View Full Version : Behold, the six types of atheists

07-19-2013, 01:26 AM
What type of atheist are you? First link is to a blog post, while the second is to the original study which prompted the article on CNN



07-19-2013, 01:28 AM
I'm probably a 3-4 mix, tbh

07-19-2013, 01:40 AM
Where's the cuckold type?

07-19-2013, 01:49 AM
i think im neither, the type that doesnt give a shit, i only believe in what i see and whats present

07-19-2013, 01:53 AM
An interview with the authors of the study


Here is one question that jumped out at me, and underlines just how fucked up our country is

Why isn't there a category for "closet atheists"?
A: This is an excellent question. Many of our interviews were done in strict confidence where the participant’s own parents, spouses, or children had no idea they were participating in the study. One participant hid in the back of her closet because she did not want her parents to discover she is an atheist.

07-19-2013, 02:01 AM
What % of Americans are atheists?

07-19-2013, 08:22 AM
What % of Americans are atheists?
He ya go, almanac.


silverblk mystix
07-19-2013, 09:40 AM
i think im neither, the type that doesnt give a shit, i only believe in what i see and whats present

What if what you see is clouded by ignorance, misperceptions and false beliefs?

07-19-2013, 10:02 AM
What if what you see is clouded by ignorance, misperceptions and false beliefs?
i don't see a god how is that clouded?

07-19-2013, 11:20 AM
What if what you see is clouded by ignorance, misperceptions and false beliefs?

how did you get through the cloud of ignorance, Buddha?

silverblk mystix
07-19-2013, 11:23 AM
i don't see a god how is that clouded?

What are you looking for?
What aren't you looking for?

Your name "god" is already a barrier to actually seeing a "god"

This is a start - and even "credentialed" "professionals" fail to understand this simple thing.

You want to apply conventional means to "see" something unconventional. How can your "clouded" vision ever allow you to see when you cannot ever admit it is clouded - and you cannot ever clear it if you won't even admit it is clouded.

Like looking out the window through a rainy day - and looking at the world and wanting to go out there and change the world - change and re-arrange those trees and mountains and blurry people out there -


wait a sec....

Clean that window first - wipe that water off the window - BEFORE - going out to change the world. Make sure that window is squeaky clean BEFORE - going out to declare what you see or don't see is actually accurate.

This is just a simple and self-evident truth - but presidents of corporations, and acclaimed scientists and decorated and respected "successful" people have never been able to grasp this fundamental truth.

Just a start...

07-19-2013, 11:23 AM
Where's the cuckold type?

probably not enough of you to make a separate category

07-19-2013, 11:24 AM

silverblk mystix
07-19-2013, 11:25 AM
how did you get through the cloud of ignorance, Buddha?

Step #1 - I first understood that I was blind and that I had been programmed- notwithstanding your idiotic Buddha barb.

Most people won't ever admit step #1 - so - we are nowhere with most people.

07-19-2013, 11:35 AM
Step #1 - Never accept life coaching from a rageaholic prison guard.

07-19-2013, 11:41 AM
I don't think any of the atheist types describe me exactly, but #6 gets closest.

07-19-2013, 01:50 PM
I could identify somewhat with each, except the disinterested one. I don't go out looking for debate, but I will challenge those that bring it up around me.

07-19-2013, 02:21 PM
Where's the cuckold type?

lol which type of christian does this comment come from?

07-19-2013, 02:27 PM
Step #1 - I first understood that I was blind and that I had been programmed- notwithstanding your idiotic Buddha barb.

Most people won't ever admit step #1 - so - we are nowhere with most people.

you've shown time and again that you're a horribly miserable person..........If your window is squeaky clean, there's no point in cleaning mine.

But the real truth is that you're really an ignorant dumbfuck that is talking directly out of his ass.

07-19-2013, 03:12 PM
I'm the dickheaded holier-than-thou douchebag variety (combination #1 & #2).

07-19-2013, 03:13 PM
definitely 5

silverblk mystix
07-19-2013, 03:36 PM
you've shown time and again that you're a horribly miserable person..........If your window is squeaky clean, there's no point in cleaning mine.

But the real truth is that you're really an ignorant dumbfuck that is talking directly out of his ass.

Confirming exactly what I just said about most people.

Blind people are hilarious.

07-19-2013, 03:51 PM
Damn. There's no "Hey, can we just go get a beer and talk about something else?" type of atheist.

07-19-2013, 04:28 PM
Confirming exactly what I just said about most people.

Blind people are hilarious.

Blind idiot telling me I'm blind.
