View Full Version : Could.you.and.your.family live off McDonalds paychecks?

08-01-2013, 03:54 PM

08-01-2013, 04:12 PM

Fast food employees should be high school kids. Any adult working at a fast food joint that is not a manager and is complaining about their wages needs to shut the fuck up and get a different job.

08-01-2013, 04:19 PM
Fast food employees should be high school kids. Any adult working at a fast food joint that is not a manager and is complaining about their wages needs to shut the fuck up and get a different job.

No shit.

I wouldn't be able to live off of a McDonalds paycheck and would never have tried.

08-01-2013, 04:23 PM
Well it's better than relying on EBT, you got to give them that.

08-01-2013, 04:31 PM
Speaking of McDonalds...


The Huffington Post reports that McDonald’s could double its workers wages by raising the price of a Big Mac by 68 cents. It went large on the Internet on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, what it originally claimed was a study by a University of Kansas researcher turns out to be something—a term paper, maybe?—given to Huffington Post by a KU undergrad. And there are serious problems with it. The correction on its provenance came too late, though: it’s all over the internets:

McDonald’s can afford to pay its workers a living wage without sacrificing any of its low menu prices, according to a new study provided to The Huffington Post by a University of Kansas student.

Doubling the salaries and benefits of all McDonald’s employees — from workers earning the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour to CEO Donald Thompson, whose 2012 compensation totaled $8.75 million — would cause the price of a Big Mac to increase just 68 cents, from $3.99 to $4.67, Arnobio Morelix told HuffPost. In addition, every item on the Dollar Menu would go up by 17 cents.

Since the HuffPost doesn’t bother to publish the actual “study,” which wasn’t really a study, we can’t really tell where these numbers are coming from. So let’s back into them.

First of all, 68 cents may not sound like much, but it really means that McDonald’s would have to raise its menu prices across the board by 17 percent. That ain’t peanuts.

Second, the 17 percent number is just incorrect. It’s too low. Here’s the latest McDonald’s 10-K, which gives us a glimpse at the company’s labor costs:

The only way to get the 17 percent-of-revenue labor figure is to divide payroll and benefits at company-operated restaurants by total revenues. But here’s the thing: More than 80 percent of McDonald’s restaurants are franchises, and the company makes scads of money from them in no small part because it has no direct labor expense at those stores. The HuffPost explicitly includes executive compensation in its 17 percent figure, but executive comp and the pay of folks in Chicago who run marketing and the like are housed in “selling, general & administrative expenses,” not under payroll & employee benefits at company-operated stores.

You have to divide company-operated payroll & employee benefits by company-operated sales to get an apples-to-apples measure. That gets you 25 percent. So a Big Mac would, in fact, have to go up by a full dollar, not 68 cents, in order to double wages at McDonald’s. And the Dollar Menu would have to become the Dollar Twenty-Five menu.

It’s harder to get at non-restaurant (ie headquarters) wages because McDonald’s doesn’t break out labor costs in SG&A. Assuming pay is half of the total, it would put the number at 22 percent.

And then there are the franchisees. There are 1.9 million people who work at McDonald’s restaurants, but just 440,000 of those actually work for McDonald’s Corporation. The rest work for franchisees who pay a cut of their sales to Chicago for the rights to the Golden Arches, Ronald McDonald, and standardized coronaries-on-a-plate.

Worldwide, those franchisees took in $70 billion in revenue last year, and US stores took in $31 billion of that. McDonald’s Corporation doesn’t break out similar expense numbers for its franchisees, so the best I can do is research from Janney Capital Markets. It puts labor costs for US franchises at 24 percent of sales, which gibes with McDonald’s company-owned stores. Janney estimates franchisee operating income at just 5 percent.

If Janney is right (and I’m a bit skeptical. Five percent margins seem awfully low), McDonald’s franchisees in the US pay out, very roughly, $7.4 billion in labor costs a year and make about $1.6 billion in operating profit. Doubling pay without dipping into profit would mean menu prices would have to rise 24 percent—and that’s assuming such price increases wouldn’t hurt sales, which they would.

The bottom line is: This “study” and The Huffington Post are both wrong.

Unfortunately, bad information spreads pretty fast these days. The false findings got picked up far and wide. I retweeted a Henry Blodget post at Business Insider before looking into its origins.

