View Full Version : Seattle gets it.

08-16-2013, 10:47 AM
"But this weekend, at the first gathering since Washington state voters approved decriminalizing marijuana use, police will take a different approach to protecting and serving: Instead of having handcuffs and citations at the ready, a group of officers will be passing out tortilla chips."


08-17-2013, 12:58 AM
What else is there to do in Seattle? Spokane?? Washington???

Wild Cobra
08-17-2013, 03:47 AM
No, it's called the North-Left coast...

There's plenty to do in the Northwest. probably far more than in Texas.

08-17-2013, 04:01 AM
That looks like the dank in that photo.

Honestly, as much as i make fun of the hippie types in Austin, when they have their little reggae festival every year nothing horrible ever seems to happen. No drunks getting alcohol poisoned/DUIs/car wrecks/starting fights. Just a bunch of high mother fuckers chillin.

For contrast, we host the Texas relays, where multiple people get shot/stabbed by drunk niggas over something stupid every year(why you lookin at me like that dawg???)

Then we have ROT rally, where every year, every single fuckin year, some biker dies, usually more than one actually, and it always seems to be alcohol related.

08-17-2013, 10:20 AM
I went to Marley great one year at that park off of riverside near the hooters. It was fun, and exactly what you would stereotypically expect. Some dude taught me to play the bongos, I hacked a little sack, etc.

08-17-2013, 11:01 AM
I'm sure the Seattle police appreciate dealing with mellow, happy stoners instead of the frenetic, wild eyed business men amped up on coffee.

marini martini
08-17-2013, 03:14 PM
I hacked a little sack, etc


Wild Cobra
08-17-2013, 09:29 PM
I'm sure the Seattle police appreciate dealing with mellow, happy stoners instead of the frenetic, wild eyed business men amped up on coffee.

Or those on crack, meth, etc...

08-17-2013, 11:24 PM

Marini's thinking "Heh, I know someone whose sack got hacked....." :lmao

(sorry Drachen)

08-18-2013, 12:54 AM
Hey, I just tried it out for the first time since it was... Uh... Enhanced. Everything works great!

08-18-2013, 07:37 PM
Hey, I just tried it out for the first time since it was... Uh... Enhanced. Everything works great!

Nice :tu

08-18-2013, 07:40 PM
What else is there to do in Seattle? Spokane?? Washington???

Seattle and Spokane are both gorgeous locations.....far prettier than anything Texas has to offer.

08-18-2013, 07:42 PM
Seattle and Spokane are both gorgeous locations.....far prettier than anything Texas has to offer.
I'll give you Seattle but Spokane.....really? :lol

Everyone I know from Seattle unanimously agrees Spokane is a horrible place.

08-18-2013, 07:48 PM
No Spokane is nice. Sure someone from Seattle wouldn't care for it because it is so different. Very agricultural, drier weather----but I like both places.

08-18-2013, 07:50 PM
I'll give you Seattle but Spokane.....really? :lol

Everyone I know from Seattle unanimously agrees Spokane is a horrible place.

Ok, but look what's around Spokane...beauty everywhere.

I lived in Boise when I was a kid and honestly, the Pacific Northwest has some one the most jaw dropping scenery I've seen in my life.

But yeah, The city of Spokane does blow a little.

08-18-2013, 07:50 PM
That entire area is awesome. Portland is like Austin without all the shitty, awful Texans. Seattle is great and Vancouver is cool except for all the Asians.

08-18-2013, 07:51 PM
That entire area is awesome. Portland is like Austin without all the shitty, awful Texans. Seattle is great and Vancouver is cool except for all the Asians.

Lol...that's what I tell people about Denver...it's like Austin without the Texans!

08-18-2013, 07:51 PM
"Very agricultural" is usually the nice way of describing a place that's rural and chalked full of bible thumping white trash.

Which is exactly how my friends from Seattle describe Spokane :lol

08-18-2013, 07:52 PM
"Very agricultural" is usually the nice way of describing a place that's rural and chalked full of bible thumping white trash.

Which is exactly how my friends from Seattle describe Spokane :lol

Honestly though, the city and the area is so nice, it more than makes up for the shortcomings.

08-18-2013, 07:52 PM
Lol...that's what I tell people about Denver...it's like Austin without the Texans!
Denver is basically the dream location for people I went to school with (including myself). National companies were able to start people at a lower salary in Denver because there was such a high demand for people wanting to be placed there.

08-18-2013, 07:54 PM
That entire area is awesome. Portland is like Austin without all the shitty, awful Texans. Seattle is great and Vancouver is cool except for all the Asians.
Speaking of Asians I'm surprised by how many are in Dallas :lol

My office alone has like 30

08-18-2013, 07:57 PM
"Very agricultural" is usually the nice way of describing a place that's rural and chalked full of bible thumping white trash.

Which is exactly how my friends from Seattle describe Spokane :lol

Well I was just referring to the agriculture, but yea, it is rural, which makes it not appealing to city slickers from Seattle. As far as the bible thumping white trash, I found that to be the case in the entire state---the only people who were NOT that way were non-natives.

