View Full Version : Texas Republicans on verge of passing abortion law

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06-25-2013, 12:56 AM
Source: Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- The Republican-dominated Texas Legislature pushed Monday to enact wide-ranging restrictions that would effectively shut down all abortion clinics in the nation's second most-populous state, and Democrats planned an old-fashioned marathon filibuster to stop the final vote.

After the House easily approved it Monday morning, the wide-ranging package of anti-abortion measures was headed to the Senate. But with the special session scheduled to end at 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, the clock presented a far bigger obstacle than the votes to win approval there.

Although Texas is just the latest of several conservative states to try to enact tough limits on abortions, the scope of its effort is notable both because of the combination of bills being considered and the size of the state. The proposal would ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy, require doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, limit abortions to surgical centers and stipulate doctors must monitor even non-surgical abortions.

When combined in a state 773 miles wide and 790 miles long and with 26 million people, the measures become the most stringent set of laws to impact the largest number of people in the nation.

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/texas-republicans-verge-passing-abortion-193230470.html

The article says a filibustering Democrat must be able to stand there continuously (no potty break allowed, can't even lean on anything) for 13 1/2 hours (unless the Republicans move the vote up even earlier which would extend the required filibustering time).

This is some sick anti-woman right wing shit....

06-25-2013, 01:00 AM
POLL: Majority Of Texans Don’t Support The Abortion Restrictions Moving Through The Legislature

Most Texas residents don’t support Senate Bill 5, the omnibus anti-abortion bill currently advancing in the legislature, according to a new bipartisan poll. In fact, 80 percent of Texans don’t want their lawmakers to be considering abortion-related bills during the special session that Gov. Rick Perry (R) convened at the beginning of the month.

SB 5 combines several attacks on women’s reproductive into one omnibus measure. It would impose unnecessary burdens on abortion providers, force most of the abortion clinics in the state to close their doors, and criminalize abortions after 20 weeks (although one Senate version of the legislation removed the 20-week ban). Anti-choice lawmakers hope that the special session will give them the opportunity to push through SB 5, since its separate provisions failed to advance during the regular legislative session this year.

But Texas voters don’t actually want any more restrictions on abortion in their state. After conducting a survey among a representative sample of state residents between June 17 and 19, the polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (GQR) found that 63 percent of registered voters think the Lone Star State already has enough anti-abortion laws on the books. Seventy one percent think the legislature should be more focused on the economy and jobs instead of social policies to police women’s reproductive rights.

Nearly three quarters of respondents said that personal medical decisions about whether to have an abortion should be made by a woman and her doctor, not by politicians. Fifty seven percent said they don’t trust the Governor or the legislature to make choices about women’s health care. And that opposition cuts across party lines: The support for women to make their own reproductive decisions remains strong among both Independents (76 percent) and Republicans (61 percent).


Full article here: http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/06/24/2202991/poll-texans-oppose-sb-5/

06-25-2013, 01:25 AM
I say keep it legal in the first trimester. After that, a woman should only be allowed to abort if her health is at risk.

06-25-2013, 01:30 AM
The GOP has shifted the debate...they know they can't flat out restrict a women's right to an abortion on demand....so they do what they do best...restrict access to clinics..restrict doctors...or make the procedure so invasive.....rape by state if you will.....to make the procedure 'inconvenient' for women...then these women have babies and run up state programs...it makes no sense...

06-25-2013, 01:37 AM
Legal in the first trimester. After that, tough shit. If the mother's life is at risk, then that's an exception and it should be legal.

06-25-2013, 02:06 AM
Legal in the first trimester. After that, tough shit. If the mother's life is at risk, then that's an exception and it should be legal.
or if it put the man's finance at risk, it should be legal too. Not every youngster is so smart as we are, that can remain a virgin till his/her late 20s. Stupid kids get pregant and they have no business of raising their offsprings, they should also be allowed to get rid of such troubles imho. They're stupid but they deserve a 2nd chance, and it's also the fault of their parents and the government that they haven't been educated enough about sex. If abortion is prohibited only except when the bitch's life is at risk, but not when the "couple" are too young to afford the kid, then every bitch will have 5-6 kids and most guys who're not smart as we are will get their dreams killed in their early 20s

06-25-2013, 02:57 AM
Or somehow let the man swap places with the woman and let him experience the pregnancy, lol. You would definitely shut feminists up if men experienced pregnancies as women.

06-25-2013, 07:33 AM
I don't agree with everything in the bill but the 20 weeks is reasonable. 20 weeks gives them 4 1/2 months to get it done.

After that point you are talking potentially viable babies.

# 21 weeks or less: 0% survival rate

# 22 weeks: 0-10% survival rate

# 23 weeks: 10-35% survival rate

# 24 weeks: 40-70% survival rate

# 25 weeks: 50-80% survival rate

# 26 weeks: 80-90% survival rate

# 27 weeks: greater than 90% survival rate

06-25-2013, 09:26 AM
Wendy Davis is gonna filibuster that shit. Non-story.

06-25-2013, 11:33 AM
The 20-week part of the bill isn't the real issue. The big issue is the new standards it would require of all abortion clinics, which would have the effect of shutting the vast majority of them on. The bill puts new ambulatory standards on clinics, and requires physicians have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles (the second part being the bigger, nearly impossible hoop to jump through). The bill also provides no exemptions for rape or incest.

Wendy Davis's filibuster has begun, but I wouldn't call it a lock to be successful. Filibuster rules are tough in the Texas Senate. Here is a primer: http://www.burntorangereport.com/diary/13690/sb5-stand-with-wendy-a-primer-on-texas-filibusters

06-25-2013, 11:35 AM
The House Companion to the bill made news because the House State Affairs Committee cut-off testimony because he felt it was becoming "repetitive". However, this didn't become a parliamentary problem because it's the Senate Version that went through, not the House Version.

Davis just stated she plans on reading all the testimony that was cut-off. Having reading material will help her.

06-25-2013, 11:36 AM
The 20-week part of the bill isn't the real issue. The big issue is the new standards it would require of all abortion clinics, which would have the effect of shutting the vast majority of them on. The bill puts new ambulatory standards on clinics, and requires physicians have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles (the second part being the bigger, nearly impossible hoop to jump through). The bill also provides no exemptions for rape or incest.

Wendy Davis's filibuster has begun, but I wouldn't call it a lock to be successful. Filibuster rules are tough in the Texas Senate. Here is a primer: http://www.burntorangereport.com/diary/13690/sb5-stand-with-wendy-a-primer-on-texas-filibusters

She already has a decent track record with filibusters tho....I think she knows what she's doing here.

06-25-2013, 11:38 AM
:lol Texas is gonna turn itself into a welfare state the way every other state with strict abortion regulations is. Making it hard to get abortions is what creates the welfare babies Republicans claim to hate so much.

06-25-2013, 11:38 AM
She already has a decent track record with filibusters tho....I think she knows what she's doing here.

Fair point. There is talk that certain Senate members will be extra keen on calling Points of Order to end the filibuster.

Personally, I doubt the Texas GOP really wants this to pass. It was just a distraction used to ram redistricting through (hey, didn't hear much about that, did we?)

06-25-2013, 11:54 AM
Fair point. There is talk that certain Senate members will be extra keen on calling Points of Order to end the filibuster.

Personally, I doubt the Texas GOP really wants this to pass. It was just a distraction used to ram redistricting through (hey, didn't hear much about that, did we?)

Hey, your schadenfreude is showing.

06-25-2013, 11:55 AM
:lol Texas is gonna turn itself into a welfare state the way every other state with strict abortion regulations is. Making it hard to get abortions is what creates the welfare babies Republicans claim to hate so much.


06-25-2013, 01:27 PM
Hey, your schadenfreude is showing.

Put in a lot of work at the Capitol this year, and I think I caught a disease making me watch/listen the Texas Tribune Live Feed instead of music.

Do you know of a cure?

06-25-2013, 01:30 PM
moar cowbell!

06-25-2013, 09:07 PM
3 hours to go

06-25-2013, 09:12 PM
Remember when Rand Paul was cherished for his filibuster that accomplished nothing?

06-25-2013, 09:16 PM
You think governor good hair will call another special session to get this passed or can he say we gave it a good college try and be done with it?

06-25-2013, 09:19 PM
Already 2 POO's against Davis. A third and the filibuster could die.

06-25-2013, 09:21 PM
You think governor good hair will call another special session to get this passed or can he say we gave it a good college try and be done with it?

I personally am of the opinion that the TX GOP doesn't really want this bill. They just wanted it to distract from the other issues in this special session. The way this bill took it's time to allow this filibuster to be possible lends a little credibility to that theory. If Perry calls another special, then I'll have been proven wrong.

06-25-2013, 09:26 PM
I personally am of the opinion that the TX GOP doesn't really want this bill. They just wanted it to distract from the other issues in this special session. The way this bill took it's time to allow this filibuster to be possible lends a little credibility to that theory. If Perry calls another special, then I'll have been proven wrong.
Here's to hoping you're right.

06-25-2013, 09:58 PM
Third POO has been raised by Donna Campbell. If Dewhurst sustains, it will mean Senate can vote to end filibuster.

06-25-2013, 10:04 PM
This sucks. Big time.

06-25-2013, 10:05 PM

06-25-2013, 10:09 PM
POO sustained. I was wrong.


06-25-2013, 10:13 PM
Watson going for the double filibuster. High drama.

06-25-2013, 10:21 PM
Goodhair could already be laying the groundwork for another special session if this one fails....

UPDATE 1:12pm: After a brief interruption when a man shouted "Abortion is genocide … if you really cared about women you would ban all abortion" from the gallery (he was ejected), Sen. Davis continues to speak, now reading from the testimony of witnesses who were not allowed to speak in House committee hearing last Thursday, because chair Rep. Byron Cook ruled they had become "repetitive."

A little after 11am, when the Texas Senate was gaveled into order, SB5 was "laid out" by its sponsor, Sen. Glenn Hegar, R-Katy, and then Davis rose "to humbly give voice to thousands of Texans."

Davis will have to speak essentially nonstop, with no breaks of any kind, until midnight, if Senate Bill 5 – a bill that would greatly restrict access to abortion and basic women's health care – is to be blocked from passage in this special session. The Republican leadership chose not to call up pending transportation and capital punishment bills, which would have passed – suggesting that Gov. Rick Perry intends to call another special session immediately or shortly after this one ends, with additional legislative "reason" to do so.


06-25-2013, 10:24 PM
We are now getting a warning on decorum in the chamber and disruption of the chamber.

"If there is another outbust ... we will request that the gallery be cleared." Unbelievable!!

Meanwhile, in the background the chanting continues, "Let her speak."

06-25-2013, 10:26 PM
Watson yields to Whitmire who is interupted by Estes to motion to table the motion to object then West rises for parliamentary inquiry. I think that makes it a quintuple filibuster?

06-25-2013, 10:27 PM
Watson is appealing the ruling on the point of order made by Dewhurst on Campbell's point.

Can he stall this for another two hours? Dewhurst is being a coward and letting Senator Duncan assume the chair.

Duncan is now emphasizing the rules of decorum in the gallery and chamber. Duncan is threatening to clear the gallery be cleared. So much for transparency in the government.

Van de Putte is requesting that the president of the Senate read the rules again. She is doing her best to stall the actual debate. Can the Democrats continue to raise points of orders to stall?

06-25-2013, 10:29 PM
They are doing their best, but Estes has made a motion to table Watson's (presumed motion to appeal). Watson now saying he never made a motion, therefor Estes has no motion by which to motion to table.

"Go to the tape" pleads Ellis.

06-25-2013, 10:30 PM

The GOP with Perry is gonna railroad this legislation through....

