View Full Version : El Correo Digital - A Remote Possibility (Scola To Hawks?)

Notorious H.O.P.
07-21-2005, 10:53 AM
Didn't see this posted already and it's a subject that has already been discussed but I've decided to post it anyway since the issue is being addressed by the media. I didn't have time to translate it myself so I've included the Google translation at the bottom. Hopefully someone can follow up with a better translation.

Apparently the Spurs may be offering Scola to the Hawks, maybe even in a trade involving Rasho.


Una posibilidad remota
San Antonio Spurs medita incluir los derechos de Scola en un hipotético traspaso del decepcionante Nesterovic a alguna otra franquicia de la NBA

Las reducidísimas opciones de que Luis Scola milite el próximo curso en la NBA pasan, en principio, por que alguna franquicia interesada compre sus derechos a San Antonio Spurs, su propietario. Pese a que sus representantes han entablado conversaciones con algunos equipos -ha sido ofrecido a los Hawks de Atlanta, entre otros- esta vía se antoja inviable a día de hoy.

Sin embargo, fuentes cercanas al actual campeón de la mejor Liga del mundo han confirmado a este periódico que existe otra alternativa. La entidad tejana, a pesar de que roza el tope salarial, no ha dado por cerrada su plantilla. Consideran a Oberto, elegido en vez de Scola al resultar mucho más barato, el último elemento de su rotación interior. Su quinto pívot. Así que buscan otro jugador para la zona más consistente e experimentado en la NBA.

Pero para convertir en realidad este deseo necesitan aligerar su nómina. Esa ambición pasa por el traspaso de algún jugador. En estos momentos, consideran a Rado Nesterovic su hombre más prescindible. Pero hay un problema. A su decepcionante temporada se añade un sueldo desproporcionado para sus méritos. El próximo curso debería percibir 6,7 millones de dólares (alrededor de 5,6 millones de euros). Hablando en plata, más de 930 millones de las antiguas pesetas. Y todavía le restarían otros tres años más con progresivos aumentos de sus emolumentos. Una barbaridad, vamos.

Como Scola ya les ha solicitado que sus derechos sean traspasados a otro equipo que le ofrezca un sueldo lo suficientemente alto para pagarse su cláusula de salida del TAU, San Antonio Spurs estudia incluirle en el mismo paquete.

Pie y medio en la ACB

El posible receptor, de este modo, podría adquirir dos pívots casi por el precio de uno. Desde Argentina estiman que el capitán baskonista precisaría un salario mínimo de tres millones de euros anuales para no perder dinero con este hipotético cambio de aires.

No hay que olvidar que se trata de una posibilidad harto remota. Ni Nesterovic cuenta con un cartel lo suficientemente apetitoso en la NBA ni existe la franquicia que desconozca el cuantioso blindaje que envuelve al bonaerense.

El propio jugador, consciente de las dificultades que entraña su desembarco en los Estados Unidos, ya explicó hace un par de días al diario argentino 'Olé' que, de no cumplirse ninguna de estas alternativas, regresaría al TAU Cerámica centrado. «Si me toca volver» -al Baskonia- «no lo haré de mala gana, es el club más importante en el que jugué y siempre jugaría ahí». La solución, en breve.

Google Translation

A remote possibility
San Antonio Spurs meditates to include the rights of Scola in a hypothetical crossing of the dissapointing Nesterovic to some other tax exemption of the NBA

The greatly reduced options of which Luis Scola militates the next course in the NBA happen, in principle, so that some interested tax exemption buys its rights to San Antonio Spurs, their proprietor. Although their representatives have established conversations with some equipment - he has been offered to the Hawks de Atlanta, among other this route he feels like nonviable to day of today.

Nevertheless, sources near the present champion of the best League of the world have confirmed to this newspaper that exists another alternative. The tejana organization, although the wage top grazes, has not given by closed its group. They consider cheap to Oberto, chosen instead of Scola when being much more, the last element of its inner rotation. His fifth pívot. So they look for another player for the most consistent and experienced zone in the NBA.

But to turn in fact this desire they need to lighten its list. That ambition happens through the crossing of some player. At the moment, they consider to Rado Nesterovic its do withoutible man. But there is a problem. To its dissapointing season an out of proportion pay for its merits is added. The next course would have to perceive 6.7 million dollars (around 5.6 million euros). Speaking in silver, more than 930 million of the old pesetas. And still they would reduce other three years to him more with progressive increases of its emolumentos. A barbarism, we go.

As Scola already has solicitd to them that their rights are transferred to another equipment that offers a pay to him the sufficiently high thing to pay its clause of exit of the TAU, San Antonio Spurs studies to include to him in the same package.

Foot and means in the ACB

The possible receiver, this way, could acquire two almost pívots by the price of one. From Argentina they consider that the baskonista captain would need a minimum wage three million annual euros not to lose money with this hypothetical air change.

