View Full Version : Rockets: Howard: ...because it (ticked) me off to the point I would get mad, start crying.

07-06-2013, 10:45 PM
We're fucked....:lol

Rockets’ history, culture enticed Howard (http://blog.chron.com/ultimaterockets/2013/07/dwight-howard-its-a-clean-slate-for-me-its-a-fresh-start/)

Dwight Howard prayed. He needed just one more push, one more reason. He needed a sign.
Howard had a decision to make. Time was running out. He wanted it to feel right. For all the information gleaned from all those meetings in Los Angeles, all the travails along the way to this moment, and all the arguments careening in his head, he just needed something, one last piece of evidence, to be at peace with his choice.
“It was on the Fourth of July,” Howard said. “That’s when I felt it was Houston. I was in Colorado. It seemed like every person that I met was from Houston. It was just so ironic. I’d walk around. Someone would ask for a picture. They’d give me a business card and it would say Houston on it. I was like, ‘Is everybody in Colorado from Houston right now?’ It was unbelievable.
“I was like, ‘You know what, this has to be from God.’ You pray for things to happen. You pray for signs, for God to show you things. It just seemed like, this was it.”
A day after his decision was final, Howard was as relieved as Rockets general manager Daryl Morey was elated, as content as he could have imagined. The tough part — the decision and the conversations that followed when he told representatives of the Mavericks, Hawks, Warriors and especially the Lakers — was over. The anxiety of his controversial, injury-marred final season in Orlando and subsequent frustrating one in Los Angeles was behind him.
He felt empowered to have made the choice that he considered best for him, rather than to please others. He finally had no second thoughts, no regrets.
While much has been made of the state of the Rockets a year ago, clearing out the roster for the moves they hoped would come, Howard was coming off back surgery, confined almost entirely to a bed or recliner, venturing out only for a one-block walk around his hotel home. But he, too, was making plans.
“When I had the back surgery, the one thing I kept envisioning was holding up that (championship) trophy,” Howard said. “Every day in the gym, before I even got an opportunity to run, I just envisioned myself holding that trophy. That’s what gave me the drive to want to get up and get back to basketball. Even though physically, I might not have been all the way there, I wanted to get back into it so bad.
“For the first four months I couldn’t do anything but lay on my back and walk. I watched as the Heat won and I sat in that room. I was just so upset. I just hated that taste, that bad taste of getting to the Finals and watching somebody else win. I wanted to win.”

Shot at titles was key
To Howard, no consideration meant more to him when he weighed his options this week than “championship potential.” He had been moved by the conversations with Hakeem Olajuwon and excited by the plan described by Kevin McHale. He said his private conversation with Rockets owner Leslie Alexander might have meant more than even all the talks with Chandler Parsons and James Harden. But the greatest issue, he said, was the chance to win championships.
When the Finals ended this season, Parsons watched the Heat celebrate and sent Howard a text that read, “Come to Houston. That could be us.” Howard, however, said that he could not stand watching another championship won by another team.
“What he said, he was on point,” Howard said. “But I tried not to watch the Finals because it (ticked) me off to the point I would get mad, start crying. I was so upset because I worked extremely hard. I’ve been to the Finals. I’ve tasted it. I’ve seen that trophy. I’ve been four games away from winning a championship. It hurt to watch other people win. I was like, ‘Man, I hate to see other people win this championship.’ I’m so passionate about it. When he said that, I know he wants to win, but if there’s anybody that wants the trophy it’s me.
“The biggest thing was a championship potential. I watched the team after we got out of the playoffs. I looked at their team. I looked at a couple teams. Their team just stood out. I think this is the best fit for me as far as playing basketball. I’m looking forward to it.”