08-01-2013, 04:34 PM
Fast food employees should be high school kids. Any adult working at a fast food joint that is not a manager and is complaining about their wages needs to shut the fuck up and get a different job.

What's left of the middle class waves it's testicles at you.

08-01-2013, 04:35 PM
"doubling pay ... menu prices would have to rise 24 percent"

excellent!! because it would definitely mean lower sales of that pathgenic shit and get some of these employees off public assistance from taxpayers.

Do It!

08-01-2013, 05:21 PM
"doubling pay ... menu prices would have to rise 24 percent"

excellent!! because it would definitely mean lower sales of that pathgenic shit and get some of these employees off public assistance from taxpayers.

Do It!


08-02-2013, 10:16 AM
My biggest problem with that study is why would they factor in doubling the CEO's pay? Or anyone above store level for that matter?

10-24-2013, 12:51 PM
McDonald’s tells workers to get food stamps (http://www.salon.com/2013/10/23/video_mcdonalds_tells_workers_to_get_food_stamps/)


An audio recording released by labor activists Wednesday afternoon captures a staffer for McDonald’s’ “McResources Line” instructing a McDonald’s worker how to apply for public assistance.

The audio – excerpted in the campaign video below – records a conversation between Chicago worker Nancy Salgado, a ten-year employee currently making the Illinois state minimum wage of $8.25, and a counselor staffing the company’s “McResources” 1-800 number for McDonald’s workers. The McResources staffer offers her a number to “ask about things like food pantries” and tells her she “would most likely be eligible for SNAP benefits” which she explains are “food stamps.” After Salgado asks about “the doctor,” the staffer asks, “Did you try to get on Medicaid?” She notes it’s “health coverage for low income or no income adults and children.”

“It was really, really upsetting,” Salgado told Salon Wednesday, “knowing that McDonald’s knows that they don’t pay us enough, and we have to rely on this.” Noting that McDonald’s was “a billionaire company,” she asked, “how can they not afford to pay us?”


Wild Cobra
10-24-2013, 12:58 PM
Fucking whiners.

What is wrong with todays citizens?

Entitlement mentality...

Grow up people. If it's your lot in life not to have a good job, then too bad. Maybe if you idiots would stop electing politicians that move our manufacturing jobs overseas, you would have a better job.

10-24-2013, 01:02 PM
:cry I demand rights to subsidies for my poor life decisions :cry

:cry the injustice of it all :cry

10-24-2013, 01:10 PM
Why the fuck am I subsidizing mcdonalds again? Maybe it we cut corporate welfare they'd be forced to pay their workers a living wage or shut down.

10-24-2013, 01:13 PM
If your job is taking orders at McD's, you shouldn't have a family. The notion that a corporation and/or the USFG should increase said person's income via salary or food stamps is laughable because society shouldn't subsidize people's poor decisions.

10-24-2013, 01:15 PM
so.....mcdonalds wouldnt exist if not for poor decisions?

10-24-2013, 01:28 PM
Oh HELL no. I didn't want to live on a McDonalds paycheck when I was 16. That's why I mowed yards.

10-24-2013, 02:42 PM
Everyone cannot have good jobs. It's the nature of reality. Some people will have shitty jobs and make shitty pay, because they made shitty decisions, have shitty genetics and/or shitty upbringing.

I can live on McD's salary as easy as I could live on that slop they call food.

10-24-2013, 02:43 PM
so.....mcdonalds wouldnt exist if not for poor decisions?

So yards wouldn't get mowed if not for illegals?

10-24-2013, 02:47 PM
So yards wouldn't get mowed if not for illegals?

my area is full of white landscapers and pool guys.

Chief Brody
10-24-2013, 02:50 PM
Everyone cannot have good jobs. It's the nature of reality. Some people will have shitty jobs and make shitty pay, because they made shitty decisions, have shitty genetics and/or shitty upbringing.

I can live on McD's salary as easy as I could live on that slop they call food.

10-24-2013, 02:59 PM
what a stupid comparison. of course no family can live off mcdonals salary. It's common sense.

Mcdonals jobs are for young students, single people or people in between jobs or with multiple jobs. what a dumb article

10-24-2013, 03:08 PM
Everyone cannot have good jobs. It's the nature of reality. Some people will have shitty jobs and make shitty pay, because they made shitty decisions, have shitty genetics and/or shitty upbringing.

I can live on McD's salary as easy as I could live on that slop they call food.


