View Full Version : NBA: The Reasons We Never Tank

Buddy Mignon
07-22-2013, 02:53 PM
I've sat here and watched most of you explain how we'd be better off tanking and couldn't help but to think how absurd that idea is. Why should we tank for a shot at a number five pick when we can count on a couple of them to come to us during free agency. Its stupid, and a waste of our time to have to develop these players when we can just wait until they are stars and pluck them from your roster. And its lesson of a risk too. So you guys can continue to draft... we'll continue to pluck.

07-22-2013, 02:57 PM
My Team: San Antonio Spurs


Vash StampedE
07-22-2013, 03:00 PM
Forgot to switch to his Laker account

Buddy Mignon
07-22-2013, 03:00 PM

Michael Jordan.
07-22-2013, 03:00 PM
Who wants to play with Kobe?

Buddy Mignon
07-22-2013, 03:01 PM
Forgot to switch to his Laker account

I don't have a Laker account.

07-22-2013, 03:02 PM
Which dumbass laker is this?

07-22-2013, 03:02 PM
Three years have passed since the Los Angeles Lakers last won an NBA championship. With their first-round playoff exit a few months back and Dwight Howard bolting for Houston this summer, many are counting the Lakers out. However, David Stern isn’t ready to hammer the nail into the Lakers’ coffin. He’s seen this situation too many times in the past, and he knows better than to doubt the Lakers’ organization.
Stern expects that the Lakers are already thinking about being a better basketball team this coming season, as opposed to their train wreck of a year in 2012-13, according to Mark Medina (http://www.insidesocal.com/lakers/2013/07/19/david-stern-downplays-lakers-recent-struggles/):
“I expect that the Lakers aren’t thinking about the premise of your question, which implies on that they’re not going to do better next year than they did the last year,” Stern said during a meeting with reporters Thursday at the Wynn hotel in Las Vegas. “I don’t want to speculate beyond that, but I can tell you that’s not the basis upon which the Lakers are functioning. They expect to have a much better year.”
Stern’s right: while many people were calling for the Lakers to tank this year in order to have a shot at Andrew Wiggins or Jabari Parker, the Lakers were never going to go that route. Every year the Lakers are looking to compete – they’ve only missed the playoffs a total of five times in their close to 70-year history – and the next season will be no different.
And of course, after the 2013-14 season, they have the likes of LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony in their sights (http://lakerholicz.com/lakers-to-target-both-lebron-james-and-carmelo-anthony-in-2014/2013/07/17).
As Kobe Bryant always says: the Lakers don’t rebuild, they
http://lakerholicz.com/david-stern-d...-down-for-long (http://lakerholicz.com/david-stern-doesnt-think-the-lakers-will-be-down-for-long/2013/07/21?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=david-stern-doesnt-think-the-lakers-will-be-down-for-long) SMH...Empre$$ $tern to the rescue for his baby AGAIN!!

Michael Jordan.
07-22-2013, 03:04 PM
Who wants to play with Kobe?

Buddy Mignon
07-22-2013, 03:04 PM
Who wants to play with Kobe?

Lets see.

Robert Horry
Rick Fox
John Sally
AC Green
Glen Rice
Gary Payton
Karl Malone
Caron Butler
Lamar Odom
Pau Gasol
Steve Nash
Ron Artest
Trvor Ariza

Michael Jordan.
07-22-2013, 03:06 PM
Lets see.

Robert Horry
Rick Fox
John Sally
AC Green
Glen Rice
Gary Payton
Karl Malone
Caron Butler
Lamar Odom
Pau Gasol
Steve Nash
Ron Artest
Trvor Ariza
Any superstars?

07-22-2013, 03:08 PM
For all that plucking their best player this past season was a guy who they got on draft night. There's a lot of polishing to be done to get rid of the tarnish that management's put on that franchise in the last few years. At present there's only one guy in the league that would be an overnight game changer for the Lakers like Shaq was, and if they can't land Lebron then they had better start brushing up on those drafting skills again.

07-22-2013, 03:09 PM

07-22-2013, 03:18 PM
lol we

07-22-2013, 03:30 PM
Lets see.

Robert Horry
Rick Fox
John Sally
AC Green
Glen Rice
Gary Payton
Karl Malone
Caron Butler
Lamar Odom
Pau Gasol
Steve Nash
Ron Artest
Trvor Ariza
odom demanded to be traded and Ariza bolted after winning a chip

Buddy Mignon
07-22-2013, 03:33 PM
Any superstars?

"The word superstar is thrown around too loosely."

- Jerry West

Buddy Mignon
07-22-2013, 03:35 PM
odom demanded to be traded and Ariza bolted after winning a chip

Odom was kicked out and Ariza was replaced by Artest while he and his agent pussy footed around. Just like America doesn't negotiate with terrorists. .. we don't negotiate with scrubs.