Olajuwon offers praise
Howard had gotten the feeling that in Houston, he would be welcomed to the club of great big men, from Elvin Hayes to Moses Malone, Ralph Sampson, Hakeem Olajuwon and Yao Ming. Olajuwon’s influence was especially crucial. Howard has worked with Olajuwon in past offseasons and will again, and while he hopes to be able to mimic some of Olajuwon’s moves and success, he had the impression down.
“It meant a lot, just having Hakeem show up from Jordan,” Howard said. “He’s a great guy. We’ve had opportunities in the past to get together. He’s been one of my biggest supporters. I really thank Hakeem. I trust his judgment. I trust a lot of things he says. He’s been good from the first day he talked to my mom and said he wanted to work with me. I would work out with him and he would do a move and I would do a move and instead of the hook shot, I would dunk it and he would jump up and down and scream and say, “Oooh, you do my move better than me. Dwight, you have to do this in a game.’ We would just laugh. It was so great to be around him.
“I’m looking forward to having him and Kevin McHale push me. When I sat down with Kevin, he reminded me a lot of the drive of Clifford Ray (a former Magic assistant coach) when Clifford Ray was my big man coach. He pushed me to the limit every day and then I worked out. He always said, ‘I’m going to kick your (butt)’ and at the end of the day give you a hug.’ ”

Putting egos aside
Howard’s NBA career was blossoming then, long before his uncertainty about remaining in Orlando and the backlash from effort to join Kobe Bryant’s Lakers. In Houston, he said he can be himself again. He felt accepted from the friendships with Parsons and Harden, including Friday’s visit with Harden to plot their future together, and from the knowledge of the Rockets’ long pursuit of him.
“Even sitting down with James last night, we had an opportunity to talk about us winning the championship and how it’s important that we, as leaders of the team, are on the same page and of one accord. Everybody else will fall in line. It starts with me and him. We took the egos out of it and we’ll have a great season.
“I chose to go to Houston. I wasn’t traded. I was just like I had an opportunity to do something for myself and it wasn’t anybody’s else’s choice. It wasn’t a friend or fans or based off anybody but myself. In Orlando, I wanted to do everything for everybody else and I wasn’t happy inside with what I did. I just wanted to see everybody else happy. This time, I wanted to make myself happy and get back to being who I am, being Dwight, having fun and being happy.
“I’m just looking forward to this opportunity. It’s a clean slate for me. It’s a fresh start. It’s like I get a second chance at this. I’m looking forward to coming to Houston and making a big impact throughout the city. I love dealing with people. I love having fun. I’m looking forward to meshing with the city, getting out there. I know I’ve gotten a bad rep for a lot of things. I would say 95 percent of that stuff is false. I want to show people who Dwight Howard really is. I genuinely love being around people and giving people joy. I look forward to giving people a lot of joy, a lot of smiles and a lot of wins.”


07-06-2013, 10:48 PM
Didn't read that, but wheres the part where Dwight admits Slim thug finally persuaded him after he mentioned the cheap bottles in the club and the possibility of all the baby mommas for him?

:cry Warri:cryr

07-06-2013, 11:24 PM
The city's brain level (which's close to DH's) is the biggest part of the appeal that lures him in town imho. I didn't read it either, because it would always be a waste of time to read anything posted by a Rockets fan not named sook or djohn.

07-06-2013, 11:52 PM
The city's brain level (which's close to DH's) is the biggest part of the appeal that lures him in town imho. I didn't read it either, because it would always be a waste of time to read anything posted by a Rockets fan not named sook or djohn.


07-06-2013, 11:54 PM
Houston, we have a problem.

07-06-2013, 11:54 PM
The city's brain level (which's close to DH's) is the biggest part of the appeal that lures him in town imho. I didn't read it either, because it would always be a waste of time to read anything posted by a Rockets fan not named sook or djohn.

hey nigga, do you think hakeem is overrated?

What is your opinion about the dream?

07-07-2013, 12:18 AM
Dream is a legend and is a safe top 5 player of all time. They were lucky to win those two rings in the mid 1990s while Jordan was playing baseball but it still doesn't change the fact that they were a great team back in the day imho. As much as I respect that franchise prior to 2002, I have to say that the team has been decaying like a dead cat since the 7'6 trash joined them in 02. Things seemed to be bouncing back when they finally got rid of that whore in 11 but they signed another yellow trash to continue fucking with the team only one year later. It's a sinking ship that even the prime T-Mac couldn't salvage, let alone the pair of beta males named Harden and Howard.

07-07-2013, 12:28 AM
Rogue is fucking idiot...no news there.

07-07-2013, 12:48 AM
I'm an idiot because

1. I don't follow the chinese mainstream media because I'm too retarded to believe anything they say

2. I'm so retarded that I'm gonna continue to waste my time in a so-called grad school and graduate with a worthless master's degree, rather than grab a treadmill job and get married instantly so I would have 8 kids by my 35th birthday with a job that pays me 2,000 chinese yuan every month.

