View Full Version : LOL Holder

07-25-2013, 10:53 AM
Holder Wants Texas to Clear Voting Changes With the U.S. (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/26/us/holder-wants-texas-to-clear-voting-changes-with-the-us.html)

07-25-2013, 11:02 AM
Not red enough, TX has and will disenfranchise 100Ks of black and Hispanic voters, as the 5 extremist/activist JINO SCOTUS assholes know very well will be the case in all the VRA/Sec 4 Confederate/racist states.

07-25-2013, 11:14 AM
Fuck Eric Holder. That piece of shit disgusts me.

07-25-2013, 11:20 AM
what's really disgusting, to serious humans, is RickyBobby, his corrupt, oily state, assholes like Gohmert, Barton, Cornyn, Cruz, SBOE, TCEQ, Repug gerrymandering, high poverty rate, lowest K12 education spending, $60M HS football stadiums, etc, etc.

Trill Clinton
07-25-2013, 11:30 AM
nothing but respect and admiration for Mr. Holder and his views on race and injustice in amerikkka. it was an honor to meet him when he was a guest speaker at my fraternity's conclave.

and i agree with this statement i got from CNN: There are many examples. Early in the Obama administration, Holder said that we are "a nation of cowards" when it comes to issues of race.

07-25-2013, 11:38 AM
nothing but respect and admiration for Mr. Holder and his views on race and injustice in amerikkka. it was an honor to meet him when he was a guest speaker at my fraternity's conclave.

and i agree with this statement i got from CNN: There are many examples. Early in the Obama administration, Holder said that we are "a nation of cowards" when it comes to issues of race.

So what fraternity do you belong to?

07-25-2013, 11:48 AM
Fuck Eric Holder. That piece of shit disgusts me.

Is logic and reason ever applied when you're constructing your responses or is it all gut all emotion all the time? Honest question.

George Gervin's Afro
07-25-2013, 11:56 AM
Does anyone know how many Texas GOP congressional districts that have a non white majority?

07-25-2013, 12:50 PM
some info here
TX-Redistricting: Full analysis of the new districts (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/02/28/1069265/-TX-Redistricting-Full-analysis-of-the-new-districts)


07-25-2013, 12:56 PM
TX has some very crazily shaped districts


07-25-2013, 01:12 PM
D-35 is my favorite example of "Let's stick all these Metropolitan Brown people in the same district"

07-25-2013, 01:13 PM
And D-21 is my favorite example of "Let's nullify the vote of all these Austin Hippies by combining it with the white part of San Antonio"

07-25-2013, 01:41 PM
and i agree with this statement i got from CNN: There are many examples. Early in the Obama administration, Holder said that we are "a nation of cowards" when it comes to issues of race.

Holder, and most people that call for a serious discussion on issues of race do not really want to talk about racial issues because it is uncomfortable. It is never hard to play the victim or to justify self-pity and that is what motivates people to vote and support racial conglomerates.

07-25-2013, 01:51 PM
The Repugs know VERY WELL what there problem is.


While we cannot predict with certainty exactly what the racial composition of the electorate will be in any given election, we can predict with a high degree of confidence that the nonwhite share of the electorate will continue to grow for many years to come. Given the near inevitability of this demographic trend, a political party that depends almost entirely on the support of white voters will face a more and more difficult task in assembling a winning electoral coalition. Focusing on “missing white voters” ignores this fundamental and irreversible trend."


gerrymandering and extreme voter suppression are the Repugs main hope, and of course slandering with fabricated scandals:

What Year Is It? ‘Stop Hillary PAC’ Invokes Whitewater, Vince Foster In New Attack Ad

Stop Hillary PAC, a political action committee led by right-wing Colorado state senator Ted Harvey — best known for his efforts (http://www.ourcoloradonews.com/highlandsranch/news/state-senator-says-guns-could-protect-schools/article_8cb6fee6-602e-11e2-b88d-0019bb2963f4.html) to allow concealed weapons in schools — warns on its website (http://www.stophillarypac.org/about/) that “Hillary Clinton is the liberal standard-bearer of the next generation of liberal creep on our Constitutional rights.” Its solution? To “stop Hillary Clinton now, together, before it’s too late. Because in 2016, it will be too late.”

To that end, the PAC has released its first ad — and even by the depressingly low standards (http://www.nationalmemo.com/still-crazy-after-all-these-years-fox-news-gang-owes-hillary-an-abject-apology/) of those afflicted with Clinton Derangement Syndrome, it’s pretty far out there.


