View Full Version : This is an outrage!!! Cops kill a dog

07-02-2013, 03:30 AM
First they illegally arrest this guy for filming a house thats being raided

Then they shoot his dog



07-02-2013, 04:36 AM

07-02-2013, 04:41 AM
I never understood why cops care so much about what D'Quandre says while they're doing their job. The problem wasn't shooting the dog, I would've too before it's too late, it's the fucking wannabe martyr and the stupid cops not seeing him for what he is, which is a child throwing a tantrum.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 07:45 AM
puss ass cops!http://i42.tinypic.com/2rw2epv.png

07-02-2013, 07:48 AM
Dog was black...of course!

07-02-2013, 08:50 AM
It is all fun and games until the Police start shooting…Then it is hysterical…
Hood Rat not acting so tough now...:lmao

07-02-2013, 08:51 AM
That sucked. This has happened twice this year in Austin already, there has to be a different solution.

I. Hustle
07-02-2013, 08:57 AM
That sucked. This has happened twice this year in Austin already, there has to be a different solution.

Got ya covered.


I. Hustle
07-02-2013, 08:58 AM
LOL @ The dude walking by the first couple of seconds. I thought it was fake.

07-02-2013, 09:03 AM
Pretty sad man. Dog died doing his duty protecting his friend from other bad men. See how fast they arrest a black man for nothing? For nothing at all and there goes another notch in the "black crime" statistics.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 09:26 AM
That sucked. This has happened twice this year in Austin already, there has to be a different solution.

Yup. I'm happy this is getting media attention, though.

07-02-2013, 09:34 AM
The cops over-reacted. Per par. They never needed to arrest that guy in the first place.

07-02-2013, 09:37 AM
Pretty sad man. Dog died doing his duty protecting his friend from other bad men. See how fast they arrest a black man for nothing? For nothing at all and there goes another notch in the "black crime" statistics.

Charge were filed against him? Link?

Cops tend to act like assholes to people who film them, white or black.

07-02-2013, 09:45 AM
Charge were filed against him? Link?

Cops tend to act like assholes to people who film them, white or black.

No surprise you defend asshole cops. You also defend the souls of rapists and murderers.

07-02-2013, 09:48 AM
No surprise you defend asshole cops.

Link to where I defended the cops?

You also defend the souls of rapists and murderers.

I never defended something I didn't believe in in the first place.

07-02-2013, 09:54 AM

07-02-2013, 11:42 AM
For nothing at all and there goes another notch in the "black crime" statistics.

A white person would've stfu before it's too late tbh. He earned that statistic.

No surprise you defend asshole cops. You also defend the souls of rapists and murderers.

He didn't defend them. He's right, cops go nuts over self-righteous whites filming them too. My original point applies in those cases too.

07-02-2013, 11:48 AM
people always trying to be nosey and film shit, idk why he couldn't do it lowkey like the people who were filming him. nosey people get on my nerves.

as far as the dog goes, sucks it had to end that way but wtf do you expect them to do? ill kill a dog if it attacks me too

07-02-2013, 11:53 AM
people always trying to be nosey and film shit, idk why he couldn't do it lowkey like the people who were filming him. nosey people get on my nerves.

as far as the dog goes, sucks it had to end that way but wtf do you expect them to do? ill kill a dog if it attacks me too

It's not illegal or arrest-worthy to be nosey. Isn't this America? Are we still living in America here?

As for the dog, the dog was provoked by the cop when he reached out for him. He initiated the dog's reaction.

07-02-2013, 11:57 AM
A white person would've stfu before it's too late tbh. He earned that statistic.

He didn't defend them. He's right, cops go nuts over self-righteous whites filming them too. My original point applies in those cases too.

How did he earn the statistic? What was illegal?

07-02-2013, 11:58 AM
I didn't say it was illegal, just that it annoyed me.

But you seriously cant be defending that dog lol, owner should of securely locked him up.

07-02-2013, 11:59 AM
The cops are totally in the wrong here, but the owner of the dog is an irresponsible jackass who wasn't thinking about the well-being of his animal.

07-02-2013, 12:01 PM
Hell yes I'm defending that dog. I'm certianly not gonna defend the cops that's for sure. All the dog did was bark and feign-rushed the people that were manhandling his friend. The cop made the physical play by reaching out to him and provoked him. Wouldv'e never happened if cops didn't arrest the guy or they should have just let the guy go.

Anyway, the owner is going to sue and he's going to get what he's due.

07-02-2013, 12:04 PM
The cops are totally in the wrong here, but the owner of the dog is an irresponsible jackass who wasn't thinking about the well-being of his animal.

The dog was on the leash and put him in the car. Don't know what else to be done here. If he got in the car to roll the window up, cops would've thought he was fleeing and shot him probably.

07-02-2013, 12:10 PM
Fucking little manlet cop with something to prove tbh. Shouldve let the owner settle the dog down, especially since he was being cooperative. Hope the brother gets a nice settlement for the arrest and murder of his dog.

07-02-2013, 12:11 PM
The dog was on the leash and put him in the car. Don't know what else to be done here. If he got in the car to roll the window up, cops would've thought he was fleeing and shot him probably.

How about not putting himself or the dog in that position in the first place? That guy is a fucking idiot.

07-02-2013, 12:16 PM
How about not putting himself or the dog in that position in the first place? That guy is a fucking idiot.

What position? It's not a warzone. He's just a bystander. Was he over the yellow tape? Over the barricades? Did he fight through cops for a closer view? I'll give you that he's the nosiest of the bunch but still, it's not in the least bit the guy's fault the dog died.

07-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Both parties were in the wrong.

Guy was told to turn his music down multiple times as it was interfering with the officers being able to hear eachother while conducting the raid. Guy never turned his music down. Cops approached him, guy volunteered to be arrested, should have locked his dog up better or had it sit and stay when it left the car. Regardless of all of that, fuck that trigger happy dog hating cop. Double fuck that cop for not putting the dog out of it's misery, fucking asshole.

07-02-2013, 12:26 PM
What position? It's not a warzone. He's just a bystander. Was he over the yellow tape? Over the barricades? Did he fight through cops for a closer view? I'll give you that he's the nosiest of the bunch but still, it's not in the least bit the guy's fault the dog died.

Why did he feel the need to film the cops and be that close to the situation? He should have put his safety and especially the safety of his dog first. It is his fault. The dog should have never been in that situation.

07-02-2013, 12:27 PM
I'm not defending the cop who shoot the dog btw. Just to be clear.

07-02-2013, 12:29 PM
How did he earn the statistic? What was illegal?

Didn't I ask you that already? What is this guy going to be charged with?

07-02-2013, 12:29 PM
How about rolling the windows up enough to where the dog cant get out before they arrested him?


He saw/heard his dog getting riled up so why not say "hey, my dog is getting aggressive, let me secure him"

07-02-2013, 12:41 PM
Why did he feel the need to film the cops and be that close to the situation? He should have put his safety and especially the safety of his dog first. It is his fault. The dog should have never been in that situation.

He wanted to be nosy, that's why he was up so close. Why would he need to be concerned with safety when there wasn't any need to be concerned with safety? The cops didn't feel the need for safety of the bystanders because there were no barricades. Apart from the raid, the area was not hostile at all until the cops decided to be assholes and provoked the situation. All the dude was doing was being nosey and filming.

07-02-2013, 12:43 PM
Didn't I ask you that already? What is this guy going to be charged with?

I was speaking hypothetically. Cops can come up with bogus charges to justify an arrest. If there weren't any witnesses, it probably would've happened.

07-02-2013, 12:45 PM
How about rolling the windows up enough to where the dog cant get out before they arrested him?


He saw/heard his dog getting riled up so why not say "hey, my dog is getting aggressive, let me secure him"

Cops would've gave chase if he got in his car and turned the ignition.

HA! At the notion that those cops we're going to let him secure the dog if he asked ever so nicely. If they were so concerned, they should've uncuffed him. He was falsely arrested anyway.

07-02-2013, 12:47 PM
I was speaking hypothetically. Cops can come up with bogus charges to justify an arrest. If there weren't any witnesses, it probably would've happened.

No, you are backpedaling now afte being called out for making shit up.

07-02-2013, 12:50 PM
No, you are backpedaling now afte being called out for making shit up.

How I'm I backpeddaling? Explain yourself. I said, "see how they arrest a black man for nothing. Another notch."

Did I say they charged the guy in the video?

07-02-2013, 12:52 PM
How long does it take to roll windows up? He would of been done and had the door closed walking towards them before they even started running after him basically. You dont even have to sit in your car to do so, give me a break.

07-02-2013, 12:54 PM
Did I say they charged the guy in the video?

For nothing at all and there goes another notch in the "black crime" statistics.

But you somehow didn't mean that the black guy was being charged with a crime. I guess you have typing Tourette's.

07-02-2013, 12:55 PM
He wanted to be nosy, that's why he was up so close. Why would he need to be concerned with safety when there wasn't any need to be concerned with safety? The cops didn't feel the need for safety of the bystanders because there were no barricades. Apart from the raid, the area was not hostile at all until the cops decided to be assholes and provoked the situation. All the dude was doing was being nosey and filming.

Again, his loud music was interfering and he was told to turn it down, which he failed to do. The dumbass also volunteered to be arrested, so there goes your "arrested for being black" theory.

I'm not siding with the cops either, just filling you in on how it went down. Fuck those cops for their response.

07-02-2013, 12:55 PM
How long does it take to roll windows up? He would of been done and had the door closed walking towards them before they even started running after him basically. You dont even have to sit in your car to do so, give me a break.