It is not necessary to forget that one is a very remote possibility. Neither Nesterovic counts on a poster the sufficiently appetizing thing in the NBA nor exists the tax exemption that does not know the numerous shield that surrounds to the Buenosairean one.

The own player, conscious of the difficulties who involves his disembarkation in the United States, already explained a pair ago of days to the Argentine newspaper ' Ole '' that, of not being fulfilled no of these alternatives, would return to the centered Ceramic TAU. "If he is called on to me to return" - to the Baskonia- "I will not do it reluctantly, it is the most important club in the one than I played and always ahi would play '". The solution, shortly.

07-21-2005, 10:55 AM
makes since actually

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 10:57 AM
I don't really understand the part about Rasho and the luxury tax that's referenced. I don't think the Spurs are close to being over the luxury tax threshhold. Are they?

But is the point of the article saying the Spurs are trying to trade Rasho, along with Scola's rights, to Atlanta?

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 11:01 AM
Sounds like the Spurs have offered Scola and Rasho together to the Hawks.

07-21-2005, 11:03 AM
if they did it might mean nazr has agreeded to be extended

07-21-2005, 11:03 AM
I'm sure something like this has been on the table all summer -- may have more traction now that Curry's heart isn't insurable.

07-21-2005, 11:05 AM
do the hawks have someone worth giving those 2 players up for though

07-21-2005, 11:05 AM
Rasho/ Scola for Harrington --> would you do it?

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 11:06 AM
Rasho/ Scola for Harrington --> would you do it?

I'd need a little bit more, but that's just me.

Notorious H.O.P.
07-21-2005, 11:10 AM
Seems to discuss the remote possibility of Scola's rights traded in general but indicates that the Spurs may have already offered his rights to the Hawks. It also talks about packaging his rights with Rasho (the article points out that Rasho didn't play well enough to justify his salary and he has three remaining years on this contract).

The Hawks do have a glut at the swingman position. I know people have tossed out the Rasho for Harrington trade before. Sweetening the deal with Scola's rights could get it done. Two bigmen for a small forward is the type of deal you don't turn down. But would Harrington be ok coming off the bench for a year? The Spurs would have to promise him the starting position the following year if they wanted to resign him. Also, is he Spur material characterwise? I've heard he has selfish tendencies.

07-21-2005, 11:12 AM
Hell no. I wouldn't trade Scola's rights. I would make him wait one more year and bring him up next year unless it's a trade that you can't refuse.

07-21-2005, 11:13 AM
I don't know about Harringtons defense but his numbers look very good. I would probably start him.

07-21-2005, 11:14 AM
I would take Childress for the Scola/Rasho package, but I doubt the Hawks would.

07-21-2005, 11:14 AM
It suggests Rasho + Scola could be offered to another team as a package deal. But also points out that all the NBA knows that Rasho is not as hot as item and also everyone knows the mess that is Scola's current contract w/Tau. Remote possibility = almost impossible.

07-21-2005, 11:19 AM
Scola would probably still be pissed, because playing in Atlanta still isn't really playing in the NBA

Walton Buys Off Me
07-21-2005, 11:22 AM
Hate to agree with Marcus, but I'd be looking for more than Al Harrington in this one. Although he does have an expiring contract so that adds some value.

If this goes down, we'd essentially be freeing up roughly 7 million of cap space next summer.

07-21-2005, 11:24 AM
Scola to Hawks? That will teach him about whining.

07-21-2005, 11:26 AM
Scola to Hawks? That will teach him about whining.

haha :lol

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 11:27 AM
Hate to agree with Marcus, but I'd be looking for more than Al Harrington in this one. Although he does have an expiring contract so that adds some value.

If this goes down, we'd essentially be freeing up roughly 7 million of cap space next summer.

There's not much more to take from the Hawks though. Harrington + what?

They aren't going to trade the Josh's. I heard Diaw is begging for a trade. But they don't have any other players under contract other than Collier and Delk, right?

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 11:28 AM
Harrington + Diaw?


Harrington + pick?

Walton Buys Off Me
07-21-2005, 11:30 AM
Josh Smith?

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 11:32 AM
Josh Smith?


07-21-2005, 11:35 AM
Hey Kori, do you have any knowledge if the Spurs intend to trade at all? Maybe they don't even think about moving Rasho or Nazr. Maybe they are just looking to sign a backup SF and thats it...

Mr. Body
07-21-2005, 11:35 AM
This is a trade that's become very intriguing for me in the last couple of days. It would be Rasho and Scola for Al Harrington. They could throw in Boris Diaw and it would still work under the CBA.

If they are looking at this, there are a few things to wait on:

1. To see if Atlanta lands Joe Johnson. That would mean less money for #2:

2. To see if Atlanta can land Eddie Curry or Sam Dalembert. Either one would make Nesterovic less necessary.

3. To see if the Spurs can lock down Mohammed with an extension. I feel Rasho is cramped in the Spurs' scheme, though uncomplainingly, and could prosper in a different system (though that system probably isn't Atlanta's, but anyway...). I also feel Mohammed is a much more natural fit for the Spurs offense, where his unparalleled offensive rebounding is extremely helpful, and where he'll learn the defense to be comparable to Rasho.

