View Full Version : Stickin with Ginobili to the bitter end.

06-19-2013, 01:02 AM
I'm a Spurs fan first but I'll always be a Ginobili homer through the thick and thin.

06-19-2013, 01:08 AM
3 bad games, 2 average games and 1 good game. All in with manu for one more

06-19-2013, 01:14 AM
The end for you, and Ginobili, is near.

06-19-2013, 01:16 AM
don't have a choice, Spurs can't win without him

06-19-2013, 01:16 AM
Lol, there is a difference between a lack of production, and downright HURTING a team.

Ginobili, is most DEFINITELY the latter.

06-19-2013, 01:17 AM
don't have a choice, Spurs can't win without him


06-19-2013, 01:18 AM

I'm no Manu homer, but nobody else on this team can create their own shot

06-19-2013, 01:18 AM
don't have a choice, Spurs can't win without him

Hmmmm..I don't know about that one.. Subtract 5 of his eight turnovers off forced passes, and put a "bus driver" in his place..do they win Game 6?

06-19-2013, 01:18 AM
2 more years 14 mil

06-19-2013, 01:19 AM
Aside from game 5 of the finals, he's been pretty terrible in the playoffs. He occasionally makes a spectacular play in the midst of a terrible performance, that seems to overshadow his bad play that game.

Pop definitely needs to keep him on the bench as much as possible in game 7. We couldn't even count on him to make 2 free throws to help overcome the terrible game he had put together. You could tell he was going to miss that free throw too, because he backed off the line. Every coach in the history of basketball will tell you to stay with your shot and never back off the line as you are releasing your free throw attempt. He couldn't even do that much right.

How many points did Miami get off his 8 turnovers tonight?

06-19-2013, 01:19 AM
He drew a foul that woulda put Spurs up 1 with 3 seconds left. Refs just didn't do their job.

06-19-2013, 01:19 AM
Manu didn't have it tonight and Pop played him into the ground. We are not going to see a good game for game 7 from him. I think best case is 12 pts and some assists.

06-19-2013, 01:20 AM
I swear I'd be happy if the Spurs payed him $ to retire. I don't want to see him regress more and with another team. Just hang it up guy, you fucking suck ass now. Still a fav though, just gtfo off my team now.

06-19-2013, 01:24 AM
I'm no Manu homer, but nobody else on this team can create their own shot

The Spurs almost won tonight without him creating anything but turnovers and easy transition opportunities for the Miami Heat.

He played 35 minutes and the Spurs were -21 with him on the floor. -21 in a game that went to overtime and ended in a 3 point margin. What exactly did his ability to create his own shot achieve tonight?

Put his ass on the bench. Give Diaw more minutes to guard Lebron. Give Neal, Green, and Leonard a few more minutes each. Ginobili has played most of this series like he has money bet on the Heat.

06-19-2013, 01:25 AM
He drew a foul that woulda put Spurs up 1 with 3 seconds left. Refs just didn't do their job.

If the refs had done their job, they would have called the obvious walk he committed before the foul ever happened. He ought to have 9 turnovers in the box score.

Capt Bringdown
06-19-2013, 01:25 AM
Lol, there is a difference between a lack of production, and downright HURTING a team.

Ginobili, is most DEFINITELY the latter.

This. Somebody should make a youtuber of all of his 8 turnovers. They were beyond cringe-worthy, astonishingly bad.
It's unfathomable that a player of his (former) caliber doesn't recognize and self-correct...especially in a game of this monumental importance.
All he has to do is dial it back for couple of possessions and we win the game. But he just had to force the difficult pass, and it absolutely killed our best chance for a 5th ring.

06-19-2013, 01:26 AM
Manu didn't have it tonight and Pop played him into the ground. We are not going to see a good game for game 7 from him. I think best case is 12 pts and some assists.

with 8 TOs.

at the beginning of the season I told by friend how tired I was of Manu's and his reckless play. At this age he needs to adjust his game but hasn't even tried to adjust his game to play within what his body allows now. Its just needless turnover after needless turnover. That was early on in the season too.

I just don't get the turnovers from this guy. And the more he turns it over, the more he turns it over trying to make up for it.

06-19-2013, 01:27 AM
don't have a choice, Spurs can't win without him

we would have won without him and his 8 turnovers and missed free throw and and giving up crucail And 1s today.

to be really fucking honest.