To turn the ignition to put it on battery to roll the windows up, most people get in the car. Cop wouldn't think, "He's rolling the windows up", they would think, "He's disobeying orders and fleeing!", drug him out of his car and swarmed him. If there weren't witnesses, batons would've been included?

Come on man, as a black man you should know these things. I think I just saved your life.

07-02-2013, 12:57 PM
"see how they arrest a black man for nothing. Another notch."

Volunteered to be arrested, quite different don't you think?

07-02-2013, 01:02 PM
Fucking little manlet cop with something to prove tbh. Shouldve let the owner settle the dog down, especially since he was being cooperative. Hope the brother gets a nice settlement for the arrest and murder of his dog.

Strong misc vocab

07-02-2013, 01:03 PM
But you somehow didn't mean that the black guy was being charged with a crime. I guess you have typing Tourette's.

I didn't know if the guy in the video was being charged with a crime so I didn't say he was charged. I said he was arrested didn't I? Then, I drew a point about how easy "a black man" get arrested for nothing and adding a notch. You are merging the two. It shouldv'e been a seperate paragraph.

07-02-2013, 01:06 PM
Volunteered to be arrested, quite different don't you think?

lol how do you volunteer to get arrested? And I re-watched the video, until the dog died, I didn't see any cops telling him to turn down the music either.

07-02-2013, 01:19 PM
lol how do you volunteer to get arrested? And I re-watched the video, until the dog died, I didn't see any cops telling him to turn down the music either.

Read it yesterday on another forum where they had the full story. From the video I couldn't see either, sounds like this all happened before the video was being taken. I'd find a link from the story I read yesterday but I don't care enough to wade through that thread as it is around 40 pages.

I'm not defending the cops actions at all, just trying to give some perspective. I watched the video once and refuse to watch it again, what happened to the dog was awful, especially since the asshole let him suffer. Those cops are lucky no stray bullets hit any bystanders. Can't believe the dumbshit unloaded a clip like that with all those people around.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 01:23 PM
But you somehow didn't mean that the black guy was being charged with a crime. I guess you have typing Tourette's.

Reach. You are dumb as fuck lol.

07-02-2013, 01:30 PM
He wanted to be nosy, that's why he was up so close. Why would he need to be concerned with safety when there wasn't any need to be concerned with safety? The cops didn't feel the need for safety of the bystanders because there were no barricades. Apart from the raid, the area was not hostile at all until the cops decided to be assholes and provoked the situation. All the dude was doing was being nosey and filming.

If he didn't have his dog with him I wouldn't have an issue with him being nosy. Police conducting a raid of that size is a public safety issue. All those cop cars blocking the street is a barricade. The dog owner should have put the safety of the animal first. Period. There is no way you will convince me the dog owner is not partially responsible for the death of the dog.

07-02-2013, 01:31 PM
What is this guy going to be charged with?

Leon Rosby was charged with obstructing justice...Prolly should add being stupid to the charges...

Lieutenant Scott Swain with the Hawthorne Police Department stated:
“It’s distracting the officers, it's interfering with what they are able to hear. It’s not just a party call. It’s an armed robbery call. The officers need to hear what’s going on with the people being called out of the residence. That music in his car is bleeding over and it’s distracting them.”


Viva Las Espuelas
07-02-2013, 01:33 PM
I blame the owner.

Wanting to get on YouTube :lmao

Stupid ass people, I tell ya smh

07-02-2013, 01:47 PM
Dumbass trolling the cops with a large protective dog = Dead Dog.

07-02-2013, 01:50 PM
Come on man, as a black man you should know these things. I think I just saved your life.

Common sense saves my life, and common sense tells me not to do stupid things regardless if they are illegal or not.

wait, so he was playing music in his car so his car was already on? lol

07-02-2013, 01:56 PM
Reach. You are dumb as fuck lol.

:lol How is that a reach, house negro? Creepn said the guy will be another black crime statistic, but he somehow didn't mean that he will be charged with a crime? Both of you are dumbasses, but Creepn is a bigger dumbass for not even understanding what he typed.

07-02-2013, 02:03 PM
A statement from the Hawthorne Police Department detailed his alleged interference: "This interference included loud, distracting music (from the individual's vehicle), and his intentional walking within close proximity to armed officers, while holding an 80-pound Rottweiler on a long leash-line," the statement said.

Michael Gulden, Rosby's attorney, said his client was targeted because he had a pending lawsuit against the Hawthorne Police Department. Rosby alleged that police beat him without cause. (Now it can be told) :lol
"We'll be amending the complaint to include another excessive force action as well," Gulden said.


07-02-2013, 02:07 PM
:lol How is that a reach, house negro? Creepn said the guy will be another black crime statistic, but he somehow didn't mean that he will be charged with a crime? Both of you are dumbasses, but Creepn is a bigger dumbass for not even understanding what he typed.

I never said the guy in the video specifically. That's not what you're getting. I said "a black man". Get with it.

BTW, why you acting like you can't get arrested without being charged a crime? And are you seriously slobbing after CC by calling mah boy Trill a house negro. You weak.

07-02-2013, 02:09 PM
The guy with the dog was super irresponsible...but police are notoriously known for being trigger happy to kill dogs. I am really just upset that things got so out of hand.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 02:10 PM
the dog owner was dumb as fuck for putting the dog in the car and not rolling up the windows. if he was going to surrender, he should have took better precaution to make sure the pup didn't hop out the window.

now the cop on the other hand is a coward ass pussy. none of them had the common sense to say "oh, the dog is barking and hanging out the window. sir can you walk with us to your vehicle to while we turn your music down and roll your windows up?" nope, it took 4 or 5 cops(cant remember exactly how many) to slap some cuffs on 1 suspect who was compliant. now that scary ass cop will forever be linked to a cowardly act, as he should be.

RIP to that trill dog.

07-02-2013, 02:14 PM
I never said the guy in the video specifically. That's not what you're getting. I said "a black man". Get with it.

:lol Yeah, you just randomly meant some other, hypothetical black man, and you expected us to understand that. You are full of shit.

BTW, why you acting like you can't get arrested without being charged a crime?

How am I acting that way?

And are you seriously slobbing after CC by calling mah boy Trill a house negro. You weak.

I don't know when are why CC started calling Trill a house negro. All I know is I started calling him one because he earned that label.

07-02-2013, 02:16 PM
wait, so he was playing music in his car so his car was already on? lol

Good point. Good point. I thought the music was coming from the guy video taping the whole incident (not the guy arrested). Gonna have to change my stance a little and side that the owner was irresponsible for not rolling the windows up a little then.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 02:17 PM
:lol How is that a reach, house negro? Creepn said the guy will be another black crime statistic, but he somehow didn't mean that he will be charged with a crime? Both of you are dumbasses, but Creepn is a bigger dumbass for not even understanding what he typed.

naw just accept that you reached and move on.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 02:19 PM
redzero picks the silliest shit to argue about. sensitive emo pussy is what he is. can't believe he's a killer mike fan, smh.

07-02-2013, 02:20 PM
Leon Rosby was charged with obstructing justice...Prolly should add being stupid to the charges...

Lieutenant Scott Swain with the Hawthorne Police Department stated:
“It’s distracting the officers, it's interfering with what they are able to hear. It’s not just a party call. It’s an armed robbery call. The officers need to hear what’s going on with the people being called out of the residence. That music in his car is bleeding over and it’s distracting them.”


Yeah, this is pretty damn relevant if you ask me. I thought the cops just had a stick up their ass over some ghetto shit mouthing off.

Dumbass trolling the cops with a large protective dog = Dead Dog.

probably did the dog a favor tbh. I'd be willing to wager that the dog stays chained outside at all times, never gets affection, and has a shitty water dish that's empty as much as it is full.

07-02-2013, 02:20 PM
Good point. Good point. I thought the music was coming from the guy video taping the whole incident (not the guy arrested). Gonna have to change my stance a little and side that the owner was irresponsible for not rolling the windows up a little then.

07-02-2013, 02:21 PM
redzero picks the silliest shit to argue about. sensitive emo pussy is what he is. can't believe he's a killer mike fan, smh.

:lol Says the bitch who cries about everything. I can believe that you are a Drake fan.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 02:22 PM
probably did the dog a favor tbh. I'd be willing to wager that the dog stays chained outside at all times, never gets affection, and has a shitty water dish that's empty as much as it is full.


Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 02:23 PM
:lol Says the bitch who cries about everything. I can believe that you are a Drake fan.

bruh...just stop quoting me please. call me house negro, nigra, bitch, whatever but i don't want your lameness associated with me. oh and thanks for taking that tranny out ya avi. this one is wack too but not as bad as the tranny.

07-02-2013, 02:36 PM
bruh...just stop quoting me please. call me house negro, nigra, bitch, whatever but i don't want your lameness associated with me. oh and thanks for taking that tranny out ya avi. this one is wack too but not as bad as the tranny.

:lol Oh, I forgot that you like to bitch about avys, too.

You still throw around the word "emo," and you call somebody else lame?

07-02-2013, 02:37 PM
Police state doing what it does per par

07-02-2013, 02:49 PM
Why did he feel the need to film the cops and be that close to the situation? He should have put his safety and especially the safety of his dog first. It is his fault. The dog should have never been in that situation.

Well he obviously thought that the window was closed, what would be the point of putting the dog inside the car otherwise? So after he "secured" his dog, he walked up to the officers, turned around and prepared himself to be handcuffed. Can't really fault the guy, he did everything right, just overlooked one thing.

On the other hands cops arrested someone for filming, and then shot his dog. If this doesn't happen in a ghetto everyone is outraged...