06-25-2013, 10:33 PM
Here is the livefeed


06-25-2013, 10:42 PM
110,000 people tuned into the live feed... crapping out on me. Having to use twitter for all play-by-play... there may be riots in Austin tonight.

06-25-2013, 10:47 PM
What account are you following? I am putting my son to bed and can't watch the feed

06-25-2013, 10:57 PM
I follow a crap-ton of Texas Lege people for my own reasons, so my feed is nothing but SB5. I recommend scottbraddock to start with

06-25-2013, 10:59 PM
Instead of bitching about dead babies and what a woman can do with her vagina, why not try to focus on shit that matters like getting people better paying jobs and speeding up all of this damn road construction in Texas. Everywhere you drive in Collin County, there is road construction. Collin County has to be road constructionville USA. I mean seriously, who gives a fuck if a woman wants to kill her unborn baby? Let her do it and let her deal with that shit. Better jobs and better roads are far more important than a woman's vagina in Texas.

06-25-2013, 11:00 PM
Thank you, I tried searching stand with Wendy and that was just annoying

06-25-2013, 11:03 PM
Instead of bitching about dead babies and what a woman can do with her vagina, why not try to focus on shit that matters like getting people better paying jobs and speeding up all of this damn road construction in Texas. Everywhere you drive in Collin County, there is road construction. Collin County has to be road constructionville USA. I mean seriously, who gives a fuck if a woman wants to kill her unborn baby? Let her do it and let her deal with that shit. Better jobs and better roads are far more important than a woman's vagina in Texas.

And the better the jobs, the more the vagina!

06-25-2013, 11:06 PM
Not a good night to try to follow a hashtag. Usually #txlege is the one to follow. #sb5 and #standwithwendy are fucked.

Try @legeland, Evansmith, @pfikac (express news capitol reporter) also and TEXAStribune

06-25-2013, 11:07 PM
I'm tuned in. I sooooo don't want this shit to pass.

06-25-2013, 11:18 PM
Not a good night to try to follow a hashtag. Usually #txlege is the one to follow. #sb5 and #standwithwendy are fucked.

Try @legeland, Evansmith, @pfikac (express news capitol reporter) also and TEXAStribune
Thank you Scott

06-25-2013, 11:27 PM
Proud night for Texas Democrats

06-25-2013, 11:48 PM

06-25-2013, 11:50 PM

06-25-2013, 11:50 PM
This is great TV.

06-25-2013, 11:51 PM
15 minutes....make them clear the chamber....yell loud..

06-25-2013, 11:52 PM
This is what you call a People's Filibuster.

06-25-2013, 11:53 PM
Fuck yeah, keep yelling!

06-25-2013, 11:55 PM
10 minutes

06-25-2013, 11:56 PM

06-26-2013, 12:01 AM
5 minutes....the vote cannot start or the clock is suspended..

06-26-2013, 12:05 AM
Ok, so wait. What were the results he named right before midnight alluding to?

06-26-2013, 12:11 AM
Cable News showing the water-skiing squirrel. Riveting TV.

06-26-2013, 12:13 AM
We'll look back at this as the moment when Texas began to turn blue.

06-26-2013, 12:14 AM
emptied the gallery. Fuck. This can't be legal. It's like a soccer game where they added time back on the clock for interruptions.

06-26-2013, 12:15 AM
We'll look back at this as the moment when Texas began to turn blue.


06-26-2013, 12:17 AM
People getting arrested.

06-26-2013, 12:21 AM
Just like I said they are railroading this throughh

06-26-2013, 12:23 AM
Texas Legislature proves vote fraud is real!

06-26-2013, 12:27 AM
Hmmm. Looks like they are giving up. Good thing. I'm going to bed so I can get up in 5 hours.

06-26-2013, 12:27 AM
We'll look back at this as the moment when Texas began to turn blue.

I wish I was this optimistic, but Republicans are expert gerrymanderers.

06-26-2013, 12:29 AM
Republicans fucked up. Slow clap for the crowd at the capital.

06-26-2013, 12:30 AM
I wish I was this optimistic, but Republicans are expert gerrymanderers.

Good thing we have Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act to..... eh, fuck.

06-26-2013, 12:31 AM
AP is reporting the measure passed, but still no word on the floor

06-26-2013, 12:33 AM
It doesn't matter if it passed or not. This will have larger consequences regardless.

06-26-2013, 12:36 AM
Maybe....I just can't see this issue making enough rickybobbies turn texas blue overnight,...Texas is turning blue anyway over time...

DJ Mbenga
06-26-2013, 12:43 AM
120,000 people watching a stream is not a lot in the grand scheme of things. republicans can get away with this shit.

06-26-2013, 12:47 AM
It sure is a shame that those mean Republicans didn't let Wendy Davis carry her filibuster to term.

06-26-2013, 12:47 AM
120,000 people watching a stream is not a lot in the grand scheme of things. republicans can get away with this shit.

that many watching the live stream of a state legislature doing parliamentary business is a ton. It's enough to make it a national discussion, I would think.

06-26-2013, 12:55 AM
that many watching the live stream of a state legislature doing parliamentary business is a ton. It's enough to make it a national discussion, I would think.

It was over 200k at it's peak... and you would think... until you remember that to make it a national discussion, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, et al. would have to take a break from discussion what Snowden had for his in-flight snack.

06-26-2013, 12:55 AM
...what kinda discussion? what should happen when our Republic supersedes the will of a majority of the people...its constituents?

06-26-2013, 01:01 AM
It was over 200k at it's peak... and you would think... until you remember that to make it a national discussion, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, et al. would have to take a break from discussion what Snowden had for his in-flight snack.

HOLY FUCK! SNOWDEN ATE TODAY? I am in the wrong thread!

06-26-2013, 01:12 AM
It was over 200k at it's peak... and you would think... until you remember that to make it a national discussion, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, et al. would have to take a break from discussion what Snowden had for his in-flight snack.

Front page on the NYTimes right now...

06-26-2013, 01:18 AM
CNN too

06-26-2013, 01:19 AM
Front page on the NYTimes right now...

Leftist commie rag

06-26-2013, 01:23 AM
Leftist commie rag

at your service :toast

06-26-2013, 01:25 AM
foxnews too..

Leftist commie rag

06-26-2013, 01:30 AM
foxnews too..

Leftist commie rag

06-26-2013, 01:48 AM
Timestamp? What timestamp?

06-26-2013, 01:50 AM
Leftist commie rag


06-26-2013, 01:54 AM

Let me know when Netscape, AOL or Prodigy have it. Only true unbiased sources left.

06-26-2013, 01:57 AM
You know, the way the GOP fucked this up in the last hour leads me back to the idea that it's bullshit theater they didn't really want to pass (the leadership that is, people like Campbell are really for this stuff).

GOP could have cleanly got this done if Dewhurst would have agreed to let the Senate vote on whether Davis had a third infraction. R majority would have prevailed.

I think this is all just posturing for GOP primaries to appeal to the nutbag base. Dewhurst already got creamed by Cruz for not being whackjob enough, wants to prevail when Dan Patrick comes after him for Lt Gov.

06-26-2013, 01:58 AM
Let me know when Netscape, AOL or Prodigy have it. Only true unbiased sources left.


06-26-2013, 02:02 AM
Fuck you got me.

06-26-2013, 02:02 AM
Hearing Dewhurst conceding vote did not occur until 12:03am. Bill dead. Does not pass.

See my conspiracy theory above.

06-26-2013, 02:06 AM
Plug your laptop in!!!!!!

06-26-2013, 02:11 AM
eh, I am going to bed. gotta be up at 8

06-26-2013, 02:14 AM

Doesn't matter what time you gotta be up. Just change the timestamp.

06-26-2013, 02:26 AM
Why are you guys freakin' out over this shit? Acting like it's WWIII or something.

06-26-2013, 02:26 AM

06-26-2013, 02:32 AM
EDIT38 2:15AM: txt from Sen. Davis to Cecile Richards "SB5 is dead" Official vote was at 12:03AM

06-26-2013, 02:33 AM
EDIT38 2:15AM: txt from Sen. Davis to Cecile Richards "SB5 is dead" Official vote was at 12:03AM
Good news for TX.

06-26-2013, 07:15 AM
Perry will just call a special session. It's not like it could damage his Presidential ambitions. His open mouth has ruined that brand multiple times over.

06-26-2013, 08:26 AM
Why are you guys freakin' out over this shit? Acting like it's WWIII or something.

freaking out? it's a yawner, absolutely predictable TX politicians pandering to the "Christian" sociopathic holy rollers in their ignorant bubba base.

For me, the question is how Wendy held her piss for 11 hours.

How many TX Repug asshole legislators and their families and friends, along with "Christian" pastors and their families, do you think have had abortions and are now denying not only abortions to the poor, but also denying them and their kids health care and contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies? Estimate is that there be a jump of 80K to 100K more abortions in TX.

06-26-2013, 09:50 AM
You know, the way the GOP fucked this up in the last hour leads me back to the idea that it's bullshit theater they didn't really want to pass (the leadership that is, people like Campbell are really for this stuff).

GOP could have cleanly got this done if Dewhurst would have agreed to let the Senate vote on whether Davis had a third infraction. R majority would have prevailed.

I think this is all just posturing for GOP primaries to appeal to the nutbag base. Dewhurst already got creamed by Cruz for not being whackjob enough, wants to prevail when Dan Patrick comes after him for Lt Gov.Dewhurst couldn't -- or, as suggested, had no desire to -- keep order in the chamber. The unruly mob blamed for the bill's failure should have been shown the door somewhat before the last minute of the special session.

06-26-2013, 12:17 PM
freaking out? it's a yawner, absolutely predictable TX politicians pandering to the "Christian" sociopathic holy rollers in their ignorant bubba base.

For me, the question is how Wendy held her piss for 11 hours.

How many TX Repug asshole legislators and their families and friends, along with "Christian" pastors and their families, do you think have had abortions and are now denying not only abortions to the poor, but also denying them and their kids health care and contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies? Estimate is that there be a jump of 80K to 100K more abortions in TX.

Teachers do it for 8+ hours, I held it easily for 12 hour shifts in the ICU. Women can do amazing things ;)

06-26-2013, 01:35 PM
For me, the question is how Wendy held her piss for 11 hours.

Another Texas bubba worried about a woman's vagina

06-26-2013, 04:09 PM
Perry calls another special session with Abortion, Transportation and Capital Punishment for 17-year-olds (the latter two both died with the abortion filibuster) on the call.

If GOP wants to pass abortion, don't see any way to stop it this time.

06-26-2013, 04:10 PM
Another Texas bubba worried about a woman's vagina


06-26-2013, 04:15 PM
Perry calls another special session with Abortion, Transportation and Capital Punishment for 17-year-olds (the latter two both died with the abortion filibuster) on the call.

If GOP wants to pass abortion, don't see any way to stop it this time.


06-26-2013, 04:18 PM

Problem is that Lucio is with the R's on this one, meaning there is only 10 nays against the measure.

06-26-2013, 04:19 PM
Problem is that Lucio is with the R's on this one, meaning there is only 10 nays against the measure.

For now.

06-26-2013, 04:20 PM
There's gonna be a crap load of pressure on Lucio and others before July.

06-26-2013, 04:21 PM
Perry calls another special session with Abortion, Transportation and Capital Punishment for 17-year-olds (the latter two both died with the abortion filibuster) on the call.

If GOP wants to pass abortion, don't see any way to stop it this time.

Do you think they'll try to push through the exact same bill, or would they water it down somewhat to try to the balance of passing something for the sake of passing something that wouldn't set off as big of fireworks?

06-26-2013, 04:21 PM
However, there are 55 D's in the house, which would be enough to skip the whole session.

