View Full Version : Lakers: Wanna really troll Lakers fan?

07-07-2013, 05:27 PM
You make a "Jim Buss Appreciation" Thread on Lakersground.



07-07-2013, 07:01 PM
You make a "Jim Buss Appreciation" Thread on Lakersground.



Do those people over there know how I'm holding it down over here...I just can't do LG the moderators are a bunch of prudes...I read some of the stuff but they're all PMS'ing over there....especially the one that calls herself Chef Linda...I bet she's big as a house....and sensitive as fuck too..those poor guys can't say shit over there...No thanks Kori E is the greatest moderator of all fucking time...Letting me come onto her site and regulate the fuck out of Spur fan...

07-07-2013, 07:23 PM
Do those people over there know how I'm holding it down over here...I just can't do LG the moderators are a bunch of prudes...I read some of the stuff but they're all PMS'ing over there....especially the one that calls herself Chef Linda...I bet she's big as a house....and sensitive as fuck too..those poor guys can't say shit over there...No thanks Kori E is the greatest moderator of all fucking time...Letting me come onto her site and regulate the fuck out of Spur fan...

Man after 4-5 years at LG I think Spurstalk NBA forum is a 1 out of 10 on the stress level. LG is an extremely stressful place to post, Im actually on Lakersnation for a few years (different username) and its a much more relaxed place to post. The Laker fans there are very chill and not as many " I would take a bullet for Kobe" fans. Most guys are very honest and its just a place where you can talk pure Laker basketball. NBA forum here is more like the Rated R version of RealGM.

LG is pure hardcore Kobe support group...I honestly wonder whats going to happen to that site when Kobe retires. It cracks me up how dry their pussies are over there now that shit got ran into the ground so hard.

07-07-2013, 07:35 PM
Man after 4-5 years at LG I think Spurstalk NBA forum is a 1 out of 10 on the stress level. LG is an extremely stressful place to post, Im actually on Lakersnation for a few years (different username) and its a much more relaxed place to post. The Laker fans there are very chill and not as many " I would take a bullet for Kobe" fans. Most guys are very honest and its just a place where you can talk pure Laker basketball. NBA forum here is more like the Rated R version of RealGM.

LG is pure hardcore Kobe support group...I honestly wonder whats going to happen to that site when Kobe retires. It cracks me up how dry their pussies are over there now that shit got ran into the ground so hard.

You recognize these things because you are a legit, analytical NBA fan unlike a lot of the herd whether we are talking about Lakerfans or Spursfans. Sadly, meltdowns of those with less fortitude are imminent and happen often. It is just the way of things.

07-07-2013, 07:54 PM
lakersground is a bunch of fools..i wonder if its the same as the Spurs forum on top. lol

07-07-2013, 07:57 PM
You recognize these things because you are a legit, analytical NBA fan unlike a lot of the herd whether we are talking about Lakerfans or Spursfans. Sadly, meltdowns of those with less fortitude are imminent and happen often. It is just the way of things.

Ive watched sports religiously since 1990...u start seeing history repeat itself over and over again. I think when I was 20-22 Sports were very unpredictable...now they are a little easier to predict and analyze. Personally as a Laker fan I never had a 'rivalry' feel for the Kings or even the Celtics since that particular rivalry was a few years before my day.

But the Spurs kept me up at nights during the Kobe-Shaq era...the SBC center....that fuckin all black arena. You had to play PERFECT bball to beat those fuckers....2004 still sucks after all the emotions in that Spurs series and all of a sudden the Pistons decided to be one of the best teams ever assembled.

07-07-2013, 07:58 PM
lakersground is a bunch of fools..i wonder if its the same as the Spurs forum on top. lol

Message boards in general are filled with retards on an average. I have yet to see a 'quality poster' that is always on the money. Ironically...I think the closest guy to that is Midnightpulp with the exception of a few panic threads by him that dude ism oney.

I think sports boards are more about just keeping up to date with all the news in sports and getting in your 2 cents.

07-07-2013, 08:23 PM
Ive watched sports religiously since 1990...u start seeing history repeat itself over and over again. I think when I was 20-22 Sports were very unpredictable...now they are a little easier to predict and analyze. Personally as a Laker fan I never had a 'rivalry' feel for the Kings or even the Celtics since that particular rivalry was a few years before my day.