07-02-2013, 02:58 PM
Well he obviously thought that the window was closed, what would be the point of putting the dog inside the car otherwise? So after he "secured" his dog, he walked up to the officers, turned around and prepared himself to be handcuffed. Can't really fault the guy, he did everything right, just overlooked one thing.

How could he put his dog in the car and not notice that the window was wide open? That's beside the point though . . . He shouldn't have been out there blasting his music and filming cops with an animal in his care. He didn't do anything right. The only innocent in this situation was the dog. I'm disgusted with every human involved, tbh.

On the other hands cops arrested someone for filming, and then shot his dog. If this doesn't happen in a ghetto everyone is outraged...

He wasn't arrested for filming . . . smh. You make no sense at all.

oh crap
07-02-2013, 02:59 PM
happens every week here in the austin area these days.

07-02-2013, 03:00 PM
Well he obviously thought that the window was closed, what would be the point of putting the dog inside the car otherwise? So after he "secured" his dog, he walked up to the officers, turned around and prepared himself to be handcuffed. Can't really fault the guy, he did everything right, just overlooked one thing.

On the other hands cops arrested someone for filming, and then shot his dog. If this doesn't happen in a ghetto everyone is outraged...

you missed something

A statement from the Hawthorne Police Department detailed his alleged interference: "This interference included loud, distracting music (from the individual's vehicle), and his intentional walking within close proximity to armed officers, while holding an 80-pound Rottweiler on a long leash-line," the statement said.

Michael Gulden, Rosby's attorney, said his client was targeted because he had a pending lawsuit against the Hawthorne Police Department. Rosby alleged that police beat him without cause. (Now it can be told) :lol
"We'll be amending the complaint to include another excessive force action as well," Gulden said.


07-02-2013, 03:54 PM
Dude did the cops a favor blasting his music in the hood anyway. If it's too quiet in the hood then something is wrong.

I see they finally found a bogus charge to pin on him. "Obstruction of Justice" :rolleyes.

07-02-2013, 04:20 PM
These guys are going to get nuked...its all over the internet now. I can't escape this video on my page. The Hawthorne PD is getting nuked on their Facebook page.


07-02-2013, 04:22 PM
http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1466773308001?bckey=AQ~~%2CAAAAAGBdRAo~%2Ct2c IYZUexJ2HLdBYSBIAhhF2g1dnagVO&bctid=2520804003001

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 04:25 PM
Are people in here trolling?

Or are you really that stupid?

If anyone I know including myself - was walking my dog in the neighborhood and there are a few squad cars and something is going down - wtf do you think I or anyone I know would do?

We would gtfo of the way and allow the police to do their job. We would also gtfo in case there was any shooting and gtfo of the way in case a stray bullet or some shit flew and bit my ass and left me or my dog dead or paralyzed.

Instead - this dipshit - films the fuckin incident and stays in the fuckin way blasting his music and obstructs - and you morons are defending him?

Please tell me you are trolling and just bored because this is the stupidest group of people I have ever encountered - in real life and on the internet.

Sux that the dog got killed but it was absolutely justified and the only one to blame was that idiot dog owner. I think the dog was 10 times smarter than the owner and probably just committed "suicide by cop" just to escape the owners idiocy and go to the next life - rather than have to live under that owner.

07-02-2013, 04:38 PM
Are people in here trolling?

Or are you really that stupid?

If anyone I know including myself - was walking my dog in the neighborhood and there are a few squad cars and something is going down - wtf do you think I or anyone I know would do?

We would gtfo of the way and allow the police to do their job. We would also gtfo in case there was any shooting and gtfo of the way in case a stray bullet or some shit flew and bit my ass and left me or my dog dead or paralyzed.

Instead - this dipshit - films the fuckin incident and stays in the fuckin way blasting his music and obstructs - and you morons are defending him?

Please tell me you are trolling and just bored because this is the stupidest group of people I have ever encountered - in real life and on the internet.

Sux that the dog got killed but it was absolutely justified and the only one to blame was that idiot dog owner. I think the dog was 10 times smarter than the owner and probably just committed "suicide by cop" just to escape the owners idiocy and go to the next life - rather than have to live under that owner.

It appears you're alone in this for the most part. Go on Facebook, search crazy and amazing videos, they just posted this video and not 1 single person sees it your way.

I agree that this guy is a fuckin dumb monkey for doing what he did, but cops are always trigger happy with dogs. They love using their guns, and this case is no different man. The day a cop can just shoot a dog and feel like its not a big deal are OVER.

07-02-2013, 04:47 PM
Good point. Good point. I thought the music was coming from the guy video taping the whole incident (not the guy arrested). Gonna have to change my stance a little and side that the owner was irresponsible for not rolling the windows up a little then.

Never doubt an OG like myself. I told you early on in the thread where the music was from, could have saved yourself some backtracking.

07-02-2013, 04:53 PM
cops are always trigger happy with dogs. They love using their guns, and this case is no different man. The day a cop can just shoot a dog and feel like its not a big deal are OVER.
Sadly very true. These same cops wish they could shoot humans but realize the repercussions in doing so, and opt for the canine instead.

I could post plenty of dog on cop shootings but we've all seen and heard about them.

07-02-2013, 05:02 PM
lol "go on facebook"

nothing but a bunch of :monkey see :monkey do niggas there

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 05:07 PM
white people love dogs, he's screwed.

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 05:10 PM
It appears you're alone in this for the most part. Go on Facebook, search crazy and amazing videos, they just posted this video and not 1 single person sees it your way.

I don't know - but I will guess that facebook consists of nothing but 12 year old retarded girls.

I agree that this guy is a fuckin dumb monkey for doing what he did, but cops are always trigger happy with dogs. They love using their guns, and this case is no different man. The day a cop can just shoot a dog and feel like its not a big deal are OVER.

Seriously? Let me ask you something....what do you think a normal/average human being feels when a dog attacks them? What would you feel? I am pretty sure most people would shit their pants and then make a split decision - to defend themselves and/or run in sheer terror. Well - running will get you injured and chewed up pretty badly. If a dog attacks me - you better believe your goddamn nutz that I am blasting him.
Now, before - it even got to that - let us look at responsibility. The responsibility of that dog owner was to care for that dog. Do you think he acted responsibly in hanging around and provoking the police when the police were in the middle of a dangerous and possibly deadly situation?
Do you think that the dog owner acted responsibly by leaving the dog in a car with open windows and then - in full view of his dog - put himself in a situation where the dog tried to defend its owner? And - why do you feel it is ok for a cop to be attacked by a dog? If a dog attacked your mom/dad/brother/sister/wife/child - would you be pissed if your child defended him/herself by shooting the attacking dog?

07-02-2013, 05:11 PM
Seriously? Let me ask you something....what do you think a normal/average human being feels when a dog attacks them? What would you feel? I am pretty sure most people would shit their pants and then make a split decision - to defend themselves and/or run in sheer terror. Well - running will get you injured and chewed up pretty badly. If a dog attacks me - you better believe your goddamn nutz that I am blasting him.
Now, before - it even got to that - let us look at responsibility. The responsibility of that dog owner was to care for that dog. Do you think he acted responsibly in hanging around and provoking the police when the police were in the middle of a dangerous and possibly deadly situation?
Do you think that the dog owner acted responsibly by leaving the dog in a car with open windows and then - in full view of his dog - put himself in a situation where the dog tried to defend its owner? And - why do you feel it is ok for a cop to be attacked by a dog? If a dog attacked your mom/dad/brother/sister/wife/child - would you be pissed if your child defended him/herself by shooting the attacking dog?

Stop talking so much. Here's a glass of faygo


07-02-2013, 05:12 PM
Spurs vs clips wcf book it

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 05:17 PM
Spurs vs clips wcf book it


I sure hope not because then Doc Rivers is working Pop over.

07-02-2013, 05:24 PM
Dog owner says dog was super loyal to the end

07-02-2013, 05:38 PM
Lol how was the music to loud if the police activity was going on 30 or so yards? The Hawthorne Police department are full of shit tbh.

07-02-2013, 05:39 PM
Btw that's a badass rottweiler. One of my dogs, a German Shepherd, would do the same.

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 05:40 PM


07-02-2013, 05:42 PM
The oddest part was the dude walking up to the police.

Cop looked every bit within his right to shoot the loose dog, imo

07-02-2013, 05:43 PM
Lol I don't know how you can defend the cops here SBM. Especially with video as proof.

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 05:48 PM
Lol I don't know how you can defend the cops here SBM. Especially with video as proof.

Please enlighten me as to what you are supposed to do when a Rottweiler attacks you?

Take one for the team? Allow your balls to be mangled because people on the internet might armchair quarterback your reaction?

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 05:49 PM
The oddest part was the dude walking up to the police.

Cop looked every bit within his right to shoot the loose dog, imo

Please don't say this Blake....how am I supposed to do this? Agree with you - that is?


07-02-2013, 05:55 PM
Please enlighten me as to what you are supposed to do when a Rottweiler attacks you?

Take one for the team? Allow your balls to be mangled because people on the internet might armchair quarterback your reaction?

Well you do what the cop did. But why did it get there in the first place? The Cops acted like complete assholes there. Judging from what's been reported, it sounds like the Hawthorne PD had a vendetta against that black dude. Looking at the video, the cops were complete assholes in the arrest.

07-02-2013, 05:57 PM
blasted those fuckers on FB. hopefully they dont try to arrest me and shoot my dog now

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 05:57 PM
Lol how was the music to loud if the police activity was going on 30 or so yards? The Hawthorne Police department are full of shit tbh.

yea i don't get the music being played too loud either. especially when the team of cops were outside when it was playing and went inside while it was still playing. if it was a big deal, they would have asked him to turn it off prior to entering the residence.

