View Full Version : Spanish magazine Gigantes says Scola intends to jump to NBA

Solid D
07-13-2005, 06:35 PM
For a change of pace, here is today's update from Argentina. Scola tells TAU he's going to play in the NBA, according to Argentina newspaper quoting Gigantes magazine (Spanish magazine).


Scola y la NBA

Según informó la revista española Gigantes, Luis Scola le comunicó a la dirigencia del Tau Cerámica que tiene intenciones de «saltar» a la NBA. Los derechos del pivote pertenecen a San Antonio Spurs, que lo drafteó en 2002. De todas maneras, Scola está «atado» a los vascos y su claúsula de rescisión rondaría, según la misma publicación, entre dos y tres millones de euros.
Igual sigue esperando Fabricio Oberto propuesta de la NBA, mientras en Europa siguen sus pasos. Unicaja Málaga lo declaró como prioridad, Real Madrid, Barcelona y Benetton de Italia, también lo quieren.


Scola and the NBA

According to the Spanish magazine informed Giant, Luis Scola communicated to him to the leadership of the Ceramic Tau that has intentions "to jump" to the NBA. The rights of the pivot belong to San Antonio Spurs, that drafteó in 2002. Of all ways, Scola "is tied" the Basoues and its clause of rescission would make the rounds, according to the same publication, between two and three million euros.
Equal it continues waiting for Fabricio propose Oberto of the NBA, while in Europe they follow his steps. Unicaja Malaga declared it like priority, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Benetton of Italy, also wants it.

Kori Ellis
07-13-2005, 06:37 PM
Thanks Solid.

07-13-2005, 06:46 PM
I wonder if Scola couldn't get a decent deal form the Spurs, just sitting out a year from basketball and freeing himself up to get offers from any NBA team wouldn't ultimately yield him a more lucrative contract.

07-13-2005, 06:53 PM
I wonder if Scola couldn't get a decent deal form the Spurs, just sitting out a year from basketball and freeing himself up to get offers from any NBA team wouldn't ultimately yield him a more lucrative contract.

Wouldn't he have to sit out this year and next year to become a free agent?

Kori Ellis
07-13-2005, 06:53 PM
I wonder if Scola couldn't get a decent deal form the Spurs, just sitting out a year from basketball and freeing himself up to get offers from any NBA team wouldn't ultimately yield him a more lucrative contract.

I think that would be way too risky for him. Other GM's might think if the Spurs gave up on him (didn't offer him a contract) he might not be worth much. He'd probably end up getting minimum offers if he did that.

If the Spurs don't work out a decent deal for him right now (3 years/$8-10M) then I would think they might trade his rights.

07-13-2005, 07:17 PM
if he plays for tau next season the spurs will definitely retain his rights.

in the end, i suspect the club will come down on its buyout requirement. they either get some cash now or none next summer when scola will be free to leave.

you know, the spurs' interest in oberto may be a ruse to force tau's hand.

07-13-2005, 08:33 PM
Tau FO is a tough SOB. They don't negotiate even a year from getting zero from Scola-Spurs. I hope they really back down this time, at least slightly.

07-13-2005, 10:36 PM
Maybe I'm just dense. Why can't we sign him to a 3 year rookie contract? Isn't that what we signed Manu to when he came over?

07-13-2005, 10:40 PM
He's getting older, he better intend to jump to the NBA.

Notorious H.O.P.
07-14-2005, 12:13 AM
Manu was signed to a two year contract, similar to what most second round draft picks got before the Arenas situation with Golden State/Washington. As a second rounder, Scola isn't tied to the rookie scale which is why some international guys or talented guys on the first round bubble sometimes acutally benefit from being a second round selection.

07-14-2005, 07:25 AM
2-3M of euros ... that's a lot of money; I think it'll be hard to get Scola this year to Spurs.

If I am not wrong ... Chapu (Nocioni, Bulls), agreed with TAU to pay the buy out during 2 years, and TAU keep his rights in Europe, so ... if Chapu ever return to Europe will have to play for TAU.

Perhaps that formula will make sense for Luis.

07-14-2005, 09:04 AM
Manu had 600.000 usd buyout or less.
I've been looking for info in Spanish press and in several articles from Marca they said Scola's buyout is set at usd 2mill, not euros.

07-14-2005, 10:48 PM
cannot we just have some local company use him in a commercial and pay him so we can cover a buy out

07-14-2005, 10:50 PM
cannot we just have some local company use him in a commercial and pay him so we can cover a buy out


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