3. I'm too stupid to realize the health enhancing effect of sucking Yao's dick.

07-07-2013, 12:59 AM
Rogue, just curious, why did you decide to go back to your mavfan account after Miami repeated? Did you get banned or something?

07-07-2013, 01:09 AM
:lol fucking Rogue

07-07-2013, 01:15 AM
Rogue, just curious, why did you decide to go back to your mavfan account after Miami repeated? Did you get banned or something?
I got my LM account banned (I made fun of OKC flood victims and an OKC snitch reported me to the mods), but that was really a good thing to me. I don't need to act like someone else anymore. I've reverted back to my real self and I've also been behaving like a gentleman under the influence of my "Goddess". I think the Mods just did me a favor by banning that lame troll tbh. I kind of sense that I've become a better person and I'm feeling happier than ever before.

07-07-2013, 02:19 AM
Houston has a big ass inferiority complex tbh

07-07-2013, 02:40 AM
I wonder if his weak minded punkass :cry in Memphis too:

Within the Los Angeles Lakers, there had been a belief that a late January team meeting in Memphis could've been the beginning of Dwight Howard's future with the franchise, or merely the beginning of the end. No restraints, no mercy, no holding back. Kobe Bryant had climbed into Howard in a way that was startling, sobering, a moment of penetrating and unpleasant truths.

Every time you trash me to teammates, it gets back to me, witnesses said Bryant told Howard in the visiting locker room of the FedEx Forum. Every time you do one of your impersonations when I walk out of the room, I find out. Everything tumbled out of Bryant, one grievance after another, and the Lakers coaches and players sat watching the two biggest personas in the room push closer together, or irreconcilably apart.

Bryant had come to rage against the idea that Howard's clownish disposition could overtake the locker room, the Lakers' culture, and had warned Howard that he would never, ever let it happen. He hated it with Shaquille O'Neal, but Shaq performed on a championship plane for the Lakers and delivered a disposition to dominate on the floor.

"Kobe talked to Dwight in a way that I don't think anyone one had ever talked to him – not in Orlando, not here, not in his life, I'm betting," one witness in the room told Yahoo! Sports. "He's been coddled, and Kobe wasn't going to coddle him."

Despite Howard's recuperation from his back injury, few believed he had been playing with the proper passion and purpose – not the coaches, not the players, not opponents – and those within the Lakers understood Howard's most rebellious weapon was never confrontation, but holding back on the court.

There were bigger issues than Bryant and Howard in the room, but everyone understood that this meeting – first reported in the Los Angeles Times – had been about the two superstars, about the tension that had been building with the losing, about the push and pull between selling Howard on staying a Laker, or begging him.

In the end, Kobe Bryant didn't chase Dwight Howard out of Los Angeles, nor did Mike D'Antoni, nor did anyone in the employ of the franchise. The Lakers weren't for Howard, and Howard wasn't for the Lakers. Every executive and coach who has ever worked with Howard will tell you: He needs to be the face of the franchise and he needs unconditional love. Those weren't immediately available to him with the Lakers, and they'll be showered upon him in Houston now.

"If he missed two big free throws in Orlando, it was forgotten in 30 minutes," one league official with ties to Howard's past says. "If he missed them in L.A., they talked about it for a week. With Dwight, he has to be the face of the franchise. Anything less than that, and it would be difficult for him to function at his highest level."

LINK (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--rockets-give-dwight-howard-what-lakers--kobe-wouldn-t--unconditional-love-061137592.html)

07-07-2013, 03:32 AM
:lol Houston fans already regretting getting jeebotard Howard

07-07-2013, 07:07 AM
Houston has a big ass inferiority complex tbh

It does. Houston is big and important but gets no recognition for how important it is, but that's changing. Different than dfw, where it has a superiority complex. Thinking its important when its really not and full of idiots with small town mentalities trying to act like a big city. I'm glad I made it out of dfw tbh. What a fake ass place with too many people trying to stunt. Fw was alright though, but Dallas is a plastic, well manicured hell hole. Just remember back when Dallas tried to host a super bowl compared to houston. :lol

07-07-2013, 07:27 AM
It does. Houston is big and important but gets no recognition for how important it is, but that's changing. Different than dfw, where it has a superiority complex. Thinking its important when its really not and full of idiots with small town mentalities trying to act like a big city. I'm glad I made it out of dfw tbh. What a fake ass place with too many people trying to stunt. Fw was alright though, but Dallas is a plastic, well manicured hell hole. Just remember back when Dallas tried to host a super bowl compared to houston. :lol

Houston is a fun town, but it doesn't have a lot of personality which kills it. New Orleans, Boston, Chicago, hell even San Antonio is unique. Houston doesn't seemingly have anything that says, "Hey I'd love to see X in Houston!"

