View Full Version : Via DrudgeReport.com : America Favors Spurs Over Heat

06-14-2013, 09:12 PM
Not sure it helps but...


06-14-2013, 09:14 PM
When the heat lose, America wins

06-14-2013, 09:43 PM
Right on.

06-15-2013, 01:01 AM

06-15-2013, 01:13 AM
Breaking the numbers down by race, Hispanic voters picked the Heat by a 31-28 percent margin while African-American’s picked the Heat by a 44-28 percent margin. White voters favored the Spurs by 17 percent, 32-15 percent.



Dingle Barry
06-15-2013, 01:16 AM
Damn do I love me some white folk.

06-15-2013, 10:18 AM
Looks like the minorities continue to cheer for the wrong side. Nothing new there. LOL

06-15-2013, 10:23 AM
Can't think of any good reason to ever read Drudge Report.

06-15-2013, 10:26 AM
Can't think of any good reason to ever read Drudge Report.

Yeah, who needs to know about all the stuff the media is trying to hide from you. Good thinking. Insert eye rolling here.

06-15-2013, 10:29 AM
Yeah, who needs to know about all the stuff the media is trying to hide from you. Good thinking. Insert eye rolling here.

...Oh. You're one of those types.

06-15-2013, 10:51 AM
...Oh. You're one of those types.

Yeah, I am. I read all the usual tripe put out by NYT, USA Yesterday, etc. Thank Gawd for Drudge digging up and highlighting stories you don't find in the traditional national inbred leftwing media (like the above listed and others). We are fortunate to have him.

06-15-2013, 10:56 AM
Thank Gawd for Drudge digging up and highlighting stories you don't find in the traditional national inbred leftwing media (like the above listed and others). We are fortunate to have him.

Drudge certainly doesn't disguise the fact that he has an agenda

06-15-2013, 11:04 AM
Drudge certainly doesn't disguise the fact that he has an agenda

I tend to agree with his agenda. At least with him there is something to counter the traditional media which is overwhelmingly and admittedly leftist. I am a freedom loving Texan. I like my guns, big gulp Dr. Pepper, gas guzzling truck, and independence. If people don't like those things I know they would fit right in over in Europe. Don't see why my liberty has to be taken...along with half my paycheck. Just saying...

06-15-2013, 11:05 AM
And Drudge doesn't write the stories, he just finds them.

06-15-2013, 11:10 AM
If people don't like those things I know they would fit right in over in Europe.

That's a pretty un-American sentiment - "If you don't like my lifestyle, you don't deserve to live in the United States." The U.S. is a diverse and extremely large country, and about half of it disagrees with your viewpoints.

And Drudge doesn't write the stories, he just finds them.

Curating the news is just as editorial as writing it.

06-15-2013, 11:10 AM
I think if someone conducted a study of actual inbred's political affiliation the results would be overwhelmingly conservative.

06-15-2013, 11:53 AM
I tend to agree with his agenda. At least with him there is something to counter the traditional media which is overwhelmingly and admittedly leftist. I am a freedom loving Texan. I like my guns, big gulp Dr. Pepper, gas guzzling truck, and independence. If people don't like those things I know they would fit right in over in Europe. Don't see why my liberty has to be taken...along with half my paycheck. Just saying...

You're a dinosaur, seeing the Chicxulub asteroid entering the atmosphere, and you're afraid. This country will not be a majority white state by 2050. Don't worry, all those minority set-asides and the affirmative action that you hate will stand you in good stead, then.

06-15-2013, 01:02 PM
You're a dinosaur, seeing the Chicxulub asteroid entering the atmosphere, and you're afraid. This country will not be a majority white state by 2050. Don't worry, all those minority set-asides and the affirmative action that you hate will stand you in good stead, then.

I was born, raised, and live in deep south Texas, nine miles north of Reynosa, Mexico. I'm not afraid of anything or anybody. What concerns me, however, is the impending downfall of our nation and society. $120T in unfunded liabilities, for one thing... But you're probably incapable of understanding what that means for you or anyone else (including your asteroid riding friends).

Now to the rest of your post...

First off, what makes you an American isn't about the color of your skin. It's about the things you believe in.

Secondly, America will still be majority white (as if it matters) as long as we keep being flooded with the current immigrant ratios. "Hispanics" are no different than Europeans in that regard. My ancestors were considered subhumans and there was a great panic with the waves of Germans, Irish, and Italians flooding into the USA. It worked out just fine for them.

The problem with the people coming here now is they are fleeing oppressive, anti-freedom, broke-assed Third World countries. Will they seize the opportunity to rise up or will they put a hand out for free stuff? That's what will determine the future of the Republic.

Lastly, I would never stoop to any level that required me to be hired based on affirmative action (aka reverse discrimination). I made it to the top of my profession by being the best at what I do. Hard work, determination, and a little divine good fortune. If I can't make it on my own merits then I will do something else. That's what being an American is all about. Kicking ass and taking names based on your God-given talents.