08-18-2013, 07:58 PM
Speaking of Asians I'm surprised by how many are in Dallas :lol

My office alone has like 30

:lol yeah in the past 5 years we had a massive influx of asians and middle easterners. They probably make up 60% of my neighborhood in Plano. Driving around here is frustrating as shit :lol

08-18-2013, 08:02 PM
:lol yeah in the past 5 years we had a massive influx of asians and middle easterners. They probably make up 60% of my neighborhood in Plano. Driving around here is frustrating as shit :lol
The ones in my apartment complex are annoying as shit. They have like all 16 members of their family over every weekend to have some kind of barbaric ritual where they kill an animal and then eat it, like in the movie Gran Torino.

08-19-2013, 12:31 PM
The Beer/Marijuana Commercial That Is Making People Everywhere Rethink Their Position

08-19-2013, 01:25 PM
What else is there to do in Seattle? Spokane?? Washington???

If I ever get up the the Puget Sound area again, I'll probably stay. There's only a handful of places I could make that statement about.

08-19-2013, 06:31 PM
If I ever get up the the Puget Sound area again, I'll probably stay. There's only a handful of places I could make that statement about.

I'm just picking on Spokane...although the meth problem and it getting totally dark at 4 fucken 30 in the winter is top rate...

08-19-2013, 11:53 PM
That looks like the dank in that photo.

Honestly, as much as i make fun of the hippie types in Austin, when they have their little reggae festival every year nothing horrible ever seems to happen. No drunks getting alcohol poisoned/DUIs/car wrecks/starting fights. Just a bunch of high mother fuckers chillin.

For contrast, we host the Texas relays, where multiple people get shot/stabbed by drunk niggas over something stupid every year(why you lookin at me like that dawg???)

Then we have ROT rally, where every year, every single fuckin year, some biker dies, usually more than one actually, and it always seems to be alcohol related.

Surely you're not complaining. We have far too many wannabe bikers, with new leather and new metal, buddy biking 281 during June. Someone needs to thin them out.

08-20-2013, 08:45 AM
"Very agricultural" is usually the nice way of describing a place that's rural and chalked full of bible thumping white trash.

Which is exactly how my friends from Seattle describe Spokane :lol

I flew into Spokane once, it was nice. But once you got to the edges of town and outside it was more depressing than deep East Texas as far as the people went. Beautiful area though.

08-20-2013, 09:01 AM
Looks like BigCarbon is gonna fuck up WA like it fucks up everywhere else.

With Proposed Rail Expansion, Northwest Confronts Its Clean Image

SPOKANE, Wash. — The Pacific Northwest’s sense of itself can sometimes seem green to the point of parody: a medium-roast blend of piney peaks and urban cool, populated by residents who look descended from lumberjacks or fishermen.

Now, plans by the energy industry to move increasing amounts of coal and oil through the region by rail, bound for Asia, are pulling at all the threads of that self-portrait.

Last September, the first trains of crude oil from the Bakken fields in North Dakota began chugging through. Since then, energy companies have drafted proposals for new storage, handling and shipment capability almost equivalent to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which is facing a deeply uncertain path of federal regulatory approval.

Mile-long trains from the coal mines of Wyoming already run daily, and the load could more than double if three big proposed export terminals gain approval and financing.

(http://mobile.nytimes.com/images/100000002395988/2013/08/20/us/with-proposed-rail-expansion-northwest-confronts-its-clean-image.html?from=us)The expected outrage has ensued.

The proposals “do violence to many Northwesterners’ concept of their place and what it stands for,” Alan Durning, the founder and executive director of the Sightline Institute (http://www.sightline.org/), an environmental research group in Seattle, said in an e-mail.
Environmental groups led by the Sierra Club have filed a federal lawsuit (https://docs.google.com/a/nytimes.com/file/d/0By_jlkxQzABweVVlV2NTY0RSdE0/edit?pli=1) accusing the BNSF Railway, which dominates the freight system, of violating the federal Clean Water Act by letting coal spill into waterways from its tracks. The State of Washington, in assessing the permit application of a proposed coal terminal near Bellingham, said in July that it would take a macro-environmental approach, looking at impacts of the project (http://www.ecy.wa.gov/news/2013/197.html) along the entire length of the coal transit route, including the burning of the coal in China.

But with the promise of jobs, the effort is moving ahead. The biggest oil shipment project (http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2013/07/port_of_vancouver_approves_big.html) yet proposed, which would be able to process about 360,000 barrels a day, was given an initial lease approval by the Port of Vancouver, Wash. The reality of the Northwest’s environmental image has always been more nuanced than the stereotype suggests. Huge dams on the Columbia River make Washington and Oregon Nos. 1 and 2 in the nation in renewable hydroelectricity. But the cheap electricity from those dams fostered an aerospace industry that is hardly carbon neutral. A multistate planning compact made the region a national leader in energy efficiency. But Washington’s big oil refineries can pump out more old-fashioned gasoline than all but a handful of other states.


08-20-2013, 09:27 AM
That entire area is awesome. Portland is like Austin without all the shty, awful Texans

Lol...that's what I tell people about Denver...it's like Austin without the Texans!

