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07-16-2013, 02:03 PM
The Rude Pundit: A Brief Note Regarding the Zimmerman Verdict: At Long Last, the Most Perfect Crime

Mystery novels are filled with criminals who attempt to commit the perfect crime. That is, a murder, usually, that they get away with. Most of the time, there is some cat-and-mouse game between the detective trying to solve the case and the killer. The perfect crime is the one that the killer never even gets arrested for, the one where, perhaps, as in the case of Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter," the cops unwittingly eat the murder weapon.

But the verdict in the case of George Zimmerman, accused of murdering Trayvon Martin, proves that everyone from Agatha Christie to James Patterson has been thinking small. The perfect crime is not just the one you get away with. The perfect crime is the one for which you are acquitted in a court of law. In fact, the most perfect crime of all is the one where, no matter what your true intent, the law supports and sanctions your right to murder in cold blood.

The shooting of Trayvon Martin, it turns out, was that most perfect of crimes.

This blog has previously discussed the complicity of the Florida legislature in making laws that are so ludicrously pro-murder that a Trayvon Martin-type killing was inevitable. It has also argued that the police and conservative media figures successfully turned Martin into a ****** thug who was looking for trouble. It has shown, quite clearly, that Stand Your Ground and other so-called "self-defense" laws do not apply to African Americans who choose to defend themselves. Any anger the Rude Pundit feels, at Zimmerman, at the verdict, at the prosecutors, at the defense attorneys, he expressed last night on Twitter; it has been expressed by others and is being expressed in the streets of America tonight. He agrees with Ta-Nehesi Coates that the law in the state of Florida, a law passed by politicians who can be voted out of office if the people of the state really want it changed, demanded that George Zimmerman be let free and given back his gun.

So he'll just say this: On that night last February, when he got out of his car, George Zimmerman became the judge and jury of Trayvon Martin, accused of the crime of being a black male teenager walking in a neighborhood. Zimmerman then became Martin's executioner because, like so many oppressed people before him, Martin resisted Zimmerman's judgment. So Zimmerman did what scared people in power do all the time. He used overwhelming force to stop Martin's resistance. It is the same kind of force that has killed people and movements in America and all over the world.

George Zimmerman wanted Trayvon Martin to submit to his power, to be what Zimmerman had adjudicated him to be. Trayvon Martin refused. Trayvon Martin resisted. And that's why Trayvon Martin, like so many resisters before him, had to be killed.

There was no way George Zimmerman was going to be found guilty because his guilt would have made Trayvon Martin innocent and said that the law was wrong. Even worse, it would have made Trayvon Martin, the black male teenager, right in his resistance, and the state of Florida, if not the entire nation, would not allow that to happen.


And when Trayvon stood his ground, he was more of a grown man than Zimmerman will EVER be - and he was handling an adult situation as a kid, all alone against an adult with a GUN - and he was handling it - Zimmerman punked out like a pussy and shot him. Instead of Zimmerman behaving like an adult that night, he behaved like a creepy, weird, psychopath - and for some reason, some people expected Trayvon to stand up and handle that situation in a way that was well beyond his years and ability at that time.

07-16-2013, 02:15 PM
So wanna be gangbangers with violent tendencies are the new civil rights activists?

07-16-2013, 02:52 PM
Interesting because I thought the perfect crime would be same race murders since those happen more often, many of which going unsolved & ignored.

07-16-2013, 02:56 PM
Yeah it would seem to me too that the perfect crime would be one where you don't even get arrested or suspected of a crime.

07-16-2013, 03:01 PM
Yeah it would seem to me too that the perfect crime would be one where you don't even get arrested or suspected of a crime.


Homeland Security
07-16-2013, 04:00 PM
I enjoy a n!gger who is honest enough to say that he believes that aggravated assault is an justifiable response to feeling racially "profiled." I think most n!ggers feel that way, but might not admit it.

Bring it on, monkeys. We're armed. You can join Trayvon wherever he is.

Trill Clinton
07-16-2013, 04:24 PM
The Rude Pundit: A Brief Note Regarding the Zimmerman Verdict: At Long Last, the Most Perfect Crime


And when Trayvon stood his ground, he was more of a grown man than Zimmerman will EVER be - and he was handling an adult situation as a kid, all alone against an adult with a GUN - and he was handling it - Zimmerman punked out like a pussy and shot him. Instead of Zimmerman behaving like an adult that night, he behaved like a creepy, weird, psychopath - and for some reason, some people expected Trayvon to stand up and handle that situation in a way that was well beyond his years and ability at that time.