Buddy Mignon
07-22-2013, 03:36 PM
For all that plucking their best player this past season was a guy who they got on draft night. There's a lot of polishing to be done to get rid of the tarnish that management's put on that franchise in the last few years. At present there's only one guy in the league that would be an overnight game changer for the Lakers like Shaq was, and if they can't land Lebron then they had better start brushing up on those drafting skills again.

I'll adress that polishing in my next thread. Its sure to be a dandy.

07-22-2013, 03:37 PM
I'll adress that polishing in my next thread. Its sure to be a dandy.


Clipper Nation
07-22-2013, 03:45 PM
odom demanded to be traded and Ariza bolted after winning a chip
And Horry dumped Kirby's ass to play with Duncan as soon as the opportunity was there....

07-22-2013, 04:20 PM
odom demanded to be traded and Ariza bolted after winning a chip

Ariza did not bolt, Lakers chose to go after Artest, and Odom regrets that decision big time. Get your facts straight your making us Spurs Fans seem stupid compared to these laker fags.

07-22-2013, 04:29 PM
Lets see.

Robert Horry
Rick Fox
John Sally
AC Green
Glen Rice
Gary Payton
Karl Malone
Caron Butler
Lamar Odom
Pau Gasol
Steve Nash
Ron Artest
Trvor Ariza

Half of those guys wanted to play with Shaq, not Kobe. You obviously don't know shit about what was going on inside your team's locker room in the early-mid 2000s when Shaq was still there

“I was at a motel in Williston, North Dakota, when the call came from Mitch. “You’re not going to believe this,” he said, telling me about Kobe and the rape allegations in Colorado. Was I surprised? Yes, but not entirely. Kobe can be consumed with surprising anger, which he’s displayed toward me and toward his teammates.”

“To be completely fair, there were a couple things I did over the years to alienate Kobe. The most glaring example was the interview I gave in 2001 to Rick Telander, a writer I knew in Chicago. Rick asked if I believed Kobe was the heir apparent to Michael Jordan. Assuming, naively in retrospect, that a conversation after the official interview was off the record, I mentioned to Rick that I had been told that in high school Kobe “sabotaged” games to keep them close enough for him to dominate at the end. Needless to say, the quotes appeared verbatim in Rick’s story, sparking a major uproar. (Kobe has never forgiven me. Last Spring, during a particularly acrimonious team meeting, Rick Fox complained to Kobe and Shaq. “The thing that hurts us about this season,” Fox said, “is that both of you have acted like you’re apart from us, and that we’re not any good. We have won championships for each other, sacrificing, and all of a sudden, you turn your backs on us.” Shaq, clearly affected, began to respond when Kobe cut him off. “Quit your crying,” Kobe said. I then jumped in. “Kobe, you’re as much to blame as Shaq is, if not more.” “You’re the one who should f***ing talk,” he said. “You said I sabotaged games.”

“From what I understand, the defining characteristic of Kobe’s childhood was his anger”

“I’m not going to take any shit from Shaq this year,” Kobe blurted out. “If he starts saying things in the press, I’ll fire back. I’m not afraid to go up against him. I’ve had it.”

“Since the charges were made, Kobe has been treated remarkably well by the Lakers organization and the fans. He gave his press conference at Staples with our blessing, and we have agree–once we attained permission from the league to make sure the funds wouldn’t be applied to the salary cap–to cover a percentage of his private plane expenses to and from Colorado for court hearings. This will cost thousands of dollars. Kobe was unhappy with the type of plane that was selected; he wanted one with higher status. He should feel fortunate he’s not footing the whole bill himself.”

Kobe to the press: “I definitely don’t need advice on how to play my game,” he said “I know how to play my guard spot. He can worry about the low post”

“Why don’t the two get along? I have my theories, one of which is that Shaquille is making the type of money, about $25 million a year, that Kobe will never earn due to the changes in the league’s collective bargaining agreement. No matter how many MVP trophies Kobe might collect in the decade ahead, there is nothing he can do about this discrepancy. In fact, the word I got was that Kobe was the only player in the entire league who voted against the agreement because of the cap it put on salaries.”

“This was another example of the basic difference between him and Kobe. Ask Shaq to do something and he’ll say: “No, I don’t want to do that.” But after a little pouting, he will do it. Ask Kobe, and he’ll say “okay,” and then he will do whatever he wants.”

“Kobe’s defense, to be accurate, has faltered in recent years, despite his presence on the league’s all-defensive team. The voters have been seduced by his remarkable athleticism and spectacular steals, but he hasn’t played sound, fundamental defense. Mesmerized by the ball, he’s gambled too frequently, putting us out of position, forcing rotations that leave a man wide open, and doesn’t keep his feet on the ground.”

“After the gun sounded, Kobe went over to Devean, berating him for not calling timeout when the play broke down. Kobe was right but he was wrong to reprimand his teammate on the court, in front of the crowd and the cameras.”

“Worse yet, Kobe and I had gotten into it earlier in the game after he threw a poor pass that Anthony stole, resulting in a Denver layup. “You can’t make that pass,’ I told Kobe when he came off the floor in the next timeout. “Well, you better teach those motherf***ers how to run the offense,” he said. I sat him down on the spot. “Watch your mouth,” I said.