07-25-2013, 01:52 PM
North Carolina on the Cusp Of Passing the Worst Voter Suppression Bill In the Nation

Implementing a strict voter ID requirement that bars citizens who don’t have a proper photo ID from casting a ballot.
Eliminating same-day voter registration, which allowed residents to register at the polls.
Cutting early voting by a full week.
Increasing the influence of money in elections by raising the maximum campaign contribution to $5,000 and increasing the limit every two years.
Making it easier for voter suppression groups like True The Vote to challenge any voterwho they think may be ineligible by requiring that challengers simply be registered in the same county, rather than precinct, of those they challenge.
Vastly increasing the number of “poll observers” and increasing what they’re permitted to do. In 2012, ThinkProgress caught (http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2012/10/30/1106961/romney-wisconsin-poll-watchers/) the Romney campaign training such poll observers using highly misleading information.
Only permitting citizens to vote in their specific precinct, rather than casting a ballot in any nearby ward or election district. This can lead to widespread confusion, particularly in urban areas where many precincts can often be housed in the same building.
Barring young adults from pre-registering as 16- and 17-year-olds, which is permitted by current law, and repealing a state directive that high schools conduct voter registration drives in order to boost turnout among young voters.
Prohibiting some types of paid voter registration drives, which tend to register poor and minority citizens.
Dismantling three state public financing programs, including the landmark program that funded judicial elections.
Weakening disclosure requirements for outside spending groups.
Preventing counties from extending polling hours in the event of long lines or other extraordinary circumstances and making it more difficult for them to accommodate elderly or disabled voters with satellite polling sites at nursing homes, for instance.


07-25-2013, 03:46 PM
People still think voting matters anymore?

07-25-2013, 03:51 PM
How does Obama live with the fact that his attorney general is the man that gave Tim McVeigh the bombing materials for the OKC bombing? And Obama is supposed to be a hardcore commie liberal?

07-25-2013, 04:19 PM
nothing but respect and admiration for Mr. Holder and his views on race and injustice in amerikkka. it was an honor to meet him when he was a guest speaker at my fraternity's conclave.

and i agree with this statement i got from CNN: There are many examples. Early in the Obama administration, Holder said that we are "a nation of cowards" when it comes to issues of race.
I lost respect for him, when he didn't prosecute the black panther members who were clearly trying scare people at a voting site.

I also don't think it is his job to pick and choose which laws to uphold and which to not go after.

07-25-2013, 04:21 PM
I lost respect for him, when he didn't prosecute the black panther members who were clearly trying scare people at a voting site.

I mean... THEY WERE BLACK... clearly trying to scare people at the voting site.

baseline bum
07-25-2013, 04:23 PM
D-35 is my favorite example of "Let's stick all these Metropolitan Brown people in the same district"



07-25-2013, 04:24 PM
I mean... THEY WERE BLACK... clearly trying to scare people at the voting site.
So a white racist group standing in front with weapons in front of a voting booth is acceptable to you?

07-25-2013, 04:28 PM
So a white racist group standing in front with weapons in front of a voting booth is acceptable to you?

Are you calling for the prosecution of the guy who was walking around the Texas Capitol with a rifle during the abortion debate?

:lol "They had clubs AND THEY WERE BLACK"

Everyone but Fox News had acknowledged that the Black Panther Intimidation story was manufactured

07-25-2013, 04:34 PM
Are you calling for the prosecution of the guy who was walking around the Texas Capitol with a rifle during the abortion debate?

:lol "They had clubs AND THEY WERE BLACK"

Everyone but Fox News had acknowledged that the Black Panther Intimidation story was manufactured
:lol I think it is a little different standing in front of a voting booth that people have to go to to vote, compared to a private citizen not associated with any hate group carrying a weapon at a protest. I don't understand what part is manufactured. But who would have knew that msm would have found a way to spin an obama story. Never in a thousand years that CNN, MSNBC, almost every major newspaper (minus WSJ and USAToday) would spend more time fighting an attack against Obama than actually reporting on the initial story.

07-25-2013, 04:37 PM


Damn brownies should only count as 3/5 a person anyway.

07-25-2013, 04:43 PM
:lol I think it is a little different standing in front of a voting booth that people have to go to to vote, compared to a private citizen not associated with any hate group carrying a weapon at a protest.

In what way?

07-25-2013, 04:43 PM
:lol I think it is a little different standing in front of a voting booth that people have to go to to vote, compared to a private citizen not associated with any hate group carrying a weapon at a protest. I don't understand what part is manufactured. But who would have knew that msm would have found a way to spin an obama story. Never in a thousand years that CNN, MSNBC, almost every major newspaper (minus WSJ and USAToday) would spend more time fighting an attack against Obama than actually reporting on the initial story.