Trill Clinton
07-16-2013, 04:26 PM
i know 98% of this board has no empathy for trayvon or the martin family and won't read this article or this one below but they're both good reads:

Last week, in Chicago, 16-year-old Darryl Green was found dead in the yard of an abandoned home. He was killed, relatives reported, because he refused to join a gang. Unlike most tragedies, however—which remain local news—this one caught the attention of conservative activist Ben Shapiro, an editor for Breitbart News. Using the hashtag “#justicefordarryl,” Shaprio tweeted and publicized the details of Green’s murder. But this wasn’t a call for help and assistance for Green’s family, rather, it was his response to wide outrage over Saturday’s decision in the case of George Zimmerman, where a Florida jury judged him “not guilty” of second-degree murder or manslaughter in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Shapiro, echoing many other conservatives, is angry over the perceived politicization of the Zimmerman trial, and believes that activists have ”injected” race into the discussion, as if there’s nothing racial already within the criminal-justice system. Indeed, he echoes many conservatives when he complains that media attention had everything to do with Zimmerman’s race. If he were black, the argument goes, no one would care. And so, Shapiro found the sad story of Darryl Green, and promoted it as an example of the “black-on-black” crime that, he believes, goes ignored. Or, as he tweets, “49% of murder victims are black men. 93% of those are killed by other blacks. Media don’t care. Obama doesn’t care. #JusticeForDarryl.”

The idea that “black-on-black” crime is the real story in Martin’s killing isn’t a novel one. In addition to Shapiro, you’ll hear the argument from conservative African-American activists like Crystal White, as well as people outside the media, like Zimmerman defense attorney Mark O’Mara, who said that his client “never would have been charged with a crime” if he were black.

(It’s worth noting, here, that Zimmerman wasn’t charged with a crime. At least, not at first. It took six weeks of protest and pressure for Sanford police to revisit the killing and bring charges against him. Indeed, in the beginning, Martin’s cause had less to do with the identity of the shooter and everything to do with the appalling disinterest of the local police department.)

But there’s a huge problem with attempt to shift the conversation: There’s no such thing as “black-on-black” crime. Yes, from 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders, but that racial exclusivity was also true for white victims of violent crime—86 percent were killed by white offenders. Indeed, for the large majority of crimes, you’ll find that victims and offenders share a racial identity, or have some prior relationship to each other.

What Shapiro and others miss about crime, in general, is that it’s driven by opportunism and proximity; If African-Americans are more likely to be robbed, or injured, or killed by other African-Americans, it’s because they tend to live in the same neighborhoods as each other. Residential statistics bear this out (PDF); blacks are still more likely to live near each other or other minority groups than they are to whites. And of course, the reverse holds as well—whites are much more likely to live near other whites than they are to minorities and African-Americans in particular.

Nor are African-Americans especially criminal. If they were, you would still see high rates of crime among blacks, even as the nation sees a historic decline in criminal offenses. Instead, crime rates among African-Americans, and black youth in particular, have taken a sharp drop. In Washington, D.C., for example, fewer than 10 percent of black youth are in a gang, have sold drugs, have carried a gun, or have stolen more than $100 in goods.

Overall, figures from a variety of institutions—including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Justice Statistics—show that among black youth, rates of robbery and serious property offenses are at their lowest rates in 40 years, as are rates of violent crime and victimization. And while it’s true that young black men are a disproportionate share of the nation’s murder victims, it’s hard to disentangle this from the stew of hyper-segregation (often a result of deliberate policies), entrenched poverty, and nonexistent economic opportunities that characterizes a substantial number of black communities. Hence the countless inner-city anti-violence groups that focus on creating opportunity for young, disadvantaged African-Americans, through education, mentoring, and community programs. Blacks care intensely about the violence that happens in their communities. After all, they have to live with it.

“Black-on-black crime” has been part of the American lexicon for decades, but as a specific phenomenon, it’s no more real than “white-on-white crime.” Unlike the latter, however, the idea of “black-on-black crime” taps into specific fears around black masculinity and black criminality—the same fears that, in Florida, led George Zimmerman to focus his attention on Trayvon Martin, and in New York, continue to justify Michael Bloomberg’s campaign of police harassment against young black men in New York City.

Indeed, these fears are the reason that—in predominantly African-American neighborhoods across the country—police gathered and waited. There might be riots, observers said, and we have to be prepared. Why? The protests in support of Martin have been peaceful, and no one has called for violence or retribution. But that doesn’t matter.