A non Kobe related excerpt, but very entertaining:

“I’m generally not a big believer in team meetings, which rarely produce any earth-shattering changes. I can’t recall a single instance when I felt better afterward. I did hear of one meeting that made quite an impression on players. Disgusted with his team’s performance during a West Coast Trip, Jack McMahon, who coached the Cincinnati Royals in the 1960s, called a meeting in the hotel to restore order. The players dreaded it, but according to my former Knicks teammate, Jerry Lucas, they were greeted with two cases of beer, four quarts of whiskey, and three hookers. “Guys, you figure this out,” McMahon said before leaving the room. The Royals figured it out, all right, going on a long winning streak.”

“When I asked Kobe to stop his habit of screaming at his teammates on the court because it creates insecurity, he came right back at me. “That’s bullshit,” he said. “You’re the one that’s causing them to be anxious. They’re afraid to make a mistake.”

“When I arrived, waiting for me was a chicken Caesar salad and the printout of a story claiming Kobe hit on a room service attendant in Portland. We were waiting for stories like this to surface. The woman, according to the article, refused the overture, saying that Kobe accepted the rejection “like a gentleman.” This was bound to create trouble at the Bryant home in Newport Beach.”

“Earlier this week at El Segundo there was an incident at practice. On the way to the court, I asked Kobe, still nursing a sore shoulder, if he was up to doing a little running. Sure, he responded, as soon as he finished his treatment. Almost an hour went by, and there was no Kobe sighting. Finally, with an ice pack on his shoulder, he took a seat on the sideline. It began to dawn on me that contrary to what he had told me, Kobe had no intention of running. After practice I followed Kobe to the training room, asking him why he lied to me. He was being sarcastic, he said. Wrong answer. I told him that he needed to treat me with respect, not sarcasm. I turned and walked away, heading to the coaches’ locker room. A minute later I heard him cursing in the training room in front of the players, though I couldn’t make out the exact words….Now I was the one who was angry. I went upstairs to see Mitch in his office. Wasting no time, I went off on a tirade about the need to deal Kobe before the trading deadline in mid-February. “I won’t coach this team next year if he is still here,” I said emphatically. “He won’t listen to anyone. I’ve had it with this kid.” My monologue-Mitch barely said a word at first-reminded me of similar eruption in the middle of my first year when I presented what I thought was a very logical argument for trading Kobe at that time. “Everyone says what a mature person this kid is,” I said. “He’s not mature at all.” The deal I had in mind was Kobe to Phoenix for Jason Kidd and Shawn Marion.”

“At practice the day before Kobe, who told Vitti that his finger hadn’t healed sufficiently for him to play in the Miami game, was taking a few shots left-handed when I asked him not to be a distraction. I needed to work with the players who would be suiting up. “Distraction,” he said, mockingly, unable to resist taking one more shot. A few hours later, during dinner in Key Biscayne with the staff, Vitti told us that Kobe has been threatening again to opt out of his contract, vowing “to take Slava with me.” Slava? Was this an indication of Kobe’s being totally out of touch with reality? If Kobe was interested in taking along a player who would defer to him, Slava Medvedenko was the worst choice imaginable. He hasn’t passed up a shot since November.”

“Strangely enough, despite the well-documented squabbles, I can recall only one altercation during my four and a half years here, in February 2002, between Kobe and Samaki Walker, that left Samaki with a swollen eye.”

“We were playing solid team ball, a rarity this season, although, as usual, Kobe seemed intent on taking over. “Get me the f***ing ball,” he said on his way to the bench, a demand Kobe had never verbalized. I smiled, didn’t say a word, and went to chart a play on the clipboard. I sometimes think Kobe is so addicted to being in control that he would rather shoot the ball when guarded, or even double-teamed, than dish it to an open teammate.

“They’re making you get in your attack mode,” I told him when he came off the floor during a timeout late in the game. “You’re going to have to pass the ball. They’re not calling the fouls for you.” He was in no mood to back down. “I’m going to f***ing crush them,” he said. “I just haven’t found my shooting yet.”

This time, in a strange twist, he’s being crucified for taking too few shots: only one, unbelievably enough, in the first half of Sunday’s game in Sacramento, which we lost by seventeen points, ruining, in all likelihood, any chance to win our division. He finished with eight points, his lowest total ever in a game in which he played at least forty minutes. The theory being tossed around is that Kobe, stung by criticism for his shot selection in recent games, decided to show the Lakers how stagnant the offense can become when he doesn’t assert himself. “I don’t know how we can forgive him,” one anonymous teammate was quoted as saying in today’s Times….Today at practice, Kobe went from player to player, shoving the article with the anonymous quote in their faces. I have rarely seen him that incensed. “Did you say this?” he demanded of each player. Later, during a team gathering, he pursued the interrogation. “Right here and right now,” he said, raising his voice, “I want to know who said this shit.” Nobody said a word, until Karl finally broke the silence. “Obviously, Kobe, no one said it or no one wants to admit they said it,” Karl said. “You’ve just got to let it go now.” Karl and Kobe, who have become buddies, launched into a shouting match that I had to stop.