Thoughts about Harrington on the Spurs:

1. One year left on his contract. He doesn't work out? Pfft. Contract disappears. Atlanta might not think they could keep him after this year. With Jason Collier or whoever they stick in as C, they practically have nothing.

2. Is a great character guy. Took Josh Smith under his wing last year the way Antonio Davis took him under his wing in Indiana. This might be a reason for Atlanta to balk.

3. More natural a bench player than a star. He produced for the Pacers off the bench and would do so again. Most scouting reports list him as a marginal starter at best but a very good bench guy.

4. He lacks three point range, almost a necessity in the Spurs' offense. They'd have to figure out what to do with a SF who doesn't like sitting in the corners. Fortunately, he has a good midrange jumper and would hit it on kick-outs, and with time, he could possibly be a threat from downtown.

5. He is a decent banger and plays well inside. In essence, this would transform the team the way a SAR acquisition would have (not saying that was possible), by giving the Spurs their first legitimate inside scorer in some time (other than Duncan). It would be an intriguing wrinkle to the offense.

In sum, this is a solid all-around player who struggled somewhat in Atlanta trying to be something he's not, which was a team-leader and number one player. However, he could have a big impact off the bench. We would lose a big, bulky defender, but Nesterovic is superfluous with the Oberto signing. Harrington has a strong character, so there is no issue there. If the relationship with Scola is irreparable, then his rights could be included to sweeten the pot. Harrington is a sure quality at this point who would be good for at least a season try out, with the consolation for semi-failure being cap relief.

Very intriguing, in my mind. Too bad he doesn't stick the three, but this is something that helps both teams and the Spurs would have to look very long and very hard at.

07-21-2005, 11:35 AM
How come US newspaper have any insider on this?

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 11:36 AM
The Spurs have a number of surplus, quality tradeable assets right now. This is quite a revelation for the Spurs in the David Robinson/Tim Duncan era.

If the Spurs play their hand shrewdly over the next year, they can address the thinnest spot on the team right now (the 3) and set themselves up to be competitive for a long, long time.

Through some combination of Nazr, Rasho and Scola, the Spurs should be able to land a major talent for the 3 spot.

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 11:36 AM
Hey Kori, do you have any knowledge if the Spurs intend to trade at all? Maybe they don't even think about moving Rasho or Nazr. Maybe they are just looking to sign a backup SF and thats it...

They have been looking at trade possibilities since the free agency period began. They look every summer. It doesn't mean they are going to do something, but they are never complacent. They always check to see the possibilities of improving the team.

07-21-2005, 11:38 AM
This is a trade that's become very intriguing for me in the last couple of days. It would be Rasho and Scola for Al Harrington. They could throw in Boris Diaw and it would still work under the CBA.

If they are looking at this, there are a few things to wait on:

1. To see if Atlanta lands Joe Johnson. That would mean less money for #2:

2. To see if Atlanta can land Eddie Curry or Sam Dalembert. Either one would make Nesterovic less necessary.

3. To see if the Spurs can lock down Mohammed with an extension. I feel Rasho is cramped in the Spurs' scheme, though uncomplainingly, and could prosper in a different system (though that system probably isn't Atlanta's, but anyway...). I also feel Mohammed is a much more natural fit for the Spurs offense, where his unparalleled offensive rebounding is extremely helpful, and where he'll learn the defense to be comparable to Rasho.

Thoughts about Harrington on the Spurs:

1. One year left on his contract. He doesn't work out? Pfft. Contract disappears. Atlanta might not think they could keep him after this year. With Jason Collier or whoever they stick in as C, they practically have nothing.

2. Is a great character guy. Took Josh Smith under his wing last year the way Antonio Davis took him under his wing in Indiana. This might be a reason for Atlanta to balk.

3. More natural a bench player than a star. He produced for the Pacers off the bench and would do so again. Most scouting reports list him as a marginal starter at best but a very good bench guy.

4. He lacks three point range, almost a necessity in the Spurs' offense. They'd have to figure out what to do with a SF who doesn't like sitting in the corners. Fortunately, he has a good midrange jumper and would hit it on kick-outs, and with time, he could possibly be a threat from downtown.

5. He is a decent banger and plays well inside. In essence, this would transform the team the way a SAR acquisition would have (not saying that was possible), by giving the Spurs their first legitimate inside scorer in some time. It would be an intriguing wrinkle to the offense.

In sum, this is a solid all-around player who struggled somewhat in Atlanta trying to be something he's not, which is a team-leader and number one player. He could have a big impact off the bench. We would lose a big, bulky defender, but Nesterovic is superfluous with the Oberto signing. Harrington has a strong character, so there is no issue there. If the relationship with Scola is irreparable, then his rights could be included to sweeten the pot. Harrington is a sure quality at this point who would be good for at least a season try out, with the consolation for semi-failure being cap relief.