Transportation bill actually NEEDS to happen though, so the R's can hold it hostage.

06-26-2013, 04:22 PM
Do you think they'll try to push through the exact same bill, or would they water it down somewhat to try to the balance of passing something for the sake of passing something that wouldn't set off as big of fireworks?

I'm not sure they could cut enough out of it to make it:

1. Anywhere near potent enough to accomplish what the original bill intended.
2. Avoid setting off more fireworks with a special session called.

06-26-2013, 04:22 PM
Do you think they'll try to push through the exact same bill, or would they water it down somewhat to try to the balance of passing something for the sake of passing something that wouldn't set off as big of fireworks?

Honestly if it were just a 20-week ban, I think this passes. The lack of a rape/incest exception and the excessive standards they are trying to place on clinics and physicians is the problem.

06-26-2013, 04:24 PM
I think the 20 week ban is just a spin. Placing structural obstacles is what they were after, imo.

06-26-2013, 04:24 PM
However, there are 55 D's in the house, which would be enough to skip the whole session.

Transportation bill actually NEEDS to happen though, so the R's can hold it hostage.

Yep. The transportation bill is just being used as the excuse to get the special session together, but hey, while we're all here, let's fight about abortion...........

06-26-2013, 04:29 PM
I'm not sure they could cut enough out of it to make it:

1. Anywhere near potent enough to accomplish what the original bill intended.
2. Avoid setting off more fireworks with a special session called.

Honestly if it were just a 20-week ban, I think this passes. The lack of a rape/incest exception and the excessive standards they are trying to place on clinics and physicians is the problem.

I think the 20 week ban is just a spin. Placing structural obstacles is what they were after, imo.

Pretty much boils down to how much of this is serious and how much is posturing. Unfortunately, there's just no telling with these bozos.

06-26-2013, 04:29 PM
There's gonna be a crap load of pressure on Lucio and others before July.

Man, I tell you in my experience Lucio tends to do what Lucio thinks is right. He is pretty devote Pro-Life. Then again, he is also loyal to D's and especially the D leadership like VDP and Whitmire. His refusal to vote to suspend 24-hour rule while VDP was mourning her father even though he was for SB5 was a pretty stand-up move by him.

06-26-2013, 04:30 PM
I think the 20 week ban is just a spin. Placing structural obstacles is what they were after, imo.

Been party to a lot of conversion about the state trying to avoid lawsuits (for fiscal reasons) with new legislation. SB5 screams "please sue us". Guess the fiscal concerns aren't that real when it score political points.

06-26-2013, 04:52 PM
Ghost of Ann Richards! Yay! GOP Robot Dinosaurs. Yaaaarrrrr!


06-26-2013, 06:50 PM
GFY, VRWC, Bubbas, Repugs, racist Confederates!

06-26-2013, 06:53 PM
GFY, VRWC, Bubbas, Repugs, racist Confederates!

you fogot marans! Water the Tree! Fellators (of any stripe apparently).

Big Empty
06-26-2013, 06:56 PM
Don't repugs cry about all the people on welfare, wouldnt this put more people on welfare if it is passed? Assuming none of them southside teeagers could kill their baby?

06-26-2013, 06:58 PM
Don't repugs cry about all the people on welfare, wouldnt this put more people on welfare if it is passed? Assuming none of them southside teeagers could kill their baby?

there's no such problems when you teach your hormone bursting kids sexual abstinence...

06-26-2013, 09:46 PM
Only 5 abortion clinics would remain open... one in SA, Austin, and Dallas and two in Houston, iirc

06-27-2013, 01:20 AM
If you are desperate for an abortion, just get your man to shove you down some stairs.

06-27-2013, 03:36 AM
or fuck the bitch as brutally as you can until you see blood trickling out of the hole

06-27-2013, 09:22 AM
Rick Perry is a huuuuuuuuuuge cunt

Texas Republicans are gerrymandering bullies as far as I can tell. Make us look like a bunch of backwoods fucks when really the state is bluer than it would appear.

06-27-2013, 09:33 AM
yep, TX is fucked up by the asshole Repugs. RickyBobby has replaced 1000s of career professionals with incompetent Repug political operatives, fucking up state govt for decades. Near-the-bottom in the nation om spending on education, high poverty rate, etc, etc.

RickyBobby is now trying fuck up the academic studies as UTx by turning it into a vocational school. TX is a prime example in practice of how Repugs don't give a shit about governing, only about politics and protecting/enriching the 1% and corps.

06-27-2013, 01:33 PM
What about the shitty roads in Texas? You're going to tell me that dead babies are more important than shitty roads in Texas? Let women kill their unborn babies and shut the fuck up about it. Fix these damn roads.

06-27-2013, 01:53 PM
slimebag RickyBobby going after WD personally.

WATCH: Rick Perry Attacks Wendy Davis For Filibuster, Having Been A Teen Mom?Speaking at the National Right to Life conference on Thursday, Texas’ Republican governor, Rick Perry, had a few choice words (http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/gov-perry-davis-hasnt-learned-from-own-example) for state senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth): Your actions Tuesday were a disgrace, and having been a teen mom, you should be setting a better example.
Davis, who bravely spoke for 11 hours (http://www.nationalmemo.com/watch-live-texas-lawmaker-wendy-davis-filibusters-restrictive-abortion-bill/) to filibuster the anti-abortion SB5 on Tuesday, is being hailed as a hero for at least temporarily blocking the draconian bill from becoming law. But to Rick Perry, she is nothing but an unfortunate example (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/06/27/2227101/rick-perry-attacks-wendy-davis-she-was-a-teenage-mother-herself/) due to her pro-choice stance:

In fact, even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances.She was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate. It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.

Perry also condemned Davis’ filibuster as “hijacking of the Democratic process,” ironic for a member of a party that has made the tactic its standard operating procedure since Barack Obama took office. He also said of the pro-choice movement, “the louder they scream, the more we know that we are getting something done.”

And “getting something done” is the plan. Perry has called a special session (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/06/26/2223441/perry-calls-second-special-session/) for Monday to get SB5 passed, which will likely happen (http://www.nationalmemo.com/why-its-too-soon-to-celebrate-texas-anti-abortion-defeat/). The new law would ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy and effectively shutter 90 percent of the state’s abortion clinics.

“We will ban abortion after 20 weeks!” Perry proudly announced. And having defunded Planned Parenthood and cut women’s health funding (http://www.nationalmemo.com/rick-perry-destroying-womens-health-care-and-punishing-poor-families-in-texas/) to ribbons, chances are there will be a whole lot more teen moms in Texas to “learn from their own examples.”


06-27-2013, 01:53 PM

06-27-2013, 02:05 PM
Does anyone know if slimebag RickyBobby has gone after WD personally? Thanks in advance. :toast

06-27-2013, 02:06 PM
Does anyone know if slimebag RickyBobby has gone after WD personally? Thanks in advance. :toast


06-27-2013, 02:20 PM
What about the shitty roads in Texas? You're going to tell me that dead babies are more important than shitty roads in Texas? Let women kill their unborn babies and shut the fuck up about it. Fix these damn roads.

Abortion prevents welfare babies who need gubbamint benefits to survive. If you want more state spending on infrastructure, you should support abortion since it saves the state money.

06-27-2013, 02:52 PM

06-27-2013, 02:55 PM
Abortion prevents welfare babies who need gubbamint benefits to survive. If you want more state spending on infrastructure, you should support abortion since it saves the state money.

Plus, you can fill potholes with 'em.

06-27-2013, 02:56 PM
Talk about galvanizing Democrats.

We may very well be thanking Ricky Bobby in a few years.

06-27-2013, 03:03 PM
every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.

... unless they's retarded and commit a crime, then it's hangin' time! YEEEEAH

06-27-2013, 03:28 PM
Heavily pro-life, "Christian" Texas killed its 500th prisoner in 30 years yesterday. What Would Jesus Do?

TX Repugs are pro-life, until the kid is born.

06-27-2013, 03:34 PM
I don't care if women want to kill their babies. Let them do it and shut up about it. Focus on more important things.

06-27-2013, 03:55 PM
I don't care if women want to kill their babies. Let them do it and shut up about it. Focus on more important things.Well, they are talking about not letting them do it. There's the issue.

06-27-2013, 05:30 PM
How in the fuck do you guys keep electing Perry?

Jay Root @byjayroot (https://twitter.com/byjayroot)
. @GovernorPerry (https://twitter.com/GovernorPerry) says @WendyDavisTexas (https://twitter.com/WendyDavisTexas) was a "teenage mother herself" and it's unfortunate "she hasn't learned from her own example.

06-27-2013, 05:33 PM
Also - I have no idea how to embed tweets.

06-27-2013, 05:33 PM
How in the fuck do you guys keep electing Perry?

Jay Root @byjayroot (https://twitter.com/byjayroot)
. @GovernorPerry (https://twitter.com/GovernorPerry) says @WendyDavisTexas (https://twitter.com/WendyDavisTexas) was a "teenage mother herself" and it's unfortunate "she hasn't learned from her own example.

I've been asking myself that for awhile now.:depressed

06-27-2013, 05:34 PM
Rick Perry is a huuuuuuuuuuge cunt

Texas Republicans are gerrymandering bullies as far as I can tell. Make us look like a bunch of backwoods fucks when really the state is bluer than it would appear.
Gerrymandering? They have the majority. How's that gerrymandering. I don't think people against murder of innocent children is backwoods.

06-27-2013, 05:35 PM
Heavily pro-life, "Christian" Texas killed its 500th prisoner in 30 years yesterday. What Would Jesus Do?

TX Repugs are pro-life, until the kid is born.
You don't see the difference do you?

06-27-2013, 05:44 PM
I don't care if women want to kill their babies. Let them do it and shut up about it. Focus on more important things.

Like how gay people are all selfish and hypocritical. :LMAO

Begone troll-boy.

06-27-2013, 05:48 PM
You don't see the difference do you?

"Vengeance is mine".. or something to that effect?

I would find such people a lot more credible if they were fighting as hard for additional school funding, daycare, and school lunches for poor kids, or money for things like CASA.


06-27-2013, 05:53 PM
It has probably been mentioned already, but Ricky Bobby has called another session to pass the bill.


It's highly unlikely that Democrats will be able to defeat the bill entirely this time, but this next round of fighting will be more about setting the stage for a larger future battle between Perry and Davis. It has been speculated for years that the State Senator from Fort Worth might be a future candidate for governor and she's made no effort to shut that talk down. While appearing on MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes" last night, Davis said she "would be lying if I told you I did not have aspirations."

As I said before, this is lionizing the good Senator from district 10 is a good thing.


I am sure she will try again, and get more press coverage.

Certainly is the kind of rare person willing to go to bat for something important to them.

06-27-2013, 05:59 PM
Gerrymandering? They have the majority. How's that gerrymandering.

Do you know what gerrymandering is?

06-27-2013, 06:12 PM
How in the fuck do you guys keep electing Perry?

Because we're "Fed Up" with Big Government Washington!

(We're okay with Big Government Austin though.......)

06-27-2013, 06:44 PM
Senator Lucio statement on what went down:

Today (Wednesday), Senator Lucio issues the following statement on Senate Bill 5:

“Last night as the Senate deliberated Senate Bill 5, I voted in support of the bill and I voted in support of Sen. Wendy Davis’ right to speak against it, voting against all procedural motions intended to prevent her from speaking. I would have done the same for any other member of the Senate. I respect the rules and traditions of the Senate and I do not believe they only apply when convenient.

