View Full Version : A Call To Arms, WE WILL WIN Game 7!...Believe

06-19-2013, 11:12 PM
After every loss in the playoffs, I had to not listen to Sports radio during the following work day. I did listen today and it pissed me off. I knew the narrative it has been the same all playoffs, the Spurs were too old, father time had caught them and now the WCFThunderlike finals collapse has begun. Especially in the Finals, the experts have picked the Heat to win every game. The Heat would win the first game because of rust. After every Spurs win all you hear is how the Heat respond after a loss. That's ok but after every Heat win, 'Ah they have figured the Spurs out, the Heat won't lose again.' Despite the fact that after every Heat win against the Spurs what did they do...LOSE. The Spurs have never trailed in this series, the Heat have never led, yet from the coverage you would think the Spurs have never been close. The media types and ex players act like they own stock in the Miami Heat franchise because they can either celebrate their victory or if they lose they will be the first in line to bury them. The Spurs, my Spurs are pros, so all the talk of them being devastated and unable to continue is complete crap. As mentioned here and other places the Spurs no the feeling of devastation of losing something they should have won, ala the Mavs in the playoffs and the foul. There was no coming back from that. Now here they have a chance to shake off game 6 and make it a funny footnote, instead of having to wallow in what happened. The only thing I fear, the only chance the Heat have is FATIGUE (or a ref screw job). The Spurs went for it in game 6, put it all out there went all out, like there was no tomorrow. Can they do it again less than 48 hours later? Other than that we are the better team, we owned that team for 46 minutes on their vaunted home court, when their backs were against the wall. Where was that 'they always respond with a 10+ point victory after a loss' talk? Game 6 reminded me of the Chael Sonnen Anderson Silva first match. Eric Gargiulo of CamelClutchBlog.com said of that fight "After four and a half rounds of dominating Silva, Sonnen was on his way to doing the unthinkable. All Chael had to do was coast for one round and the fight, the title, and Anderson’s legacy was his. Instead Chael did what he did in previous situations and let his guard down for a brief but critical moment. Anderson seized that split second and sunk in a triangle choke that will never be forgotten. Watching Chael tap with two minutes to go in the fight was both the greatest comeback and the greatest mistake...ever watched in MMA." Point being despite what the experts would tell you, looking at game 6 aside from the last few minutes of the game, who was the better team? I say it was the Spurs. The Heat snuck one, I feel the Spurs are pissed and they know the only way to make the hurt go away is to go all out one more time. One rarely gets a chance at a do over after a mistake collapse like game 7, but the Spurs have it. We are the better team. The mentally stronger, better coached team...Go Spurs Go! We Got This! Believe!

06-19-2013, 11:20 PM
http://cdn2.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/FAT-NAKED-ARKANSAS-FAN.gifBring those heat bitches on!!!

Sean Cagney
06-19-2013, 11:20 PM
They will have to weather storms and play a FULL 48, never get down by too much and stick with it. NO STUPID TO's either all game! That feeds the Heat with fast break points or they draw a foul to get FT's. I wish they would stop leaving the shooters open as well on the wings! Do a few things right and they can win it.

06-19-2013, 11:20 PM

06-20-2013, 06:54 AM
Woke up this morning even madder. What did the Heat show you during game 6 to suggest they have the advantage in game 7? By all accounts the Spurs gave that game away. When in history does the team that gave the game away, then gets a 2nd chance to redeem themselves right away, have no chance. All this talk about the Spurs being too devastated to recover, is really pissing me off. Jamele Hill but especially Magic Johnson talking about how the Spurs can't recover is maddening. On Mike and Mike they were talking about it, and Golic said something that stuck out to me. He said what if Bill Russell said the same thing about the Lakers after a heartbreaking loss. What would Magic say to that? Magic would leap at the chance to prove him wrong, and Barkley would have said something that couldn't be repeated. It would fire them up. Bring on the Heat!

06-20-2013, 07:50 AM

06-20-2013, 08:34 AM
I believe!!

06-20-2013, 10:06 AM
The Spurs are ready to get #5! No way they are letting the cheat take this championship! Go Spurs Go!

06-20-2013, 10:20 AM
I'm all in for game 7. GO SPURS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-20-2013, 10:23 AM
can't believe it took 7 games to win since its 5 against 1.

06-20-2013, 10:32 AM


Southwest Texas Fan
06-20-2013, 01:23 PM
I'm in.... Believe!!!!!

06-20-2013, 01:26 PM