“Are you feeling like you’re going to come back next year?” Jeanie asked me. “Well, not if Kobe Bryant is on this team next year,” I told her. “He’s too complex a person. I don’t need this.”

“I asked Kobe today about Hamilton. The two played high school ball against each other in Pennsylvania. “I’ve been kicking his ass for ten years,” he said.”

“Finally it was Kobe’s turn. “You know how much I hate this f***ing offense,” Kobe said.

07-22-2013, 05:19 PM
Ariza did not bolt, Lakers chose to go after Artest, and Odom regrets that decision big time. Get your facts straight your making us Spurs Fans seem stupid compared to these laker fags.


ariza eventually signed for what was essentially an identical contract that the Lakers offered Artest, the full mid level. he wanted a bigger role, and initially he got it on the rockets. actually averaged about 15 points 6 rebounds 4 assists a game. shooting% struggled bad, but he got what he wanted. if he really wanted to play next to kobe, he would have re-upped with the Lakers much sooner. the only reason they signed artest is because ariza wasn't committing and they made a move. if kobe was a great leader, he would have gotten odom to rescind his trade request. instead they got a trade exception for him. that trade exception + picks became Steve N:lolsh

07-22-2013, 05:22 PM

ariza eventually signed for what was essentially an identical contract that the Lakers offered Artest, the full mid level. he wanted a bigger role, and initially he got it on the rockets. actually averaged about 15 points 6 rebounds 4 assists a game. shooting% struggled bad, but he got what he wanted. if he really wanted to play next to kobe, he would have re-upped with the Lakers much sooner. the only reason they signed artest is because ariza wasn't committing and they made a move. if kobe was a great leader, he would have gotten odom to rescind his trade request. instead they got a trade exception for him. that trade exception + picks became Steve N:lolsh

Can you prove anything you just said except for the stats?

07-22-2013, 05:26 PM
Can you prove anything you just said except for the stats?

can i prove that both artest and ariza signed 5 year 30 million dollar deals? yeah, i can, if you really want me to dig up the links. can i prove that odom was traded for a trade exception, and that the trade exception was traded for steve nash? yeah, i can. the lakers offered ariza a contract, he didn't sign it quick, and the lakers then went after artest. these are all facts

07-22-2013, 05:26 PM
I've sat here and watched most of you explain how we'd be better off tanking and couldn't help but to think how absurd that idea is. Why should we tank for a shot at a number five pick when we can count on a couple of them to come to us during free agency. Its stupid, and a waste of our time to have to develop these players when we can just wait until they are stars and pluck them from your roster. And its lesson of a risk too. So you guys can continue to draft... we'll continue to pluck.

You know what's so got dam funny about the Spurs tanking in 98...they literally had Sugar in The Tank :lol

07-22-2013, 05:33 PM
can i prove that both artest and ariza signed 5 year 30 million dollar deals? yeah, i can, if you really want me to dig up the links. can i prove that odom was traded for a trade exception, and that the trade exception was traded for steve nash? yeah, i can. the lakers offered ariza a contract, he didn't sign it quick, and the lakers then went after artest. these are all facts

From what i remember Lakers had the option to sign Ariza first, but management elected to go for Artest which obviously paid off. I didn't say anything about Odom. The Lakers just thought Ron Artest was a better player for that team, I do not beleive anyone on the Lakers even Kobe wanted to Ariza or Odom to go. Odom demanded a trade, Ariza just got unlucky, and his career went south after that.

07-22-2013, 05:36 PM
From what i remember Lakers had the option to sign Ariza first, but management elected to go for Artest which obviously paid off. I didn't say anything about Odom. The Lakers just thought Ron Artest was a better player for that team, I do not beleive anyone on the Lakers even Kobe wanted to Ariza or Odom to go. Odom demanded a trade, Ariza just got unlucky, and his career went south after that.

you asked if i could prove anything in my post. my post included odom

07-22-2013, 05:41 PM
OP is obviously trolling, but what doesn't make sense is why not tank when you can still pluck at the same time? What good is sucking for a season and killing Kobe's legacy when you can tank and pluck at the same time. But Laker "fan" is pretty dumb so per parrrrrr

07-22-2013, 06:15 PM
I've sat here and watched most of you explain how we'd be better off tanking and couldn't help but to think how absurd that idea is. Why should we tank for a shot at a number five pick when we can count on a couple of them to come to us during free agency. Its stupid, and a waste of our time to have to develop these players when we can just wait until they are stars and pluck them from your roster. And its lesson of a risk too. So you guys can continue to draft... we'll continue to pluck.
:lol :lol
:lol :lol:lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol:lol:lol:lol :lol:lol :lol:lol:lol:lol

laker fan are delusional if they think lebron or melo or both will come to them in 2014. Like hell lebron wants to spend his prime years with a TOSB kobe and a useless roster with a softass gasol. Like hell he wants to play with a team that gave away all their first round picks. And melo is the king of new york right now, he's making so much money and publicity there. you think he's gonna move? Knicks may suck but their situation is WAAAAAAAYYY better than the lakers. Welcome to the new CBA laker fan. The only team that doesn't give a fuck of the new cba are the nets

07-22-2013, 06:55 PM
Lakers don't need to tank to get the players they want imho, either from free agency or via a trade with the help of league's officials.