“I support life at any stage of development, from conception to natural death. I support feeding hungry children, healthcare for all, social justice issues, and the life of a woman in instances of a critical medical emergency. I oppose funding cuts to health and human services, cuts to education, cuts to women’s health services, and the death penalty. Being consistent doesn’t mean “pro-life;” it means being pro-lifetime.

“I commend those of you that engaged in civil discourse on this matter. Your words are meaningful and contribute to the dialogue of this sensitive issue. I do not condone hate speech, vitriol, or threats on either side of this debate.

“Finally, although Senate Bill 5 did not prevail, I commend and admire Senator Wendy Davis on her resolve. We may have respectfully disagreed on this matter, but we are united in our belief that every issue and every person deserves to be heard.”


06-28-2013, 01:30 PM
Speaker Joe Straus, who's been a thorn in the side of the TX Tea Party who claim he's a RINO, says Perry's remarks on Davis were inappropriate.


George Gervin's Afro
06-28-2013, 01:32 PM
Speaker Joe Straus, who's been a thorn in the side of the TX Tea Party who claim he's a RINO, says Perry's remarks on Davis were inappropriate.


Gov good hair is catering to his base.. it's ok for him to do it,... but God forbid Obama does it.. but then Gov good hair complains about obama doing it..

06-28-2013, 02:27 PM
A bit of humor re Wendy Davis's shoes:


06-28-2013, 06:04 PM
"Vengeance is mine".. or something to that effect?

I would find such people a lot more credible if they were fighting as hard for additional school funding, daycare, and school lunches for poor kids, or money for things like CASA.


How do you know they aren't? I for one would love a school choice or not have to pay for school taxes, and instead put that money into a private education. Because I feel it will better those children.

So someone not wanting a society that murders children has to also want government to provide free daycare, food, house, clothes, etc-through a taxes? I don't agree.

06-28-2013, 06:13 PM
How do you know they aren't? I for one would love a school choice or not have to pay for school taxes, and instead put that money into a private education. Because I feel it will better those children.

So someone not wanting a society that murders children has to also want government to provide free daycare, food, house, clothes, etc-through a taxes? I don't agree.

But does the government need to provide free false equivalence and strawmen?

06-28-2013, 07:00 PM
If you want to go back to the 19th century then sure lets make education a privilege and not compulsory.

It's entertaining how so many so called conservatives have no concept of history. Laissez faire was tired and found to be inferior as demonstrated by 1850 to 1929. Hey let's go back to the time when we were an also ran internationally and only secure because of two oceans. Let's go back to a time of deplorable working and living conditions and a time that rivaled middle age serfdom in inequality.

Now we just need ig to tell us that that era wasn't laissez faire enough.

06-28-2013, 07:38 PM
If you want to go back to the 19th century then sure lets make education a privilege and not compulsory.

It's entertaining how so many so called conservatives have no concept of history. Laissez faire was tired and found to be inferior as demonstrated by 1850 to 1929. Hey let's go back to the time when we were an also ran internationally and only secure because of two oceans. Let's go back to a time of deplorable working and living conditions and a time that rivaled middle age serfdom in inequality.

Now we just need ig to tell us that that era wasn't laissez faire enough.

Yes, because we all know that without the government there would be no education. Or roads.

BTW the 190th century brought more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the world.

06-28-2013, 07:45 PM
Yes, because we all know that without the government there would be no education. Or roads.

BTW the 190th century brought more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the world.

looking forward to it!

06-28-2013, 08:29 PM
Yes, because we all know that without the government there would be no education. Or roads.

BTW the 190th century brought more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the world.

An educated populace provides stability and enormous economic benefit. If you think that the airway, highway, rail, or energy grid would exist to even the remotest extent absent huge government contribution then you are fooling yourself. This was true even 2000 years ago.

And all your assertion about poverty in the 19th century has indicated is that a laissez fair industrial republic is better then oligarchy, feudalism and despotism. Bravo. Then of course there was the destruction of the southern system of slavery and sharecropping that was destroyed during reconstruction.

The living conditions of that era especially in the cities is well documented. The goal of civilization should be to improve and not resort back to previous failures. The idyllic utopia that is the supposed state of nature is ideological nonsense. Quite frankly its stupid.

06-28-2013, 10:03 PM
If you want to go back to the 19th century then sure lets make education a privilege and not compulsory.

It's entertaining how so many so called conservatives have no concept of history. Laissez faire was tired and found to be inferior as demonstrated by 1850 to 1929. Hey let's go back to the time when we were an also ran internationally and only secure because of two oceans. Let's go back to a time of deplorable working and living conditions and a time that rivaled middle age serfdom in inequality.

Now we just need ig to tell us that that era wasn't laissez faire enough.

Talk about strawmen...Are you refering to my comments? I said nothing about that.

06-28-2013, 10:03 PM
looking forward to it!
As long as when they unfreeze me, I get my hovercar!

06-28-2013, 10:04 PM
But does the government need to provide free false equivalence and strawmen?

06-28-2013, 11:43 PM
How do you know they aren't? I for one would love a school choice or not have to pay for school taxes, and instead put that money into a private education. Because I feel it will better those children.

So someone not wanting a society that murders children has to also want government to provide free daycare, food, house, clothes, etc-through a taxes? I don't agree.

Your school taxes also go to help those that can't pay for education, private or otherwise. I understand you might not give a shit about those people, and would rather prioritize your own kids, but if that's the general attitude, we're going to end up with a fairly fractured society sooner rather than later.

How about addressing a typical case here: a 17 year old girl that's pregnant, poor family, has barely any education, now has to feed and raise a child. She wants to abort, but you'll have her have the child, and then you'll turn around and bitch because she's too uneducated to get a good job, too poor to pay taxes, and she's likely going to get foodstamps, subsidized healthcare and education for her child. Will she eventually get ahead? maybe, maybe not. But at least her kid will be able to eat, go to school and get the same education as everyone else, and look at a brighter future.

06-29-2013, 03:36 PM
Your school taxes also go to help those that can't pay for education, private or otherwise. I understand you might not give a shit about those people, and would rather prioritize your own kids, but if that's the general attitude, we're going to end up with a fairly fractured society sooner rather than later. What are you talking about can't pay for education? Are you saying if they could pay for education, you would be for them choosing where they want their kids to go? My objection is with people who have to pay for school district tax who's child doesn't go to that school. You are attacking me for being insensitive and only thinking about the best of my children. 1. That's inaccurate. I am thinking of society as a whole. It would be a better education, which would then be a better society. 2. You wanting to take money from one person to help another is not compassion. If you personally wanted to give money, then that would be another thing. You don't have a moral high ground because your solution gives more money (since it's not your money). We both want what's best for our society and country, just different views.
I'm not saying to cut any federal govt. money in this. Or state. I'm talking about school choice, voucher programs to private schools for low income parents and not taxing someone who isn't using their school. I think it would help middle class people being able to put their kids in a school they want. Too many of you all are trying to turn my comment into a strawman. Pulling a Aaron Sorkin: setting up your own argument to win from.

How about addressing a typical case here: a 17 year old girl that's pregnant, poor family, has barely any education, now has to feed and raise a child. She wants to abort, but you'll have her have the child, and then you'll turn around and bitch because she's too uneducated to get a good job, too poor to pay taxes, and she's likely going to get foodstamps, subsidized healthcare and education for her child. Will she eventually get ahead? maybe, maybe not. But at least her kid will be able to eat, go to school and get the same education as everyone else, and look at a brighter future.
First off, that's not typical.
Secondly, that's so ridiculous to assume so much of me.
BTW I grew up poor. I doubt you did. My mom worked two jobs and my sister was a high school drop out and pregnant by 17. Many of my friends had children by 17. So if you want I can let you know what my sister did. Or you can give a little further detail to your made up 'sad story' hyperbole so I could give you the scenario. But the fact is you have responded to numerous of my posts and still try and put me in a false box.

You are missing the point on my pro-life view. By 20 week (which is when TX was stopping abortion in this law): the child has hair, ears, fingers, elbows, arms, fingers, knees, and legs. The child can hear, can put put his/her hands over their ears when noises are too loud. Feels pain. cries. jumps when startled. even sucks their thumb. I don't see how anyone can say that that isn't a human being by that time. So my view is that it is a human and deserves to be protected.
I'm not saying that next day birth control pills are abortion. But there is a point where they are a person. I think after that point it is no longer about the womans right to choose. They already should have chosen had they wanted an abortion.

You want to look out for this poor 17 year. She made bad choices. But she still deserves a chance. I admire that. I feel the same way.
But you care nothing for her child. Why does her child not get your same safety net?

06-29-2013, 04:55 PM
What are you talking about can't pay for education? Are you saying if they could pay for education, you would be for them choosing where they want their kids to go? My objection is with people who have to pay for school district tax who's child doesn't go to that school. You are attacking me for being insensitive and only thinking about the best of my children. 1. That's inaccurate. I am thinking of society as a whole. It would be a better education, which would then be a better society. 2. You wanting to take money from one person to help another is not compassion. If you personally wanted to give money, then that would be another thing. You don't have a moral high ground because your solution gives more money (since it's not your money). We both want what's best for our society and country, just different views.
I'm not saying to cut any federal govt. money in this. Or state. I'm talking about school choice, voucher programs to private schools for low income parents and not taxing someone who isn't using their school. I think it would help middle class people being able to put their kids in a school they want. Too many of you all are trying to turn my comment into a strawman. Pulling a Aaron Sorkin: setting up your own argument to win from.

Are you saying if they could pay for education isn't a realistic premise. Some people can and some people cannot. That's the reality of it. Now we can have a safety net to address that reality or not. This isn't about your money or my money. You choose to live in this society, fully aware that part of the rules is that you're going to be taxed, and once you paid that money, it's not 'your' money anymore.

That safety net can take many shapes and forms, and that's a different debate. Personally, I don't want for-profit motive in that safety net. I don't want somebody else's bottom line dictating what that safety net looks like. (same issue I have with Barrycare). I'm not a fan of government administering much of anything either, but between 'government waste' and 'government waste + private cozy deal' I'll take the former.

First off, that's not typical.

I'm sorry, perhaps I should've said a 20 year old. The majority of abortions in this country are between ages 20-24 (http://www.statisticbrain.com/abortion-statistics/). It's the same premise though.

Secondly, that's so ridiculous to assume so much of me.

Hey, I apologize if I got anything wrong. But when the bulk I hear is "government can't do anything right", "welfare queens", "lazy people", etc etc etc that's the impression I get. Perhaps not from you directly, but certainly from that side of the fence.

BTW I grew up poor. I doubt you did. My mom worked two jobs and my sister was a high school drop out and pregnant by 17. Many of my friends had children by 17. So if you want I can let you know what my sister did. Or you can give a little further detail to your made up 'sad story' hyperbole so I could give you the scenario. But the fact is you have responded to numerous of my posts and still try and put me in a false box.

There's no hyperbole. Young kids are the bulk of abortions. Over 50% of them didn't make any 'bad decision', their contraceptive simply didn't work. Again, we can deal with the cold hard facts of reality here, or we can just pretend this stuff is rare and doesn't deserve our attention. Nearly 1 in 12 Americans don't have a job today. I don't know how was it like when your mom had two jobs or your sister was a kid, but there's a whole lot of unemployed people here today, and we've moved into a country that pushes the uneducated and under-educated people to the bottom. That's what reality looks like today. You tell me where's the hyperbole in any of that.

You are missing the point on my pro-life view. By 20 week (which is when TX was stopping abortion in this law): the child has hair, ears, fingers, elbows, arms, fingers, knees, and legs. The child can hear, can put put his/her hands over their ears when noises are too loud. Feels pain. cries. jumps when startled. even sucks their thumb. I don't see how anyone can say that that isn't a human being by that time. So my view is that it is a human and deserves to be protected.
I'm not saying that next day birth control pills are abortion. But there is a point where they are a person. I think after that point it is no longer about the womans right to choose. They already should have chosen had they wanted an abortion.