06-19-2013, 01:27 AM
I'm a Spurs fan first but I'll always be a Ginobili homer through the thick and thin.

let us know how that works ya after he loses another for us. As-hole...

06-19-2013, 01:28 AM
Lol, there is a difference between a lack of production, and downright HURTING a team.

Ginobili, is most DEFINITELY the latter.


There is a BIG difference. Manu has been guilty of being unproductive many times in the past. But in these Finals, he is a downright hazard to the team. He is everything we thought we hated about Matt Bonner times 10.

06-19-2013, 01:29 AM
If the refs had done their job, they would have called the obvious walk he committed before the foul ever happened. He ought to have 9 turnovers in the box score.

06-19-2013, 01:29 AM
don't have a choice, Spurs can't win without him

Can't win with him either. I say we take our chances without his expertise at lazy and predictable passes for Heat fast breaks. Mmmmmmkay?

06-19-2013, 01:30 AM
we would have won without him and his 8 turnovers and missed free throw and and giving up crucail And 1s today.

to be really fucking honest.

This, this, and more of this.

Do the 8 turnovers include his insanely ill-advised 3s?

06-19-2013, 01:32 AM
The Spurs almost won tonight without him creating anything but turnovers and easy transition opportunities for the Miami Heat.

He played 35 minutes and the Spurs were -21 with him on the floor. -21 in a game that went to overtime and ended in a 3 point margin. What exactly did his ability to create his own shot achieve tonight?

Put his ass on the bench. Give Diaw more minutes to guard Lebron. Give Neal, Green, and Leonard a few more minutes each. Ginobili has played most of this series like he has money bet on the Heat.

This X1000


06-19-2013, 01:32 AM
Manu should be limited to 12 minutes of playing time in game 7, and it should only be to rest Parker.

06-19-2013, 01:32 AM
Of course you stick with the franchise to the end. He clearly had his worst playoff game probably in his career, there's no doubt about that too.

But Pop knows you stick with the guys that got you here. As Trainwreck said, he's a big part of what the Spurs do.

06-19-2013, 01:34 AM
This, this, and more of this.

Do the 8 turnovers include his insanely ill-advised 3s?

Without looking it up he has to be shooting <30% on 3pt shots this series.... and instead of driving and getting fouls. or hitting midrange. or posting up smaller guards... he continues to shoot these shitty SHITTY bricks.

06-19-2013, 01:36 AM
is it too late to bring Stephen Jackson back?? seriously.

John B
06-19-2013, 01:36 AM
Dude can still make timely plays, but don't force the issue. Heat specially capitalizes on turnovers better than any other team. Manu needs to protect the ball, run solid defense, shoot when he's open. Spurs need solid plays from him, not tricks. I like him on Game 7 with TP and Duncan, but he needs to play smart.

06-19-2013, 01:36 AM
Besides all of his ill-advised turnovers, what's up with the obvious flopping on defense? You cannot guard anyone if you're on the floor. Manu was horrible on both ends of the court. He even manage to work in another one of his infamous "and-1" fouls on Lebron. Again, if you're gonna foul a player, don't let him make the shot too. I often wonder why he doesn't get criticized more for these kinds of mistakes.

I love Manu and the contributions he's made to this team over his great career. However, no one can make excuses for his growing resume of continuous poor play - not even Pop. I know Manu is sick about his own performance, but it's time to face facts. The Manu we saw in Game 5 was an exception. The Manu we saw in Game 6 now appears to be the norm.

06-19-2013, 01:38 AM
But Pop knows you stick with the guys that got you here.

Except for that Tim Duncan guy in Game 6 of the NBA Finals..ooops

06-19-2013, 01:39 AM
Of course you stick with the franchise to the end. He clearly had his worst playoff game probably in his career, there's no doubt about that too.

But Pop knows you stick with the guys that got you here. As Trainwreck said, he's a big part of what the Spurs do.

Where is this myth that Ginobili "got us here" not this season he didnt. he was injured for most of it. playin shitty for most of the rest of it. never found his rhythm all playoffs and only had 3 *Decent* games in these playoffs.
Ginobili, overall, with his salary and play and health, has been a NET LIABILITY to this franchise this season.

there. i said it.