07-25-2013, 04:50 PM


clearly the protester was openly carrying to protect themselves, whereas the meanie black panther was intimidating voters :lol

07-25-2013, 04:51 PM
In what way?
seriously? One is a member of a known racist organization. So wearing the known uniform ( nazi uniform, kkk sheet, black panther) could keep people from voting. Why am I wasting time explaining this to you. Clearly you are trolling if you don't see the difference from a voting booth and a protest. voting is the greatest thing of america. Therefore should be the most protected and sensitive of anything in our culture. If only you civil rights defenders weren't so wishy washy on who's civil rights your wanting defended. :toast

07-25-2013, 04:52 PM

07-25-2013, 04:53 PM

:lmao yeah. nba forum is a few links up.

07-25-2013, 04:54 PM
:lmao can't see the difference.

07-25-2013, 05:03 PM
seriously? One is a member of a known racist organization. So wearing the known uniform ( nazi uniform, kkk sheet, black panther) could keep people from voting. Why am I wasting time explaining this to you. Clearly you are trolling if you don't see the difference from a voting booth and a protest. voting is the greatest thing of america. Therefore should be the most protected and sensitive of anything in our culture. If only you civil rights defenders weren't so wishy washy on who's civil rights your wanting defended. :toast

What you need to explain is why the 2nd amendment ends near a voting booth but doesn't near a protest. :lol

Also, the next time I see a protester openly brandishing a weapon on a public gathering whose purpose isn't to intimidate will be the first time.

Trill Clinton
07-25-2013, 05:11 PM
So a white racist group standing in front with weapons in front of a voting booth is acceptable to you?

do you have any photos of these new black panthers holding weapons?

07-25-2013, 05:13 PM
What you need to explain is why the 2nd amendment ends near a voting booth but doesn't near a protest. :lol

Also, the next time I see a protester openly brandishing a weapon on a public gathering whose purpose isn't to intimidate will be the first time.
You're changing the situation. The problem isn't with the weapon at protest. Atleast it isn't with my argument. My argument was what the bp members did at a voting booth. If you are against people bringing guns to a protest than how would you not be against bp members carrying weapons and standing in front of a voting booth. Saying you are against one and not against the other more extreme one (in your eyes they are similar)? That's pretty hypocritical, even for a liberal.

Can you explain how a KKK uniform wearing member standing outside a voting booth would be considered acceptable? I guarantee Eric Holder wouldn't allow it. Nor should he.

You consider making people show ID voter suppression but not this?

07-25-2013, 05:14 PM
do you have any photos of these new black panthers holding weapons?
just google it.

07-25-2013, 05:23 PM
You're changing the situation. The problem isn't with the weapon at protest. Atleast it isn't with my argument. My argument was what the bp members did at a voting booth. If you are against people bringing guns to a protest than how would you not be against bp members carrying weapons and standing in front of a voting booth. Saying you are against one and not against the other more extreme one (in your eyes they are similar)? That's pretty hypocritical, even for a liberal.

Can you explain how a KKK uniform wearing member standing outside a voting booth would be considered acceptable? I guarantee Eric Holder wouldn't allow it. Nor should he.

You consider making people show ID voter suppression but not this?

I asked you what was the difference in your opinion, because I'm seeing intimidation in both cases. What you're saying is that intimidation is dependent on what a person looks like, where they are, what they think, and not necessarily what they actually do. I disagree with that, even if I don't agree with whatever that person stands for. The reason neither a black panther or a kkk member will get arrested under those circumstances is that we don't penalize thought crimes. All that said, I stopped wondering what Eric Holder would do a long time ago. IMO, it's a waste of time.

I also said plenty of times I'm not against voter ID laws. I'm against voter ID laws that are implemented within 6 months or so from the election, which end up being suppressive simply because of the timing. I've said many times I have no problem with voter ID laws being passed a year or two before elections and getting the electorate educated about the new requirements, but apparently politicians are not interested in passing voter ID laws with enough time in advance, which should speak for itself.

07-25-2013, 05:26 PM
Holder Wants Texas to Clear Voting Changes With the U.S. (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/26/us/holder-wants-texas-to-clear-voting-changes-with-the-us.html)

Voting Rights Act, Section 2. Slam dunk.

07-25-2013, 05:32 PM
What you're saying is that intimidation is dependent on what a person looks like, where they are, what they think, and not necessarily what they actually do. I disagree with that, even if I don't agree with whatever that person stands for.
What they were actually doing was standing in front of a voting booth with a weapon. Poll watchers stated that they saw people walk up see the bp and walk away.
bp members made statements like "white devil" and something about being ruled by black people and cracker.

