View Full Version : A-Rod to be suspended through 2014

Michael Jordan.
08-03-2013, 08:17 PM
all over twitter

08-03-2013, 10:53 PM
Most hated sports personality ever?

08-03-2013, 11:12 PM
^No. Not at all. He's failed no drug test and he's being accused by law breakers. Arbitration will vacate it on the spot. & MLB knows it. That's why they're trying to get him to sign off on it. Uh, uh. Nope. They're paying him that money. EVERY FUCKING CENT. Without him the Yankees are short a WS Title, but, they've conveniently put that aside. The humps.

08-03-2013, 11:14 PM
******Gentlemen:::this, this, this is why there are {unions.} If you're waiting for "men" to do good, you'll grow old, gray and die during that wait.

08-04-2013, 03:42 AM
He failed a drug test back in 2003 that he even admitted to failing.


08-04-2013, 08:14 AM
He failed a drug test back in 2003 that he even admitted to failing.

Don't be purposely obtuse.

08-04-2013, 11:16 AM
I kinda agree with Cully. I hate A-Rod easily more than any other baseball player but this is totally selective outrage if he really gets suspended that long.

08-04-2013, 12:13 PM
That long of a suspension could retire him.

08-04-2013, 06:17 PM
should be longer
but yankees still make out like bandits

08-04-2013, 10:41 PM
A-Rod is a good guy. He doesn't deserve the hate. Long live A-Rod!




08-05-2013, 01:06 AM
That long of a suspension could retire him.

And that's what MLB wants. They do not want him suiting up again in a MLB uniform, ever. They figure if he'll agree to the suspension thru '14 it buys them time to extend it, or, for some other "crown block" to fall on A-Rod's head. It's a point of emphasis now, almost a childish tantrum to see him denied. And he's complicit that's why he is pushing back. He wants to piss in their face and take the field again while the appeal process is in motion. MLB can't figure a way to get by the appeal process without a grievance being filed and the NLRB stepping in. MLB doesn't want that. They have no proof he took drugs and the people who are accusing him have taken money from MLB. The NLRB will frown upon MLB here and they know it. That's where they'll lose and when they do A-Rod's legal team will go after damages, big time.

08-05-2013, 11:21 AM
Well, it's high noon in NYC. What's the hold up?

Heath Ledger
08-05-2013, 12:26 PM
MLB has an ace in their hole. THey have proof of AROD obstructing their investigation ala witness tampering/harassment. This could quite possibly lead to a lifetime ban for AROD

08-05-2013, 12:39 PM
The three mystery names recently added to the Biogenesis list have been confirmed to be Phillies reliever Antonio Bastardo, Mets outfielder Jordany Valdespin and Astros reliever Sergio Escalona, sources said.

That makes it 12 players who will get 50-game bans Monday when Major league Baseball announces the suspensions.

Embattled Yankee Alex Rodriguez is expected to receive a suspension through the end of 2014, and sources close to him say he will appeal. No other player connected to the case will appeal, according to people connected to the case.

The nine previously known to be in line for a 50-game bans due to connections to the now defunct Miami are Rangers outfielderCruz, Tigers shortstop Jhonny Peralta, Mariners catcher Jesus Montero, Padres shortstop Everth Cabrera and Yankees catcher Francisco Cervelli, plus minor leaguers Fernando Martinez, Jordan Norberto, Fautino de los Santos and Cesar Puello.


The names of Bastardo and Valdespin were first reported by Foxsports.com, and Escalona by Yahoo.

08-05-2013, 12:59 PM
do it quite saying it get her done sick of it already
also it is very instersting players want the penaltys to be stiffer and are going to vote on it this winter
some have even said first time they are caught BAN FOR LIFE

08-05-2013, 02:15 PM
MLB blinked, they wanted no part of the NLRB. He'll play tonite, and I hope his legal team takes this into a Federal court.

