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07-01-2013, 08:41 AM
I came to notice a yellowjacket wasp hive beneath my neighbors roof and I let him know about a month ago. Fast-forward to today and the motherfucker now has THREE big hives. Whats worse is the biggest hive is about ten feet away from my home and its a hive thats like covered in a shrub.. We have a garden plus various fruit trees and everytime we go out to water 10+ of these things pop up out (whose to blame them when its like 100+ degrees here). Now if I had the equipment I'd go in and take care of shit but I don't. What the heck do I do tbh? Is anybody familiar with the legalities of this? It's complete fucking bullshit cause I got three big inside/outdoor dogs who are at any moment susceptible to being stung if they disturb the nearest hive.

I've never had to deal with bullshit like this before...

07-01-2013, 08:45 AM
I came to notice a yellowjacket wasp hive beneath my neighbors roof and I let him know about a month ago. Fast-forward to today and the motherfucker now has THREE big hives. Whats worse is the biggest hive is about ten feet away from my home and its a hive thats like covered in a shrub.. We have a garden plus various fruit trees and everytime we go out to water 10+ of these things pop up out (whose to blame them when its like 100+ degrees here). Now if I had the equipment I'd go in and take care of shit but I don't. What the heck do I do tbh? Is anybody familiar with the legalities of this? It's complete fucking bullshit cause I got three big inside/outdoor dogs who are at any moment susceptible to being stung if they disturb the nearest hive.

I've never had to deal with bullshit like this before...

I would just spray the hives and get rid of them. It's not like the neighbor would get mad for killing those fucking things.

Obviously he's not going to do it.

07-01-2013, 08:47 AM
A lot of sprays reach 25-40, iirc. I'd empty a couple of cans into that bush if that were that close to me.

Trill Clinton
07-01-2013, 08:48 AM
just go over there again except this time tell him either he takes care of it or you will.

07-01-2013, 08:48 AM
Or just wait until the neighbor isn't home and do it right.

Really though, who gives a shit if he's home or not....fuck wasps!

07-01-2013, 08:49 AM
just go over there again except this time tell him either he takes care of it or you will.

You don't even have to be a dick about it...just be nice and say, "you mind if I take care of this for you"? Guarantee dude would be ok with it.

07-01-2013, 08:49 AM
No one wants to be a shitty neighbor.

07-01-2013, 08:50 AM
Even the Klopecks tried to be nice.

I. Hustle
07-01-2013, 08:55 AM
Get that stuff that foams up and do it in the evening. Works like a charm. Then just let that shit drip down and watch them fall down dying. You don't even have to worry about clean up because it's your neighbors place. Let him walk out and step on one of those stingers.

Trill Clinton
07-01-2013, 08:56 AM
You don't even have to be a dick about it...just be nice and say, "you mind if I take care of this for you"? Guarantee dude would be ok with it.

i would go the dickhead route depending on what type of neighbor it is. if we haven't had any problems in the past and they're decent, then yea, i'd be cordial. but if its that trashy ass neighbor then i'm going to be an ass.

07-01-2013, 09:00 AM
just a buy a sprayer and see if it will shoot the 10 ft you need...or step over there and spray when you think no one's home...

I once had an Asian neighbor from hell...and this fucking guy was insane...he got mad because I entertained girls at my crib all the time..they'd come over in Bikini's and hang out around the yard...this fucker was jealous..complained about loud noises and I told him to fuck off I was living here first...he was married to a young hispanic lady...maybe early - mid 30's...they had twins....their bathtub faced my drive way...instead of putting up block glass they put up plain see through glass with curtains...now I would come home from the gym about 4 pm each day and she'd be in the tub bathing (at the same time) with the curtain open..so I would just sit in my car and watch...he saw me and got mad...not my problem..I figured she wanted me to see...she would stand up in her tub and wash her ass and tits right in front of me....I was like close the fucking curtains if not I'm looking until she's done...he then came over again saying I was throwing cigarettes in his yard when it was his 16 yr old son dropping them down from the 2nd floor window...then he threatened to shoot my lawn guy... he came ringing my door bell again so I stepped outside with him and told him if he knocked on my door one more time with some bullshit he was gonna have some real problems that he didn't want...that lil short fucker never bothered me again...