But the Spurs kept me up at nights during the Kobe-Shaq era...the SBC center....that fuckin all black arena. You had to play PERFECT bball to beat those fuckers....2004 still sucks after all the emotions in that Spurs series and all of a sudden the Pistons decided to be one of the best teams ever assembled.

The Celtics/Lakers rivalry (circa '80's) was intense and "dangerous." A lot was at stake there, the old (Celtics) and the new (Magic Johnson). We'd been forbidden to that point, then Stern came aboard, read the tea leaves, listened to the case in chambers then decreed that he would lift the embargo, turn his back and let it be settled man-to-man.

The Kings/Lakers rivalry was sharp and filled with a vile tone. They believed in themselves. And that was difficult to traverse for us. We could not figure how to corral them and then put them down, end them so we wouldn't have to confront them again (like the Celtics tried to do with Magic in '84). They were like the Jazz from the mid-80's:::tired of being "cheated" out of it, but, like the Jazz they could not end it. The Kings like the Jazz before them had made it all about the officiating when it got down to ground zero. They cast their lot in that strategy and they paid the supreme price. Instead of them dancing on our graves we turned the tables and finished them once and for all.

07-07-2013, 09:55 PM
The Celtics/Lakers rivalry (circa '80's) was intense and "dangerous." A lot was at stake there, the old (Celtics) and the new (Magic Johnson). We'd been forbidden to that point, then Stern came aboard, read the tea leaves, listened to the case in chambers then decreed that he would lift the embargo, turn his back and let it be settled man-to-man.

The Kings/Lakers rivalry was sharp and filled with a vile tone. They believed in themselves. And that was difficult to traverse for us. We could not figure how to corral them and then put them down, end them so we wouldn't have to confront them again (like the Celtics tried to do with Magic in '84). They were like the Jazz from the mid-80's:::tired of being "cheated" out of it, but, like the Jazz they could not end it. The Kings like the Jazz before them had made it all about the officiating when it got down to ground zero. They cast their lot in that strategy and they paid the supreme price. Instead of them dancing on our graves we turned the tables and finished them once and for all.

I didnt get to see those Lakers V Celtics series in their day during the 80's. I hear it was really intense stuff that put the NBA where it is today. The new age rivalry was nasty too but thats because KG was acting like a faggot.

07-07-2013, 10:29 PM
I didnt get to see those Lakers V Celtics series in their day during the 80's. I hear it was really intense stuff that put the NBA where it is today. The new age rivalry was nasty too but thats because KG was acting like a faggot.

It was mean spirited back in the '80's. It went over the top in '84 when McHale clotheslined Rambis. That put the rivalry on shaky & bitter ground. Rambis responded in kind, but, that hurt us because we lost our focus and we're beaten decisively in Game 7. Over the off-season instead of stoking the flames of hate and revenge, or retreating to the happy hunting ground of Wilt & West, Magic went to work and dedicated himself to exploiting our superior talent instead of fighting them house-to-house. That strategy also set the tone for the rest of ''80's "rivalry" period. Magic seduced Bird into an Ali/Frazier relationship for the betterment of the league. And it looked genuine on Magic's part. I think Bird went along with it because it had degenerated to the point that a real tragic situation could have evolved if left unattended, or, further stoked, but, Bird did it as a duty, he was compelled from within and probably from NYC.

We were better than the Celtics before we proved it. We weren't better than the Kings until after we vanquished them.

07-07-2013, 11:26 PM
It was mean spirited back in the '80's. It went over the top in '84 when McHale clotheslined Rambis. That put the rivalry on shaky & bitter ground. Rambis responded in kind, but, that hurt us because we lost our focus and we're beaten decisively in Game 7. Over the off-season instead of stoking the flames of hate and revenge, or retreating to the happy hunting ground of Wilt & West, Magic went to work and dedicated himself to exploiting our superior talent instead of fighting them house-to-house. That strategy also set the tone for the rest of ''80's "rivalry" period. Magic seduced Bird into an Ali/Frazier relationship for the betterment of the league. And it looked genuine on Magic's part. I think Bird went along with it because it had degenerated to the point that a real tragic situation could have evolved if left unattended, or, further stoked, but, Bird did it as a duty, he was compelled from within and probably from NYC.