I'm not missing anything, because I wasn't even addressing it. I'm addressing the hypocrisy of forcing a mother to carry through with a pregnancy while at the same time turning around and bitching when said mother is unprepared to face life with that child.

I've said many times that, personally, I'm ok with the 'viability' doctrine in Roe, but at the same time I'm also ok with the fact that we're going to need a safety net for a lot of these kids because some of them will need it.

You want to look out for this poor 17 year. She made bad choices. But she still deserves a chance. I admire that. I feel the same way.
But you care nothing for her child. Why does her child not get your same safety net?

This is the kind of discourse that's completely disconnected from reality, IMO. What bad choices? Kids have sex at 17 these days, trying to state otherwise is living in a bubble.
For the most part, they're responsible and use contraceptives. Sometimes those don't work. Like they sometimes don't work for people of all ages. Singling these people out and pointing a finger at them like they did something wrong is disgusting, IMO.

06-29-2013, 06:41 PM
:lmao white trash
:lmao pregnant at 17

06-29-2013, 06:53 PM
I almost forgot this shit doesn't even contemplate rape or incest... you can't even put he 'bad decisions' argument up on something that doesn't even care to address the scenarios where the decision isn't on the mother at all...

06-29-2013, 07:51 PM
I almost forgot this shit doesn't even contemplate rape or incest... you can't even put he 'bad decisions' argument up on something that doesn't even care to address the scenarios where the decision isn't on the mother at all...

20 weeks is 4 1/2 fucking months. ANYBODY can get an abortion before that.

And I DON'T agree with the rest of that stupid bill but I don't see how anyone can argue a 20 week rule. Viable living babies can be born at 22 weeks and guessing the time of conception is just a guess.

06-29-2013, 08:06 PM
And for the record, before I get accused of being a rabid tea partier I want abortion before 20 weeks to be easy, available, and safe.

06-29-2013, 08:07 PM
20 weeks is 4 1/2 fucking months. ANYBODY can get an abortion before that.

And I DON'T agree with the rest of that stupid bill but I don't see how anyone can argue a 20 week rule. Viable living babies can be born at 22 weeks and guessing the time of conception is just a guess.

yup, those clinics that provide many services outside of abortion need to stay open.

06-29-2013, 08:08 PM
20 weeks. It's 3 1/2 months AFTER they know they are pregnant.

06-29-2013, 08:12 PM
Almost NO ABORTIONS now after 20 weeks, so Repugs are pandering to their "Christian" supremacists, trying to pass a law that looks pro-life / anti-abortion but accomplishes effectively NOTHING.


06-29-2013, 08:43 PM
Almost NO ABORTIONS now after 20 weeks, so Repugs are pandering to their "Christian" supremacists, trying to pass a law that looks pro-life / anti-abortion but accomplishes effectively NOTHING.


Why do you want to kill living babies? How many weeks does Boushit want?

06-29-2013, 08:50 PM
Almost NO ABORTIONS now after 20 weeks, so Repugs are pandering to their "Christian" supremacists, trying to pass a law that looks pro-life / anti-abortion but accomplishes effectively NOTHING.


A law that "accomplishes effectively nothing"?

This law isn't about the 20-week ban, it's about the surgical center standards and requirement of admitting rights that will shut down almost every clinic in the state.

The 20-week ban is cover for the right wingers pushing it to further an agenda which makes safe, legal abortion a thing of the past.

And you've fallen right for the diversion.

06-29-2013, 09:23 PM
A law that "accomplishes effectively nothing"?

This law isn't about the 20-week ban, it's about the surgical center standards and requirement of admitting rights that will shut down almost every clinic in the state.

The 20-week ban is cover for the right wingers pushing it to further an agenda which makes safe, legal abortion a thing of the past.

And you've fallen right for the diversion.


The rest of the law truly sucks and I have written a friend in the legislature expressing my reservations on the over reach. That being said I think reasonable people can agree that there should be SOME deadline for abortions. I'm just not cool with killing living viable babies just because they haven't passed all the way through the vagina on natural childbirth.

06-29-2013, 09:28 PM
This is the kind of discourse that's completely disconnected from reality, IMO. What bad choices? Kids have sex at 17 these days, trying to state otherwise is living in a bubble.
For the most part, they're responsible and use contraceptives. Sometimes those don't work. Like they sometimes don't work for people of all ages. Singling these people out and pointing a finger at them like they did something wrong is disgusting, IMO. That's your opinion. IMO I think having unprotected sex or assuming contraceptive will work is a bad choice. But you are missing the point of that comment. So let's take it out. In that case how come you are not willing to protect the child of the woman? How come you don't want to help him/her out with all your social programs?

06-29-2013, 09:30 PM
I almost forgot this shit doesn't even contemplate rape or incest... you can't even put he 'bad decisions' argument up on something that doesn't even care to address the scenarios where the decision isn't on the mother at all...
So in your worst case scenario, she was raped? Took 21 weeks and then decided she didn't want the child?

06-29-2013, 09:32 PM
20 weeks is 4 1/2 fucking months. ANYBODY can get an abortion before that.

And I DON'T agree with the rest of that stupid bill but I don't see how anyone can argue a 20 week rule. Viable living babies can be born at 22 weeks and guessing the time of conception is just a guess.

I haven't been arguing the 20 week rule, even though it's debatable what 'viable' is at that point.

And for the record, before I get accused of being a rabid tea partier I want abortion before 20 weeks to be easy, available, and safe.

Agreed, and that's another aspect of this law that's much more concerning than the number of weeks.

06-29-2013, 09:47 PM
That's your opinion. IMO I think having unprotected sex or assuming contraceptive will work is a bad choice. But you are missing the point of that comment. So let's take it out. In that case how come you are not willing to protect the child of the woman? How come you don't want to help him/her out with all your social programs?

This isn't about what you or I think it's a good/bad decision. This is facing reality. In this day and age, kids do that. You can't just tell them "don't do it, it's bad, mkay?" and expect them to follow suit. It's not realistic and it's simply being in denial.
So let's face the reality of the situation in this day and age, and go from there.

As far as the second part of your post, the women and the child have exactly the same rights. You can't put one over the other, especially when the mother has to carry through with the entire pregnancy, putting her own life at risk through the process. The day science figures out a way to extract a 20 week fetus without killing it, safely, without risking the mother's life, and manages to have it grow into a full blown child, then I'll be happy to tell you I have no issue with the 20 weeks cutoff. But until then, we're going to have to make some tradeoff between the mother's life and the children's life. As I've stated, I'm OK with the current tradeoff set in Roe.

So in your worst case scenario, she was raped? Took 21 weeks and then decided she didn't want the child?

Don't conflate the period with what you said. You said "She made bad choices". These alleged bad choices happen whether it's 10, 20 or 24 weeks. What "bad choices" victims of rape or incest made? That's the nonsense I was pointing out.

06-29-2013, 09:55 PM
I for one would love a school choice or not have to pay for school taxes, and instead put that money into a private education. Because I feel it will better those children.

So someone not wanting a society that murders children has to also want government to provide free daycare, food, house, clothes, etc-through a taxes? I don't agree.

Talk about strawmen...Are you refering to my comments? I said nothing about that.

What do compulsory mean?

06-29-2013, 10:54 PM
Gerrymandering? They have the majority. How's that gerrymandering. I don't think people against murder of innocent children is backwoods.

Any reasonable person that glances at a map of Texas districts can see how fucking obvious it is that the fuckin slimeballs have drawn it up to dilute the vote of the more populated areas with backwoods bible beating bubbas.

Also Perry would look a lot more credible if he was willing to fund planned parenthood and sex ed. But he's not. His whole view of the world is warped if he really believes that teens aren't gonna have sex if you don't tell them about it. The fucking idiot doesn't wanna fund planned parenthood, educate them, or give them access to birth control. Then he turns around and says you can't have an abortion either.

He's a fuckin loon any way you slice it and what's scary is that a significant number of people actually think he's not a huge failure.

06-30-2013, 07:17 AM
A law that "accomplishes effectively nothing"?

And you've fallen right for the diversion.

I addressed only the 20 week ban as ineffective.

the "admitting privileges" bullshit is much more effective as an obstacle to abortion, along with all the other bullshit regs on abortion clinics, like dimensions of hallways, lockers, etc, etc.

Extremely premature births are simply not viable without $100Ks, $1Ms?, months of intensive care. If they make it, they are at very high "elevated risk" for all kinds of health problems and diseases for their entire lives. The nervous, digestive, immune systems, organs aren't finished and even if the baby survives, it ain't ever completely cooked like a full term baby.

06-30-2013, 01:27 PM
Any reasonable person that glances at a map of Texas districts can see how fucking obvious it is that the fuckin slimeballs have drawn it up to dilute the vote of the more populated areas with backwoods bible beating bubbas.

Also Perry would look a lot more credible if he was willing to fund planned parenthood and sex ed. But he's not. His whole view of the world is warped if he really believes that teens aren't gonna have sex if you don't tell them about it. The fucking idiot doesn't wanna fund planned parenthood, educate them, or give them access to birth control. Then he turns around and says you can't have an abortion either.

He's a fuckin loon any way you slice it and what's scary is that a significant number of people actually think he's not a huge failure.
Every state does it.those lines were done by the dem party

06-30-2013, 01:28 PM
I'm all for changing it to make a more centered district. That would take allot of power away from cities though

06-30-2013, 02:19 PM
Any reasonable person that glances at a map of Texas districts can see how fucking obvious it is that the fuckin slimeballs have drawn it up to dilute the vote of the more populated areas with backwoods bible beating bubbas.

Also Perry would look a lot more credible if he was willing to fund planned parenthood and sex ed. But he's not. His whole view of the world is warped if he really believes that teens aren't gonna have sex if you don't tell them about it. The fucking idiot doesn't wanna fund planned parenthood, educate them, or give them access to birth control. Then he turns around and says you can't have an abortion either.

He's a fuckin loon any way you slice it and what's scary is that a significant number of people actually think he's not a huge failure.

Agree with your post and also lets not forget that Planned Parenthood also provides many other services like breast exams, pap smears, and tests for sexual transmitted diseases. If I am not mistaken abortion services are a tiny % of what they do and yet its what many use so they can close them down... and don’t even get me started on Perry.

06-30-2013, 02:35 PM
Agree with your post and also lets not forget that Planned Parenthood also provides many other services like breast exams, pap smears, and tests for sexual transmitted diseases. If I am not mistaken abortion services are a tiny % of what they do and yet its what many use so they can close them down... and don’t even get me started on Perry.
Pretty much. Planned parenthood provides very cheap, easily accessible service for a number of women's health issues, but it must be completely abolished because fuck funding shit that benefits women.

I mean, abortion is bad! In fact let's not be reasonable about it and just call it baby killing in order to get stupid people to agree with us.

06-30-2013, 02:55 PM
Any body heard the pro-lifers' strategy, in their fantasy world of zero abortions, how USA handles 1M unwanted babies/year?

we know they don't want contraception, consider day-after pill to be abortion, are against sex education, lie that abstinence works, etc, etc.

1M babies, what's their solution (we know they don't give fuck after the baby is born, want to cut kids' health insurance, school lunches, food stamps, etc, etc)

06-30-2013, 02:56 PM
Any reasonable person that glances at a map of Texas districts can see how fucking obvious...

I've raised this issue a number of times, but everyone seems to agree that as long as both parties do it while they have power...that's Texas.