06-19-2013, 01:39 AM
Manu didn't get the Spurs here. His play throughout the playoffs has consistently been something his teammates have to overcome in order to advance. Nothing he did earlier in his career matters in these playoffs. All that matters is how you play now... and he's playing terrible.

-21 in Game 6
-22 in Game 4
-23 in Game 2

You have to put your team in the best spot to win games. It is pretty dang hard to overcome what Manu is doing out there.

06-19-2013, 01:39 AM
Except for that Tim Duncan guy in Game 6 of the NBA Finals..ooops

Shut it down!!!!!!!!! Lets go home!!!!!!!!!!

06-19-2013, 01:40 AM
I never give up on Manu.

06-19-2013, 01:41 AM
I'm no Manu homer, but nobody else on this team can create their own shot

06-19-2013, 01:42 AM
It's so sad. Just all of it.

06-19-2013, 01:47 AM

06-19-2013, 01:47 AM
Where is this myth that Ginobili "got us here" not this season he didnt. he was injured for most of it. playin shitty for most of the rest of it. never found his rhythm all playoffs and only had 3 *Decent* games in these playoffs.
Ginobili, overall, with his salary and play and health, has been a NET LIABILITY to this franchise this season.

there. i said it.

This is silly. Kawhi missed more games than Manu this season. The whole "he was injured the most of it" is just a knee jerk reaction out of anger. I understand.

This system was built around our big 3. TD, TP and Manu off the bench. He's an integral part of what this team does, and Pop will be the first to tell you this team has no shot without Manu.

As Trainwreck pointed out, we have nobody to create a shot or draw attention outside our big 3. And when Manu is out there with the bench, it's just him. Of course he got us here.

All tha said, I've defended Manu many times this season, and this series. Tonight he was awful. In no other game he had as many turnovers as he had today. That was a terrible, terrible game from him. Easily the worst playoff game of his career. Just inexcusable at this level.

06-19-2013, 01:49 AM
Of course you stick with the franchise to the end. He clearly had his worst playoff game probably in his career, there's no doubt about that too.

But Pop knows you stick with the guys that got you here. As Trainwreck said, he's a big part of what the Spurs do.

LMAO, Manu did not get us anywhere. He has been fucking up all playoffs. The guy made a buzzer beater to win a game in the second round. Big fucking deal. You can take your "Manu can do no wrong" mentality, and his PER, and GTFO w/ that noise.

06-19-2013, 01:50 AM
I never give up on Manu.


06-19-2013, 01:51 AM
and Pop will be the first to tell you this team has no shot without Manu.

Pop has also proven he will feed BS to reporters or flat out refuse to answer questions. So what he will tell you doesn't really matter, since it is nothing more than Coach-speak.

The statistics do matter though. In every finals game except game 5, the Spurs have been better with Manu on the bench. He makes bad decisions is several facets of the game, and he is no longer young enough to consistently make up for those bad decisions with his athleticism. So just stop with this crap about the team having no shot without Manu. They clearly have a shot without him when the stats show they have been consistently better with him on the bench.

06-19-2013, 01:52 AM
2 more years 14 mil

FUCK that. 3 more years, 28 mil.

06-19-2013, 01:54 AM
He drew a foul that woulda put Spurs up 1 with 3 seconds left. Refs just didn't do their job.


Why didn't Kawhi ice the game at the line?

06-19-2013, 01:55 AM
I'm a Spurs fan first but I'll always be a Ginobili homer through the thick and thin.

May I join you in the Manu homer club kind sir... I'll never abandon my favorite Spurs Player of all time.

06-19-2013, 01:56 AM
I'm no Manu homer, but nobody else on this team can create their own shot

Yup, because he really created a lot of shots tonight.. He wasn't looking to score, he was looking to make shitty passes the whole night. 34 minutes and 9 points? that's not creating your own shot.

06-19-2013, 01:56 AM
You can still cheer for him on the bench.

06-19-2013, 01:58 AM
He saved the bacon in many playoffs games before, maybe not this year, but over the years. We just took it for granted because, well, he's Ginobili. As baseline said, I have no problem with Pop sticking with him at the end. That's why you stick with the guy.

