View Full Version : Where is Robert Horry when you need him?

06-19-2013, 07:59 AM
Man, I miss that dude. Guy was a stone cold killer with the game on the line. He had ice water running through his veins and his basketball IQ was off the charts. Whether hip checking Nash into the scorers table or shooting a clutch 3 to rip your heart out...the guy could do it all coming off the bench. Instead...now we have Splitter who basically plays like a 90 pound 13 year old girl trapped in a 7 foot tall mans body. And Manu who will give you one good game and then proceed to fold like a cheap lawn chair in the next 3 or 4. Poor Timmy out there giving it all he's got just so he can be sat on the bench with the game on the line and watch all his hard work go right down the drain. Oh well............sure hope we re-sign Manu and Splitter...that would be just aces.....

06-19-2013, 08:21 AM
His name is Boris Diaw tbh