06-30-2013, 03:52 PM
I've raised this issue a number of times, but everyone seems to agree that as long as both parties do it while they have power...that's Texas.
Its pretty much every state

06-30-2013, 05:48 PM
As far as the second part of your post, the women and the child have exactly the same rights. You can't put one over the other, especially when the mother has to carry through with the entire pregnancy, putting her own life at risk through the process. The day science figures out a way to extract a 20 week fetus without killing it, safely, without risking the mother's life, and manages to have it grow into a full blown child, then I'll be happy to tell you I have no issue with the 20 weeks cutoff. But until then, we're going to have to make some tradeoff between the mother's life and the children's life. As I've stated, I'm OK with the current tradeoff set in Roe.
So you agree that at 20 weeks, it is a child? You just think that a woman should still have the right to murder it?

Don't conflate the period with what you said. You said "She made bad choices". These alleged bad choices happen whether it's 10, 20 or 24 weeks. What "bad choices" victims of rape or incest made? That's the nonsense I was pointing out. I stated she made a bad choice. It is a bad choice. But I'm not using the bad choice logic as any building block towards the rest of my comments. I've though it was stated like that. Why do you keep going back to it, except as some kind of troll job? The bad choice comment has nothing to do with the rest of our posts. You're reading more into a comment than what is there. Just go by my comments and stop trying to win at an argument no one is making. I'm not assuming wagging a finger is a solution to anything.

06-30-2013, 06:03 PM
:lmao white trash
:lmao pregnant at 17

Rising above the fray.

07-01-2013, 12:03 PM
GOP-Backed Federal 20-Week Abortion Ban Could Add $400 Million to Deficit

According to a report (http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/hr1797.pdf) released Friday by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), HR 1797—the bill passed by the House (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/06/19/this-dangerous-bill-house-passes-20-week-abortion-ban/) last month that would ban virtually all abortions after 20 weeks post-fertilization—could add as much as $400 million to the deficit.

The CBO report assesses the potential for added costs to Medicaid, the medical program for low-income people that is jointly funded by the federal government and the states, for the additional pregnancies that would be brought to term because of the ban. Because the 20-week ban would represent a new limit (in contradiction of the viability limit prescribed in Roe v. Wade), CBO has little hard data on which to base its projections, so it offers a wide-ranging estimate for the addition to the deficit anticipated if the bill were to pass the Senate, which is unlikely in this current session of Congress. While CBO researchers are uncertain of the number of millions the bill would add to the deficit, they conclude that it would add at least $75 million.

The report does not appear to have taken into account the medical costs of caring for the additional babies born with severe, life-threatening conditions, since it is not uncommon for a pregnant woman to be presented with evidence of such conditions until the 19th or 20th week of pregnancy. (CBO did immediately respond to RH Reality Check‘s questions on this matter.)
From the CBO report (http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/hr1797.pdf):

CBO expects that most women who would be affected by H.R. 1797 would seek earlier abortions. But how many women would do so is an important determinant of additional federal costs. For example, if 90 percent of women who would have sought an abortion 20 weeks or more after fertilization instead were to seek earlier abortions, federal spending would rise by about $75 million over 10 years. If only half of those women were to obtain earlier abortions, then federal spending could rise by more than $400 million over 10 years.

Despite the unlikelihood of the 20-week abortion ban becoming law at the national level in the current session of Congress, similar measures are up for votes in state legislatures. Unwilling to accept defeat of a similar ban, SB 5, in Texas in a raucous session (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/06/26/the-texas-earthquake-a-filibuster-a-marred-vote-and-a-movement-energized/) of the state Senate last week, Republican Gov. Rick Perry called a special session of the state legislature (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/06/27/rick-perry-calls-second-special-session-for-round-two-of-abortion-bill-fight/) to reintroduce the bill this week.

And in Ohio, where a mandatory special assessment for women seeking abortions at 20 weeks or later is already in effect (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2011/07/20/ohio-governor-signs-week-abortion/), Republican Gov. John Kasich just signed a budget bill (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/30/ohio-abortion-restrictions-budget-bill_n_3526844.html), HB 59, that cuts off federal funding for Ohio family planning clinics (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/07/01/ohio-governor-signs-2014-budget-with-5-radical-amendments/)—$1.4 million for Planned Parenthood alone—while funding religious crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) that exist to dissuade women from having abortions. The Ohio bill also requires women to undergo medically unnecessary ultrasounds, bars treatment in public hospitals for women suffering complications related to abortion, and forbids rape crisis centers that receive public funding from providing information about abortion to the women they assist.

Because Medicaid is jointly funded by the states and the federal government, it might be expected that state-level abortion restrictions will result in higher costs to the states as well. In Texas, the state has struggled to adequately fund Medicaid, according to (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/19/us/texas-lawmakers-fill-a-budget-hole-they-dug-in-2011.html) the New York Times, and Gov. Perry turned down (http://www.npr.org/2013/05/23/186303141/health-officials-decry-texas-snubbing-of-medicaid-billions) an additional $100 billion (http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/news/local/article_caf425ee-d0ae-11e2-b684-001a4bcf6878.html) over the next decade when he declined to enroll Texas in the Medicaid expansion that is part of the Affordable Care Act.
In 2011, Ohio’s Kasich slashed (http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/15/ohio-governor-proposes-steep-cuts-to-trim-deficit/) state services and aid to local governments in order to address an $8 billion budget deficit.

http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/07/01/gop-backed-federal-20-week-abortion-ban-could-add-400-million-to-deficit/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

07-01-2013, 12:11 PM
:lmao you can't change your own windshield wipers
I get paid more than you.
I have more money than you.
I have more investments than you
I've helped more people than you
I've lived around more cultures than you
I've been more places than you
I own a house
I have below 12% debt to credit ratio
I paid for my own college
My kid's college is already covered
I'll get guaranteed loans for sm business and home buying
...All from my own money and work...
:lol...And you went to college...
"Families are always rising and falling in America" and I doubt you'll be rising from the status your family started you out as.

No you don't.

07-01-2013, 02:06 PM
The 20 weeks vs. 24 weeks part of this argument is such an obvious red herring, I can't believe so many of you are getting tricked into talking about it.

07-01-2013, 02:13 PM
The 20 weeks vs. 24 weeks part of this argument is such an obvious red herring, I can't believe so many of you are getting tricked into talking about it.

why? This the "Repug Rebranding/Marketing/Reachout to Women" :lol

07-01-2013, 02:16 PM
No you don't.
No I don't what?
many trolls do you have?

07-01-2013, 02:17 PM
The 20 weeks vs. 24 weeks part of this argument is such an obvious red herring, I can't believe so many of you are getting tricked into talking about it.
This. The 20 week part of this law is the least important part IMO, the rest of the law that restricts abortion completely by slashing the number of clinics is the worst part.

07-01-2013, 02:22 PM
As Texas Moves To Shut Down Abortion Clinics, A Similar Law Has Just Been Blocked In Alabama (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/07/01/2239261/alabama-abortion-restrictions-blocked/)

07-01-2013, 02:23 PM
No I don't what?
many trolls do you have?
:lol thinking that's my troll
:lol thinking you make more money than me
:lol bragging to someone with no debt about your debt level
:lol bragging to 22 year old who graduated from college less than two months ago about your house
:lol bragging about helping a bunch of worthless Iraqis
:lol I could enlist in the military tomorrow while you'd never be considered for my job

07-01-2013, 02:23 PM
6 Truly Unbelievable Ways Ohio Has Just Eviscerated Women's Rights1. Places Limits on Rape Clinics

Rape clinics are no longer allowed to counsel victims on abortion options under the new budget. If clinics do undertake that counseling, public funding would be cut off.

2. Forced Ultrasounds

The bill requires any woman seeking an abortion to undergo an trans-abdominal ultrasound.

The legislation mandates (http://mediatrackers.org/ohio/2013/06/24/ohio-house-bill-would-require-doctors-to-explain-abortion-risks) “an obstetric ultrasound examination that portrays the entire body of the embryo or fetus.” The bill also requires an explanation of the what the ultrasound shows, and for the doctor to search for a heartbeat.

The main author of the bill, State Representative Ron Hood, told the website MediaTrackers.org (http://mediatrackers.org/ohio/2013/06/24/ohio-house-bill-would-require-doctors-to-explain-abortion-risks) that “if you talk to the pregnancy-center people across the state, they’ll all tell you that when a mother sees that ultrasound, she really realizes that, in most cases, the vast majority of cases, she doesn’t want to abort this baby.”

3. Cuts Funding to Planned Parenthood

The budget signed by the governor cuts off the reproductive rights group Planned Parenthood from $1.4 million in family-planning money.

Planned Parenthood provides abortion services to women, but also a number of other crucial reproductive rights services. These include (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/post/what-planned-parenthood-actually-does/2011/04/06/AFhBPa2C_blog.html) STD testing and treatment, contraception services, cancer screening and treatment and more.

4. Restricts Clinics From Working With Public Hospitals

The anti-abortion legislation would end the practice of abortion clinics transferring patients to public hospitals. So if a woman has the ability to get an abortion--a big if considering all the restrictions--she would have to find a private hospital to get post-abortion care done.

5. More Money For ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’

While abortion clinics will see their operations severely curtailed--potentially leading to their closures--more money will be given to “crisis pregnancy centers.” These centers, run by religious organizations, usually give inaccurate information to women who enter them. They also seek to dissuade women from getting abortions.

6. Gives Women Information on Fetus to Dissuade Them From Getting Abortions

The budget also requires doctors to inform women of the “of the probable anatomical and physiological characteristics” of a fetus. This is done in order to dissuade women from getting an abortion if they’re able to get one. Doctors also have to give women information on adoption--another way of pressuring women not to get an abortion.


07-01-2013, 03:17 PM
How do you know they aren't[ fighting for more school funding, daycare, and school lunches for poor kids, or money for things like CASA]

? I for one would love a school choice or not have to pay for school taxes, and instead put that money into a private education. Because I feel it will better those children.

So someone not wanting a society that murders children has to also want government to provide free daycare, food, house, clothes, etc-through a taxes? I don't agree.

Not quite what I said.

I would love to see the people who fight abortion hold just as many rallies to gather donations for the foster care system, or to provide college for children removed from abusive parents.

I simply have never seen anything like that.

As for who provides the free daycare, I don't care who does it, as long as it is done.

Sorry, private charity is completely, totally incapable of helping the poor in the scale required to do any real good.

07-01-2013, 03:28 PM
Would people still support abortion if it was legal nationwide in America but the catch is that hippie groups like Planned Parenthood are 100 percent privately funded?

07-01-2013, 03:37 PM
Not quite what I said.

I would love to see the people who fight abortion hold just as many rallies to gather donations for the foster care system, or to provide college for children removed from abusive parents.

I simply have never seen anything like that.

Not real hard to find...although nobody really has a membership list, I would suspect a good number of peeps that fight abortion would be participating.


07-01-2013, 04:05 PM
Not quite what I said.

I would love to see the people who fight abortion hold just as many rallies to gather donations for the foster care system, or to provide college for children removed from abusive parents.

I simply have never seen anything like that.

As for who provides the free daycare, I don't care who does it, as long as it is done.

Sorry, private charity is completely, totally incapable of helping the poor in the scale required to do any real good.
I don't think you understand fully about private charities. What foster care system are you talking about? There are also tons of benefits for adopted children, private and public funding.
I cannot speak for everyone who is pro life. But killing a child and helping a child better their undeserved situation are two completely different things.

Are you paying for someone beside yourself's daycare? Or do you just want someone else to pay for your dream?