Very intriguing, in my mind. Too bad he doesn't stick the three, but this is something that helps both teams and the Spurs would have to look very long and very hard at.

Very nice analysis

07-21-2005, 11:52 AM
Scola rihts for Diaw

Diaw was a first rounder but did not convince and is not of any value to Hawks. he wants to leave. All this is really diminsihing his value to the point he could be nothing much than a really good prospect like Scola. Proven in Europe. they have the money to bring him in and the need.

Diaw as team option on his contract for the next two season making it a nor risk.

Either diaw finally realise his potential thanks to POP and TP and Bowen. Or never improve and it was a no risk

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 11:54 AM
This is the best bigman in Europe we are discussing. Why, we need something more than Diaw back.

07-21-2005, 11:56 AM
we are talking an european proven big man with big buyout and fitting issue in Spurs (arguable)

it is a secound rounder for a first rounder

leave my french homer person dream a litlle bit would you :angel

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 11:57 AM
It doesn't matter in what round the players were drafted.

I am thinking "Diaw + something more".

07-21-2005, 12:12 PM
I don't know about Harringtons defense but his numbers look very good. I would probably start him.

Over who? He plays duncan's position. I don't know if he also plays the 3, but the would mean replacing bowen. In a couple of years, maybe he could replace bowen but not now. If he is coming to San Antonio he has to realise that he's going to be coming off the bench for at least a couple of years.

I think this would be a good fit for harrington. He realises that he's coming to a championship team and could motivate him to do well. Pop could mold him into a good defensive player under spur's defensive schemes. He no doubt has great talent. The question is whether he can weather his ego and come off the bench like he did in Indiana.

Question to harrington: would you rather start on a lottery team or come off the bench of a championship team?

07-21-2005, 12:27 PM
if they did a straight up Rasho for Harrington trade it would work out

Rasho 05'06' salary: $6,720,000

Harrington 05'06' salary: $6,875,000

07-21-2005, 12:27 PM
Over who? He plays duncan's position. I don't know if he also plays the 3, but the would mean replacing bowen. In a couple of years, maybe he could replace bowen but not now. If he is coming to San Antonio he has to realise that he's going to be coming off the bench for at least a couple of years.

I think this would be a good fit for harrington. He realises that he's coming to a championship team and could motivate him to do well. Pop could mold him into a good defensive player under spur's defensive schemes. He no doubt has great talent. The question is whether he can weather his ego and come off the bench like he did in Indiana.

Question to harrington: would you rather start on a lottery team or come off the bench of a championship team?

I thought he is more a SF but I would start him next year(06/07). This year he would be the 1st guy off the bench imo. He averages 17/7, and is pretty young. It would take a lot to re-sign him I think, so the risk of loosing him in the offseason is pretty big.

The rotation would be:
Nazr, Oberto, Duncan, Horry (limited in reg season, more in playoffs)
Gino, Bowen, Parker, Harrington, Barry

Sounds good to me... I still doubt it will happen.

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 12:29 PM
As I told some of you near the beginning of the month, I heard that the Spurs had talked to at least three teams about trading Scola's rights. So we'll probably hear a few of these possible scenarios come out. Whether a team will really think Scola's rights are worth much with his contract situation, who knows.

07-21-2005, 12:33 PM
yeah harrington is more of a SF than he is a PF, he just posts up a little bit more than a SF would

07-21-2005, 12:43 PM
I am thinking "Diaw + something more".

But the most sensible thing is to wait for one more year and see what happens with the buy-out come 2006.

07-21-2005, 12:45 PM
I'd wait another year to Trade Scola's rights. Spurs can sit tight and try it again next year. I honestly think that despite Pop's comments about Scola being their priority this summer, they must have felt that they didn't necessarily need to bring him in this year. They have an abundance of bigs in the frontline now as it is.

07-21-2005, 12:53 PM
and like others have said earlier, we have the draft rights to scola, so he is not going anywhere but we didnt own the rights to Oberto, that is why we went after Oberto; before another team could get him, we know other teams cant get to Scola so no worries there

Extra Stout
07-21-2005, 12:55 PM
Scola has requested that the Spurs trade him so he can play in the NBA this year. They usually do what they can to honor a player's request like that.

Unless all they can get back in trade is crap, he'll be moved this summer.

07-21-2005, 01:06 PM
Scola to Hawks? That will teach him about whining.
You want to see and hear somebody whine?

I present to you Ray Allen.

From the evidence we all read on this board and other places, Scola is not a whinner.

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 01:07 PM
You want to see and hear somebody whine?

I present to you Ray Allen.

From the evidence we all read on this board and other places, Scola is not a whinner.

It was a joke.

07-21-2005, 01:21 PM
I would want Josh Smith, keep in mind this is the Hawks we're talking about; they are morons. They have a glut of wingmen, especially if they sign Joe Johnson. Rasho and Scola could instantly give them a frontcourt all they would need is a pg.