I'm a Milton Friedman Classical Liberal. Being racist or ethnicist is bad business. You lose out on market share and the chance to hire the best people for the job if you look through the world with colored lenses.

America is an idea. And IDEAL. Not a skin color.

That being said, if you want to see the future, just look at broke-ass California. Once Texas goes blue it's all over. Ask your Mexican friends how good it was having one party rule under PRI. Enjoy the ride.

06-15-2013, 01:07 PM
That's a pretty un-American sentiment - "If you don't like my lifestyle, you don't deserve to live in the United States." The U.S. is a diverse and extremely large country, and about half of it disagrees with your viewpoints.

Half of those that vote...which is not even close to half the nation.

Most people agree with me, they just don't often realize it. It is crazy how many people think they're liberals when they're actually conservatives. I'm a constitutionalist, myself. Classical liberal. The state is supposed to exist to protect the liberty of the individual.

As for diversity... That in and of itself is not a good thing. In the current climate it has resulted in the obliteration of the once strong AMERICAN culture and the ascendancy of the many sub-cultures to the point they are overpowering what unified the nation. Balkanization is the result and we can see how well that's working in Europe.

Curating the news is just as editorial as writing it.

I disagree. The people writing it are censoring it, frankly. But as I said, at least there is someone actually trying to be a JOURNALIST to expose the stuff the MS media won't touch. Without Drudge all we would get is 100% left and that's a dangerous thing for any free society.

06-15-2013, 01:34 PM
Half of those that vote...which is not even close to half the nation.

Most people agree with me, they just don't often realize it. It is crazy how many people think they're liberals when they're actually conservatives. I'm a constitutionalist, myself. Classical liberal. The state is supposed to exist to protect the liberty of the individual.

As for diversity... That in and of itself is not a good thing. In the current climate it has resulted in the obliteration of the once strong AMERICAN culture and the ascendancy of the many sub-cultures to the point they are overpowering what unified the nation. Balkanization is the result and we can see how well that's working in Europe.

I disagree. The people writing it are censoring it, frankly. But as I said, at least there is someone actually trying to be a JOURNALIST to expose the stuff the MS media won't touch. Without Drudge all we would get is 100% left and that's a dangerous thing for any free society.

What's racist trash doing on a Spurs basketball board, spewing filth under the guise of a Spurs fan? Ironically, the Spurs are the most ethnically diverse team in the league.

06-15-2013, 01:39 PM
What's racist trash doing on a Spurs basketball board, spewing filth under the guise of a Spurs fan? Ironically, the Spurs are the most ethnically diverse team in the league.

And nationality-diverse. But that doesn't in and of itself make a good basketball team. A team of NBA All-Star white guys from Germany wouldn't be diverse but they would be better than a high school team composed of every color under the sun. Diversity is not what makes something good (or bad for that matter), but the quality of the individual or idea.

SpurPadre attempt at logic: FAIL.

06-15-2013, 01:55 PM
Thomas Sowell has an interesting thought on the subject. Read and learn. http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/sowell050813.php3#.Uby4Zdj4IUM

06-15-2013, 01:59 PM
And nationality-diverse. But that doesn't in and of itself make a good basketball team. A team of NBA All-Star white guys from Germany wouldn't be diverse but they would be better than a high school team composed of every color under the sun. Diversity is not what makes something good (or bad for that matter), but the quality of the individual or idea.

SpurPadre attempt at logic: FAIL.

Now get lost before you get b*tchslapped again.

So, comparing NBA All-Stars who all happen to be white to a High School team is using logic? Ok, thanks for the "lesson". Now go read Mein Kampf or go to one of the KKK boards that best suits your "intellectual" level. And I'll stop feeding the troll and focus on basketball.

06-15-2013, 02:02 PM
So, comparing NBA All-Stars who all happen to be white to a High School team is using logic? Ok, thanks for the "lesson". Now go read Mein Kampf or go to one of the KKK boards that best suits your "intellectual" level. And I'll stop feeding the troll and focus on basketball.

Compared to your idea that the Spurs are good simply because they are "diverse" or that someone is a racist for pointing out the OBVIOUS fact that diversity isn't what makes something good (or bad)? Yep.

It is hopeless to try and have a discussion with the galactically stupid. Go away, child. This is a conversation for adults who have brains.

06-15-2013, 02:13 PM
Compared to your idea that the Spurs are good simply because they are "diverse" or that someone is a racist for pointing out the OBVIOUS fact that diversity isn't what makes something good (or bad)? Yep.

It is hopeless to try and have a discussion with the galactically stupid. Go away, child. This is a conversation for adults who have brains.

Ok, I'll bite one more time. You clearly have reading comprehension problems. Never did I mention the Spurs' diversity as reasons for being a great team. I simply pointed out how ironic it was that a Neanderthal such as yourself would root for the Spurs despite your blatant racism and white nationalist "philosophy". And using Thomas Sewell, a man despised by a large part of the African-American community and labelled an "Uncle Tom" by many, to justify your racism is quite laughable. There, now rebut as is your wont but I shall no longer indulge in your nonsense and bigotry.