Someone stood in front of a corner store with a billy club would have been arrested.

07-25-2013, 05:33 PM
Voting Rights Act, Section 2. Slam dunk.

Apparently, they're claiming Section 3, the "bail in" clause. But it's going to be difficult because now they have to show actual violations of the VRA, and the scope is much more limited.

07-25-2013, 05:37 PM
seriously? One is a member of a known racist organization. So wearing the known uniform ( nazi uniform, kkk sheet, black panther) could keep people from voting. Why am I wasting time explaining this to you. Clearly you are trolling if you don't see the difference from a voting booth and a protest. voting is the greatest thing of america. Therefore should be the most protected and sensitive of anything in our culture. If only you civil rights defenders weren't so wishy washy on who's civil rights your wanting defended. :toastUh, dude was dressed in a Samuel L. Jackson outfit.

The best thing about the video was all the white people walking directly into the voting station completely unimpeded and unintimidated.

07-25-2013, 05:38 PM
What they were actually doing was standing in front of a voting booth with a weapon. Poll watchers stated that they saw people walk up see the bp and walk away.
bp members made statements like "white devil" and something about being ruled by black people and cracker.

Someone stood in front of a corner store with a billy club would have been arrested.

Well, some people are indeed intimidated by black folk. This isn't necessarily news. The question is what was the crime?

07-25-2013, 05:39 PM
Apparently, they're claiming Section 3, the "bail in" clause. But it's going to be difficult because now they have to show actual violations of the VRA, and the scope is much more limited.

That's why I was going with section 2 which bars discriminatory voting practices and pays special attention to changes if the net result is a dilution of minority voting clout. Seems like a fairly easy case to make. But, I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

07-25-2013, 05:46 PM
That's why I was going with section 2 which bars discriminatory voting practices and pays special attention to changes if the net result is a dilution of minority voting clout. Seems like a fairly easy case to make. But, I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

IMO, the problem now is that without Section 4(b) singling out those particular States, they now have to show that what Texas is doing is different than what other States are doing, or if the claim is that other States are in the wrong too, why were they ok when other States did it but not now. It's a much bigger burden on the DOJ. I'm sure they're going to try anyways, but I don't really see it being the slam dunk that it was when section 4(b) was there, since that section was pretty much there under the premise that those states did discriminate, so the DOJ didn't need to prove that.

07-25-2013, 05:51 PM
So who was intimidated?

They told the poll watchers, right?

They gave statements to the authorities, right?

07-25-2013, 05:56 PM
IMO, the problem now is that without Section 4(b) singling out those particular States, they now have to show that what Texas is doing is different than what other States are doing, or if the claim is that other States are in the wrong too, why were they ok when other States did it but not now. It's a much bigger burden on the DOJ. I'm sure they're going to try anyways, but I don't really see it being the slam dunk that it was when section 4(b) was there, since that section was pretty much there under the premise that those states did discriminate, so the DOJ didn't need to prove that.

Good point. I wasn't considering in context to other state's performance.

07-25-2013, 07:19 PM
DoJ should go after EVERY Confederate state, plus any other red state with stringent, disenfranchising voting laws. every fucking one of them

Those statesa have ALL forfeited the benefit of the doubt on the motives by LYING FOR YEARS about voter fraud (while engagin in VOTE COUNTING FRAUD).

07-25-2013, 07:22 PM
DoJ should go after EVERY Confederate state, plus any other red state with stringent, disenfranchising voting laws. every fucking one of them

Those statesa have ALL forfeited the benefit of the doubt on the motives by LYING FOR YEARS about voter fraud (while engagin in VOTE COUNTING FRAUD).

Thank God you're in charge of NOTHING.

George Gervin's Afro
07-25-2013, 08:27 PM
anyone guess how many people filed complaints about the black panthers standing in front of the voting location?

07-25-2013, 09:43 PM
anyone guess how many people filed complaints about the black panthers standing in front of the voting location?

I don't know, but I wouldn't want skinheads standing in front of a voting location either.

07-25-2013, 10:56 PM
I don't know, but I wouldn't want skinheads standing in front of a voting location either.
Did you encounter any sort of voter suppression last time you voted?

07-25-2013, 11:56 PM
Allowing negros and browns was the biggest mistake this country has ever made anyway. The left cannot admit that some people are better off as slaves..in fact I advocate slavery to protect blacks from the vicissitudes of freedom. The burden of making the right vote is too much for the negro to carry..and playing this political correctness game is only hurting our country day by day tbh.