07-21-2005, 01:40 PM
can't the spurs dump rasho under the new CBA amensty clause?

07-21-2005, 01:41 PM
can't the spurs dump rasho under the new CBA amensty clause?No, and anyway it would be a pretty stupid thing to do with multiple trade offers on the table.

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 01:41 PM
can't the spurs dump rasho under the new CBA amensty clause?

No. They aren't in luxury tax territory. Plus, why would they if they could just trade him? The Spurs have turned down trade offers for Rasho. So they aren't dying to get rid of him.

07-21-2005, 01:57 PM
If the Hawks sign JJ, I bet they would give up Josh Childress for Rasho and Scola. With J. Smith, JJ, Marvin, and Al Harrington they wouldn't have much PT for him anyway.

07-21-2005, 02:01 PM
I don't really understand the part about Rasho and the luxury tax that's referenced. I don't think the Spurs are close to being over the luxury tax threshhold. Are they?

But is the point of the article saying the Spurs are trying to trade Rasho, along with Scola's rights, to Atlanta?


:depressed :depressed :depressed :depressed :depressed :depressed

07-21-2005, 02:07 PM
No. They aren't in luxury tax territory. Plus, why would they if they could just trade him? The Spurs have turned down trade offers for Rasho. So they aren't dying to get rid of him.

And Angel begins to breathe again... a little.
:) :) :) :)

T Park
07-21-2005, 02:28 PM
Id do a Rasho Scola for Harrington deal yesterday.

Long three, great scoring ability.

Problem is, he would have to come off the bench the first couple years, and he did demand a "Start me or trade me" thing in Indiana.

07-21-2005, 02:30 PM
I am not sold harrington would want to come off the bench
pacers were winning but he still wanted to start

Horry For 3!
07-21-2005, 02:42 PM
Seems to discuss the remote possibility of Scola's rights traded in general but indicates that the Spurs may have already offered his rights to the Hawks. It also talks about packaging his rights with Rasho (the article points out that Rasho didn't play well enough to justify his salary and he has three remaining years on this contract).

The Hawks do have a glut at the swingman position. I know people have tossed out the Rasho for Harrington trade before. Sweetening the deal with Scola's rights could get it done. Two bigmen for a small forward is the type of deal you don't turn down. But would Harrington be ok coming off the bench for a year? The Spurs would have to promise him the starting position the following year if they wanted to resign him. Also, is he Spur material characterwise? I've heard he has selfish tendencies.
He came off the bench for the Pacers. So why wouldn't he come off the bench for the Spurs?

07-21-2005, 02:51 PM
he demanded to be traded if he came off the bench that is why he is a hawk

07-21-2005, 02:57 PM
he demanded to be traded if he came off the bench that is why he is a hawk
The Pacers know what to do with whiners.

Yes, it's a joke.

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 03:06 PM
One thing in this article is that it says:

El posible receptor, de este modo, podría adquirir dos pívots casi por el precio de uno. Desde Argentina estiman que el capitán baskonista precisaría un salario mínimo de tres millones de euros anuales para no perder dinero con este hipotético cambio de aires.

Meaning that Scola wants a minimum of 3 million euros a year. That's nearly $4M/year. Good luck.

07-21-2005, 03:18 PM
No. They aren't in luxury tax territory. Plus, why would they if they could just trade him? The Spurs have turned down trade offers for Rasho. So they aren't dying to get rid of him.

Kori--maybe I missed it somewhere, but what trade offers have the Spurs turned down. I have repeatedly seen this posted, and even heard the local sports folks talking about it. It would be interesting to see who they passed on.

07-21-2005, 03:22 PM
One thing in this article is that it says:

Meaning that Scola wants a minimum of 3 million euros a year. That's nearly $4M/year. Good luck.

he played with manu he is worth it :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :lol :angel

that is close to the mle and that is what rose's deal started out

07-21-2005, 03:23 PM
that is close to what lebron james is making ....... rookie contract

07-21-2005, 03:23 PM
hawks could give it to him since no fa will sign them

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 03:24 PM
Kori--maybe I missed it somewhere, but what trade offers have the Spurs turned down. I have repeatedly seen this posted, and even heard the local sports folks talking about it. It would be interesting to see who they passed on.

The Spurs don't say what offers.

07-21-2005, 03:30 PM
Dealing with the Hawks makes sense ... but not for Al Harrington. He's a postup small forward, which would never fit in the Spurs' offense. He's also a ballhog who the Hawks have tried to trade since they got him.

Harrington was in a good position with the Pacers. He was their sixth man and had a nice niche for himself. Then he demanded a trade so he could start. He was actually happy when he landed on the Hawks. He's all about scoring and does little to make a team better.

If the Spurs are going to give Rasho and Scola to the Hawks, I think the player you have to target is Josh Childress. He'd be a perfect player for Bowen to teach. He's long, already plays good defense and can rebound the ball. He also has good character and is a very good teammate.