If you're living off McD's salary, you probably shouldn't be thinking about having a family. If all you can provide is the 8.5/hr made working the drive through, don't have kids.

10-24-2013, 03:23 PM
my area is full of white landscapers and pool guys.

The McDonald's near me is staffed by HS kids, not people who made poor decisions.

10-24-2013, 03:25 PM

If you're living off McD's salary, you probably shouldn't be thinking about having a family. If all you can provide is the 8.5/hr made working the drive through, don't have kids.

Adults working the drive thru at McDonald's don't work from the same playbook however, they don't think "should I have a kid", they fuck like dogs and when their bellies rise, they start thinking "welfare vacation".

10-24-2013, 03:27 PM
to be fair in any other country other than USA, Mcdonalds is good quality and their workers can make good careers working there. The quality of the food is damn good too.

SO I say, ok go ahead and increase their wages, increase the product quality and of course, you will be forced to increase prices. But then the millions of 350 pound mamooths that visit Mcdonalds on a daily basis in the US would riot, pillage and murder

10-24-2013, 03:29 PM
Adults working the drive thru at McDonald's don't work from the same playbook however, they don't think "should I have a kid", they fuck like dogs and when their bellies rise, they start thinking "welfare vacation".

Forced sterilization tbh ...

10-24-2013, 03:38 PM
to be fair in any other country other than USA, Mcdonalds is good quality and their workers can make good careers working there. The quality of the food is damn good too.

SO I say, ok go ahead and increase their wages, increase the product quality and of course, you will be forced to increase prices. But then the millions of 350 pound mamooths that visit Mcdonalds on a daily basis in the US would riot, pillage and murder

Because I've been travelling with children I have eaten at McDonalds in Germany, Austria, Rome and France within the past two year.

Tasted EXACTLY like it does here.

10-24-2013, 03:39 PM
I myself commend every Mcdonalds worker I see. Because when they woke up that day, they chose not to put a bullet in their head, and instead went to work.

10-24-2013, 04:00 PM
Because I've been travelling with children I have eaten at McDonalds in Germany, Austria, Rome and France within the past two year.

Tasted EXACTLY like it does here.

Both BK and McDo were lots better in France than in USA. My kids hated the USA shit.

Chief Brody
10-24-2013, 04:05 PM
Both BK and McDo were lots better in France than in USA. My kids hated the USA shit.
You have children? Please do the decent thing and don't indoctrinate them with your garbage

Clipper Nation
10-24-2013, 04:06 PM
Earth to McDonald's workers: it's not society's fault that you have a shitty job... note how the board liberals can't even spin this shit to justify us subsidizing fast food workers :lol

10-24-2013, 04:17 PM
you right-wing mofos are pretty stupid.

When junk food chains, Wal Marts, etc pay shitty wages with no benefits, it's us taxpayers who SUBSIDIZE the mega-corps by topping up the shitty ages with Medicaid, TANF, ER visits, medical care.

iow, shitty wages paid by mega corps is really mega-corps pocketing the wealth of taxpayers.

10-24-2013, 04:28 PM
For once Boutons is right guys.

10-24-2013, 06:54 PM
you right-wing mofos are pretty stupid.

When junk food chains, Wal Marts, etc pay shitty wages with no benefits, it's us taxpayers who SUBSIDIZE the mega-corps by topping up the shitty ages with Medicaid, TANF, ER visits, medical care.

iow, shitty wages paid by mega corps is really mega-corps pocketing the wealth of taxpayers.

I thought you were against employer paid health care and support government single payer.

Either way the taxpayers support the shitheads.

10-24-2013, 06:57 PM
One thing I agree with Republicans on this subject on 100% is that I have no sympathy for these McDonalds workers who are popping out babies left and right. The McDonalds worker who was born into a shitty life with no hope of a good future who has no kids and is busting his ass hopelessly has my sympathy, but this problem wouldn't be nearly as bad if these people didn't have so many fucking kids they can't afford.

10-24-2013, 07:05 PM
"McDonalds workers who are popping out babies left and right. "

pop that out of your ass, or is it pure prejudicie, or do you have any evidence of the size of your imagined situation?

10-24-2013, 07:08 PM
"McDonalds workers who are popping out babies left and right. "

pop that out of your ass, or is it pure prejudicie, or do you have any evidence of the size of your imagined situation?