07-07-2013, 07:29 AM
I never thought its possible, but Dwight has surpassed Lebron in most peoples All Time Hate list.

07-07-2013, 07:30 AM
Rogue is fucking idiot...no news there.

07-07-2013, 07:44 AM
Houston is a fun town, but it doesn't have a lot of personality which kills it. New Orleans, Boston, Chicago, hell even San Antonio is unique. Houston doesn't seemingly have anything that says, "Hey I'd love to see X in Houston!"

Houston is also a young city. Those cities you named are much older and had people around them before they even became cities. Houston still has some culture. Its just not dominated by one thing. I'd take houston culture over sa. If I need some sa culture, I'll go to the barriors in east Houston. Even though there are skyscrapers all over the place and everyone goes 75 on the freeway, the vibe of houston is pretty chill. It's so different from when I lived in dfw. Where people dress up to go to Target.

07-07-2013, 12:05 PM
Yeah Guerilla, when I was stationed in San Antonio I went to Houston a few times to visit friends. Besides the traffic it's a nice city, just saying there's nothing really "unique" about it, at least not that I could tell.

07-07-2013, 12:27 PM
Yeah Guerilla, when I was stationed in San Antonio I went to Houston a few times to visit friends. Besides the traffic it's a nice city, just saying there's nothing really "unique" about it, at least not that I could tell.
No zoning laws are one thing, which makes the city spread out and have a city within a city feel. But not everybody feels the same.

07-07-2013, 12:40 PM
Lots of ghetto with some nice suburban pockets sprinkled in...

07-07-2013, 01:06 PM
Lots of ghetto with some nice suburban pockets sprinkled in...

Welcome to 1990.

No zoning laws are one thing, which makes the city spread out and have a city within a city feel. But not everybody feels the same.

No zoning doesn't make the city spread out. Being built around the automobile is the reason. No zoning just means you can pretty much build what you want on your land, as long as it is in line with ordinances.

07-07-2013, 01:10 PM
You got a season of peace before the specter of that 3rd year opt out rises up in the viewfinder. Then you know what? Coffee break is over...back on yer heads.


07-07-2013, 01:18 PM
It does. Houston is big and important but gets no recognition for how important it is, but that's changing. Different than dfw, where it has a superiority complex. Thinking its important when its really not and full of idiots with small town mentalities trying to act like a big city. I'm glad I made it out of dfw tbh. What a fake ass place with too many people trying to stunt. Fw was alright though, but Dallas is a plastic, well manicured hell hole. Just remember back when Dallas tried to host a super bowl compared to houston. :lol

Completely agree, man I fucking hate DFW. Gonna be at that TCU v. UT game next year spewing hate

There's just something about Dallas team that make them so easy to hate

07-07-2013, 01:28 PM
Welcome to 1990.

No zoning doesn't make the city spread out. Being built around the automobile is the reason. No zoning just means you can pretty much build what you want on your land, as long as it is in line with ordinances.

Spread out as in mixed development.

07-07-2013, 01:37 PM
Welcome to 1990.

More like 2 weeks ago. I'm just driving through a nice little area with some decent looking apartments and shopping centers, I turn the corner and I'm in an area that clearly used to be ghetto as shit but has a bunch of houses that are fixed up really nice. Turn the corner again and I'm in front of Koolaid_man's favorite crack house.

07-07-2013, 01:49 PM
More like 2 weeks ago. I'm just driving through a nice little area with some decent looking apartments and shopping centers, I turn the corner and I'm in an area that clearly used to be ghetto as shit but has a bunch of houses that are fixed up really nice. Turn the corner again and I'm in front of Koolaid_man's favorite crack house.

lol what side of town were you on?

07-07-2013, 01:52 PM
lol what side of town were you on?

The homasexual side.

07-07-2013, 01:56 PM
lol what side of town were you on?

