pacers in the game. The Spurs pull this off much better IMHO and take it a step further to swing the ball around after the initial dish after the roll.

Tony needs to hit them on the pick and roll early and often and dish out after the roll to the open man... The Heat like to cheat off of a man to double on the roll guy leaving a player wide open, all Tony has to do is recognize that man and dish out on the initial drive. If someone closes out on that man it just creates a chain reaction and Spurs just have to move the ball to confuse the defense.... someone will be wide open before the shot clock gets down to 8 sec. At that point, its just a matter of hoping our shots fall in the hoop.

Of course, this all predicates on Spurs actually playing Spurs ball. If they regress into a bunch of jump shooters without Spurs motion offense setting screen after screen and swinging the ball around, its going be ugly.

With Wade hurting, we can hide Parker on him for rest on the defensive end and rely on defensive help from our interior defenders. Chalmers shouldn't pose much of a problem for Parker when he comes in.

Constantly switch Kahwi and Green between Ray Allen (rest) and LeBron. There is no stopping LeBron but doing this will keep alien head from getting hot and both Kahwi and Green can at least annoy James.

I think Duncan can handle his own against Bosh and Birdman, I am actually expecting Tiago to get under the skin of Birdman and we may see another game suspension on that white trash fool. I'm also cautiously optimistic that Bonner can contribute against either of these two... Bosh is a pussy and I think Bonner can get under the Skin of Birdman.

The Spurs obviously own it on the bench in this series, but Manu needs to get out of whatever funk he is in and start draining shots... if that is beyond him at this point (which it may well be), he is going to have to do some masterful sets on the offensive end.

Im predicting Spurs in 6, and that's only because of rust after this long layoff.

06-04-2013, 03:40 AM
TBH I'm a little scared. The Heat have so much more potential than they showed the last few weeks and I have a feeling this may play out like last years WCF. Not to blame them in advance but I see the Refs playing a big part in a Miami win.

06-04-2013, 04:46 AM
I just hope the heat dont sweep the spurs.

06-04-2013, 05:05 AM
;heat are lame. the only guey they defeat the espurs if the stern zebras are stationed 2...otherwise spurs will curb stomp them. huuuuck the feat!

06-04-2013, 07:35 AM
First off, Spurs should be more motivated going into this series. After the whole Miami-gate earlier in the season, Spurs should give Miami all the Duncan and Parker they could ever want...be careful what you wish for. Secondly Lebron is already paranoid, talkin bout how he is WAY better than he was in '07....definitely motivated due to last sweep, but it can work in Spurs favor if they win the first two games. I could see Miami winning game 1 ...but then dropping 4 straight. Spurs are the better team, but if game7 Miami shows up, Spurs may take it in 6 otherwise Miami in 7.

Having said all that, I have a sinking feeling the NBA won't let Lebron lose to Duncan, it means too much for the future of the league.

06-04-2013, 07:41 AM
The Spurs have been to the Finals 4 times before, and have won every time. This time will be no different.

Spurs in 5 for #5.

BTW, this is my post #15,555. :hat

06-04-2013, 08:24 AM
I feel that our spurs are in good shape. I think Diaw and Neal will be key. Diaw has really been looking to post up as evidenced in the GS and Mem series and will be very useful in the paint add to the fact his passing is brilliant. Neal just gives me the feeling he is gonna have his Norris cole moment add to the fact he is the type of player that will suck for the most part and when you expect nothing from him he explodes, we all know he has the heart. Overall pop will have us prepped and if we play to our strength #5 is there for the taking. Btw the big 3 will all do well(BOOK IT) . Go SPURS

Spurs and Mavs fan
06-04-2013, 08:30 AM
My thoughts: I've never wanted the Spurs to win a Finals more badly than this one.

06-04-2013, 08:39 AM
My thoughts: I've never wanted the Spurs to win a Finals more badly than this one. Well said Mate

06-04-2013, 08:40 AM
if Spurs gets that defensive sharpness without getting in foul trouble like the Pacers did in crucial games, they have a chance... Miami is already a scoring machine, a 10+ point difference is nothing for them, but what really makes them safe is the foul trouble their opponents get when playing D...

06-04-2013, 08:45 AM
Tim Duncan needs to be in the post.. Go back to old school Timmy Duncan and kill these guys inside..
Combine that with hopefully Tony playing like he did in the WCF and Kawhi making life hell for Wade and Spurs win...

Kidd K
06-04-2013, 08:49 AM
I definitely don't think it's going to be a quick series (if we're to win). We will not roll over the Heat like we did the Grizzlies and Lakers. It will be more like the Warriors series, complete with some confusingly bad games (for both teams) imo.

LeBron is probably going to shit on us at least once, if not twice. But I don't see him (or anyone else they have) exploding for more than 2 games. In fact, LeBron will probably be the only one to do it multiple times unless there's 10+ FTAs in it for someone else.

Speaking of which, the refs are NOT going to be our friends. We will lose at least 1 game because of a terribly called game in Miami's favor. At least two more will be heavily effected by the refs (again in their favor). I fear the refs and what they are capable of. That's my only significant fear for the series. Yeah, I didn't forget last year's joke of an exit which was heavily influenced by the refs. They/Stern are clearly willing to go overboard to fix a series. LeBron's 2nd ring is more important to Stern and the NBA than Duncan's 5th is.