07-02-2013, 06:02 PM
Never doubt an OG like myself. I told you early on in the thread where the music was from, could have saved yourself some backtracking.
"backtracking" must be the fun word of the day. I'm not backtracking from shit. You never said where the sound was coming from. You just said cops told him to turn the music down which I did not see in the video. For all I know, it could've been another car's music.

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 06:08 PM
Well you do what the cop did. But why did it get there in the first place? The Cops acted like complete assholes there. Judging from what's been reported, it sounds like the Hawthorne PD had a vendetta against that black dude. Looking at the video, the cops were complete assholes in the arrest.

C'mon man.

It got there in the first place because there was a dangerous situation in progress - and rather than allowing the cops to handle this dangerous situation - this idiot walks around with his dog and begins filming shit. Was he on an official assignment? Was this situation his business? Did he have a RIGHT to be there?

Absolutely not. If there is a situation happening and you don't get the fuck out of the way - then you are obstructing- period.

What was - asshole about trying to clear the area so you could do your job?

Do you think that if some idiot from the house would have shot and killed an innocent bystander or one of the cops - do you think that maybe the public would blame the cops for not clearing the area? Of course they would. If the idiot that was obstructing caused someone else to get killed because of his obstructing - do you think the cops would have been blamed for not removing the idiot in the first place? Of course they would.

If I am in a dangerous situation and I need to concentrate on the situation because my life depends on it - and some idiot is in the way and is refusing to leave - will I be able to concentrate and handle the situation properly? Of course not.

If this idiots dog attacks me - will I shoot the dog or get chewed up? Of course I will shoot the dog.

You are way better than that.

07-02-2013, 06:19 PM
I'm the last person to defend black people and shit on cops tbh...but they are wrong here. The guy was a jackass for filming but in no way shape or form does that deserve an arrest. Blaming it on loud music is bullshit when 1.) The police activity was going on 30+ yards away in a crowded area with cars and small houses 2.) The cops could've asked him to turn it down rather than act as they did. Again, judging from the video, charging the guy with obstruction of justice is a total fucking joke and a copout for what happened.

07-02-2013, 06:28 PM
Did he have a RIGHT to be there?

Absolutely not. If there is a situation happening and you don't get the fuck out of the way - then you are obstructing- period.

Of course he did, America and what not. It's not a crime to film police and he was very far away from where they were at.

Trill Clinton
07-02-2013, 06:36 PM
I'm the last person to defend black people and shit on cops tbh...but they are wrong here. The guy was a jackass for filming but in no way shape or form does that deserve an arrest. Blaming it on loud music is bullshit when 1.) The police activity was going on 30+ yards away in a crowded 2.) The cops could've asked him to turn it down rather than act as they did. Again, judging from the video, charging the guy with obstruction of justice is a total fucking joke and a copout for what happened.

nothing wrong with defending black people if they were in the right. don't be afraid to not be racist, doggie.

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 06:44 PM
Of course he did, America and what not. It's not a crime to film police and he was very far away from where they were at.

All the other witnesses had moved out of the way - he was the only douche thinking that he was some crusader against civil rights and he deserved getting his dog killed.

07-02-2013, 06:49 PM
All the other witnesses had moved out of the way - he was the only douche thinking that he was some crusader against civil rights and he deserved getting his dog killed.

Don't you mean crusader "for" civil rights? Dude, he didnt do anything illegal. He was so far back i'd be surprised if his phone camera could even see anything tbh.

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 06:54 PM
I hope someone puts a bullet in that fucking faggot cop's head.

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 06:56 PM
Don't you mean crusader "for" civil rights? Dude, he didnt do anything illegal. He was so far back i'd be surprised if his phone camera could even see anything tbh.

yes...for civil rts....

Here is what the California penal code says;

Penal Code Section 148 Resisting Delaying or Obstructing Officer
Resisting, Delaying, or Obstructing Officer148. (a) (1) Every person who willfully resists, delays, or obstructs any public officer, peace officer, or an emergency medical technician, as defined in Division 2.5 (commencing with Section 1797) of the Health and Safety Code, in the discharge or attempt to discharge any duty of his or her office or employment, when no other punishment is prescribed, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
(2) Except as provided by subdivision (d) of Section 653t, every person who knowingly and maliciously interrupts, disrupts, impedes, or otherwise interferes with the transmission of a communication over a public safety radio frequency shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
(b) Every person who, during the commission of any offense described in subdivision (a), removes or takes any weapon, other than a firearm, from the person of, or immediate presence of, a public officer or peace officer shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.
(c) Every person who, during the commission of any offense described in subdivision (a), removes or takes a firearm from the person of, or immediate presence of, a public officer or peace officer shall be punished by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.
(d) Except as provided in subdivision (c) and notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section 489, every person who removes or takes without intent to permanently deprive, or who attempts to remove or take a firearm from the person of, or immediate presence of, a public officer or peace officer, while the officer is engaged in the performance of his or her lawful duties, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.
In order to prove a violation of this subdivision, the prosecution shall establish that the defendant had the specific intent to remove or take the firearm by demonstrating that any of the following direct, but ineffectual, acts occurred:
(1) The officer's holster strap was unfastened by the defendant.
(2) The firearm was partially removed from the officer's holster by the defendant.
(3) The firearm safety was released by the defendant.
(3) The firearm safety was released by the defendant.
(4) An independent witness corroborates that the defendant stated that he or she intended to remove the firearm and the defendant actually touched the firearm.
(5) An independent witness corroborates that the defendant actually had his or her hand on the firearm and tried to take the firearm away from the officer who was holding it.
(6) The defendant's fingerprint was found on the firearm or holster.
(7) Physical evidence authenticated by a scientifically verifiable procedure established that the defendant touched the firearm.
(8) In the course of any struggle, the officer's firearm fell and the defendant attempted to pick it up.
(e) A person shall not be convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) in addition to a conviction of a violation of subdivision (b), (c), or (d) when the resistance, delay, or obstruction, and the removal or taking of the weapon or firearm or attempt thereof, was committed against the same public officer, peace officer, or emergency medical technician. A person may be convicted of multiple violations of this section if more than one public officer, peace officer, or emergency medical technician are victims.
(f) This section shall not apply if the public officer, peace officer, or emergency medical technician is disarmed while engaged in a criminal act.

(Amended Sec. 258, Ch. 15, Stats. 2011. Effective July 1, 2011.)

07-02-2013, 07:00 PM
LOL @ everyone defending the cop. Why was it so necessary to keep shooting after the 1st shot? Typical beta male responses

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 07:01 PM
Fucking needle-dick cops pick a fight and then murder an animal. What's sickening is these faggots will never see time for it.

Big Empty
07-02-2013, 07:07 PM
i was super pissed when i saw that, but after reading what actually happened, its all on the dog owner. poor dog, stupid owner.

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 07:14 PM
i was super pissed when i saw that, but after reading what actually happened, its all on the dog owner. poor dog, stupid owner.

That's bullshit. They were angry about being filmed and covered their asses by making it about him playing some R&B out his car. What a couple of cocksuckers.

07-02-2013, 07:17 PM

07-02-2013, 07:21 PM
The arrest seems pointless, but they did nothing wrong shooting the dog. It got loose and appeared to be capable of attacking. And if it did, it would have fucked some shit up.

07-02-2013, 07:23 PM
Cops are just thugs in uniforms and one has to be a thug before being a cop

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 07:23 PM
The arrest seems pointless, but they did nothing wrong shooting the dog. It got loose and appeared to be capable of attacking. And if it did, it would have fucked some shit up.

The Zimmerman defense. Nice.

07-02-2013, 07:26 PM
The Zimmerman defense. Nice.

It's not like the dog was some kid with a bag of skittles. It was a Rottweiler clearly pissed that someone was manhandling its owner. Would you just stand there and put your arm out to calm it down?

2pac > Kobe
07-02-2013, 07:30 PM

07-02-2013, 07:30 PM
the "other" video


baseline bum
07-02-2013, 07:30 PM
It's not like the dog was some kid with a bag of skittles. It was a Rottweiler clearly pissed that someone was manhandling its owner. Would you just stand there and put your arm out to calm it down?

You go and start shit and then it's justified when you get your desired reaction from your provocation. Just faggot police doing what they do best.

07-02-2013, 07:33 PM
Recommend watching the other video I just posted

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 07:39 PM
Recommend watching the other video I just posted

What? I see a nigga playing music and taking his dog out and taking video from behind the line of police cars when he sees this big police operation in the street.

07-02-2013, 07:42 PM
dont even know why I bother

07-02-2013, 08:14 PM
dont even know why I bother

No one wants to see it again man...whats different about this version?

07-02-2013, 08:18 PM
Idk, maybe people can see him pull up close to some of the cops(he was far away according to someone) and being warned before hand.

07-02-2013, 08:28 PM
Most of the blame has to go to the owner. Suspect is right, if you want an educated opinion on this, you need to watch the second video (you don't see the dog getting shot in this one). The guy pulls up and stops in the middle of the street, proceeds to turn his music up even louder, pulls up to the curb, gets his big ass dog out, and stands on the corner with his chest puffed out. He knew what the fuck he was doing. He's also a dumbass for not being able to control his dog. When the police were approaching him he should have calmly said, "let me put up my dog, it has the potential to be aggressive because, you know, it is a rottweiler and all". Secondly, he should have rowed his window up. Thirdly, he should have called to his dog as it approached, he fucked up countless times.

That being said, the police man who shot the dog needs his ass kicked. Trigger-happy Mikey needs his gun taken away. What in the hell was he thinking? Repeatedly shooting the dog and just letting it suffer proves that he is a dickhead. Also, reaching out to the rottweiler helped to provoke it. R.I.P. Rottie

07-02-2013, 08:30 PM
Go on Facebook

lol nice one

Btw that's a badass rottweiler. One of my dogs, a German Shepherd, would do the same.

what's badass?