It was actually near the River oaks area, didn't venture very far up there though because apparently they have their own little security force that likes to hassle people who don't live there.

07-07-2013, 01:57 PM
It was actually near the River oaks area, didn't venture very far up there though because apparently they have their own little security force that likes to hassle people who don't live there.

& are dressed in a way too tight white t-shirt, tan shorts and red socks.

07-07-2013, 01:58 PM
It was actually near the River oaks area, didn't venture very far up there though because apparently they have their own little security force that likes to hassle people who don't live there.

LOL oh yeah true.

07-07-2013, 02:06 PM
LOL oh yeah true.

tbh though I liked Houston overall. They have good little hangout spots if you know where to go.

Vash StampedE
07-07-2013, 02:25 PM
“For the first four months I couldn’t do anything but lay on my back and walk. I watched as the Heat won and I sat in that room. I was just so upset. I just hated that taste, that bad taste of getting to the Finals and watching somebody else win. I wanted to win.”

Dwight definitely has gotten his revenge

Dingle Barry
07-07-2013, 02:31 PM
Completely agree, man I fucking hate DFW. Gonna be at that TCU v. UT game next year spewing hate

There's just something about Dallas team that make them so easy to hate
TCU is in FW, which is a friendly and laid-back town that is pretty much the opposite of Dallas. Hope you enjoy your visit.

07-07-2013, 02:34 PM
Dwight definitely has gotten his revenge

Like he said, he was there in the Finals and came to the center court jump to meet Kobe totally unprepared. Kobe, both heaters on set triggers saw him and eased back on the hammers........."I'm gonna stretch this niqqer out without a mark on 'em."

& he did.

07-07-2013, 05:01 PM
It was actually near the River oaks area, didn't venture very far up there though because apparently they have their own little security force that likes to hassle people who don't live there.

Yeah they don't play in river oaks. Sounds like you were near Montrose. It kinda does vary in Houston block after block in some areas, .nd looks like you were in one. We aren't like Dallas where one entire side of town is nice and the other side is boys n tha hood.

baseline bum
07-07-2013, 05:31 PM
Houston is a fun town, but it doesn't have a lot of personality which kills it. New Orleans, Boston, Chicago, hell even San Antonio is unique. Houston doesn't seemingly have anything that says, "Hey I'd love to see X in Houston!"

False, take X = black strippers. Or X = crippling humidity.

baseline bum
07-07-2013, 05:34 PM
Yeah they don't play in river oaks. Sounds like you were near Montrose. It kinda does vary in Houston block after block in some areas, .nd looks like you were in one. We aren't like Dallas where one entire side of town is nice and the other side is boys n tha hood.

??? The whole southeast side of Houston is ghetto. Northeast side too tbh.

07-07-2013, 05:44 PM
??? The whole southeast side of Houston is ghetto. Northeast side too tbh.
SW side too, except for Bellaire. Even Sugarland is startin to get a little hood.

07-07-2013, 06:08 PM
SW side too, except for Bellaire. Even Sugarland is startin to get a little hood.

SW side is not bad at all if you aren't near the mega apartment complexes. Sharpstown neighborhoods aren't bad. neither is meyerland or Westbury. A whole bunch of Jews and middle to upper class people. Those apartments on gulfton, with eight people to a two bedroom apartment, are the only messed up parts. Sugar Land is not getting hood at all tho brah. Riff raff can't afford SL. They moving to Rosenberg.

??? The whole southeast side of Houston is ghetto. Northeast side too tbh.

Southeast Houston isn't all bad, especially south of 45. Northeast is the only side that's pretty bad until you get out of the beltway.

07-07-2013, 06:16 PM
SW side is not bad at all if you aren't near the mega apartment complexes. Sharpstown neighborhoods aren't bad. neither is meyerland or Westbury. A whole bunch of Jews and middle to upper class people. Those apartments on gulfton, with eight people to a two bedroom apartment, are the only messed up parts. Sugar Land is not getting hood at all tho brah. Riff raff can't afford SL. They moving to Rosenberg.

Southeast Houston isn't all bad, especially south of 45. Northeast is the only side that's pretty bad until you get out of the beltway.

Yeah. When I'm not in SA, I stay in Pearland. More blacks moving out there recently for sure, but to the apartments. You won't see any riff raft around Shadow Creek Ranch. Shaq has a house out there but that's about it :lol