08-05-2013, 02:17 PM
I hope they upheld it
and then the baseball union votes one strike you are out for life
and a-rod spends millions fighting and lose it

just what the federal court needs a mlb case instead of getting the murders cases done and the appeal court

arod has NO right to take them to federal court

08-05-2013, 02:19 PM
I think they are should have their pictures taken together and have them put up on baseball stadiums as CHEATERS

08-05-2013, 02:24 PM
arod has NO right to take them to federal court

Yes, he does. They have no right, but, he does. It's like me finding out my wife is gathering evidence against me for cheating on her and I thwart that evidence gathering by nefarious acts. [She] has no legal standing. Neither does MLB, they're just like my [wife]. If I were A-Rod I'd go after those bastards like the last pork chop on the plate.

08-05-2013, 02:52 PM
I'd have to read the CBA documents to be sure, but the media reporting suggests that ARod cannot take MLB to federal court to dispute his suspension or any of the findings or conclusions that led to it. The CBA obligates the players and/or MLB to take those disputes to binding arbitration. Once the case goes to arbitration, getting it into any court (federal courts and/or most state courts) for anything other than a confirmation of the arbitrator's decision is virtually impossible.

08-05-2013, 03:31 PM
I'd have to read the CBA documents to be sure, but the media reporting suggests that ARod cannot take MLB to federal court to dispute his suspension or any of the findings or conclusions that led to it. The CBA obligates the players and/or MLB to take those disputes to binding arbitration. Once the case goes to arbitration, getting it into any court (federal courts and/or most state courts) for anything other than a confirmation of the arbitrator's decision is virtually impossible.

An American citizen cannot disavow their civil rights. He may, or he may not have a civil rights action here. But, if I were him I'd certainly direct my legal team to pursue the matter. Things were said in negotiations that were recorded. That's why you have attorneys. That way everything is on the record. And that is why MLB was reticent to negotiate with him from the start and then pulled their negotiating team altogether toward the end. They wanted to dictate and not have a face to face on the record. And that's why he insisted they mete out the punishment before he acted. Fuck them, they wanted A-Rod to show his cards. Please. Get lost. He handled it correctly and got a firm number of games and a transcript to take to the arbitrator and the NLRB if necessary and the Feds if possible. I hope they fucked up. Motherfuckers. I'd take their ass to the cleaners.

08-05-2013, 03:39 PM
American citizens can disavow their civil rights and do so in many different ways, but if what you're saying is correct, then no arbitration clause could ever be enforced. That's clearly not the case -- I suspect that more civil disputes go to arbitration now than to trial in civil courts.

baseline bum
08-05-2013, 05:53 PM
LOL Yankees will still owe this fuck $60 million for 2015 and 2016. :rollin

CROFL hearing these idiots on ESPN talk about Selig doing this for his legacy. Seligs legacy is

(1) Cancelling the World Series
(2) Turning a blind eye to steroid use in the late 90s because it made people forget about the strike and the cancelled the World Series. As a result the most cherished record in baseball, 61 home runs in a season, is forever ruined.
(3) Still not giving a shit because Home Run Derby sells tickets, and baseball's next most cherished record, 755 home runs in a career, is similarly ruined forever.
(4) All the best players of his tenure can't get into the Hall of Fame.
(5) Baseball stats are essentially meaningless now for at least a 10 year span of the game.
(6) The career home run records will forever have an effective asterisk denoting they were established in the Selig era.

Worst commissioner ever :lol

08-05-2013, 06:02 PM
LOL Yankees will still owe this fuck $60 million for 2015 and 2016. :rollin

CROFL hearing these idiots on ESPN talk about Selig doing this for his legacy. Seligs legacy is

(1) Cancelling the World Series
(2) Turning a blind eye to steroid use in the late 90s because it made people forget about the strike and the cancelled the World Series. As a result the most cherished record in baseball, 61 home runs in a season, is forever ruined.
(3) Still not giving a shit because Home Run Derby sells tickets, and baseball's next most cherished record, 755 home runs in a career, is similarly ruined forever.
(4) All the best players of his tenure can't get into the Hall of Fame.
(5) Baseball stats are essentially meaningless now for at least a 10 year span of the game.