The only other players on the Hawks I would be interested in (assuming Josh Smith and Marvin Williams are untouchables) are Donta Smith and Cenk Akyol. Smith is a project, but I've liked what I've seen out of him. He's another small forward who is extremely athletic. Akyol is a Turkish guard who Buford said was a steal late in the second round this draft. I've seen him play and I'd agree. He's 6-foot-4 and can play either guard position. He can shoot the lights out and plays a very poised game. Also important to note is that he can stay overseas for a couple years, freeing up a spot on the current Spurs roster.

Rasho and Scola for Childress would be awesome. Rasho and Scola for Smith, Akyol and a pick would work too.


Boris Diaw sucks and Salim Stoudamire wouldn't fit on the Spurs.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-21-2005, 03:52 PM
If I'm RC...

Scola's rights, Rasho, and Beno to Atlanta for Josh Childress and a first round draft pick top 10 protected through 2008.

That should make Atlanta bite.

Spurs get their SF, have a good draft pick down the road, Atlanta gets 3/5 of its starting 5.

07-21-2005, 03:58 PM
One thing in this article is that it says:

Meaning that Scola wants a minimum of 3 million euros a year. That's nearly $4M/year. Good luck.

It doesn't mean Scola wants that money. It means that his agent estimates he would need that kind of money to cope with the buyout.

07-21-2005, 04:01 PM
now the excuses it is his agent not scola

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 04:04 PM
You don't deal Beno. Rasho and Scola's rights for Childress is plenty.

07-21-2005, 04:06 PM
Rasho and Scola for Gooden and other one, like Pavlovic

Pop have Danny Ferry´s Phone

07-21-2005, 04:08 PM
If I'm RC...

Scola's rights, Rasho, and Beno to Atlanta for Josh Childress and a first round draft pick top 10 protected through 2008.

That should make Atlanta bite.

Spurs get their SF, have a good draft pick down the road, Atlanta gets 3/5 of its starting 5.

What is the likelihood of this being acceptable to both parties???????

Open to anyone with an opinion. :makemyday

Extra Stout
07-21-2005, 04:09 PM
Look, with the buyout thing the way it is, Scola's coming over to the NBA right now just isn't realistic, no matter what his "dreams" or "goals" are. TAU is not going to let him go. That $4M/year (more like $3.6 given today's exchange rate) or whatever it is, is the low end, if the buyout can be negotiated down in arbitration.

The Spurs couldn't afford to sit around and wait to find out whether upon arbitration Scola's salary needs would be within their price range. That won't be determined until when, September? Is there even a firm arbitration date? Is anything about Scola's buyout nailed down, or was his agent just telling the Spurs "the check's in your mouth, I won't come in the mail" over and over again? Oberto was a free agent, and if the Spurs had kept him waiting while this Scola saga dragged on, he'd have signed elsewhere.

Sorry Luis, you can whine all you want, but with your contract situation, no NBA team is going to want you. You're stuck.

07-21-2005, 04:09 PM
he played with manu he is worth it :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :lol :angel

that is close to the mle and that is what rose's deal started out

that is close to what lebron james is making ....... rookie contract

hawks could give it to him since no fa will sign them

now the excuses it is his agent not scola

:blah :blah :blah = :sleep

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 04:32 PM
The Spurs should be greedy with their tradeable bigs. It's hard in the NBA to find a decent big to give some money to. Someone gave Adonal Foyle forty million dollars, another gave Brian Cardinal forty million and yet another gave Erick Dampier seventy million dollars.

Rasho and Nazr are more than capable of starting for 3/4ths of the teams in the NBA. Scola is an unknown but has a lot of potential. Fuck blowing it all on some marginal swingman just because the Spurs will need a 3 man in 2007. It's time to get greedy. You want a starting center? You will pay. You will pay with a real talent and 1st rounder. Minimum.

07-21-2005, 04:41 PM
I agree with marcus.

07-21-2005, 05:05 PM
It's a nice thought but we might also be trying to cut costs. How badly we want the salary gone would determine what we take back in that case. Remember Malik.

07-21-2005, 05:29 PM
One thing in this article is that it says:

Meaning that Scola wants a minimum of 3 million euros a year. That's nearly $4M/year. Good luck.

just a correction ... in your translation

Scola NEEDS a min of 3M of euros a year :rolleyes

07-21-2005, 05:39 PM
Nesterovic and Scola for Childress would be great, but I don't see Atlanta giving that up. I also want to know if Oberto can really give us solid minutes. The way I see it, Oberto was signed to fill Mass & Marks mins., not Nesterovic's mins. So if we trade Rasho, then Duncan will be getting major minutes @ center, meaning Horry will be getting major minutes @ the 4. For me we are talking about giving up a valuable big for a very good 3 who will only come off the bench. I would be more excited if I knew we were signing another 5 or getting Collier in the trade.