07-26-2013, 12:32 AM
being black is one thing while being stupid enough to vote for the democrats is another thing imho. If the American white people had all voted for the republicans in 08 the Kenyan nig would've never sniffed out a way to the white house. Blacks voted for him because they were gullible, not because they were black. blacks in general are under-educated, which deceives you into believing that it has something to do with ethnicity, when it doesn't. Blacks can be just as smart and brilliant as anyone if you give them the right guidance imho.

Dude is a good orator but those people who're smart and well-educated (like DMC) would never buy whatever shit he lays out of his mouth. Dude's tricks only work on those under-educated people (like my goddess :cry) but unfortunately, those people are the majority of population in this country. Therefore, making a stupid decision has more to do with one's lack of education rather than the lack of white genes in his body imho.

07-26-2013, 02:36 AM
Black Panther at one location is about one millionth of the scale of Texas Legislature gerrymandering so you'll pardon me if I pretty much don't give a fuck about isolated cases like that when used in comparison.

George Gervin's Afro
07-26-2013, 05:29 AM
being black is one thing while being stupid enough to vote for the democrats is another thing imho. If the American white people had all voted for the republicans in 08 the Kenyan nig would've never sniffed out a way to the white house. Blacks voted for him because they were gullible, not because they were black. blacks in general are under-educated, which deceives you into believing that it has something to do with ethnicity, when it doesn't. Blacks can be just as smart and brilliant as anyone if you give them the right guidance imho.

Dude is a good orator but those people who're smart and well-educated (like DMC) would never buy whatever shit he lays out of his mouth. Dude's tricks only work on those under-educated people (like my goddess :cry) but unfortunately, those people are the majority of population in this country. Therefore, making a stupid decision has more to do with one's lack of education rather than the lack of white genes in his body imho.

so all white people should stick together..lol

07-26-2013, 06:19 AM
Allowing negros and browns was the biggest mistake this country has ever made anyway. The left cannot admit that some people are better off as slaves..in fact I advocate slavery to protect blacks from the vicissitudes of freedom. The burden of making the right vote is too much for the negro to carry..and playing this political correctness game is only hurting our country day by day tbh.
Is that Mitt Romney in your sig?

Clipper Nation
07-26-2013, 06:31 AM
Thank God you're in charge of NOTHING.
Imagine if Boutons really was president.... he wouldn't do jack shit about the things he complains about non-stop, and just like on here, his excuse would be that they're "unstoppable," tbh :lol

07-26-2013, 12:10 PM
Top House Republican says DOJ Justified in Texas Section 3 case


07-26-2013, 12:15 PM
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) also attacked the move, saying it "disregards the Supreme Court decision on the Voting Rights Act and demeans states’ rights."

"I’m surprised that so soon after political targeting came to light at the IRS, the Obama administration would resort to the same tactic to minimize opposition in Texas,"

:lol TX Repug asshole STILL LYING about "targeting IRS scandal". Neugebauer's so stupid he believes Repug propaganda and fabricated, false scandals. :lol

07-26-2013, 01:09 PM
Top House Republican says Texas Justified in Section 3 case


boutons head asplode

07-26-2013, 01:58 PM
boutons head asplode

nah, Repugs gonna primary traitors, gotta maintain der goose-step doctrinal purity.

07-26-2013, 01:59 PM
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/teyshablue/handtwo.jpg (http://s3.photobucket.com/user/teyshablue/media/handtwo.jpg.html)

07-26-2013, 02:57 PM
boutons head asplode

Sorry, I miswrote... Should say House Republican says OBAMA Justified in Texas Section 3 case

07-26-2013, 03:09 PM

07-30-2013, 12:54 PM
Hatch: Obama a 'Despot' for Enforcing Voting Rights Act, Blue States 'Treat Minorities Like Dirt' -

“He’s trying to reinstitute the Voting Rights Act in Texas; if I was a Texan I would be so doggone livid and mad about that I don’t think I’d ever get over it,” Hatch told NewsMax. “It just shows how this administration ignores the law; they act like they are tinpot despots.”

After arguing that the administration’s actions to protect voting rights are part of a plan to create permanent Democratic control, he claimed that Democratic-leaning states treat people of color the “like dirt”: “Some of the worst states are blue states where they treat minorities like dirt, don’t care of them, don’t do what’s right about them and frankly a lot of this liberal stuff comes out of those states.”


Hatch rousing the racist rabble that reads Newsmax :lol

and of course his Mormons never treated blacks like dirt :lol