View Full Version : BoSox hit A-Rod, then A-Rod homers

08-19-2013, 09:07 AM
Red Sox plunk A-Rod and he makes them pay.

Alex Rodriguez, back at a venue where he is oh so beloved, had something of an eventful night in the Yankees' otherwise ordinary 9-6 win.

In the top of the second inning Sunday at Fenway Park, A-Rod saw the first pitch of his plate appearance sail behind him, the next two come far inside and the fourth plunk him on the arm and back as Red Sox pitcher Ryan Dempster did an amazing job leaving little doubt of his intentions:
Dempster claimed after the game he wasn't trying to hit Rodriguez, which is either false or makes him one lousy shot. Those first and fourth pitches seemed not-so-subtle.

Boston manager John Farrell tried to make the same assertion during an in-game interview with ESPN.

"He was trying to establish his fastball," Farrell said. "Obviously, the pitch got away from him."


After the HBP, umpire Brian O'Nora sprang out from behind the plate to issue vehement warnings to the Red Sox and — strangely — the Yankees, who had done nothing wrong up to this point.

This caused Yankees manager Joe Girardi to come charging out of his dugout and unleash a profanity-laced tirade. The warning, of course, meant the Yankees could not retaliate without seeing their starting pitcher, CC Sabathia, get ejected.

The argument, ironically, earned Girardi an ejection anyway. So if you're scoring at home ... Ryan Dempster threw a series of "I'm definitely trying to hit you, cheater" pitches, succeeded, and the opposing manager was the only one disciplined. Sure.

Great video sequence of last night's drama.


08-19-2013, 11:08 AM
read online arod did not show up when he said he would gop to something depster wanted him to in dec
online depster said he would hit him.

08-19-2013, 12:34 PM
Red Sox have become such pussies ever since they won the Series in 2007.

08-19-2013, 05:02 PM
How did Dempster not get thrown out on the spot? He threw at him with the first pitch and missed. And then he throws at him again and plunks him. As an umpire, you have to know there was intent there. Was a bush league move by Dempster. Fuck A-Rod, but Kruk was right. After he missed with the first pitch, it should have been over. Message sent. Whatever. Your bad for missing him. But you still keep throwing at him? Dempster looked like a fucking tool.

08-19-2013, 05:21 PM
I loved the move for 2 reasons:

1. Fuck A-Rod
2. It will hopefully get Dempster out of the rotation, because he really sucks ass....

08-19-2013, 07:46 PM
How did Dempster not get thrown out on the spot? He threw at him with the first pitch and missed. And then he throws at him again and plunks him. As an umpire, you have to know there was intent there. Was a bush league move by Dempster. Fuck A-Rod, but Kruk was right. After he missed with the first pitch, it should have been over. Message sent. Whatever. Your bad for missing him. But you still keep throwing at him? Dempster looked like a fucking tool.
Exactly what I was thinking. Should have been ejected. I hate A-Rod as much as anyone, but that was ridiculous.

08-19-2013, 08:40 PM
Snitches get stitches...

ARoid needs to get REAL used to this happening.

08-20-2013, 02:55 PM
Dempster suspended five games, fined

UPDATED AUG 20, 2013 3:36 PM ET

Boston Red Sox pitcher Ryan Dempster has been suspended five games and fined an undisclosed amount by Major League Baseball for intentionally hitting New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodiriguez with a pitch in Sunday's game at Fenway Park.

Unless appealed, Dempster’s suspension is scheduled to begin tonight, when the Red Sox play at San Francisco. If appealed, Dempster will be allowed to play until the process is complete.


08-20-2013, 04:55 PM
never understood why starting pitchers do not get suspened starts instead of games
with boston schedule he will not even miss a start
I not arod fan but he threw at him
he meant to hit him
I hope arod gets hit once a series from now on along with braun when he comes back

08-20-2013, 05:12 PM
Fuck red sox...yanks bitches

08-20-2013, 05:32 PM
Something happened during a baseball game ??????
