View Full Version : NBA: On the weebo question

06-18-2013, 01:16 PM
Lately here, I've been seeing nothing but a bunch of pics of scantily clad chinks that look like the same chick in all those jap horror movies. This has led me to believe that this website is a molten hot magnet for 4chan beta male cuckolds.

And that's okay. On this forum, you don't have to have a picture of you and your neckbeard, dusty fedora, and worn out t-shirt of some unknown used computer shop in Austin, Texas.

The question is, how are you going to manage to save up enough money to get your own abode and purchase an asian wife, so that you may grant her citizenship and she leaves you for an older succesful male?

My suggestion, is to get a 5 term Life policy, eat stuffed crust pizza, die of heart failure and reward your family for having to put up with your travel chode stink all up in their furniture.

Just go away with dignity like the great Dr Jim Jones said.

06-18-2013, 02:01 PM