I long since moved but last I heard from my old neighbors was that he caught his 16 yr old son fuckin his wife and chased them out the house with a butcher knife...he stayed with his wife but sent is kid back to Thailand I think...:lol

07-01-2013, 09:03 AM
Can't believe no one picked up on the Klopecks reference.

Capt Bringdown
07-01-2013, 09:06 AM
You're worried about your dogs getting bit by wasps, seriously?

I. Hustle
07-01-2013, 09:18 AM
You're worried about your dogs getting bit by wasps, seriously?

Yeah! Wasps don't even bite.

07-01-2013, 09:33 AM
Wasps swarm and kill animals all the time. I've seen 2 dogs killed by wasps on the news here in SA so far this summer.

07-01-2013, 10:38 AM
Fuck yo dogs, clown.

Mark in Austin
07-01-2013, 12:54 PM
spectracide wasp killer in the white can from Home Depot. They are dead before they hit the ground. Shit works great.

07-01-2013, 12:58 PM
Be sure to spray in the evening if you do, thats when all the bees will be at the nest and the less active.

07-01-2013, 02:48 PM
Roll up a newspaper, set it afire, and burn the hives. They won't return if you burn them. I wouldn't recommend going anywhere near you neighbor's house with fire though :lol

07-01-2013, 02:56 PM
Spray those bastards!

07-01-2013, 04:24 PM
Okay so I tried taking the nearest (biggest) hive out and unfortunately disturbed the hive. I was stung twice, on my neck and literally on my ass. Thinking of calling pest control. The hive is even bigger than I thought. The thing probably has 100+ wasps.

07-01-2013, 04:26 PM
What I'm afraid of is alarming the other two hives. From what I read, if you alarm a hive, a nearby hive will participate in a swarm because of the common pheromone released. Yeah, fuck that.

07-01-2013, 04:32 PM
You have to wait until night time....

I'm allergic, so I wait until night, spray, and then run like a child.

07-01-2013, 04:34 PM
Did the neighbor know you were trying to get rid of the hive or did they see you? If not, you can just act like that didn't happen and say you have been stung twice and ask again for him to take care of it asap.

07-01-2013, 04:41 PM
Okay so I tried taking the nearest (biggest) hive out and unfortunately disturbed the hive. I was stung twice, on my neck and literally on my ass. Thinking of calling pest control. The hive is even bigger than I thought. The thing probably has 100+ wasps.


07-01-2013, 04:46 PM
Okay so I tried taking the nearest (biggest) hive out and unfortunately disturbed the hive. I was stung twice, on my neck and literally on my ass. Thinking of calling pest control. The hive is even bigger than I thought. The thing probably has 100+ wasps.

you have been owned

07-01-2013, 04:50 PM
:lol the neighbor just got home and I told him. He said he had no problem with it.
I was stung but I killed like 5 of those things with what Mark in Austin recommended me with. Shoulda just gone commando at night tho. Those fuckers are gonna be waiting for me if I irritate them again.

07-01-2013, 06:52 PM
It seems like there's always a scout or sentry hornet around the nest when you start to get close.

07-01-2013, 06:57 PM
You have to wait until night time....

I'm allergic, so I wait until night, spray, and then run like a child.

No shit, me too. I run around the house to the other door to put as much space possible between me and those angry fuckers.

07-01-2013, 07:35 PM
No shit, me too. I run around the house to the other door to put as much space possible between me and those angry fuckers.

They're pure evil.

Also, fuck everyone of you guys for not acknowledging my Klopecks reference.

07-01-2013, 07:43 PM
No shit, me too. I run around the house to the other door to put as much space possible between me and those angry fuckers.

