View Full Version : No One expected us to be here....

06-20-2013, 08:20 AM
Its been a long ass season and it all come to this.... The End of a era

The Spurs have won 4 titles....its been sweet....a 5th would be sweeter.......yada yada yada...

true we have been as pissed and optimistic....at times and we scratch our freaking heads.....about the coaches and players.....we double take at what if and bullshit choices and deciding factors of our team....

Yes it could be the last hurrah for the Big Three...we will ethier be celebrating honking our horns going downtown...screaming our heads off... waiting at Academy....ect....

Or it will be a fucking bitter of season to see that other fucking team win it....cussing at our tv ....throwing shit....pissed off blaming our players....aka one Manu Ginoblili and Coach Pop in the Miami Game 6 debacle!!

Regardless there are changes ahead....I would hate my team to fall into medirocty next season....but the Spurs Organization is about winning they did it in the late 70's early 80's revied in late 1990s... with the bumps and brusies along the way...I hope that will be the case in the next years to come.

Ethier way we see it Duncan and Company will ride into the Sunset....or fade into the history books as a The Best PF Greatest of all time to win four titles....and seeing the game six debacle beening played over and over
Blaming Manu for his funk and Pop's dunce move not putting in Duncan...."Dammed For all Time" by Jesus Christ Superstar will be thier long distance dedication....and we will be forever pissed!!!!

The End of a Era

Now go win the fucking thing!!!!!