You go and start shit and then it's justified when you get your desired reaction from your provocation.

Following someone provokes a physical fight? I didn't know Trayvon was some territorial animal.

07-02-2013, 08:37 PM
it has the potential to be aggressive because, you know, it is a rottweiler and all"..

That being said, the police man who shot the dog needs his ass kicked. Trigger-happy Mikey needs his gun taken away. What in the hell was he thinking? Repeatedly shooting the dog and just letting it suffer proves that he is a dickhead.


Also, reaching out to the rottweiler helped to provoke it. R.I.P. Rottie

extending your arm out to brace for something isn't "reaching out to it," it's a natural reaction

07-02-2013, 08:40 PM
still provoked it

07-02-2013, 08:42 PM

extending your arm out to brace for something isn't "reaching out to it," it's a natural reaction
Umm, try getting your glasses on. It is obvious that he makes a half-hearted attempt to reach for the dog at 3:13 in the first video. You never do that to a dog you don't know. Especially a Rottie that just charged on you.

And in regards to his shooting, he made a critical shot with his first bullet. The next step is to put a bullet in his head to put him out of misery. Yes, I know he is human and anxiety can sometimes take control, but he made that situation much worse than it had to be.

07-02-2013, 08:58 PM
And in regards to his shooting, he made a critical shot with his first bullet. The next step is to put a bullet in his head to put him out of misery. Yes, I know he is human and anxiety can sometimes take control, but he made that situation much worse than it had to be.

You said it right there. You must be one of those "Why did they have to shoot him in the chest?! Why couldn't they just shoot him in the leg?!" type people

07-02-2013, 09:01 PM
You said it right there. You must be one of those "Why did they have to shoot him in the chest?! Why couldn't they just shoot him in the leg?!" type people
Nope. Like I said, his first shot was a helluva shot. It's easily apparent that the dog was immediately neutralized after the first bullet. Other than reaching out to the dog, the cop did not do something wrong until after he fired his first shot off.

07-02-2013, 09:12 PM
It got there in the first place because there was a dangerous situation in progress - and rather than allowing the cops to handle this dangerous situation - this idiot walks around with his dog and begins filming shit. Was he on an official assignment? Was this situation his business?


Did he have a RIGHT to be there?


Absolutely not. If there is a situation happening and you don't get the fuck out of the way - then you are obstructing- period.

He wasn't in the way.

What was - asshole about trying to clear the area so you could do your job?

The guy was down the block. How was he obstructing the cops?

Do you think that if some idiot from the house would have shot and killed an innocent bystander or one of the cops - do you think that maybe the public would blame the cops for not clearing the area? Of course they would. If the idiot that was obstructing caused someone else to get killed because of his obstructing - do you think the cops would have been blamed for not removing the idiot in the first place? Of course they would.

How did that guy talking shit at the end of the block obstruct justice? How would that have caused another innocent bystander to be put in harm's way?

If I am in a dangerous situation and I need to concentrate on the situation because my life depends on it - and some idiot is in the way and is refusing to leave - will I be able to concentrate and handle the situation properly? Of course not.

He was in the way how?

If this idiots dog attacks me - will I shoot the dog or get chewed up? Of course I will shoot the dog.

Conveniently ignoring why the dog was attacking in the first place.

It's predictable that the forum's cop slurper would side with the cops again.

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 09:18 PM
Most of the blame has to go to the owner. Suspect is right, if you want an educated opinion on this, you need to watch the second video (you don't see the dog getting shot in this one). The guy pulls up and stops in the middle of the street, proceeds to turn his music up even louder, pulls up to the curb, gets his big ass dog out, and stands on the corner with his chest puffed out. He knew what the fuck he was doing. He's also a dumbass for not being able to control his dog. When the police were approaching him he should have calmly said, "let me put up my dog, it has the potential to be aggressive because, you know, it is a rottweiler and all". Secondly, he should have rowed his window up. Thirdly, he should have called to his dog as it approached, he fucked up countless times.

That being said, the police man who shot the dog needs his ass kicked. Trigger-happy Mikey needs his gun taken away. What in the hell was he thinking? Repeatedly shooting the dog and just letting it suffer proves that he is a dickhead. Also, reaching out to the rottweiler helped to provoke it. R.I.P. Rottie

Of course the dog owner is a mouth-breathing retard. Doesn't change the fact that police went and started shit with him because he was taking video of their faggot asses. Also, he rolls his window up and that dog dies of heat stroke sitting in his car for 2 hours waiting for a nigga to make bail. On an 85 degree day that car might hit 115 inside.

If I see some stupid mayate walking around like a hardass and I go start shit with him I guess I could claim self-defense capping his dog too, but it'd be my own fault. Fuck those three cops; I wouldn't feel the slightest bit of sympathy if said thug nigga went and treated them the same way they did his dog.

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 09:23 PM
Idk, maybe people can see him pull up close to some of the cops(he was far away according to someone) and being warned before hand.

And he moved the car. I don't see what the big deal is.

07-02-2013, 09:23 PM
Of course the dog owner is a mouth-breathing retard. Doesn't change the fact that police went and started shit with him because he was taking video of their faggot asses. Also, he rolls his window up and that dog dies of heat stroke sitting in his car for 2 hours waiting for a nigga to make bail. On an 85 degree day that car might hit 115 inside.

If I see some stupid mayate walking around like a hardass and I go start shit with him I guess I could claim self-defense capping his dog too, but it'd be my own fault. Fuck those three cops; I wouldn't feel the slightest bit of sympathy if said thug nigga went and treated them the same way they did his dog.
Not everything is black and white. Both sides messed up royally. But I look at the initiator in this situation and it is the dog owner. And which is worse? Leaving an open window so your dog can jump out or rowing that shit up and telling a police officer that your dog is in there and someone needs to come pick it up. The police aren't going to just leave a dog in there to burn up. If they did, then they would have a real problem with their department.

I'm not defending the shooter. The guy is a dipshit and should lose his job.

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 09:27 PM
Not everything is black and white. Both sides messed up royally. But I look at the initiator in this situation and it is the dog owner. And which is worse? Leaving an open window so your dog can jump out or rowing that shit up and telling a police officer that your dog is in there and someone needs to come pick it up. The police aren't going to just leave a dog in there to burn up. If they did, then they would have a real problem with their department.

I'm not defending the shooter. The guy is a dipshit and should lose his job.

Nah, that's ridiculous. The police aren't paid by our tax dollars to act like mouth-breathing thug ######s and instigate bad situations. But they had to be hardasses and go after the guy because their faggot egos couldn't take the disrespect shown by nigga acting hard and videotaping. And those asshole cops probably would have left it in there to die, considering they were acting like the same kind of ignorant thugs.

07-02-2013, 09:31 PM
Nah, that's ridiculous. The police aren't paid by our tax dollars to act like mouth-breathing thug ######s and instigate bad situations. But they had to be hardasses and go after the guy because their faggot egos couldn't take the disrespect shown by nigga acting hard and videotaping.
Alright, let me ask you this. Say the shit hits the fan with that house that they were barricading. Guns start firing, the dog gets spooked, and runs and bites a cop. Those cops have to protect themselves. Look, I'm a dog lover. But I know that rots who are raised by thugs (this guy was a thug), are not something you feel comfortable being behind you in a potentially dangerous situation that can soon escalate.

The guy had a chance to leave. He didn't and he got cuffed.

07-02-2013, 09:37 PM
Now you see why I rejoice when a cop is killed....I hate them....like really hate...and I never run afoul of the law..I just get tired of seeing all the injustice...I say to cop killers...carry on

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 09:38 PM
Alright, let me ask you this. Say the shit hits the fan with that house that they were barricading. Guns start firing, the dog gets spooked, and runs and bites a cop. Those cops have to protect themselves. Look, I'm a dog lover. But I know that rots who are raised by thugs (this guy was a thug), are not something you feel comfortable being behind you in a potentially dangerous situation that can soon escalate.

The guy had a chance to leave. He didn't and he got cuffed.

For one thing, that makes no sense because that wasn't the situation. For two, if that happens the dog is on a leash and gets spooked, then the owner maybe has to wrestle with it for a minute, but it ain't getting near the cops.

07-02-2013, 09:45 PM
For one thing, that makes no sense because that wasn't the situation. For two, if that happens the dog is on a leash and gets spooked, then the owner maybe has to wrestle with it for a minute, but it ain't getting near the cops.
It's described as a stand-off from the news story I have read so that is a potentially dangerous situation. That wasn't even a chained leash, my lab can easily break through a leash like that. If spooked, that rottie could have easily gotten out of his owners reach. I see that we aren't getting anywhere, so this is my last try to get through to you: The dog owner is the one who was the primary cause of all of this.

baseline bum
07-02-2013, 09:49 PM
It's described as a stand-off from the news story I have read so that is a situation. That wasn't even a chained leash, my lab can easily break through a caleash like that. If spooked, that rottie could have easily gotten out of his owners reach. I see that we aren't getting anywhere, so this is my last try to get through to you: The dog owner is the own who was primary cause of all of this.

My primary point is that police are at fault for acting like faggot gangsters. No cop has the right not to be videoed in a public place no matter how much it pisses him off.

07-02-2013, 09:56 PM
Cop killers...carry on....

07-02-2013, 09:56 PM
That's pretty fucked up tbh :(

07-02-2013, 09:58 PM
CubanSucks, a protective loyal dog.