It's not prejudice because someone who works at McDonalds should have NO kids. None. Even if the average McDonalds employee had 1 kid, that's 1 too many.

baseline bum
10-24-2013, 08:31 PM
to be fair in any other country other than USA, Mcdonalds is good quality and their workers can make good careers working there. The quality of the food is damn good too.

SO I say, ok go ahead and increase their wages, increase the product quality and of course, you will be forced to increase prices. But then the millions of 350 pound mamooths that visit Mcdonalds on a daily basis in the US would riot, pillage and murder

That shit requires getting off the couch and turning off the TV.

10-24-2013, 09:33 PM
As long as I'm a shareholder, you bet your ass I could.

10-24-2013, 10:42 PM
You have children? Please do the decent thing and don't indoctrinate them with your garbage

The Nazi telling the crazy liberal not to indoctrinate his kids...

This board is so very amusing.

10-24-2013, 10:50 PM
McDonald's sucks.....you deserve what you get if you eat there.....that said the sad truth is there are a lot of teens, tweens and people with mental illness or handicaps working these jobs, along with some people who at least have a job and aren't sitting their asses in front of the TV......there is no free lunch...food entitlements are a form of corporate subsidy because if companies like McDonald's paid a living wage there would be less need and demand for food stamps, welfare....blah, blah, blah...shit, pay another $1 for that shitty food and pay these people right...

Chief Brody
10-24-2013, 11:01 PM
The Nazi telling the crazy liberal not to indoctrinate his kids...

This board is so very amusing.
Fascism is the lesser of 2 evils when compared to Communism.

These are things we know.

10-24-2013, 11:14 PM
Fascism is the lesser of 2 evils when compared to Communism.

These are things we know.

Same can be said about Laissez-faire capitalism IMO

Kool Bob Love
10-25-2013, 12:30 AM
you right-wing mofos are pretty stupid.

When junk food chains, Wal Marts, etc pay shitty wages with no benefits, it's us taxpayers who SUBSIDIZE the mega-corps by topping up the shitty ages with Medicaid, TANF, ER visits, medical care.

iow, shitty wages paid by mega corps is really mega-corps pocketing the wealth of taxpayers.

Report: U.S. Spent $3.7 Trillion on Welfare Over Last 5 Years

10-25-2013, 12:31 AM
i had a friend who worked at mcds for 1 year started out as a late bloomer mid 20s, he was cooker heavily responsible in the kitchen area...management made him go do management course provided free by mcds, he didnt want a managerial position or anything of high responsibility, still got paid around $20 and hour, managers on shift only get paid about 30-35 per hr i think down here....he had a problem taking orders from wankers who started in their early legal teens to work and up to manager role, he quit...lol retard,

theres a few friends i know that went through mcds for work experience/pt job all the way up to shift manager to running a franchise..

10-25-2013, 04:23 AM
Report: U.S. Spent $3.7 Trillion on Welfare Over Last 5 Years


All of which was spent into the economy almost immediately, unlike the $Ts the Fed and Treasury donated to the financial sector where it did nothing for the 99%.

baseline bum
10-25-2013, 06:54 AM
Fascism is the lesser of 2 evils when compared to Communism.

These are things we know.

Sorry Chief; Communism wins on strength of national anthem tbh


10-25-2013, 07:34 AM
you right-wing mofos are pretty stupid.

When junk food chains, Wal Marts, etc pay shitty wages with no benefits, it's us taxpayers who SUBSIDIZE the mega-corps by topping up the shitty ages with Medicaid, TANF, ER visits, medical care.

iow, shitty wages paid by mega corps is really mega-corps pocketing the wealth of taxpayers.

I believe entry level jobs existed before comprehensive government safety nets - they are not a result of them.

Some of the most profound backward-ass logic I've ever seen.

10-25-2013, 08:09 AM

Ronald looks like a middle age woman here

10-25-2013, 08:29 AM

Ronald looks like a middle age woman here

yep, sloppy, overweight like the typical American female, or male

Ronald with deep red lipstick? McDo after the tranny market?

10-25-2013, 10:04 AM
I could. But a family? Hell no.

10-25-2013, 09:51 PM
Fascism is the lesser of 2 evils when compared to Communism.

These are things we know.

The most pertinent thing we know is neither of you know much of anything.

Do you prefer your Jews diced or ground? Nazi...