Not me. I go full alpha Avante, grab one of the little shit hornets coming at me, flip him and sword fight the rest.

07-01-2013, 07:46 PM
Not me. I go full alpha Avante, grab one of the little shit hornets coming at me, flip him and sword fight the rest.

Put his head on a toothpick as a warning to others?

07-01-2013, 07:46 PM
What kind of place do you live where your neighbor would not take care of that problem when asked about it. I can almost forgive him for not just doing it on his own before needing to be told (which is still crazy to me), but after you ask? I'd sell the house and leave that place asap.

07-01-2013, 07:47 PM
That's a good point...what a dick.

07-01-2013, 08:23 PM
What kind of place do you live where your neighbor would not take care of that problem when asked about it. I can almost forgive him for not just doing it on his own before needing to be told (which is still crazy to me), but after you ask? I'd sell the house and leave that place asap.

Hell, it sucks, but there are shitty neighbors in almost every neighborhood.

Big Empty
07-01-2013, 08:45 PM
lmao you got stung lmao im so sorry im laughing at that~

07-01-2013, 09:02 PM
just pay some niggas several hundred dollars to burn up those shits. words won't work on such class-1 assholes that your neighbors sound to be

07-01-2013, 09:13 PM
Takes a lot of neglect and shittiness to completely ignore a huge hive of hundreds of wasps on your property......what a shithead.

07-02-2013, 12:38 AM
For hives that big, I'd prolly just spray them night-by-night. Make sure to wear a lot of old clothing too.

07-02-2013, 01:24 AM
I gave it a try just awhile ago and the fuckers swarmed. The problem I'm having is that the targeted nest is embedded into the shrub from plain sight.

The shrub looks something like this but way bigger:

I'm done trying...time to phone the pest control

07-02-2013, 02:25 AM
Also, fuck everyone of you guys for not acknowledging my Klopecks reference.

Oh, come on.

It's doubtful even Tom Hanks would have picked up on that one in 2013.

07-02-2013, 03:20 AM
Okay so I tried taking the nearest (biggest) hive out and unfortunately disturbed the hive. I was stung twice, on my neck and literally on my ass. Thinking of calling pest control. The hive is even bigger than I thought. The thing probably has 100+ wasps.:lmao

Stop being a pussy too. Wear something thick/multiple layers of clothing, cover your head and face, and do it yourself. Or tell your neighbor to call pest control himself. No reason why you should waste your money to fix his problem.

07-02-2013, 03:33 AM
I'm not gonna mess with the nearest (targeted) hive...I already tried and failed twice. The other hives will become alarmed if I go commando, they're not to far away from the hive I've targeted...i don't know the legalities regarding this situation but I'll get the necessary people involved...what's damn sure is I aint paying a dime for the service:lol...it's not even my property

07-02-2013, 03:39 AM
Fuck man, the sting to my neck still hurts. I blacked out when I was stung. When I was eight years old I was stung by a hornet underneath my ear and I also blacked out.

07-02-2013, 03:46 AM
How does a wasp sting feel, is it anything like a bee sting? Ive never been stung by by a wasp but have experienced a shit load of bee stings tbh. And if at first you dont succeed than try try again. Dont let those little fuckers get the best of you brah.

07-02-2013, 07:08 AM
Go to a feed/chemical store and buy some Demon. Mix it up in a sprayer and head out there at night and soak the bush from top to bottom. They will be gone the next day. Not sure why you are letting yourself get stung. You should have almost every inch of skin covered if you are going after a nest this size.

07-02-2013, 07:30 AM
Can't believe the wusses in here. I kill dozens of those things a year between tne house, the barn, and the ranch. Go to lowes and get this:


It's only like $2 a can. On that big one in the bush go in guns blazing with a can in each hand and just shoot them out of the air if they come at you. Just keep knocking them down and then soak the nest. The ones that come back to the nest will die just from contact.

07-02-2013, 07:49 AM
Oh, come on.

It's doubtful even Tom Hanks would have picked up on that one in 2013.