But sure, he had a horrible game. I can't disagree with that. And his age and the role he's played overall in this series, he no longer can be the 'top guy' on any bench unit. Miami is that good.

That's why I thought Pop shouldn't have rolled with that lineup to start the 4th. Didn't like Tiago one bit either. That combo just hasn't worked this series.

06-19-2013, 01:58 AM
Pop has also proven he will feed BS to reporters or flat out refuse to answer questions. So what he will tell you doesn't really matter, since it is nothing more than Coach-speak.

The statistics do matter though. In every finals game except game 5, the Spurs have been better with Manu on the bench. He makes bad decisions is several facets of the game, and he is no longer young enough to consistently make up for those bad decisions with his athleticism. So just stop with this crap about the team having no shot without Manu. They clearly have a shot without him when the stats show they have been consistently better with him on the bench.

x 1,000

I'm not kidding when I say it's a tough call between Manu or just rolling with four guys. Seriously. He would be a million times better if, instead of passing or shooting, he just held onto the rock until the shot clock ran down and then hustled back on D. He is worse than a flat tire; he's a g'damn saboteur.

06-19-2013, 02:03 AM
I agree that Manu was fucking awful. I'm just letting S T know where I stand. We still have one more shot to beat these douchebags.

06-19-2013, 02:04 AM
dude played way way better than turnobili in this game and throughout the playoffs you cant put this on lenard . if it wasnt for lenard spurs would probly been home already. As for ginobli , if he has a next bad game like that game 7 put in tmac as soon as possible he has size and can see over jokas ......... this whole freaking game 6 is on TURNOBILI !!!!!and PoP

06-19-2013, 02:05 AM
I agree that Manu was fucking awful. I'm just letting S T know where I stand. We still have one more shot to beat these douchebags.

06-19-2013, 02:06 AM
Based on how Manu has played thus far, it is a stretch to think we can win if he plays big minutes on Thursday.

06-19-2013, 02:10 AM
Based on how Manu has played thus far, it is a stretch to think we can win if he plays big minutes on Thursday.

Unless Neal is hot as fuck, he's gonna play.

06-19-2013, 02:12 AM
Manus not getting benched were going down in flames with that tosb

06-19-2013, 02:34 AM
I knew Kawhi was gna miss a free throw. For some reason I just knew it.

06-19-2013, 02:40 AM

Manu has been fucking up this year, Pop has been fucking up since 2006. I'll stick with Manu

06-19-2013, 02:41 AM
Have fun with that. Spurs will likely lose with him turning the ball over a plenty again on Thursday.

06-19-2013, 02:42 AM
Manu didn't get the Spurs here. His play throughout the playoffs has consistently been something his teammates have to overcome in order to advance. Nothing he did earlier in his career matters in these playoffs. All that matters is how you play now... and he's playing terrible.

-21 in Game 6
-22 in Game 4
-23 in Game 2

You have to put your team in the best spot to win games. It is pretty dang hard to overcome what Manu is doing out there.

06-19-2013, 02:43 AM
Manu has been fucking up this year, Pop has been fucking up since 2006. I'll stick with Manu

LOL, you go ahead and stick with Manu, we'll see who's still on board in a year.

06-19-2013, 02:45 AM
I wonder if this guy is really point shaving though

06-19-2013, 02:49 AM
If you look at the lineup, Spurs really don't have quality backups. They're starting their 2 main SGs (Manu and Green).
Neal hasn't done much since game 3 plus Neal's one of their worse defenders. With Cory struggling, that makes Manu
the backup PG. When Timmy sits, you have a weak-ass Splitter backing him up- thankfully Diaw's played his best series
as a Spur. They got 6 players they can count on, whatever they get from Splitter/Neal is bonus.

It comes down to the Big 3. If 2/3 play bad, they lose like tonight. If Manu struggles early Thursday, give his minutes to
Green and Leonard. And Diaw should be only backup big- no more Splitter.

06-19-2013, 03:44 AM
Game 7 on the road, in the Finals. Last possible game of the season. Most likely last chance at a championship. Yeah, I'll stick with Manu. I don't care how horrible he's played. He was born for this moment.

06-19-2013, 03:53 AM
I still believe in Manu. I was frustrated at him who wouldn't be, but I know he was trying his best. I hope he practices his butt off and brings us another game 5 performance.