Buddy Mignon
10-30-2013, 12:30 AM
I've sat here and watched most of you explain how we'd be better off tanking and couldn't help but to think how absurd that idea is. Why should we tank for a shot at a number five pick when we can count on a couple of them to come to us during free agency. Its stupid, and a waste of our time to have to develop these players when we can just wait until they are stars and pluck them from your roster. And its lesson of a risk too. So you guys can continue to draft... we'll continue to pluck.

10-30-2013, 12:39 AM
Shaq left. Howard left. They traded for Gasol and Nash. I guess Peace signed willingly but outside of that what top FA has come over willingly?

Even if Bryant comes back 100% it is not as if people are banging down the door for a chance to play with him. If he doesn't come back 100% who wants to play for TOSBryant?

10-30-2013, 12:44 AM
Can you prove anything you just said except for the stats?

He's right.

Kool Bob Love
12-11-2014, 02:37 AM

12-11-2014, 02:50 AM
Being one of the legendary Sannin (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sannin), as well as a former member of theS-rank (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/S-rank) criminal organisation Akatsuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Akatsuki), Orochimaru is an extraordinarily powerful ninja, being Kage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kage)-level in his own right. Even among the Sannin, he was the one who originally stood out for individual ability. He was considered as a child prodigy that appeared only once a generation. His skills were so great that during the time of his invasion of Konoha (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Konoha), the Third Hokage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Third_Hokage) feared no one in the village would be able to defeat him or even fight on equal footing with him, even himself, and that Orochimaru was strong enough to take down an entire small nation on his own. Even Kakashi Hatake (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kakashi_Hatake), one of Konoha's greatest shinobi, was filled with tremendous fear when he met him during the Chūnin Exams, and himself admitted that he wouldn't even stand a chance against his level of power. Even the Akatsuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Akatsuki) viewed Orochimaru's abilities as a threat, initially wanting to kill him. Likewise, against fellow S-ranked criminal Sasori (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasori) (who was wielding the power of the Third Kazekage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Third_Kazekage_(Puppet))), Orochimaru was able to effectively fight the latter off without fighting seriously.[28] (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Orochimaru#cite_note-27) Sasuke Uchiha (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasuke_Uchiha),Deidara (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Deidara), and Suigetsu Hōzuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Suigetsu_H%C5%8Dzuki) also stated that the former's victory over Orochimaru was only because the latter was already severely weakened prior to their confrontation, and even then, that without the Sharingan Sasuke would have lost. Due to him rarely being shown fighting, he has only displayed a limited amount of techniques, though his fighting style is very fluid and it stands to reason that in his efforts to learn all existing techniques, his array of abilities has probably become larger than any other single person and that he has vast knowledge on all forms of techniques.
During his battle against the Third Hokage, his arms were sealed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Demon_Consuming_Seal) by the latter, preventing Orochimaru from forming hand signs and effectively stripping him of most of his technique arsenal. Despite this, he remained a formidable opponent, still able to hold his own against both Jiraiya (albeit greatly weakened by poison) and Tsunade simultaneously. In Part II with his hands physically restored, he was able to toy with Naruto in his three-tailed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Version_1) form while his body was greatly weakened. Even with the danger Naruto later imposed in his four-tailed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Version_2) form, Orochimaru could still battle evenly against Naruto and found great entertainment from the transformed Naruto's considerable power, later even expressed regret that he couldn't complete the battle as his body finally began to give in. Kabuto — who had enhanced his body by integrating the DNA of Team Taka (excluding Sasuke), the Sound Five, and even Orochimaru himself — stated that he was still nothing compared to Orochimaru without Sage Mode. After acquiring the Uzumaki's mask of the Shinigami (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shinigami_Mask), he was able to break the seal on his arms, regaining his former strength and access to his full technique arsenal.[29] (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Orochimaru#cite_note-28) While surviving the process, by possessing a new body, it is unknown what enhancements from body modifications. Despite this, he was still able to calmly fighting back the Ten-Tails in its final form.

12-11-2014, 03:08 AM
Phil let it all out didn't he? Kobe's such a sociopath man.

Strange Love
12-11-2014, 03:15 AM
How many backfired threads between kool and narutoluva combined? :lol

12-11-2014, 04:48 AM
Phil let it all out didn't he? Kobe's such a sociopath man.

You don't grab some jacks & timbers and start back down in the great Northwest at any other mental state, nor scramble from a self inflicted would be grave 5 years later and drag Pierce, pants on fire mind ya across this great nation (Obama was still takin' Marxist lessons in Chicago) and put up a back-to-back at any other mental state.