07-02-2013, 10:16 PM
as much as I dislike them cops I have to say that some dogs and dog owners are just as irritating in your neighborhood. and you know how many people are getting KILLED by dogs each year in the US? I watched a vid on TV yesterday where a girl was eaten alive by a mastiff, and who's gonna claim responsibility when such shit happens? People need to realize that their pets are still animals no matter how they're treated.

07-02-2013, 10:21 PM
why do you hate your own kind so much Suspect

Das Texan
07-02-2013, 10:32 PM
they should probably put up fucking police tape if they dont want anyone interfering tbh.

Das Texan
07-02-2013, 10:33 PM
My primary point is that police are at fault for acting like faggot gangsters. No cop has the right not to be videoed in a public place no matter how much it pisses him off.

I think this pisses them off more than most things.

How dare you fucking record me!!!!

07-02-2013, 10:40 PM
why do you hate your own kind so much Suspect
not his own kind imho. his kind have bigger & broader ears, thinner tails, thicker muzzles and wider nostrils, and are much fatter in general

07-02-2013, 10:45 PM
there's a special place in hell for anyone that guns down an animal like that....the dog was no real threat...he had backed off when the cop unloaded...unfortunately all we can hope for his some Karma that repays this cop in a very brutal manner....the cop is a bad person period...dog's especially are man's best friend...I personally believe god put them here to teach us about compassion, kindness, humility, and unconditional love...if you own a dog..god is watching you...there's a reason god is spelled dog backwards

07-02-2013, 10:53 PM
there's a special place in hell for anyone that guns down an animal like that....the dog was no real threat...he had backed off when the cop unloaded...unfortunately all we can hope for his some Karma that repays this cop in a very brutal manner....the cop is a bad person period...dog's especially are man's best friend...I personally believe god put them here to teach us about compassion, kindness, humility, and unconditional love...if you own a dog..god is watching you...there's a reason god is spelled dog backwards

Even if they want to defend the cop shooting, I cant justify any reason to keep shooting after the first shot. This was cold blooded murder. I GUARANTEE this cops life is over, he will be fired and left to rot.

He's getting so many death threats on the Facebook page already. Wait till someone leaks his info.

07-02-2013, 10:55 PM
still provoked it
:lol Pretending to be black on the internet

silverblk mystix
07-02-2013, 11:06 PM
I was right in my first post.

People here are really stupid.

07-02-2013, 11:07 PM
Even if they want to defend the cop shooting, I cant justify any reason to keep shooting after the first shot. This was cold blooded murder. I GUARANTEE this cops life is over, he will be fired and left to rot.

He's getting so many death threats on the Facebook page already. Wait till someone leaks his info.

he deserves to die

07-02-2013, 11:09 PM
he deserves to die

He does deserve to die. This is the only thing they have on this guy on camera....imagine the shit he has done off camera. These pigs needs to be kept in check.

07-02-2013, 11:11 PM
He does deserve to die. This is the only thing they have on this guy on camera....imagine the shit he has done off camera. These pigs needs to be kept in check.

could not agree more....I was rooting for Dorner

Big Empty
07-02-2013, 11:24 PM
could not agree more....I was rooting for Dorner

07-03-2013, 12:21 AM
I was right in my first post.

People here are really stupid.

Heath Ledger
07-03-2013, 02:40 AM
Your fucking delusional. Those cops were mad patient with that fucker while he was on the sidelines talking shit to him. Pretty good idea to harass police at the crime scene of an armed burglary. They tried to ignore that fucktard. He got his damn dog killed because hes a piece of shit punk trying to look cool and cause drama. Too bad it wasn't the dow owner that got shot instead of the dog.

Heath Ledger
07-03-2013, 02:44 AM
Watch the video with some headphones on. The dude was harassing the cops, it wasnt about the fucking music or recording them. He wouldnt shut his fucking pie hole. Making comments like where are all the black cops at, the tried to ignore his ass on several occasions but he persisted because he had an audience and probably felt invincible. Sad that the dog died it should have been the dumb fuck owner.

Heath Ledger
07-03-2013, 02:48 AM
the dog owner was dumb as fuck for putting the dog in the car and not rolling up the windows. if he was going to surrender, he should have took better precaution to make sure the pup didn't hop out the window.

now the cop on the other hand is a coward ass pussy. none of them had the common sense to say "oh, the dog is barking and hanging out the window. sir can you walk with us to your vehicle to while we turn your music down and roll your windows up?" nope, it took 4 or 5 cops(cant remember exactly how many) to slap some cuffs on 1 suspect who was compliant. now that scary ass cop will forever be linked to a cowardly act, as he should be.

RIP to that trill dog.

exaggerate much? it was two fucking cops who cuffed him.

07-03-2013, 02:52 AM
rotweiller not on a leash...those dogs can do alot of damage, i got bite by one once when friend didnt hold onto his dog fkn clown

Heath Ledger
07-03-2013, 03:15 AM
Nah, that's ridiculous. The police aren't paid by our tax dollars to act like mouth-breathing thug ######s and instigate bad situations. But they had to be hardasses and go after the guy because their faggot egos couldn't take the disrespect shown by nigga acting hard and videotaping. And those asshole cops probably would have left it in there to die, considering they were acting like the same kind of ignorant thugs.

Your mom should have swallowed you. They gave that fucker ample time and were extremely patient with him. The guy was talking shit from the sidelines, ilegally parked, blaring music and holding a 90 lb Rotweiler on a long leash. The others at the scene had enough common sense to stay across the street. Did you watch the 2nd vid and see how this pos treats his dog? by snapping his leash and yanking his head to show off to the crowd? The only way thtis could have ended better was if this fucktard pos was the one who got shot.

Heath Ledger
07-03-2013, 03:19 AM
My primary point is that police are at fault for acting like faggot gangsers. No cop has the right not to be videoed in a public place no matter how much it pisses him off.

Again you fail miserably you dumb fuck. The cops didnt have issue with him recording them. There was at least one other person recording them across the street. He got arrested for being a jackass period. He was mouthing off to them in the middle of an investigation of a violent crime that involved guns while holding a 90 lb rotweiler.

Heath Ledger
07-03-2013, 03:21 AM
Even if they want to defend the cop shooting, I cant justify any reason to keep shooting after the first shot. This was cold blooded murder. I GUARANTEE this cops life is over, he will be fired and left to rot.

He's getting so many death threats on the Facebook page already. Wait till someone leaks his info.

Cops are not trained to use restraint when shooting a threat. They shoot to kill.

baseline bum
07-03-2013, 03:36 AM
Again you fail miserably you dumb fuck. The cops didnt have issue with him recording them. There was at least one other person recording them across the street. He got arrested for being a jackass period. He was mouthing off to them in the middle of an investigation of a violent crime that involved guns while holding a 90 lb rotweiler.

Looked like he said "What am I doing?" that one time when he was standing on the corner behind the blockade. You're fucking retarded if you think standing behind the blockade and recording all of a sudden becomes a crime because you're holding a dog. Faggot cops got into gangster mode. It could have ended better if faggot gangster and faggot gangster cops shot each other to death.

07-03-2013, 03:56 AM
After second look, the guy was mouthing off at the two officers (didn't know you couldn't voice an opinion from 100+ feet). That said, the cops still acted like jackasses. They immediately signaled to arrest the guy and were proclaiming to the guy that he was resisting arrest. Don't get me wrong, the fucking dog owner put the dog in this situation but the cops are in the wrong here for arresting the guy which resulted in his dog getting defensive.

07-03-2013, 04:35 AM
CubanSucks, a protective loyal dog.

Ouch! Throwing them insult haymakers like trill!

stay edgy, breh

07-03-2013, 06:05 AM
Hawthorne Dog shooting…
1- 52 year old black guy with nothing more important to do but troll the police…Multiple lawsuits pending…# Loser…
2- The Rottweiler is a very cool dog, hood rats should not be allowed to own them…
3- How come these incidents never involve a white guy in a tie?

silverblk mystix
07-03-2013, 08:06 AM
I was right in my first post.

People here are really stupid.

Heath Ledger with the goods.

bus driver
07-03-2013, 08:11 AM
i wont lose any sleep over it

07-03-2013, 08:14 AM
Heath wanna be ledger is a moron...I won't psycho analyze things but will say I hope the cop is killed....just like he did the dog...Zero sympathy from Kool...nonewhatsoever.....send his wife a flag....tbh...I hate dog killers period...don't care if you where uniform or not...he deserves to die...no excuse for unloading on a dog that way...especially after the first shot when the dog basically got shot and then started running...the cop then emptied his clip as the dog was retreating..and if you defend that you deserve to die as well....now all you justifying this can go straight to fucking hell :toast straight to hell...and blow me while your at it

silverblk mystix
07-03-2013, 08:16 AM
Heath wanna be ledger is a moron...I won't psycho analyze things but will say I hope the cop is killed....just like he did the dog...Zero sympathy from Kool...nonewhatsoever.....send his wife a flag....tbh...I hate dog killers period...don't care if you where uniform or not...he deserves to die...no excuse for unloading on a dog that way...especially after the first shot when the dog basically got shot and then started running...the cop then emptied his clip as the dog was retreating..and if you defend that you deserve to die as well....now all you justifying this can go straight to fucking hell :toast straight to hell...and blow me while your at it

"We all got it comin' kid -deserve - got nothing to do with it."

