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View Full Version : Super Fan Goldstein Picks Spurs - Resents Phil Jackson

06-18-2013, 09:22 AM
James Goldstein talks enough about the Spurs in this interview to be worth a post here. Spurs fans will also appreciate his thoughts on Phil Jackson, Pop, and Spoelstra. To be honest, his takes on basketball are pretty damned good. I'm less sure about his fashion sense, and commentary. But, hey... when you can afford to see the NBA the way this guy does, you can dress however you want to, also.

"Well, yes, Spurs in six, that's what I'm expecting. If they continue to play like they are playing right now since the series against the Grizzlies, moving the ball so well to the open man and playing solid defense, they will win."

Read more at http://hoopshype.com/interviews/barrigon/james-goldstein-ive-always-resented-a-little-bit-the-credit-phil-jackson-has-gotten#vlIKdwmmKa3V6HUK.99


06-18-2013, 09:36 AM
Well, you know what they say about opinions...but this guy has watched a LOT of basketball.

Spurs in 6, in fact, tbh...

06-18-2013, 09:40 AM
BTW - If you think this guy has a lot of money, you're wrong. He has a desk that costs a lot of money. He has an infinity tennis court on his roof that costs a lot of money. "A lot" doesn't even begin to describe how much loot Goldstein has. Only topped by the amount of imagination he has for putting it to use. People are always asking about him, when they see him at Spurs' games. Check out where he lives:

http://thehundreds.com/rob/2013/02/14/james-goldstein/ (Lots of pics at linked article.)


Man In Black
06-18-2013, 11:53 AM
Goldstein owns one of the world's most famous homes in all the world. It's called the Sheats-Goldstein House and it was designed by John Lautner. It's been in many movies including the Big Lebowski and Charlie's Angels.

Did you see the Vid Link I found in an earlier post?
It's :wow

06-18-2013, 12:20 PM
Is that Pam Anderson and her tig ol fake bitties in one of those pics?

06-18-2013, 12:47 PM
His takes and opinions don't fit his fashion sense.

And he is a self proclaimed expert on fashion...
Yeah, I hope I look that good when I kill myself in a nursing home.