America is afraid of black people, and that’s especially true—it seems—when it thinks they might be angry.


Homeland Security
07-16-2013, 04:32 PM
"Overall, figures from a variety of institutions—including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Justice Statistics—show that among black youth, rates of robbery and serious property offenses are at their lowest rates in 40 years, as are rates of violent crime and victimization."

See? Incarceration works.

Trill Clinton
07-16-2013, 04:49 PM
God bless Tom Joyner, he offered Rachel Jeantel a full scholarship to any HBCU of her choice:

Radio personality Tom Joyner has offered Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin who spoke to him shortly before he died, a full scholarship to any Historically Black College or University she chooses.
The website Joyner founded, BlackAmericaWeb.com, confirmed the news. Jeantel spoke to Joyner on his radio show Tuesday morning.

businessinsider.com/tom-joyner-offers-rachel-jeantel-a-full-scholarship-2013-7#ixzz2ZEHoGvW1 (http://www.businessinsider.com/tom-joyner-offers-rachel-jeantel-a-full-scholarship-2013-7#ixzz2ZEHoGvW1)

Homeland Security
07-16-2013, 04:52 PM
God bless Tom Joyner, he offered Rachel Jeantel a full scholarship to any HBCU of her choice:

Radio personality Tom Joyner has offered Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin who spoke to him shortly before he died, a full scholarship to any Historically Black College or University she chooses.
The website Joyner founded, BlackAmericaWeb.com, confirmed the news. Jeantel spoke to Joyner on his radio show Tuesday morning.

businessinsider.com/tom-joyner-offers-rachel-jeantel-a-full-scholarship-2013-7#ixzz2ZEHoGvW1 (http://www.businessinsider.com/tom-joyner-offers-rachel-jeantel-a-full-scholarship-2013-7#ixzz2ZEHoGvW1)

LOL you don't even realize you're getting trolled. :lmao That is fucking hilarious.

07-16-2013, 04:55 PM
Also, you see how many stupid white people get mocked on the internet? Why do people act like the internet doesn't mock people (to the point its cowardly and sickening) all the time regardless of race? Even Creepn was frustrated with her while watching the trial.

Hopefully she is smart enough to get the tutor and work hard to get into college. Don't waste the opportunity to better yourself or else that's on you.

Homeland Security
07-16-2013, 05:03 PM
:lmao Tom Joyner thinks he can assuage the insecurity he feels about his own blackness after seeing Rachel Jeantel by throwing a scholarship at her. OMFG that is so funny I am shaking.

Homeland Security
07-16-2013, 05:03 PM
Hey Tom:

That's retarded, sir.

07-16-2013, 05:17 PM
God bless Tom Joyner, he offered Rachel Jeantel a full scholarship to any HBCU of her choice:

Radio personality Tom Joyner has offered Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin who spoke to him shortly before he died, a full scholarship to any Historically Black College or University she chooses.
The website Joyner founded, BlackAmericaWeb.com, confirmed the news. Jeantel spoke to Joyner on his radio show Tuesday morning.

businessinsider.com/tom-joyner-offers-rachel-jeantel-a-full-scholarship-2013-7#ixzz2ZEHoGvW1 (http://www.businessinsider.com/tom-joyner-offers-rachel-jeantel-a-full-scholarship-2013-7#ixzz2ZEHoGvW1)

That's cool. I hope she takes advantage of it. :tu

Trill Clinton
07-16-2013, 05:18 PM
That's cool. I hope she takes advantage of it. :tu


07-16-2013, 05:25 PM
Also, you see how many stupid white people get mocked on the internet? Why do people act like the internet doesn't mock people (to the point its cowardly and sickening) all the time regardless of race? Even Creepn was frustrated with her while watching the trial.

Hopefully she is smart enough to get the tutor and work hard to get into college. Don't waste the opportunity to better yourself or else that's on you.

Lebomb, on the other hand, got a hard on fantasizing about licking her asshole.

07-16-2013, 10:28 PM
Martin might be causing troubles with Zimmerman but the situation was far from the point where either guy's life was threatened, until Zimmerman put out the gun and opened fire. It's only legit self-defense when your own life is seriously threatened, which Zimmerman's case ain't, not had the Martin guy intruded into the white man's house or any private property of his. And whether it's legit self-defense or not shouldn't be jugded by the subjective feeling of the "victim" or whoever else. Say I fear dogs like they were tigers and dinosaurs but would you describe it as "self-defense" if I pull out my pistol and shoot an 70yr old man who's walking his dog on the street?