Kobe Bryant

12-11-2014, 08:16 AM
Being one of the legendary Sannin (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sannin), as well as a former member of theS-rank (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/S-rank) criminal organisation Akatsuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Akatsuki), Orochimaru is an extraordinarily powerful ninja, being Kage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kage)-level in his own right. Even among the Sannin, he was the one who originally stood out for individual ability. He was considered as a child prodigy that appeared only once a generation. His skills were so great that during the time of his invasion of Konoha (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Konoha), the Third Hokage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Third_Hokage) feared no one in the village would be able to defeat him or even fight on equal footing with him, even himself, and that Orochimaru was strong enough to take down an entire small nation on his own. Even Kakashi Hatake (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kakashi_Hatake), one of Konoha's greatest shinobi, was filled with tremendous fear when he met him during the Chūnin Exams, and himself admitted that he wouldn't even stand a chance against his level of power. Even the Akatsuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Akatsuki) viewed Orochimaru's abilities as a threat, initially wanting to kill him. Likewise, against fellow S-ranked criminal Sasori (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasori) (who was wielding the power of the Third Kazekage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Third_Kazekage_(Puppet))), Orochimaru was able to effectively fight the latter off without fighting seriously.[28] (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Orochimaru#cite_note-27) Sasuke Uchiha (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasuke_Uchiha),Deidara (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Deidara), and Suigetsu Hōzuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Suigetsu_H%C5%8Dzuki) also stated that the former's victory over Orochimaru was only because the latter was already severely weakened prior to their confrontation, and even then, that without the Sharingan Sasuke would have lost. Due to him rarely being shown fighting, he has only displayed a limited amount of techniques, though his fighting style is very fluid and it stands to reason that in his efforts to learn all existing techniques, his array of abilities has probably become larger than any other single person and that he has vast knowledge on all forms of techniques.
During his battle against the Third Hokage, his arms were sealed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Demon_Consuming_Seal) by the latter, preventing Orochimaru from forming hand signs and effectively stripping him of most of his technique arsenal. Despite this, he remained a formidable opponent, still able to hold his own against both Jiraiya (albeit greatly weakened by poison) and Tsunade simultaneously. In Part II with his hands physically restored, he was able to toy with Naruto in his three-tailed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Version_1) form while his body was greatly weakened. Even with the danger Naruto later imposed in his four-tailed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Version_2) form, Orochimaru could still battle evenly against Naruto and found great entertainment from the transformed Naruto's considerable power, later even expressed regret that he couldn't complete the battle as his body finally began to give in. Kabuto — who had enhanced his body by integrating the DNA of Team Taka (excluding Sasuke), the Sound Five, and even Orochimaru himself — stated that he was still nothing compared to Orochimaru without Sage Mode. After acquiring the Uzumaki's mask of the Shinigami (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shinigami_Mask), he was able to break the seal on his arms, regaining his former strength and access to his full technique arsenal.[29] (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Orochimaru#cite_note-28) While surviving the process, by possessing a new body, it is unknown what enhancements from body modifications. Despite this, he was still able to calmly fighting back the Ten-Tails in its final form.

12-11-2014, 08:30 AM
Being one of the legendary Sannin (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sannin), as well as a former member of theS-rank (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/S-rank) criminal organisation Akatsuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Akatsuki), Orochimaru is an extraordinarily powerful ninja, being Kage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kage)-level in his own right. Even among the Sannin, he was the one who originally stood out for individual ability. He was considered as a child prodigy that appeared only once a generation. His skills were so great that during the time of his invasion of Konoha (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Konoha), the Third Hokage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Third_Hokage) feared no one in the village would be able to defeat him or even fight on equal footing with him, even himself, and that Orochimaru was strong enough to take down an entire small nation on his own. Even Kakashi Hatake (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kakashi_Hatake), one of Konoha's greatest shinobi, was filled with tremendous fear when he met him during the Chūnin Exams, and himself admitted that he wouldn't even stand a chance against his level of power. Even the Akatsuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Akatsuki) viewed Orochimaru's abilities as a threat, initially wanting to kill him. Likewise, against fellow S-ranked criminal Sasori (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasori) (who was wielding the power of the Third Kazekage (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Third_Kazekage_(Puppet))), Orochimaru was able to effectively fight the latter off without fighting seriously.[28] (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Orochimaru#cite_note-27) Sasuke Uchiha (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasuke_Uchiha),Deidara (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Deidara), and Suigetsu Hōzuki (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Suigetsu_H%C5%8Dzuki) also stated that the former's victory over Orochimaru was only because the latter was already severely weakened prior to their confrontation, and even then, that without the Sharingan Sasuke would have lost. Due to him rarely being shown fighting, he has only displayed a limited amount of techniques, though his fighting style is very fluid and it stands to reason that in his efforts to learn all existing techniques, his array of abilities has probably become larger than any other single person and that he has vast knowledge on all forms of techniques.
During his battle against the Third Hokage, his arms were sealed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Demon_Consuming_Seal) by the latter, preventing Orochimaru from forming hand signs and effectively stripping him of most of his technique arsenal. Despite this, he remained a formidable opponent, still able to hold his own against both Jiraiya (albeit greatly weakened by poison) and Tsunade simultaneously. In Part II with his hands physically restored, he was able to toy with Naruto in his three-tailed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Version_1) form while his body was greatly weakened. Even with the danger Naruto later imposed in his four-tailed (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Version_2) form, Orochimaru could still battle evenly against Naruto and found great entertainment from the transformed Naruto's considerable power, later even expressed regret that he couldn't complete the battle as his body finally began to give in. Kabuto — who had enhanced his body by integrating the DNA of Team Taka (excluding Sasuke), the Sound Five, and even Orochimaru himself — stated that he was still nothing compared to Orochimaru without Sage Mode. After acquiring the Uzumaki's mask of the Shinigami (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shinigami_Mask), he was able to break the seal on his arms, regaining his former strength and access to his full technique arsenal.[29] (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Orochimaru#cite_note-28) While surviving the process, by possessing a new body, it is unknown what enhancements from body modifications. Despite this, he was still able to calmly fighting back the Ten-Tails in its final form.