We were better than the Celtics before we proved it. We weren't better than the Kings until after we vanquished them.

Lakers will rise again....soon Kobe will call Phil and ask him simply,"has the beacon been lit?" in which Phil will confidently respond,"yes...the fire rises".

07-07-2013, 11:31 PM
Lakers will rise again....soon Kobe will call Phil and ask him simply,"has the beacon been lit?" in which Phil will confidently respond,"yes...the fire rises".

Cancer changes a man, softens him up. I don't believe Phil is fit to coach any longer, physically, or, mentally. We need to move along now and give D'Antoni our full effort and support. I think he's a winner.

07-08-2013, 12:10 AM
D'Antoni can win you the regular season when you have a stacked team for him, which the Lakers don't have at present time, and you can never expect _'Antoni to win the playoffs no matter how much talent the team has. There's a reason his playoff record against Pop stands at 0-4 imho

07-08-2013, 12:13 AM
Cancer changes a man, softens him up. I don't believe Phil is fit to coach any longer, physically, or, mentally. We need to move along now and give D'Antoni our full effort and support. I think he's a winner.

Erase that last sentence. You have no right. You bailed on the Suns because you don't believe that last sentence and he proved you right. Damn you for being such a lying idiot. Damn you.

07-08-2013, 12:45 AM
Erase that last sentence. You have no right. You bailed on the Suns because you don't believe that last sentence and he proved you right. Damn you for being such a lying idiot. Damn you.


07-08-2013, 12:47 AM
D'Antoni can win you the regular season when you have a stacked team for him, which the Lakers don't have at present time, and you can never expect _'Antoni to win the playoffs no matter how much talent the team has. There's a reason his playoff record against Pop stands at 0-4 imho

I'm stickin' with him shoulder-to-shoulder. Ain't no chickens in this coop.

baseline bum
07-08-2013, 12:51 AM
I didnt get to see those Lakers V Celtics series in their day during the 80's. I hear it was really intense stuff that put the NBA where it is today. The new age rivalry was nasty too but thats because KG was acting like a faggot.

The 84 Finals were nasty as hell. McHale clotheslining Rambis, Bird pushing Cooper into the first row on an inbounds, Bird and Kareem about to fight in Game 4, just lots of shit like that. Then 85 was crazy with the Memorial Day Massacre making it look like LA would never beat them, and yet they finish Boston off in the Garden. Then 87 I remember Greg Kite putting this nasty clothesline on Worthy and just dropping him only to get an asskicking from Worthy. Kind of miss the days when fighting just got you a technical foul and not an ejection from that game and the next.

07-08-2013, 05:18 PM
lol lakersground

07-08-2013, 05:20 PM
LOL Lakersground is imploding.

Ramona Shelbourne just reported that:
"Later on, the elder Buss (Dr Buss) explained to his daughter that the final decision on the hire had been his, and it was not personal towards Jackson. He simply saw the NBA heading in a direction that seemed to fit D'Antoni's uptempo style."

The Jim Buss haters are all confused and dismayed. hahahah...all they kept saying is Jim Buss is a failure for hiring MDA. Now, its not true...their beloved Jerry Buss did.

07-08-2013, 05:22 PM
^Just thank Christ Jim Buss got his way with Bynum not once but twice...otherwise we'd be at 14 & 3 respectively.

07-08-2013, 05:36 PM
^Just thank Christ Jim Buss got his way with Bynum not once but twice...otherwise we'd be at 14 & 3 respectively.

And thank Christ Jim Buss got his way with D'Antoni. Otherwise, there ain't no Sweep and Kobe is trotting into this season with a healthy Achilles, and I risk it being.

Duncan: 3

Kobe: 3

07-08-2013, 05:37 PM
And thank Christ Jim Buss got his way with D'Antoni. Otherwise, there ain't no Sweep and Kobe is trotting into this season with a healthy Achilles, and I risk it being.

Duncan: 3

Kobe: 3

Fine. You have those. I'm dancin' with who brung me:::


07-08-2013, 05:39 PM