07-01-2013, 04:13 PM
:lol thinking that's my troll
:lol thinking you make more money than me
:lol bragging to someone with no debt about your debt level
:lol bragging to 22 year old who graduated from college less than two months ago about your house
:lol bragging about helping a bunch of worthless Iraqis
:lol I could enlist in the military tomorrow while you'd never be considered for my job

Rising above the fray

07-01-2013, 08:01 PM
So you agree that at 20 weeks, it is a child? You just think that a woman should still have the right to murder it?

It's a fetus, and the mother HAS the right to prioritize her own life over that of the parasite she's carrying. As it has been stated before, an abortion at that point is less risky health wise than carrying the full pregnancy.

I stated she made a bad choice. It is a bad choice. But I'm not using the bad choice logic as any building block towards the rest of my comments. I've though it was stated like that. Why do you keep going back to it, except as some kind of troll job? The bad choice comment has nothing to do with the rest of our posts. You're reading more into a comment than what is there. Just go by my comments and stop trying to win at an argument no one is making. I'm not assuming wagging a finger is a solution to anything.

Don't take it personally, it actually has nothing to do specifically with you, you just happened to bring up a meme that a lot of people keep bringing up when abortion is discussed. But IMO, when a law doesn't even give an out for cases of rape or incest, talking about personal responsibility and bad choices it's just nonsense. I'm not looking to "win" any argument here. Just stating what I think. I think you're doing too, even if we don't agree.

07-02-2013, 01:11 AM
If a fetus is a parasite(never heard someone call an unborn baby that), then why is the woman doing the thing(having sex) that will create the so-called parasite?

07-02-2013, 02:02 AM
If a fetus is a parasite(never heard someone call an unborn baby that), then why is the woman doing the thing(having sex) that will create the so-called parasite?

Jacob, this isn't really complicated. As long as the lump of cells/fetus depends on the mother (host) to live, it's a parasitic relationship. As far as why, do I really need to tell you why a woman or humans in general have sex?

07-02-2013, 03:08 AM
If a woman doesn't want the parasite to be formed in her cooch, then she needs to either to abstain from sex and use a vibrator or have a guy eat her out or she needs to have her tubes tied. Bam. Problem solved.

07-02-2013, 03:18 AM
If a woman doesn't want the parasite to be formed in her cooch, then she needs to either to abstain from sex and use a vibrator or have a guy eat her out or she needs to have her tubes tied. Bam. Problem solved.

Good luck with that.

07-02-2013, 09:12 AM
Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: Texas Men Explain Why So Many Are Joining The Fight (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/07/01/2242971/texas-men-womens-rights/)One hallmark of Monday’s massive protest was the number of men who joined the rally for women’s rights, some even driving from as far as Houston and Dallas to attend. Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, remarked to ThinkProgress that their presence showed “these are not just women’s issues, they’re family issues.”

ThinkProgress spoke with over a half-dozen men at the rally about what it meant for them to be there and the importance of women’s rights being a universal issue. Here’s what they told us:


07-02-2013, 10:17 AM
The 10 Most Absurd Things Texas Republicans Said About Abortion This Year
State Sen. Dan Patrick (R): Defending his party's chaotic effort to force through a vote as the session was ending, the founder of the state's tea party caucus told (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/texas-state-senator-compares-himself-jesus-condemns-anarchy-pro-life-mob) former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on his radio show that lawmakers had an obligation to ignore proper senate rules and procedure if it meant saving fetuses: "I spoke to my colleagues and said, when Jesus criticized the Pharisees, he criticized them because their laws and their rules were more important than actually taking care of people. And in my view, stopping a debate to save thousands of lives, well, saving the thousands of lives is more important than our tradition of, well, you should never stop someone."

State Rep. Bill Zedler (R): On Twitter (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/26/bill-zedler-terrorists-_n_3505571.html), referring to reproductive rights activists: "We had terrorists in the Texas State Senate opposing SB 5."

Gov. Rick Perry: Speaking to a national right-to-life conference on Friday (http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/06/rick-perry-teen-pregnancy-wendy-davis), Perry lamented that Davis, who was raised by a single mother and had her first child at 19, hadn't drawn the proper lessons from her own life: "It is just unfortunate that she hasn't learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters."

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst: After initially telling reporters the bill had passed, Dewhurst later offered up an excuse (http://www.statesman.com/news/news/davis-starts-filibuster-to-stop-abortion-bill/nYTqs/) for why it had failed: "An unruly mob, using Occupy Wall Street tactics, disrupted the Senate from protecting unborn babies." Following that, he threatened (http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/2013/06/will-lt-gov-dewhurst-have-texas-media-arrested.html/) to arrest reporters for interfering with the Democratic process: "If I find, as I've been told, examples of the media waving and trying to inflame the crowd, incite them in the direction of a riot, I'm going to take action against them. We have reports that members of the media on the floor, on the floor of the Senate, were looking up at the people in the gallery, waving their hands, trying to motivate them to yell more. If I find examples of that, proof certain on our video. I'm going to address this firmly."

State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg (R): Laubenberg, the bill's sponsor, suggested (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/24/jodie-laubenberg-texas-rape_n_3493220.html) during the floor debate that there was no need to include an exception for victims of rape, because rape kits are themselves a form of abortion: "In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out. The woman had five months to make that decision, at this point we are looking at a baby that is very far along in its development."



07-02-2013, 10:49 AM
North Carolina Governor to Sign Bill Forcing Educators to Teach That Abortion Is Cause of Pre-Term Birth

SB 132 (http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/billlookup/billlookup.pl?Session=2013&BillID=S132), a new bill that will require health educators to teach seventh-grade students (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/06/27/north-carolina-bill-to-call-abortion-a-cause-of-pre-term-birth-gets-house-approval/), incorrectly, that abortion is a cause of preterm birth.

There is no major medical group (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/05/09/two-more-anti-science-anti-choice-bills-make-their-way-through-the-north-carolina-legislature/) in the country that claims abortion causes preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies.

http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/07/01/north-carolina-governor-to-sign-bill-forcing-educators-to-teach-that-abortion-is-cause-of-pre-term-birth/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

typical Repug/"Christian" haters, dedicated to all Big Lies.

07-02-2013, 01:17 PM
Every state does it.those lines were done by the dem party

Which is why it needs to be removed from the political process.

Question is... how do we do that?

07-02-2013, 03:22 PM
Which is why it needs to be removed from the political process.

Question is... how do we do that?

Get rid if the single member winner takes all district. The state's are allotted so many reps by the fed and they are the one's that come up with the voting system. Texas will never go first but a parliamentary system would nix that and encourage 3rd party participation.

07-02-2013, 04:50 PM
That would highly favor conservatives Fuzzy, and would give extremely strong voting power to rural communities.

07-02-2013, 10:21 PM
Which is why it needs to be removed from the political process.

Question is... how do we do that?

Not all states do districting by elected politicians.

Some use bureaucrats, which wouldn't work in TX because RickyBobby has polluted the bureacracy with Repug political hacks, much like the dubya/dickhead did to the federal bureaucracy.

long article:


07-03-2013, 01:25 AM
How much money is wasted on bitching about abortion? If a woman wants to kill her baby, let her do it and the only consequence that she will have to deal with is regret, guilt, and remorse. That's fair right?

07-03-2013, 05:08 AM
How much money is wasted on bitching about abortion? If a woman wants to kill her baby, let her do it and the only consequence that she will have to deal with is regret, guilt, and remorse. That's fair right?

Repugs are All Abortion, All The Time, other than the time voting to repeal Obamacare 40 times.

They take their job of serving, governing, advancing The Great American People very seriously.

07-03-2013, 05:16 AM
Repugs are cheating chickenshits, everwhere. Won't debate or even mention in committee what they sneak through.

In ‘sneak attack,’ North Carolina GOP pushes bill that could close all but one abortion clinic
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/07/02/in-sneak-attack-north-carolina-gop-pushes-bill-that-could-close-all-but-one-abortion-clinic/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

the fucking Confederacy, fucking up their states, and blaming it on Christ.

btw, no coincidence that the 5 or 6 "worst" states by many, if not all measures are all Repug states.

07-03-2013, 06:25 AM
Repug Wall St 1%er Grease Bag in action in the War on (Poor) Women

Chris Christie Vetoes Family Planning Funding for the Fifth Time


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has signed the state budget, and for the fifth time the Republican politician has refused the inclusion of additional funding for family planning services. Christie previously vetoed the funding in 2012 (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2012/07/02/new-jersey-governor-chris-christie-vetoes-75-million-in-family-planning-funding/), in 2011 (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2011/05/24/jersey-senate-trying-again-reinstate-family-planning-funding/), and twice in 2010 (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2010/07/27/jersey-governor-vetoes-family-planning-funds-again/).

As they have done in budget years past, New Jersey’s Democratic legislators attempted to add $7.5 million in family planning funds, hoping that the money would prop back up a system of women’s health clinics that has been depleted since Gov. Christie took office.

According to the Star Ledger, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen) proposed the funding this year, citing the six reproductive health centers (http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2011/10/18/thanks-to-chris-christie-six-family-planning-health-centers-close-in-new-jersey/) that have closed since the 2010 budget cuts. “It is shameful that the governor is playing politics with the health of the women of New Jersey,” Sen. Weinberg told the paper. (http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/06/gov_christie_signs_2013_nj_budget.html#/0) “Women and families in communities across New Jersey have lost access to cancer screenings, pre-natal care, STD testing and treatment and birth control.”

http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/07/02/chris-christie-vetoes-family-planning-funding-for-the-fifth-time/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

07-03-2013, 09:29 AM
PP posted a $400,000,000 profit last year. They can take a 7.5 mil hit. NJ is 11 billion in the red. Also, PP is not the sole source of these services.

Political footall...all it is and the moonbat blogs run with it.

07-03-2013, 09:52 AM

07-03-2013, 09:11 PM
The Guttmacher Institute says (http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html) 30 percent of American women have had an abortion by age 40.


07-03-2013, 11:32 PM
PP posted a $400,000,000 profit last year. They can take a 7.5 mil hit. NJ is 11 billion in the red. Also, PP is not the sole source of these services.

Political footall...all it is and the moonbat blogs run with it.

At least in NJ, most of those clinics already receive federal funding...

07-04-2013, 01:59 AM
Why don't women just get their men to throw them down a flight of stairs or up against a wall? It's basically a free abortion.

07-04-2013, 07:55 AM
That would highly favor conservatives Fuzzy, and would give extremely strong voting power to rural communities.

I don't see how. Assuming you vote for party and get proportional representation then each vote would count the same proportionally. The single member district as it is invalidates many votes by making them redundant while the above notion levels the playing field.

The plurality wins its proportional share versus dozens of rigged games.

07-07-2013, 09:56 AM
RickyBobby showing his incredible good ol' Texas boy charm
(http://thinkprogress.org.feedsportal.com/c/34726/f/638927/s/2e5246ff/l/0Lthinkprogress0Borg0Chealth0C20A130C0A70C0A70C226 17810Crick0Eperry0Edoubles0Edown0Ewendy0Edavis0Esh ould0Ebe0Eproud0Ethat0Eher0Emother0Edidnt0Eabort0E her0C/story01.htm)
Rick Perry Doubles Down: Wendy Davis Should Be ‘Proud’ That Her Mother Didn’t Abort Her (http://thinkprogress.org.feedsportal.com/c/34726/f/638927/s/2e5246ff/l/0Lthinkprogress0Borg0Chealth0C20A130C0A70C0A70C226 17810Crick0Eperry0Edoubles0Edown0Ewendy0Edavis0Esh ould0Ebe0Eproud0Ethat0Eher0Emother0Edidnt0Eabort0E her0C/story01.htm)


RickyBobby and TX Repugs in a few years will be regretting they prevented Texas "Mexicans" from aborting all their babies.