Big Clint

07-03-2013, 08:21 AM

Trill Clinton
07-03-2013, 08:35 AM
shawty.....that second vid didn't move me...shawty...shit look like it came out a movie...shawty...that nigga didn't do nothing wrong...shawty....punk ass cops probably wear a thong..shawty lol

what was i supposed to see in the second vid that made them shooting his dog okay? like the dude recording said, the entire hawthorne police force was out there and not 1 cop said anything to dude, they just looked at him.

those cops did a horrible job securing the scene. i saw a couple of em who weren't doing shit just look at the guy and then turn their head back around. what the cops should have done was walk up to him and ask him to turn the music down or ask EVERYBODY to leave before they get arrested. the nigga was filming just like everybody else.

i swear some of ya'll have a cowards spirit. fuck giving cops respect, why should we? this man has been harassed and had ribs broken for no reason by them crooked ass cops and now he lost his companion. they probably recognized him as that "hoodrat" who filed complaints on them so they wanted to fuck with him and only him.

07-03-2013, 08:43 AM
Finally watched both videos. Why did the "victim" have to stop and video from a vantage point that clearly no one else was at?

Seems pretty obvious that this dude was trying to get the cops over to him to arrest him so that he could ADD TOO and try to JUSTIFY the pending lawsuit he already had against this particular department.

The dog part is almost an afterthought in this because this guy got what he wanted, police attention and an arrest.

Trill Clinton
07-03-2013, 08:54 AM
mail carriers encounter dogs all day err day and they carry mace for protection. cops don't have a can of mace on their utility belts?

07-03-2013, 08:56 AM
They should of just arrested him for playing that old ass song

Trill Clinton
07-03-2013, 09:01 AM
that song is amazing, fam. lil jon and usher made some hit records in the early 00's

07-03-2013, 09:05 AM
So did nelly

07-03-2013, 09:21 AM
cop killers carry on....

Trill Clinton
07-03-2013, 09:30 AM
So did nelly


you don't listen to music made prior to 2013, doggie?

07-03-2013, 09:36 AM
Finally watched both videos. Why did the "victim" have to stop and video from a vantage point that clearly no one else was at?

Seems pretty obvious that this dude was trying to get the cops over to him to arrest him so that he could ADD TOO and try to JUSTIFY the pending lawsuit he already had against this particular department.

The dog part is almost an afterthought in this because this guy got what he wanted, police attention and an arrest.

The video doesn't tell the whole story….
Rosby seemed to be testing boundaries of Hawthorne police officers who were involved in the SWAT standoff, Martinez said.
"It was kind of like he was seeing how far he could go and get away with it," Martinez said. "He was asking where's the black cops and the Hispanic cops? Why there's only one ethnicity there. Little things like that."
Police said they arrested Rosby because he was coming too close to officers during the standoff and blaring music from his car.


07-03-2013, 11:01 AM
My nigga, I am well involved into the music scene prior today. Mostly hip hop but not only.

I'm saying just cause someone was hot for a bit a while ago doesn't mean you can jam them and/or that track now.

Its ok for Nas

Not Lil John

Its ok for a dipset track

Not Lovers and friends

07-03-2013, 11:35 AM
What about Naughty by Nature? I was jamming that last night lol.

Trill Clinton
07-03-2013, 12:08 PM
What about 'I wanna rock with you' by michael jackson?

07-03-2013, 12:13 PM
Jammin naughty by nature in your car? Meh, it was a tuesday. I'm cool with that.

MJ is the GOAT. No restrictions on him or his music imho.

07-03-2013, 03:52 PM


07-03-2013, 08:30 PM
I told you guys this guy stunk. But you faygo drinking faggots had to defend him.

A witness has come forward to reveal that the cop who shot an innocent dog this week has a long history of violence and even shot and killed a man with down syndrome when he was a rookie.
http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/police-kill-dog-300x164.jpg (http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/police-kill-dog.jpg)
Photo: Youtube
By JG Vibes
Intellihub.com (http://intellihub.com/2013/07/02/dog-killer-cop-killed-man-with-down-syndrome-as-a-rookie/)
July 2, 2013
As we reported yesterday (http://intellihub.com/2013/07/02/hawthorne-california-police-kill-dog-and-arrest-dogs-owner-for-filming-police-warning-shocking-content/), a Hawthorne police officer shot a not so violent looking dog in front of several people filming the police, as they raided a house with a gang of officers, with several police cars nearby.
Details about this officers past have now surfaced showing a history of violence. One situation has even been described where this officer killed a man with down syndrome as a rookie.
Daniel Saulmon wrote in the description of this recording that:

You can hear him in this recording doing what he can to sweet talk me out of details in an attempt to find information to protect his fellow officers. Once I give him every detail of information I have, he is through with me.
He steals my audio recorder and charges me with 2 felony counts of eavesdropping…632 pc If recording the police was a crime, I would have more counts against me then 2. But its not a crime, and I still will gladly go to jail for it, because as a viewer commented, it seems to flesh out corrupt officers who seek to retaliate against innocent people for no lawful reason. Officers who may not be fit for police work.
No wonder I have seen lies in the media, Swain is the “bold faced liar” writing those stories. I asked him to do something positive recently after a cyclist was killed by another department. I suggested his department lead the way and create policy before they kill someone too.
He said, “naah, I like my officers to have discretion rather then a policy saying what to do.”
That is not surprising, as a Rookie Swain killed a retarded guy who was well known to the department…he allegedly had a screwdriver in his hand. Wouldn’t want good old policy around to spoil good times now would we Swain.

At any rate, this recording is at least 7 years old, but based on my recent arrest on 11-9-2012, the only thing that has changed are a few names. Couple guys retired, like Jester, and Royer.
They did return my video camera and bicycle some 9 days after I was bailed out of jail. Interesting that those items were only kept as “evidence” for about 15 days this time before they returned them.
This is not something that only happened to me by the way. Many people around the country have been charged with the crime of eavesdropping for trying to file a complaint with a recorder. It is a well known fact that it is illegal to do so, arrest that is not record.
You can always record police, no matter what they say to the contrary. If they are doing nothing wrong, they have nothing to hide, right?

Big Empty
07-03-2013, 08:43 PM
I told you guys this guy stunk. But you faygo drinking faggots had to defend him.

A witness has come forward to reveal that the cop who shot an innocent dog this week has a long history of violence and even shot and killed a man with down syndrome when he was a rookie.

http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/police-kill-dog-300x164.jpg (http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/police-kill-dog.jpg)
Photo: Youtube

By JG Vibes
Intellihub.com (http://intellihub.com/2013/07/02/dog-killer-cop-killed-man-with-down-syndrome-as-a-rookie/)
July 2, 2013
As we reported yesterday (http://intellihub.com/2013/07/02/hawthorne-california-police-kill-dog-and-arrest-dogs-owner-for-filming-police-warning-shocking-content/), a Hawthorne police officer shot a not so violent looking dog in front of several people filming the police, as they raided a house with a gang of officers, with several police cars nearby.
Details about this officers past have now surfaced showing a history of violence. One situation has even been described where this officer killed a man with down syndrome as a rookie.
Daniel Saulmon wrote in the description of this recording that:
You can hear him in this recording doing what he can to sweet talk me out of details in an attempt to find information to protect his fellow officers. Once I give him every detail of information I have, he is through with me.
He steals my audio recorder and charges me with 2 felony counts of eavesdropping…632 pc If recording the police was a crime, I would have more counts against me then 2. But its not a crime, and I still will gladly go to jail for it, because as a viewer commented, it seems to flesh out corrupt officers who seek to retaliate against innocent people for no lawful reason. Officers who may not be fit for police work.
No wonder I have seen lies in the media, Swain is the “bold faced liar” writing those stories. I asked him to do something positive recently after a cyclist was killed by another department. I suggested his department lead the way and create policy before they kill someone too.
He said, “naah, I like my officers to have discretion rather then a policy saying what to do.”
That is not surprising, as a Rookie Swain killed a retarded guy who was well known to the department…he allegedly had a screwdriver in his hand. Wouldn’t want good old policy around to spoil good times now would we Swain.

At any rate, this recording is at least 7 years old, but based on my recent arrest on 11-9-2012, the only thing that has changed are a few names. Couple guys retired, like Jester, and Royer.
They did return my video camera and bicycle some 9 days after I was bailed out of jail. Interesting that those items were only kept as “evidence” for about 15 days this time before they returned them.
This is not something that only happened to me by the way. Many people around the country have been charged with the crime of eavesdropping for trying to file a complaint with a recorder. It is a well known fact that it is illegal to do so, arrest that is not record.
You can always record police, no matter what they say to the contrary. If they are doing nothing wrong, they have nothing to hide, right?

damn, its like that punk ass cop/guard on the green mile

07-03-2013, 08:46 PM
damn, its like that punk ass cop/guard on the green mile

Exactly. I'm not saying all cops are bad, just this particular guy. KILL HIM.

Btw, a few weeks ago, I coincedentally saw a video of a rottweiler attacking a cop. The rott actually went in for the kill, and the cop calmly put his foot out, grabbed his taser and tasered it. It yelped and ran the other way, it was sad to see but it was NECCESARY. The cop was in the right, in this case this is VERY wrong. Only pussies and assholes can justify this type of dictatorship, I think it's a sheeps mentality to wish that cops were always in the right.

07-03-2013, 08:51 PM
post the video and stfu you crybaby ass, animal lovin ass, dress my puppy up in sweaters ass nigga

07-03-2013, 09:12 PM
post the video and stfu you crybaby ass, animal lovin ass, dress my puppy up in sweaters ass nigga


07-03-2013, 11:43 PM
Post the video you saw a few weeks ago lol

silverblk mystix
07-04-2013, 12:04 AM


Well, apparently the cop shot the wrong suspect. He should have shot this moron instead.

07-04-2013, 12:17 AM
I told you guys this guy stunk. But you faygo drinking faggots had to defend him.