Worst commissioner ever :lol

I don't get why the stats of all the cheaters are not made to be separate? In 1961 there was once 2 records when they extended the schedule from 154 to 162 games. So make it 2 records for all the clowns that got caught or were proven to be using PED's. Give Roger Maris back his HR record for god's sake that nobody still to this day has broken legitimately.

Clipper Nation
08-05-2013, 06:42 PM
LOL Yankees will still owe this fuck $60 million for 2015 and 2016. :rollin

CROFL hearing these idiots on ESPN talk about Selig doing this for his legacy. Seligs legacy is

(1) Cancelling the World Series
(2) Turning a blind eye to steroid use in the late 90s because it made people forget about the strike and the cancelled the World Series. As a result the most cherished record in baseball, 61 home runs in a season, is forever ruined.
(3) Still not giving a shit because Home Run Derby sells tickets, and baseball's next most cherished record, 755 home runs in a career, is similarly ruined forever.
(4) All the best players of his tenure can't get into the Hall of Fame.
(5) Baseball stats are essentially meaningless now for at least a 10 year span of the game.
(6) The career home run records will forever have an effective asterisk denoting they were established in the Selig era.

Worst commissioner ever :lol
You forgot fucking over the Montreal Expos in every way possible, including cancelling their dream season in '94, openly threatening contraction and moving most of their home games to San Juan to artifically diminish fan support, and banning them from calling up players from the minors in '03 while they were in the playoff hunt, tbh....

Selig needs to fuck off already, imho....

08-05-2013, 06:43 PM
and now the stupid cheater is getting emotional
he wanted time with his family he has plenty now

Clipper Nation
08-05-2013, 06:43 PM
Btw, steroids were in use in the MLB from at least the '60s on, so let's not pretend Aaron's or Maris' records were clean, tbh....

Hell, even Babe Ruth injected sheep testosterone into himself because he thought it would make him hit better.... anyone who thinks baseball players haven't been cheating since the game began is just deluding themselves, tbh :lol

08-05-2013, 07:06 PM
Hell, even Babe Ruth injected sheep testosterone

I think you mean hot dogs and beer...

08-05-2013, 07:58 PM
Poor A-ROD is fighting for his life people!

08-05-2013, 08:08 PM
Btw, steroids were in use in the MLB from at least the '60s on, so let's not pretend Aaron's or Maris' records were clean, tbh....

Hell, even Babe Ruth injected sheep testosterone into himself because he thought it would make him hit better.... anyone who thinks baseball players haven't been cheating since the game began is just deluding themselves, tbh :lol
Maybe, however, there was only one era in baseball where the Louis Gonzalez types had 57 home run years :lol

http://www.baseball-almanac.com/players/pics/luis_gonzalez_autograph.jpg http://tbfiles.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/luis_gonzales_feature.jpg

Clipper Nation
08-05-2013, 09:33 PM
I think you mean hot dogs and beer...

No, he really did inject sheep testosterone - and even weirder, it was distilled from sheep testicles :lol


As the sporting industry exploded in the 1920s, athletic trainers and their charges immediately saw the possibilities of using his research. Even the Big Bambino himself, Babe Ruth, injected himself with extract from a sheep's testicles, hoping for increased power at the plate (and in the bedroom). He attempted this only once, and it made him incredibly ill; the Yankees covered the story by telling the press that the Babe just had one of his famous bellyaches. Even though the Yankees tend to celebrate all things Babe Ruth, they have never, to my knowledge, had "Sheep Testicles Day" at the stadium.

It's a gross but true story, tbh....

08-05-2013, 11:23 PM
So the Babe took some bad medicine got sick and went back to his Hot Dogs and Beer.

08-08-2013, 07:01 AM
Don't contradict me with facts.
