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07-19-2005, 03:12 PM
Consider yourselves owned.

From the "Rich & Fred" blog on Statesman.com (Editor In Chief and Managing Editor)


Why headlines differed this morning
By Rich Oppel | Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 01:01 PM

If you scanned the state’s larger newspapers this morning, you would be struck by the differences in the headlines on stories about the status of the school finance reform bills in the Texas Legislature:

Austin American-Statesman: Education reform may be doomed

San Antonio Express-News: School bill drive still is in gear

Houston Chronicle: Top leaders agree ‘in principle’ on schools

Dallas Morning News: Perry threatens to call another session

Did we miss something that others – especially San Antonio and Houston – had? State Editor Gary Susswein assured me the reverse was true: “Mike Ward kept us a step ahead of the competition. When everyone was chasing the ‘agreement in principle’ hook that was dangled at 9 p.m., Ward somehow found Dewhurst by himself and found out just what he thought of the agreement.”

And, as of this moment, things have not been unstuck.


Mr. Dictionary
07-19-2005, 03:19 PM
Main Entry: un·stick
Pronunciation: -'stik
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): un·stuck /-'st&k/; -stick·ing
: to release from a state of adhesion