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 06:19 PM
David Chancellor (WOAI) talked to Bill Duffy (Rasho's agent) today and confirmed that the Spurs are shopping him around. There was a quote from Duffy saying that it makes sense that they are looking toward Atlanta because the Hawks are in need of a center.

Apparently is a little more than speculation that the Spurs are looking to packaging Rasho and Scola in a deal with the Hawks.

07-21-2005, 06:23 PM
Rasho > Curry???

07-21-2005, 06:24 PM
Rasho's insurance > Curry's insurance

07-21-2005, 06:25 PM
http://www.nba.com/media/hawks/childress_140_050630.jpg + http://www.euroleague.net/fotos/jugadores/E04/BXK.jpg
Yes, please.

T Park
07-21-2005, 06:28 PM
What kind of jumpshot does Childress have?

T Park
07-21-2005, 06:30 PM
Get the deal done Spurs.

Bring in a long athletic defensive forward that has FUTURE in the NBA.

THe turkish shooter sounds good too.

07-21-2005, 06:35 PM
Childress isn't much of a shooter yet, but he's improving. He puts in the time.

His rebounding for a small forward is great. His defense is above average. He's athletic. I would rate him in the top 5% of small forwards that the Spurs should target.

If Atlanta gets Joe Johnson, this trade makes a lot of sense for both sides. Even if they don't get Johnson, Marvin Williams is probably more of a small forward, meaning that Josh Smith will have to slide to shooting guard. Either way, Childress isn't likely a vital member of that team.

Rasho + Scola for Childress + Akyol + Pick = :drunk

07-21-2005, 06:37 PM
alot of rookies do not have good jumpshots

07-21-2005, 06:37 PM
Rasho sitll have $6,720,000 + $7,280,000 + $7,840,000 + $8,400,000 = $30,240,000

Al Harrington only $6,875,000 for next season

What's the deal??

Kori Ellis
07-21-2005, 06:37 PM
Rasho sitll have $6,720,000 + $7,280,000 + $7,840,000 + $8,400,000 = $30,240,000

Al Harrington only $6,875,000 for next season

What's the deal??

Only the salary for next season has to be close to matching. The total of the contract doesn't matter.

07-21-2005, 06:38 PM
maybe spurs do not want al harrington

07-21-2005, 06:39 PM
Only the salary for next season has to be close to matching. The total of the contract doesn't matter.We can go a step further and say salaries don't even have to match because Atlanta is under the cap -- they could take back much more salary than they would give out -- the Spurs would receive the difference in a trade exception they could use in other deals or let expire to save some money.

07-21-2005, 06:40 PM
Rasho & Scola to Atlanta for Marvin Williams.

Give me another cold one.

:drunk :hat :smokin :fro :elephant :elephant :elephant

07-21-2005, 06:40 PM
We can go a step further and say salaries don't even have to match because Atlanta is under the cap -- they could take back much more salary than they would give out -- the Spurs would receive the difference in a trade exception they could use in other deals or let expire to save some money.

True. So my dream deal would be...

Rasho + Scola for Childress + Akyol + Pick + ~$3.5M Trade Exception


Walton Buys Off Me
07-21-2005, 06:41 PM
Would this hypothetical Childress-Rasho-Scola thing even be possible from a salary cap standpoint?

I doubt Josh Childress makes what Neterovic does......

Since Atlanta is so far UNDER the cap, are there exceptions that could make it work?


Walton Buys Off Me
07-21-2005, 06:41 PM
Seems like you answered my question as I was typing it.


07-21-2005, 06:43 PM
I dont think that would work, considering the Hawks drafted the kid 2nd overall in the NBA draft. I really wouldnt take him anyway because he has only played one year of college ball

07-21-2005, 06:45 PM
Only the salary for next season has to be close to matching. The total of the contract doesn't matter.

:oops but Atlanta needs fexibility to build a new team, Rasho's contract is too long IMO.

07-21-2005, 06:46 PM
hawks would like that contract they would not have to worry about rasho leaving via fa

07-21-2005, 06:48 PM
but Atlanta needs fexibility to build a new teamThey need a center more, and Rasho's deal is a pretty fair one made better by the escalation of the salary cap.

07-21-2005, 06:51 PM
C Rasho
PF Scola
SF Williams
SG Smith

Not a bad team. If they are thinking about throwing money at Zaza PaWHO?lia, they'd be ecstatic getting Rasho at his price.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-21-2005, 06:58 PM
You don't deal Beno. Rasho and Scola's rights for Childress is plenty.

Did you notice I included a first round draft pick in that? It's the Hawks, it'll still be a good one.

but Atlanta needs fexibility to build a new team, Rasho's contract is too long IMO.

Atlanta isn't going to build a team through FA unless they grossly overpay the going rate. Hell look at this summer, they didn't even get a sniff from most of the guys they targeted (JJohnson not withstanding).

Especially in the instance they get JJ, they will have a glut of players at the 2-3 and no front line depth or talent whatsoever.

They have something the Spurs want (long athletic threes) in abundance. The Spurs have something they want (frontcourt talent). It's a perfect fit.