What kind of cockgobbling faggotry did I just read? :lol

12-11-2014, 09:45 AM
You don't grab some jacks & timbers and start back down in the great Northwest at any other mental state, nor scramble from a self inflicted would be grave 5 years later and drag Pierce, pants on fire mind ya across this great nation (Obama was still takin' Marxist lessons in Chicago) and put up a back-to-back at any other mental state.

Kobe Bryant

"We've got 4 more to win, we'll do it this time."

Tim Duncan

And with that, the same shit bag who you parroted for over 3 years took your old ass to the wood shed. Now you're stuck with a 0.200 Laker team who brings festivus to this forum every other day.

12-11-2014, 09:55 AM
Holy shit is there a more terrible poster than OP? Historic bads over and over and over...............

12-11-2014, 10:10 AM
"We've got 4 more to win, we'll do it this time."

Tim Duncan

Hell, he did it the time before, but, then had to give it back.

He's light 1 on into the dust that is always the end.

12-11-2014, 10:10 AM
Holy shit is there a more terrible poster than OP? Historic bads over and over and over...............

You ain't no picnic, Splits. A more crabby bastard does not exist.

12-11-2014, 10:17 AM
You ain't no picnic, Splits. A more crabby bastard does not exist.


Speak it motherfucker.

12-11-2014, 10:19 AM

Speak it motherfucker.

You're the crabbiest bastard in existence.

12-11-2014, 10:19 AM
Hell, he did it the time before, but, then had thttp://www.insidesocal.com/tomhoffarth/files/2014/04/babe-ruth-called-shot.jpgo give it back.

He's light 1 on into the dust that is always the end.

White Tim Duncan

12-11-2014, 10:20 AM
"We've got 4 more to win, we'll do it this time."

Tim Duncan

And with that, the same shit bag who you parroted for over 3 years took your old ass to the wood shed. Now you're stuck with a 0.200 Laker team who brings festivus to this forum every other day.

12-11-2014, 10:24 AM
You're the crabbiest bastard in existence.

AND your nemesis. Duncan rang 5, I called out your failed schtick, and you're stuck. Live with it.

Duncan == 6
TOSB Kirby == 5

12-11-2014, 10:28 AM
AND your nemesis. Duncan rang 5, I called out your failed schtick, and you're stuck. Live with it.

Duncan == 6
TOSB Kirby == 5

The Bag remains in Texas till further notice.

12-11-2014, 10:33 AM
The Bag remains in Texas till further notice.

June 2015 isn't far away

Calling my shot right now::::::,,,,,,,

Duncan == 6
Kirby == 5 while leading his "team" to the worst record in Lakers history

12-11-2014, 10:35 AM
June 2015 isn't far away

Calling my shot right now::::::,,,,,,,

Duncan == 6
Kirby == 5 while leading his "team" to the worst record in Lakers history

And The Bag will remain in Texas till further notice. It's my invention, my bag. My province. Mine & mine alone. I will assign it's owner at my discretion.

Get your own invention, ya sorehead.

12-11-2014, 10:41 AM
Hell, he did it the time before, but, then had to give it back.

He's light 1 on into the dust that is always the end.

Don't matter no more. Timmy has long surpassed your boy as the generation's best. Ain't Luva, Cedric or you can do a damn thing about it. Parrot that!!!

12-11-2014, 10:45 AM
And The Bag will remain in Texas till further notice. It's my invention, my bag. My province. Mine & mine alone. I will assign it's owner at my discretion.

Get your own invention, ya sorehead.

An invention only stays as long as it's relevant or correct. It's neither and you very well know that. So stop fucking around like anyone gives a damn. Your old lard ass better eat that Sammy sandwich till your boy rings.

12-11-2014, 10:47 AM
Don't matter no more. Timmy has long surpassed your boy as the generation's best. Ain't Luva, Cedric or you can do a damn thing about it. Parrot that!!!