Wade may be too hobbled to actually outplay Ginobili. A few years ago when Miami got together for their big 3, I predicted that LeBron would win 2 rings with Miami (in his 5 years), and that he would fail to win the first year, win the 2nd, lose to an up and comer one year (OKC or Chicago), and that he would fail one year because of Wade's health. Even though I'm riding my prediction for self-congratulatory reasons, I still think it could really end up being true this season. We may have gotten very lucky if he's really as injured as he seems to be. Of course, if any team deserves a break by the OTHER team having a key guy get injured at the worst possible time for once, it's the Spurs.

And lastly, I worry the 2/3/2 format hurts us more than it helps. I don't like the idea of having to play 3 straight at home (Heat will get used to it), and each of the last two on the road. The way I look at it is that we will not win 3/3 at home, so at best we're looking at 2-1 there. And I don't see us winning 2 straight in Miami, so it means we have to win one of the first two games at Miami, then another one on the road at the end. It's not going to be an easy task. Meanwhile if Miami wins the first two games, we might be screwed.

I don't think the Spurs can possibly win in less than 6, and they absolutely must win one of the first two to have any real chance at all imo.

06-04-2013, 08:50 AM
For the Spurs to win the series IMO they need to go back to Miami for game 6 up 3-2. I think they will lose game 1 because of the rust although I hope not. Win game 2 and need 2 of the 3 at home..

06-04-2013, 09:32 AM
One of the most epic finals of my time. Spurs DYNASTY & Duncan trying to go out on top for their last ring going against the stacked Heat with a prime GOAT going for a re-peat and starting his dynasty. Shit gots me so excited, one of the best finals I get to witness myself. I hope it lives up to the hype.


06-04-2013, 09:35 AM
My thoughts are: Go Spurs Go

06-04-2013, 09:49 AM
I dont see what the analysts see, in this series or practically any of the previous ones other than the sas/laker series (everyone knew lal didnt have a chance).
Miami, defensively are a step slow to indiana, took 7 games to get past them, and they only win if their underperforming stars in wade and bosh are having a good night.

No packing the paint here since they dont have any post players, this will be more like the gsw series. Give lbj the kobe treatment, make him a volume shooter by giving him a little space to shoot, if his teammates arent involved, then this will be easy. If he becomes a playmaker then we're in for a long series.

I see rust in the 1st half for the spurs, but then a little fatigue for miami in the second.

Interesting note: Even though indy dominated the boards for much of the series in DID NOT translate into more field goal attempts! If spurs dominate the boards, and they WILL since bosh will be on the perimeter, it will translate into more FGA, and that will be the series.

Win the rebounds=more fga, and try to stay even on FTs, at the very least make the FTs you do take.

06-04-2013, 09:50 AM
I predict the Spurs to take a massive shit on ST posters talking 'bout rust, rust, rust . Even if the Spurs lose, it won't be because of rust. They'll be fine.

Vash StampedE
06-04-2013, 10:56 AM
The Spurs have a great opportunity to win their 5th championship and they must seize this rare opportunity with OKC losing Westbrook this season but more importantly, them finally healthy and playing great at the perfect time.

As for the keys things to look for heading to the Finals, the Spurs need to capitalize on what I think are some of Miami's weaknesses: great opposing guard and big men. Obviously, Spurs have those in Parker and Duncan but I think Splitter will be an X-factor in this upcoming battle. Splitter needs to impose himself at both ends. In the offensive scheme, he must set solid picks, roll to the basket and finish. While at the opposite end, he and Duncan must become the team's "two towers" that will protect the rim.

As for the team's defensive scheme, they should let Lebron be a scorer and not a passer. It is vital that they do so and not let others like Allen, Battier and Chalmers be involved in the game. Green and Leonard will take time guarding Wade and Lebron. Lebron will get his points but I believe they'll be able to control Wade like Indiana has done in the first six games in their series. However, one thing that has me worried is Bosh, his spacing and perimeter game. I think he'll have a great series against us not like in the ECF. I don't know who will guard him but I hope Splitter gets that assignment. I think his mobility will cause trouble to Bosh's game.

Excited to get this series started! Obviously, this Finals will not be easy as it was during 2007 but still expect the Spurs to win in 6 games. Drive for 5:toast

06-04-2013, 11:15 AM
I want it to be thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-04-2013, 11:25 AM
Never thought the Spurs could make it back here. Never thought the Heat would break a sweat in the playoffs. This season has been awesome and I think it will end in the best possible way. One last championship for the Big 3. Spurs in 6. GO SPURS GO!

06-04-2013, 11:51 AM
I think I don't know what to think, and that, I think, is a little unusual. These playoffs have been a study in unpredictability and spoiled (and exceeded) expectations. The Spurs played horribly toward the end of the season but seemed to have rounded into form. Seemed to. Maybe the competition was just weak. The Heat just look terrible. Talented, but worn down and out of sync. Actually, kind of like the Spurs did at the end of the season. But who the heck knows which teams are actually going to show up? Blow-out city Miami or Cleveland, revisited? 3-pt deadeye shooting SA or the Riverwalk Blanks?

There are very few outcomes of the following series that would shock me. I could see sweeps either way, or a 7 game OT-decided Finals. The only thing that would really be a surprise is if the Spurs win with a bunch of blowouts. If they win, I think there will be a lot of close games. I could see the Heat dealing a haymaker in game 1 and following it up with a couple hard-fought win and another blowout for a sweep on their end.

06-04-2013, 11:57 AM
There is no way there is a sweep.Much less against San Antonio at the Att Center.