I don't get it can you elaborate? I don’t live in Texas but have worked with Texans & they are some cool folks…

08-20-2013, 09:33 AM
I don't get it can you elaborate? I don’t live in Texas but have worked with Texans & they are some cool folks…

He's Canadian. 'nuff said.:lol

08-20-2013, 11:07 AM
I don't get it can you elaborate? I don’t live in Texas but have worked with Texans & they are some cool folks…

Maybe it's just sensitivity from living here most of my life but Texans have an especially irritating "Fuck y'all I'm from Texas" arrogance that annoys me to no end. I realize every other state's citizens take pride in their home but Texas arrogance and pride comes from an especially douchey place. "We're Texas! We could be our own sovereign nation if we wanted herpaderp!", acting like the only reason they haven't seceded yet is because they're doing the rest of the country a favor by sticking around. Texans don't like to be lumped in with the South because "we do things differently here in Texas" even tho they really don't and the state is littered with the same uneducated trash as the rest of the South. Texans act friendly but even that's a fake ass friendliness tinged with an arrogant "See we act friendly and hospitable because we ain't like them no good rude New Yorkers because we're TEXAS and we're better than you!" but let a Texan sit in a long line at Walmart with a Middle Eastern running the register and it won't be five minutes till you hear everyone in line bitching about the towelheaded cousin of Bin Laden who don't know how to run a dern register and needs to get the hell outta herr.

And it seems trivial but the one thing that really defines asshole Texan arrogance is their stupid chili quote "if you know beans bout chili, then you know that chili ain't got no beans" as if the simple act of putting beans in chili exposes someone as a Yankee communist piece of shit who needs to move to France.

08-20-2013, 11:32 AM
Thats some great stuff...monosylab1k...:lol

I am from Los Angeles...Would love to hear your thoughts on LA...:lmao

08-20-2013, 11:51 AM
Thats some great stuff...monosylab1k...:lol

I am from Los Angeles...Would love to hear your thoughts on LA...:lmao

i don't know about ppl who live there, but Californians who now live in Texas are even more annoying than actual Texans. Anytime a California staple makes it's way to Texas they all semencloud over it and overrate the shit out of it. In N Out is great and all but it was really funny to see how emotional Cali ppl got when they first opened in Dallas. Also, when Trader Joe's first came here everybody i knew from Cali went on and on about how i'd probably jizz in my pants the first time i shopped there. It was nice and all but nothing special. My theory is that Cali ppl in Texas miss the weather so much they instantly become overly nostalgic about anything Cali related and thus overrate the hell out of it to Texans. It's mostly a Cali thing too because i doubt any Texas transplants get all orgasmic anytime a new Whataburger opens up in another state. Then again, its probably because their attitude is "shoot if i wanted to eat Whataburger i'll go do it in TEXAS by God"

Dirk Oneanddoneski
08-20-2013, 05:44 PM
the Spokane/ Coeur d' Alene area is really nice. Beans and nigs are almost non existent, you might come across a tomahawk chucker or two but that's it. People leave their keys in their ignition and doors unlocked. Its what this entire country could've been like if it was for whites only. And it doesn't rain like it does in Seattle.

08-20-2013, 06:51 PM
I flew into Spokane once, it was nice. But once you got to the edges of town and outside it was more depressing than deep East Texas as far as the people went. Beautiful area though.
I have yet to venture into deep east Texas, but is it really that bad, as in worse-than-NW-Texas-bad :lol

I can't imagine anything worse than the towns on the 287 highway in between Amarillo and DFW.

08-20-2013, 06:58 PM
i don't know about ppl who live there, but Californians who now live in Texas are even more annoying than actual Texans. Anytime a California staple makes it's way to Texas they all semencloud over it and overrate the shit out of it. In N Out is great and all but it was really funny to see how emotional Cali ppl got when they first opened in Dallas. Also, when Trader Joe's first came here everybody i knew from Cali went on and on about how i'd probably jizz in my pants the first time i shopped there. It was nice and all but nothing special. My theory is that Cali ppl in Texas miss the weather so much they instantly become overly nostalgic about anything Cali related and thus overrate the hell out of it to Texans. It's mostly a Cali thing too because i doubt any Texas transplants get all orgasmic anytime a new Whataburger opens up in another state. Then again, its probably because their attitude is "shoot if i wanted to eat Whataburger i'll go do it in TEXAS by God"
:lol there's a Trader Joes that just opened up a few miles from my house and I was all excited to go there but I can't stand shopping there because of how packed it is and the people who crowd the place are obviously California transplants. The lines take forever not because they're long, but because every customer has to have some fun filled gay conversation about how the newly opened trader joes brings so much positive energy to their life.

Wild Cobra
08-22-2013, 03:17 AM
the Spokane/ Coeur d' Alene area is really nice. Beans and nigs are almost non existent, you might come across a tomahawk chucker or two but that's it. People leave their keys in their ignition and doors unlocked. Its what this entire country could've been like if it was for whites only. And it doesn't rain like it does in Seattle.
Even the people in places like that who are not white, grow up in the same culture of ethics. Not like street scum.