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07-20-2005, 07:39 PM
Top pick Bogut adjusting to NBA life
July 19, 2005

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Andrew Bogut felt like he had just been run over by a truck.

David Harrison, the 280-pound Indiana Pacers center, lowered his shoulder and buried the NBA's No. 1 draft pick, then softly laid in a bucket.

Welcome to the NBA, Mr. Bogut.

``He was grinding me out down there,'' Bogut said. ``Definitely a guy I can learn off. He definitely took me to school.''

The Milwaukee Bucks center was ejected from that game Monday at the Minnesota summer league for tussling with center John Edwards. But he bounced back on Tuesday, capping the five-day event with 16 points, 14 rebounds and two blocks in a 98-91 loss to New York.

It was an interesting few days for the Australian in his NBA debut. One day, he scores 21 points and grabs 13 rebounds in a game against the Rockets. The next, he is thoroughly dominated by Harrison before being thrown out by the officials.

It's all part of the process, Bogut says.

``It was more of a learning experience than anything,'' he said. ``I didn't come in and say I want to average 20 and 10. I wasn't worried about numbers.''

In five games, Bogut averaged 13.2 points and 10 rebounds, numbers that were slightly skewed thanks to a surprisingly quick trigger by the officials in the Indiana game. He finished with just 6 points on 1-of-7 shooting in 26 minutes in that game.

He still managed to lead the summer league in rebounds and learned what life in the NBA is like as a 7-foot-1, 255-pound target.

``Definitely,'' Bogut said. ``That's how it is. A big white guy, the No. 1 pick, nobody likes that.''

Many of the rookies and unproven veteran centers at the league saw Bogut as a way to get noticed, perhaps none more than Harrison.

The second-year player went right at Bogut early and often in their matchup, hitting turnaround jumpers and dunking over the exasperated rookie.

``He's not a (traditional center),'' the bruising Harrison said. ``He's a typical triangle-type center. I just knew that if I got him on my back, I was stronger than him.''

Harrison proved that on numerous occasions in the first half of their game, scoring 14 points to Bogut's 5 and getting him to commit four fouls.

His frustration growing, Bogut was ejected in the third quarter after getting tangled with Edwards, who appeared to shove him to the ground under the basket. Bogut bounced off the court and went after Edwards and the two players had to be separated.

It was a questionable decision by the officials to eject both players, but Bogut took everything in stride.

``I needed the rest anyway,'' he said, cracking a grin.

Milwaukee assistant Bob Ociepka saw the skirmish as a good sign.

``He gets knocked down, gets right back up and is not going to take anything from anybody,'' Ociepka said. ``In this league, as a rookie, you're going to be tested and he showed his toughness to come right back at somebody. That was encouraging.''

Harrison acknowledged that he was looking forward to facing Bogut, the one big-name center in Minneapolis, and he couldn't hide the grin on his face when asked about his performance against the top pick.

``I just wanted to dunk it as hard as I possibly could,'' Harrison said.

That said, he has no doubt that Bogut will be just fine in the NBA.

``He just doesn't know any better. He'll get better with time. Everybody does,'' Harrison said. ``He's a good passer and he has really good body movement.''

Ociepka said he can't wait to see what Bogut can do with the likes of Michael Redd, Bobby Simmons and Jiri Welsch on the perimeter to draw attention away from the big man.

``He has a good understanding of the game and that, combined with his talent, is real encouraging,'' Ociepka said. ``This is a heckuva start for him. We're really excited about it.''

For now, it's back to Australia for Bogut, who said he plans to concentrate on improving his jumper and adding some weight so he can bang with the likes of Shaquille O'Neal and Yao Ming under the basket.

And with the Bucks sinking serious money into Redd, Simmons and Welsch this offseason, Bogut sees good things happening in Milwaukee, and soon.

``They want to win,'' Bogut said. ``It's a good situation to be in. I like the direction we're going.''

07-20-2005, 10:04 PM
bogut still no duncan though

07-21-2005, 02:59 AM
``He was grinding me out down there,'' Bogut said. ``Definitely a guy I can learn off. He definitely took me to school.''

Where are the people claiming that he has a big ego and is full of himself. The above to me sounds level headed and modest to say the least.

Ed Helicopter Jones
07-21-2005, 11:29 AM
``Definitely,'' Bogut said. ``That's how it is. A big white guy, the No. 1 pick, nobody likes that.''

I didn't care for Bogut much in college, but I'm liking him more and more now.

He has moxie. White boy has to represent. Most white centers play like they've just been castrated. Bogut looks like he won't be afraid to make some noise.

Plus he's young. . . he's only what 20 I believe? Most post players don't hit full stride until their mid-20s.

He'll be alright. He has the mindset and the size to be good in this league. At the top level of sports determination makes all the difference between being average and being good.

07-21-2005, 04:23 PM
bogut still no duncan though

Who said he was? I don't recall anyone comparing him to Duncan...

07-21-2005, 04:29 PM
Where are the people claiming that he has a big ego and is full of himself. The above to me sounds level headed and modest to say the least.

uhh, he didn't exactly have a choice but be humble in this instance. he got dominated and embarassed by a scrub. he looked no better than the other aussies he's talked trash about.

07-21-2005, 04:53 PM
nba needs more white superstars

07-21-2005, 06:16 PM
why white?

07-21-2005, 06:33 PM
because many black kids grow up and dream of being a basketball and getting out of poor situations. so they try hard even if they aren't nba grade they can get scholarships to unversities for education. They have roll models and role models liek david robinson are great.

fact there are more white poor people. The NBA doesn;t have a larry bird any more huge superstar so that young kids look up to and say i want to do that when i grow up i have options i can get out of this situation.

basketball isn;t just a game it is something that can impact peoples lives. Even if they don't get to NBA they are praticing in playing for youth teams that keep them off the street and awya from gangs

right now even though their are poeple that think basketball is a black only thing even though whites play in nba.

Look what manu can do lots of peopel in argentina in youth think getting to the NBA is possible now

therefore the NBA needs more WHITE superstars

07-21-2005, 06:51 PM
Wow thats a whole 'nother Thread speaking about NBA needing more white dudes.

But I still think Bogut is a fluke. 10/6 at best player in his rookie going. i might be wrong, who cares. but so far, i see bleh.

07-21-2005, 06:58 PM
NBA life? It's a summer league that's not NBA life...

07-22-2005, 03:23 PM
Seeing at how they looked at me and knowing they are trying to imitate me creates me a big commitment. They look at me as an example and I want to reply with the best possible way. The idea is to keep helping the kids so a foundation with my name will start to work soon to give back something of all the things they deserve.


see that is what I am talking about