I knew you'd get it.

07-02-2013, 09:41 AM
Those cans of wasp spray have a pretty far reach, you don't really need to get too close to the situation.

07-02-2013, 09:43 AM
Can't believe the wusses in here. I kill dozens of those things a year between tne house, the barn, and the ranch. Go to lowes and get this:


It's only like $2 a can. On that big one in the bush go in guns blazing with a can in each hand and just shoot them out of the air if they come at you. Just keep knocking them down and then soak the nest. The ones that come back to the nest will die just from contact.
Did that to a ground hornet nest close to my porch. Went out at night completely covered from head to toe with a can in each hand. Stood over the hole with a can in each hand and emptied both cans into it. That was the end of that.

07-02-2013, 11:33 AM

07-02-2013, 11:34 AM
I stopped buying wasp\hornet spray years ago. I use soapy water with a kids water shooter. The tube like shooter is about 3 feet long. These shooters shoot water like at a pool or the lake. You put dish washing liquid in a bucket and mix it all up foamy. Put the end of the water shooter in the bucket and pull back on the handle to suck up the liquid into the tube. You can stand 10-15 feet from the nest then push in the handle and shoot the liquid at the nest. It covers more than bug spray will and the soap mix will drop all the wasp and kill them because of the soap coats on their body's. This work so good and you only have to buy the water shooter once. This really works!!!!1

07-02-2013, 12:09 PM
Taking advice from Spurstalk will get your ass stung.

07-02-2013, 03:32 PM
I came to notice a yellowjacket wasp hive beneath my neighbors roof and I let him know about a month ago. Fast-forward to today and the motherfucker now has THREE big hives. Whats worse is the biggest hive is about ten feet away from my home and its a hive thats like covered in a shrub.. We have a garden plus various fruit trees and everytime we go out to water 10+ of these things pop up out (whose to blame them when its like 100+ degrees here). Now if I had the equipment I'd go in and take care of shit but I don't. What the heck do I do tbh? Is anybody familiar with the legalities of this? It's complete fucking bullshit cause I got three big inside/outdoor dogs who are at any moment susceptible to being stung if they disturb the nearest hive.

I've never had to deal with bullshit like this before...

1) Buy a slingshot

2) practice with slingshot.

3) figure out when the neighbor normally gets home from work.

4) practice with slingshot

5) 10 minutes before neighbor is due to get home from work, bring dogs inside, shoot nests.

6) Go inside.

7) Record the frivolity

8) Post it on youtube

9) give us the link so we can watch and snicker.

07-06-2013, 10:05 AM
Okay so I tried taking the nearest (biggest) hive out and unfortunately disturbed the hive. I was stung twice, on my neck and literally on my ass. Thinking of calling pest control. The hive is even bigger than I thought. The thing probably has 100+ wasps.

Well that idea came back to bite you in the ass...

07-06-2013, 11:26 AM
1) Buy a slingshot

2) practice with slingshot.

3) figure out when the neighbor normally gets home from work.

4) practice with slingshot

5) 10 minutes before neighbor is due to get home from work, bring dogs inside, shoot nests.

6) Go inside.

7) Record the frivolity

8) Post it on youtube

9) give us the link so we can watch and snicker.

Best idea yet.

OP you better deliver. Let's see how high on the priority list this jumps for your neighbor after a few dozen stings or so.

07-06-2013, 12:41 PM
Fuck man, the sting to my neck still hurts. I blacked out when I was stung. When I was eight years old I was stung by a hornet underneath my ear and I also blacked out.

Lmao, don't be dramatic.

Wrap yourself up and get back in the fight soldier!

07-07-2013, 03:44 PM
Worrying about the "legality" of anything seems silly to me. Can't imagine cops issuing any citations for some poor bastard, killing wasps. The bush they're in must provide great protection, because I've killed a number of big nests around my house and at work by walking up, spraying them, and jogging away. Fuck wasps.

07-07-2013, 03:45 PM
Save any fireworks from the 4th?