A witness has come forward to reveal that the cop who shot an innocent dog this week has a long history of violence and even shot and killed a man with down syndrome when he was a rookie.

http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/police-kill-dog-300x164.jpg (http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/police-kill-dog.jpg)
Photo: Youtube

By JG Vibes
Intellihub.com (http://intellihub.com/2013/07/02/dog-killer-cop-killed-man-with-down-syndrome-as-a-rookie/)
July 2, 2013
As we reported yesterday (http://intellihub.com/2013/07/02/hawthorne-california-police-kill-dog-and-arrest-dogs-owner-for-filming-police-warning-shocking-content/), a Hawthorne police officer shot a not so violent looking dog in front of several people filming the police, as they raided a house with a gang of officers, with several police cars nearby.
Details about this officers past have now surfaced showing a history of violence. One situation has even been described where this officer killed a man with down syndrome as a rookie.
Daniel Saulmon wrote in the description of this recording that:
You can hear him in this recording doing what he can to sweet talk me out of details in an attempt to find information to protect his fellow officers. Once I give him every detail of information I have, he is through with me.
He steals my audio recorder and charges me with 2 felony counts of eavesdropping…632 pc If recording the police was a crime, I would have more counts against me then 2. But its not a crime, and I still will gladly go to jail for it, because as a viewer commented, it seems to flesh out corrupt officers who seek to retaliate against innocent people for no lawful reason. Officers who may not be fit for police work.
No wonder I have seen lies in the media, Swain is the “bold faced liar” writing those stories. I asked him to do something positive recently after a cyclist was killed by another department. I suggested his department lead the way and create policy before they kill someone too.
He said, “naah, I like my officers to have discretion rather then a policy saying what to do.”
That is not surprising, as a Rookie Swain killed a retarded guy who was well known to the department…he allegedly had a screwdriver in his hand. Wouldn’t want good old policy around to spoil good times now would we Swain.

At any rate, this recording is at least 7 years old, but based on my recent arrest on 11-9-2012, the only thing that has changed are a few names. Couple guys retired, like Jester, and Royer.
They did return my video camera and bicycle some 9 days after I was bailed out of jail. Interesting that those items were only kept as “evidence” for about 15 days this time before they returned them.
This is not something that only happened to me by the way. Many people around the country have been charged with the crime of eavesdropping for trying to file a complaint with a recorder. It is a well known fact that it is illegal to do so, arrest that is not record.
You can always record police, no matter what they say to the contrary. If they are doing nothing wrong, they have nothing to hide, right?

This is one of those cases were an incompetent bitch ass motherfucker like that cop is given a badge and a gun. Fucking pussy, tbh.

07-04-2013, 12:28 AM
http://www.dailytech.com/California+Cops+Arrest+Harass+Man+for+Videotaping+ Them+on+the+Job/article29272.htm

More evidence that shows how HPD (the same one in the video in the OP) likes to abuse their power just because they have a fucking badge and a gun.

"If you don't give me your ID, then you're going to jail."

That's what a California cop, Officer Gabriel "Gabe" Lira, tells a man who is videotaping a routine traffic stop. For Daniel J. Saulmon who lives in Hawethorne, a suburb of Los Angeles west of Compton, he was simply doing his citizens duty. After all, his taxes help fund the Hawethorne Police Department, so why shouldn't he be allowed to record video of police in public (http://www.dailytech.com/Man+Arrested+for+Photographing+Police+Officer+Who+ Came+Into+His+House/article18838.htm) on the job, in order to ensure that they do not abuse their citizen-entrusted power?

I. Show Some ID, Bud

Unfortunately, the Hawethorne Police Department's police officers didn't feel they owed the taxpayer anything.

Instead they arrest him (as the tape clearly shows) for failing to produce ID. The only problem? There is no law in California banning recording of on-duty cops and there is no law that requires Californians to produce papers to cops. And in states where there are such laws, the requirement is that the individual be suspected of committing a crime.

Initially the HPD tried to charge the citizen with resisting, delaying and obstructing an officer (http://dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/appndxa/penalco/penco148.htm) -- an offense punishable for up to $1,000 USD in fines and a year in jail. They also cited him fornot having reflectors (http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/d11/vc21201.htm) on his bike pedals (punishable with a fine of up to $250 USD).

Ultimately both charges were dropped. Mr. Saulmon's video, ironically, offered vindication by showing the officer improperly demanded his identification. It also showed he was standing a good distance away from the investigation site, and hence was not obstructing.


The extra irony is that the HPD officers should definitely have known better than to pick on Mr. Saulmon. Keenly aware of his rights, he regularly records local arrests. In 2005 he was arrested in a similar situation for eavesdropping/wiretapping. The charges were eventually dropped, and the HPD paid him a settlement of $25,000 USD for the wrongful arrest.

07-04-2013, 12:33 AM
http://www.dailytech.com/California+Cops+Arrest+Harass+Man+for+Videotaping+ Them+on+the+Job/article29272.htm

More evidence that shows how HPD (the same one in the video in the OP) likes to abuse their power just because they have a fucking badge and a gun.

Ridiculous....lets hang these mother fuckers

07-04-2013, 12:34 AM
"What am I under arrest for?" ... "I don't know what have you been doing?"


silverblk mystix
07-04-2013, 10:20 AM
http://www.dailytech.com/California+Cops+Arrest+Harass+Man+for+Videotaping+ Them+on+the+Job/article29272.htm

More evidence that shows how HPD (the same one in the video in the OP) likes to abuse their power just because they have a fucking badge and a gun.

You just haven't been to Hawthorne, Ca.

07-04-2013, 02:05 PM
Are people in here trolling?

Or are you really that stupid?

If anyone I know including myself - was walking my dog in the neighborhood and there are a few squad cars and something is going down - wtf do you think I or anyone I know would do?

We would gtfo of the way and allow the police to do their job. We would also gtfo in case there was any shooting and gtfo of the way in case a stray bullet or some shit flew and bit my ass and left me or my dog dead or paralyzed.

Instead - this dipshit - films the fuckin incident and stays in the fuckin way blasting his music and obstructs - and you morons are defending him?

Please tell me you are trolling and just bored because this is the stupidest group of people I have ever encountered - in real life and on the internet.

Sux that the dog got killed but it was absolutely justified and the only one to blame was that idiot dog owner. I think the dog was 10 times smarter than the owner and probably just committed "suicide by cop" just to escape the owners idiocy and go to the next life - rather than have to live under that owner.

It took until page 3 for somebody to look at this rationally, and it was sbm of all people. :lol

silverblk mystix
07-04-2013, 02:44 PM
It took until page 3 for somebody to look at this rationally, and it was sbm of all people. :lol

WTF are you laughing at?

I am the king of rationality! :lol

07-04-2013, 07:32 PM
Poor judgement on the part of the dog owner. You get out of there if you have that type of power dog around cops with guns, bad things will happen if the dog gets loose.

07-04-2013, 09:23 PM
niggas always trying to play the victim

silverblk mystix
07-04-2013, 09:40 PM
niggas always trying to play the victim

The dogs thoughts:

"Fuck, not this shit again....this piece of shit is gonna get arrested again...I am going to the fuckin pound....again...this pos will get out in a day or two...for the next six fuckin' months I gotta hear how much he hates cops and white people...then he will look for police incidents...show up...take a fuckin' video on his shitty cricket phone....get arrested.....ah fuck this...SUICIDE BY COP MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!"

07-04-2013, 10:11 PM
:rollin sbm with the goods on a blue moon

07-06-2013, 10:52 PM
. Isn't this America? Are we still living in America here?

You've been in a coma the last 8 years ...
What America do you speak of?

07-09-2013, 10:15 PM

07-10-2013, 08:22 AM
footage from another witness right next to him. You can see this negro bothering the cops


silverblk mystix
07-10-2013, 03:35 PM
footage from another witness right next to him. You can see this negro bothering the cops


This video is further confirmation of how stupid most people are on spurstalk - and how stupid the general public is.

Frank Dux
07-11-2013, 03:03 PM
footage from another witness right next to him. You can see this negro bothering the cops


Wow, the girl on that show is a moron.

07-11-2013, 03:05 PM
yeah i never really cared for that turks "show"

Big Empty
06-27-2014, 04:03 PM

Im not sure what to think. I love animals. I dont know why i feel sorry for the aggressive dog in the prevoius videos but not this one that didnt do anything lol i guess i hate bulldogs. If i had a pet rattlesnake or crocodile and it ventured out into the street it would be on me if somone killed it. I think its a bit excessive this video, but that bulldog could have attacked some kid.

06-27-2014, 05:08 PM
The dog was happy... wagging the tail. All dogs go to heaven. Pit bulls need to be shot. They serve no purpose for man or nature. Large obnoxious pieces of shit dogs.

06-27-2014, 05:11 PM
Cops are scumbags. Nothing new here yall.

06-27-2014, 05:18 PM
Strange video…Dog looked like it was chained to the back of the truck & could not get away…The dog was scared, laid down as if giving up…I wonder what the full story is...

06-27-2014, 07:33 PM
Id put a bullet in any man that shot my dog


06-27-2014, 09:15 PM
Id put a bullet in any man that shot my dog


No you wouldn't. You wouldn't do shit but surf the net for Shia LeFag news.

06-27-2014, 10:36 PM
No you wouldn't. You wouldn't do shit but surf the net for Shia LeFag news.

That Shia stuff is hilarious tbh

06-28-2014, 09:26 AM
Cops are scumbags. Nothing new here yall.

If so, may as well extend that and say HUMANS are scumbags.
Ignorance here abounds!

Big Empty
06-28-2014, 09:49 AM
Id put a bullet in any man that shot my dog

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fmdAS_Z6CY#t=124damn!!! Now this is fucked up!! Lol the gay dude has balls man