06-15-2013, 02:43 PM
Can't think of any good reason to ever read Drudge Report.

Me either as a progressive, but obviously this thread is going to turn into a political flame war, in which no one ever changes their opinion. One of the best things about the Spurs forum is that we're all Spurs fans and it crosses all religious and political lines. I can get away from all the political fighting for a while.

06-15-2013, 04:11 PM
Me either as a progressive, but obviously this thread is going to turn into a political flame war, in which no one ever changes their opinion. One of the best things about the Spurs forum is that we're all Spurs fans and it crosses all religious and political lines. I can get away from all the political fighting for a while.

I agree with you, Budkin. But, you being a Progressive, I have to call you a "Regressive". ;)


06-15-2013, 04:18 PM
Ok, I'll bite one more time. You clearly have reading comprehension problems. Never did I mention the Spurs' diversity as reasons for being a great team. I simply pointed out how ironic it was that a Neanderthal such as yourself would root for the Spurs despite your blatant racism and white nationalist "philosophy". And using Thomas Sewell, a man despised by a large part of the African-American community and labelled an "Uncle Tom" by many, to justify your racism is quite laughable. There, now rebut as is your wont but I shall no longer indulge in your nonsense and bigotry.

You are an absolute f'ing idiot. You call me a Neanderthal? REALLY??????????????

"African-American" people vote based on race 95% and on party (Demonrat) 9-1 and you call me a racist? LOL Meanwhile, the evil, racist, white (non-Hispanic), racist, Neanderthal, dinosaur, racist, bigoted, racist (non-Hispanic) white people (Did I mention they were white and racist?) voted for a black guy by way closer to 50/50 than blacks have ever done for a white guy. The racism is only one direction, my retarded friend, and it isn't the white folks doing it. Grow a brain.

Also, instead of using people like Sowell as an example of how to succeed....think for yourself....not be dependent on a bunch of liars who take their votes for granted...he is hated and scorned, despite being absolutely correct, by the people of his own race. I USED HIM AS A SOURCE BECAUSE HE IS SMART--and right on the money regarding what he wrote. Period. He is a brilliant man and I could care less what color he is, but obviously you do...along with the "large part of the African-American community" as you put it.

Listen fast dipsh*t. My two kids are bi-racial. Not bi-ethnic, bi-racial. So you just let me know which half of them I am supposed to hate and I will see what I can do about it. Then you can move on to my four nieces and nephews who are "half-Mexican" and tell me which part of them I should hate based on ethnicity. Mmmmkay? Douche. They are all *AMERICANS* and they don't care what color they are, even if you do, moronic troll.

I have no white nationalism you idiot and nowhere can you draw such a conclusion outside the dusty, cobwebbed, paranoid corners of your tiny, fragile little mind. YOU accused me of being a RACIST for stating the simple fact that diversity isn't what makes something good or bad. You did it because you don't have the intellectual capacity to joust with me on the issues, so you throw out the race card to distract everyone from the content of the discussion. You lost. Bigot.

If "diversity" was what matters then the Spurs would already be the champs. But it isn't what matters. Not unto itself. What matters is EXCELLENCE. The Spurs are diverse all right. And they're going to lose to a far less "diverse" team in the Miami Heat, who are the better team comprised of the better players. FACT.

Smoke on that for awhile you jackass.

06-15-2013, 04:27 PM
I tend to agree with his agenda. At least with him there is something to counter the traditional media which is overwhelmingly and admittedly leftist. I am a freedom loving Texan. I like my guns, big gulp Dr. Pepper, gas guzzling truck, and independence. If people don't like those things I know they would fit right in over in Europe. Don't see why my liberty has to be taken...along with half my paycheck. Just saying...

What an awesome collection of things to build a life around. Sounds incredibly fulfilling. :tu

06-15-2013, 04:29 PM
Me either as a progressive, but obviously this thread is going to turn into a political flame war, in which no one ever changes their opinion. One of the best things about the Spurs forum is that we're all Spurs fans and it crosses all religious and political lines. I can get away from all the political fighting for a while.

Ah, you Progressives and your lack of interested in perpetual war. Pussies.


06-15-2013, 04:30 PM
What an awesome collection of things to build a life around. Sounds incredibly fulfilling. :tu

It is for me! :) You might be surprised to know that people want to ban these things.... Just sayin'.

I like a big fire in the back and a cold one in my hand, too. I can fire up a thick juicy steak and chow down. Who cares what Mayor Bloomturd in New York thinks about that? I sure don't. Freedom.

06-15-2013, 04:30 PM
Ah, you Progressives and your lack of interested in perpetual war. Pussies.


Now THAT is funny.

Glad to see some humor, capek.