That's your bag, I don't do that silly shit.

12-11-2014, 10:49 AM
An invention only stays as long as it's relevant or correct. It's neither and you very well know that. So stop fucking around like anyone gives a damn. Your old lard ass better eat that Sammy sandwich till your boy rings.

No. & I ain't stoppin'.

The Bag remains in Texas till further notice.

12-11-2014, 11:05 AM
Don't matter no more. Timmy has long surpassed your boy as the generation's best. Ain't Luva, Cedric or you can do a damn thing about it. Parrot that!!!

Duncan never surpassed Kobe, Duncan has ALWAYS been better.

Prior to 96 - Kobe is a nobody, Duncan was already the consensus #1 pick in the NBA whenever he wants to enter the draft.
97 to 99 - Kobe was a nobody, fighting for the starting job with Eddie Jones, Duncan won ROY, FMVP, led the Spurs to the first championship
00 to 04 - Kobe became the best sidekick in the game, won no individual awards. Duncan won b2b MVPs, one FMVP
05 to 07 - Kobe put up his best seasons, his team stunk. Duncan won one more FMVP
08 to 10 - Kobe rode MVPau, won two FMVPs, being the first FMVP to not shoot over 50% in any game of the series. Duncan got old, cucked, and struggled.
11 to 12 - Kobe fakes a lot of warrior bravado :cry, continued to undermine the success of his teams. Duncan still old, nearing the tail end of his career
13 to present - Kobe stunk, becoming one of the worst starters in the league. Duncan transformed his role into a defensive anchor and offensive coordinator of an NBA Finalist and another championship team.

At no point in time was Kobe ahead of Duncan. In fact, it was never even close.

Clipper Nation
12-11-2014, 11:08 AM
And The Bag will remain in Texas till further notice.
With Kirby in it.

12-11-2014, 11:13 AM
Duncan never surpassed Kobe, Duncan has ALWAYS been better.

Prior to 96 - Kobe is a nobody, Duncan was already the consensus #1 pick in the NBA whenever he wants to enter the draft.
97 to 99 - Kobe was a nobody, fighting for the starting job with Eddie Jones, Duncan won ROY, FMVP, led the Spurs to the first championship
00 to 04 - Kobe became the best sidekick in the game, won no individual awards. Duncan won b2b MVPs, one FMVP
05 to 07 - Kobe put up his best seasons, his team stunk. Duncan won one more FMVP
08 to 10 - Kobe rode MVPau, won two FMVPs, being the first FMVP to not shoot over 50% in any game of the series. Duncan got old, cucked, and struggled.
11 to 12 - Kobe fakes a lot of warrior bravado :cry, continued to undermine the success of his teams. Duncan still old, nearing the tail end of his career
13 to present - Kobe stunk, becoming one of the worst starters in the league. Duncan transformed his role into a defensive anchor and offensive coordinator of an NBA Finalist and another championship team.

At no point in time was Kobe ahead of Duncan. In fact, it was never even close.

My bad. He did surpass Shaq though.

12-11-2014, 11:20 AM
My bad. He did surpass Shaq though.

I can agree to that. Probably passed shaq around 07 or so.

12-11-2014, 02:16 PM
You ain't no picnic, Splits. A more crabby bastard does not exist.

Look in the mirror. You have claws where your hands used to reside. Makes things interesting when you scratch yourself old timer.

12-11-2014, 02:30 PM
Look in the mirror. You have claws where your hands used to reside. Makes things interesting when you scratch yourself old timer.

I wasn't talking to you, shorty.

12-11-2014, 02:57 PM
^ Just did.

12-11-2014, 02:58 PM
Thread LLC (Liar, Limp, Crabby)

12-11-2014, 10:37 PM
More from Phil


12-11-2014, 11:05 PM
Duncan never surpassed Kobe, Duncan has ALWAYS been better.

Prior to 96 - Kobe is a nobody, Duncan was already the consensus #1 pick in the NBA whenever he wants to enter the draft.
97 to 99 - Kobe was a nobody, fighting for the starting job with Eddie Jones, Duncan won ROY, FMVP, led the Spurs to the first championship
00 to 04 - Kobe became the best sidekick in the game, won no individual awards. Duncan won b2b MVPs, one FMVP
05 to 07 - Kobe put up his best seasons, his team stunk. Duncan won one more FMVP
08 to 10 - Kobe rode MVPau, won two FMVPs, being the first FMVP to not shoot over 50% in any game of the series. Duncan got old, cucked, and struggled.
11 to 12 - Kobe fakes a lot of warrior bravado :cry, continued to undermine the success of his teams. Duncan still old, nearing the tail end of his career
13 to present - Kobe stunk, becoming one of the worst starters in the league. Duncan transformed his role into a defensive anchor and offensive coordinator of an NBA Finalist and another championship team.

At no point in time was Kobe ahead of Duncan. In fact, it was never even close.

The Ether

12-11-2014, 11:06 PM
OP is a faggot.