07-10-2013, 10:46 AM
Texas Abortion Bill Author In 2007: No Health Care For Unborn Because 'They're Not Born Yet'

Texas State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg (R), the author of the radically anti-abortion bill (http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/10/us-usa-abortion-texas-idUSBRE96805G20130710) making its way through the Texas Legislature this week, argued for hours on Tuesday that lawmakers should support her bill because of its strong protections for a person's "pre-born life."

The bill, HB 2, responds to "the definite death to the 70,000-plus babies who have been aborted in this state," Laubenberg said during remarks on the House floor. "HB 2 focuses on both the child and the woman."

But back in 2007, she made the case against treating the unborn as people -- at least, when it comes to qualifying for health care services.

During a House debate on an appropriations bill that year, Laubenberg, a staunch conservative, put forward an amendment that would require expectant mothers to wait three months before they could begin receiving prenatal and perinatal care under the Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, a program that helps cover uninsured children in low-income families.

Laubenberg's amendment drew criticism from Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchia, who said the change would mean that more than 95,000 children, in utero, would be kicked out of the CHIP program. As the two sparred over whether that was true -- Anchia cited CHIP data from hospitals, Laubenberg alleged it was "misinformation" -- Anchia asked if Laubenberg recognized those in-utero babies as people.

"You do know, don't you, that these are U.S. citizens?" Anchia asked.

"But they're not born yet," Laubenberg said.


:lol Fucking Texan conservative Repug ideologues, all fucking stupid as manure.

Don't Mess With Texans, they're fucking stupid rednecks

07-11-2013, 09:19 AM
O’Reilly claims some Texas women get abortions because of hand sprainshttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/billoreillyhand-screen.jpg

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/07/11/oreilly-claims-some-texas-women-get-abortions-because-of-hand-sprains/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Billo simply rousing the "Christian" rabble

07-11-2013, 01:23 PM

AUSTIN —Republican lawmakers in the Texas State Senate are proposing a precedent-setting new bill that would make it illegal for women to live in the state.

Senator Harland Dorrinson, one of the many pro-life lawmakers backing the woman ban, crafted his bill after witnessing Senator Wendy Davis’s filibuster an anti-abortion bill last month.

“That was our moment to say, ‘Enough is enough,’ ” he said. “This comes down to a choice between life and women, and we choose life.”

Senator Dorrinson said his bill would call for a twenty-foot woman-proof fence to be constructed along the borders of the state.

“Women are great at talking, but not at climbing,” he observed.

But another G.O.P. state senator, Cal Jamson, believes that the total ban on women goes “too far” and is proposing a less draconian bill that would allow some women to remain in the state as guest workers.

“Texas needs women to cook, clean, and cheerlead,” he said. “If they show that they can do those things and stay out of politics, there could be a pathway to citizenship.”


07-11-2013, 02:13 PM
Finally the American College of OB/GYN Speaks Up (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/07/10/1222445/-Finally-the-American-College-of-OB-GYN-Speaks-Up)

"•Legislative Interference: We must stand AGAINST legislative interference in the practice of medicine and the patient-physician relationship.

•Facts Are Important: We must stand FOR scientific integrity, providing legislators and the public with the latest scientific information on which to base their decisions. This is especially true when others are misrepresenting inaccurate information as “facts.”

•A Woman’s Right to Make Her Own Medical Decisions: We must stand FOR the rights of all women to make their own health care decisions in consultation with their physician and to have access to quality care without interference from politicians or other interests"

Here at last is the voice of reason being expressed, at least in the local Texas news media. If the reporters don't interview or talk shows hosts don't invite Jean A. Conry, MD, PhD, President of ACOG or Hal C Lawrence III, MD ACOG Executive Vice-President of ACOG on their shows, well, I would consider that media malpractice.


07-11-2013, 07:11 PM


07-11-2013, 07:19 PM


that's not the issue here, and you know it.

07-11-2013, 07:49 PM
At the same time, however, a large majority (63 percent) say that the statement "decisions on abortion should be made by a woman and her doctor" comes closer to their opinion on abortion, while only 26 percent say "government has a right and obligation to pass restrictions on abortion."

lol Darrin

Selective reading is awesome.

07-11-2013, 07:57 PM
lol Darrin

Selective reading is awesome.

Oh just wait until he takes quotes from partisan sources and then claims they come from a place not so compromised.

Darrin is a sophist that is not above misrepresentation.

07-13-2013, 08:29 PM
Fox Repug Propaganda network, adored and believed by red state bubbas, always serious, tasteful, classy

Fox's Erickson Directs Liberals To Coat Hanger Sales Site After Texas Abortion Bill Passes
Shortly after the Texas Senate passed legislation (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/13/19435238-texas-senate-gives-final-passage-to-abortion-bill-delayed-by-filibuster) that drastically restricts abortion rights in that state, Fox News contributor Erick Erickson urged liberals to bookmark a website that sells coat hangers.


and the bubbas laughed their "Christian" asses off.

07-15-2013, 05:29 AM
Texas Capitol Police Spend 1.5 Hours Confiscating Tampons, While Concealed Guns Are Welcomed

The Texas Department of Public Safety has released a brief statement (http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rlaomj)confirming that “feminine hygiene products” were among the items that were “required to be discarded” before individuals could enter the Texas Capitol for a time Friday. The department says it also collected jars “suspected to contain” feces, urine, and paint. The department did not state why it stopped collecting items.

State troopers spent an hour and a half Friday confiscating tampons and sanitary pads, among other items, (https://twitter.com/scATX/status/355767796283621376) from Texans hoping to enter the public gallery to watch the final debate over HB 2, an omnibus anti-abortion bill that would shut down all but five abortion clinics in the state. The move meant that menstruating people would either have to refrain from entering the gallery, or do so without sanitary products.

Concealed handguns, however, were as welcome as ever—in fact, there’s a line in the Texas Capitol for anyone who wants to bypass security with a weapon.

http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/07/12/texas-capitol-police-spend-1-5-hours-confiscating-tampons-while-concealed-guns-are-welcomed/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rhrealitycheck+%28RH+Reality+ Check%29

Repug "reachout" to women! :lol

throw a tampon at TX Repug and, disrespected and threatened, he'll shoot you dead :lol

tampons bad, dangerous, penis surrogates good, safe! :lol

07-15-2013, 08:25 AM
Texas childbirth death rates rise

“It's about women's health,” say state Sen. Donna Campbell and other supporters of a controversial abortion restriction bill about their motivation for fighting to pass Senate Bill 5.

Then Texans should be made aware of the state's grimmest medical statistic: women are more likely to die from childbirth than from an abortion. That's according to a study published in the February 2012 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology Medical Journal.

The study, conducted by Dr. David Grimes, a clinical professor in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, found that nationally the risk of death associated with a full-term pregnancy and delivery is 8.8 deaths per 100,000, while the risk of death linked to legal abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 women. That means a woman carrying a baby to term is 14 times more likely to die than a woman who chooses to have a legal abortion.

In Texas, the statistics are worse. In 2011 Texas women died in childbirth at a rate of 24.63 per 100,000. “It's alarming,” said Dr. Donald Dudley, Obstetrician & Gynecologist at the UTHSC San Antonio.

Texas should be seeing only about 5 deaths per 100,000 said Dudley, and the present rate is comparable to a developing nation.

Childbirth morbidity is seen as the most sensitive indicator of the general health of a population, especially in urban conditions.

In the last legislative session, two bills were passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry, forming a Texas Childhood Morbidity Task Force and creating levels of care designations for hospitals that provide neonatal and maternal services.

The task force will look for answers as to why giving birth in Texas is so deadly. Researchers say they already know: lack of prenatal care; women giving birth later in life; obesity; diabetes, and lack of access to quality lifelong health care. The task force will gather the data to back those observations up.

House Bill 1085 brings back to Texas childbirth mortality review boards that will look for answers into each mother's death. These review boards were commonplace in the United States 50 years ago. Today, they are again needed. An estimated 40 to 70 percent of the women's deaths during childbirth in Texas are preventable.

Dr. Lisa M. Hollier at Baylor College of Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology helped lead the charge to pass the bills. She said she's excited the leaders of Texas are taking action but she also laments it could have happened two years ago in the previous legislative session. The bills were unable to get voted out of committee.

During the heated debates over a woman's right to choose whether to carry a pregnancy to term, we should also be debating if women have a right to a safe pregnancy and childbirth.


TX Repugs: as long as it's black and brown babies, high childbirth deaths no problem. TX is for white people.

07-16-2013, 01:34 PM

07-16-2013, 06:34 PM
Let me see. Its a choice between tossing an innocent defenseless baby in the trash, or asking women to not have a reckless sexual lifestyle.
Genocide or sex on demand. Decisions, decisions.

07-16-2013, 07:53 PM
Let me see. Its a choice between tossing an innocent defenseless baby in the trash, or asking women to not have a reckless sexual lifestyle.
Genocide or sex on demand. Decisions, decisions.

Genocide? That may be the stupidest thing said here today, and Avante has been prolific.

07-16-2013, 08:01 PM

An invasive, unneccessary, forced procedure...hmm, sounds like abortion.

07-16-2013, 08:09 PM
An invasive, unneccessary, forced procedure...hmm, sounds like abortion.

Yeah, women are forced into abortions all the time against their own will.

07-16-2013, 08:09 PM
An invasive, unneccessary, forced procedure...hmm, sounds like abortion.

abortion necessary if the lady deems it necessary

abortion not forced if the lady agrees to it

you suck at analogies.

07-16-2013, 08:11 PM
Genocide? That may be the stupidest thing said here today, and Avante has been prolific.

dbestpro is underrated as far as extremely retarded posters go

07-16-2013, 08:18 PM
Let me see. Its a choice between tossing an innocent defenseless baby in the trash, or asking women to not have a reckless sexual lifestyle.
Genocide or sex on demand. Decisions, decisions.

If only the anti-portion crowd equally GAF about a kid AFTER it was born.

TX doesn't even want to give poor women contraceptives or perinatal care, and are cutting or have cut all kinds of assistance to poor families. One estimate was that TX abortions will jump from 80K/year to 100K+/year.

07-16-2013, 08:24 PM
If only the anti-portion crowd equally GAF about a kid AFTER it was born.

You've made this idiotic statement before. You've been proven demonstrably wrong. You can stop saying it now.


07-16-2013, 08:27 PM
Confederate Repugs don't have the balls to do their dirty business in full daylight

North Carolina GOP’s Sneak Attack On Abortion Rights Unpopular With VotersOnly 8 percent of North Carolinians think sneaking abortion restrictions into bills regarding Sharia law and motorcycle safety is “appropriate,” according to a new PPP survey (http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2011/PPP_Release_NC_071613.pdf).

A whopping 80 percent say that their state’s Republicans’ recent efforts to limit abortion rights by adding restrictions to bills that had nothing to do with women’s health are “inappropriate.”

Only 17 percent believe that Sharia law is a “pressing state issue” in the first place.

( :lol 17% :lol so many as 17%? what bunch red-state fucktards :lol )

Earlier this year, Republicans also considered a law establishing Christianity (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/04/north-carolina-wont-establish-state-religion/) as the state’s official religion.

Republicans took control of both houses of the state legislature in 2010 for the first time in more than a century. Since Republican governor Pat McCrory took office in 2013, the legislature has passed and the governor has signed a flurry of some of the most extreme legislation in the nation (http://www.nationalmemo.com/5-worst-ideas-from-north-carolinas-tea-party-legislature/).


07-16-2013, 08:27 PM
You've made this idiotic statement before. You've been proven demonstrably wrong. You can stop saying it now.


The way Republicans would rather stab themselves in the dick than increase K-12 education funding, I fail to see how he's wrong.