07-21-2005, 06:59 PM
hawks could have jj to
and did not hawks want to offer curry 10 million a year?

07-21-2005, 07:08 PM
Did you notice I included a first round draft pick in that? It's the Hawks, it'll still be a good one.
Why would we want a good pick?

We don't know how to use good picks!

we are good at crappy ones . . . 25+ . . . and even better at 2nd round pick.

The hell with a good pick :lol

It's been so long since we had one (good pick). . . :depressed

07-21-2005, 07:25 PM
The more I look into Josh Childress, the more I like him. He's 21 and has great size for a small forward. In his rookie year, he got better and better. In February, he averaged 12.5 points and 8.5 rebounds, while shooting 52.1% from the floor, 44.4% from beyond the arc and 88% from the line. In March, those numbers rose to 14.3 points and 7.5 rebounds. In April, he went up to 16.0 points and 7.5 rebounds.

You gotta love a long small forward who can rebound. That would be deadly in the Spurs' system. Factor in his improving outside shot and his good character ... and you have a perfect fit for the Spurs.

Here is what RC said about Akyol.

In reviewing the foreign players taken in the second round, Buford said he was stunned to see Lithuanian center Martynas Andriuskevicius drop to Orlando at No. 44 before being dealt to Cleveland. He also said he liked Atlanta’s selection of Cenk Akyol of Efes Pilsen in Turkey at No. 59.

Akyol just turned 18 and is one of the better prospects of his age group. Getting him plus Childress would be a major steal for the Spurs.

Let's just hope the Hawks would bite. It's possible, seeing as the Spurs could offer the Hawks' future starting two bigmen.


07-21-2005, 07:39 PM
Don't forget these teams are willing to deal with one another - Sanikidze. Childress would be a perfect fit with the Spurs

07-21-2005, 07:56 PM
Is Josh Childress moonlighting as Kid Quick from Nintendo's Punch Out??


Spurs košarka kultura
07-21-2005, 08:08 PM
They need a center more, and Rasho's deal is a pretty fair one made better by the escalation of the salary cap.

That and compared to Collier, Rasho looks like an all-star.

Why would we want a good pick?

We don't know how to use good picks!

False IMO

Exhibit A: David Robinson 1st
Exhibit B: Tim Duncan 1st
Exhibit C: Sean Elliott 3rd

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-21-2005, 08:42 PM
Hawks suck too bad to give up someone like childress

Yeah, who would give up their sixth man, a guy at their deepest position, for what would be their new starting PF and C, for a combined price of about 10-11 million per year, when they could keep said 6th man and pay the only feasible big man left in free agency 10 million per, and have to roll the dice on said big man's bad heart.

07-21-2005, 08:42 PM
and why would that be a bad thing?

But if we trade Scola, we will never have three Argentinians in our starting lineup...

07-21-2005, 08:53 PM
In terms of Atlanta Hawks small forwards I would rather have Josh Smith instead of Childress. He is taller, stronger, younger, not quite as good a shooter (both inside and outside of 3 range), better rebounder, equal in assists and steals, and a WAAY better shot blocker. I know its legal according to the CBA but I have a hard time swallowing that they would take on all that salary but it is the Atlanta Hawks after all. Of course the #'s would be closer if it was Nazr and possibly more attractive to Atlanta since he would be off the books next year if they didn't want him.

Marcus Bryant
07-21-2005, 09:54 PM
What's wrong with helping the Hawks continue to screw up their franchise? The Spurs are in the catbird seat somewhat now. They can afford to be choosy with their trades. As of today, they already have a full 10 man rotation and shouldn't have a problem adding two quality role players to fill the final 2 spots on the active roster. That's more than can be said for a lot of NBA teams. Well, that and 2 NBA titles in the past 3 seasons.

Also, the Hawks should pay dearly for Rasho and Scola. It's hard to find quality bigs in the NBA and the Spurs would be giving them a frontline for wing players.

07-21-2005, 09:57 PM
But if we trade Scola, we will never have three Argentinians in our starting lineup...

so ?

07-21-2005, 10:00 PM
dont the knicks have anyone we can use at SF ? Isiah has been making some nice moves lately.

07-21-2005, 10:02 PM
I am 100% against Rasho being trade... anywhere. That will not change.

However, I am researching the Hawks and am slightly cheered up. I forgot Kevin Willis is a hawk. Kevin is a great person and would be a good team mate to my Rasho. = )

07-21-2005, 10:04 PM
I am 100% against Rasho being trade... anywhere. That will not change.

However, I am researching the Hawks and am slightly cheered up. I forgot Kevin Willis is a hawk. Kevin is a great person and would be a good team mate to my Rasho. = )

would you trade rasho for amare if the salaries worked out :lol

07-21-2005, 10:11 PM
My God!
The Spurs wants to send Rasho to basketball purgatory.

According to the standings sheet I am looking at, the Hawks only won 13 games all season.
They suck worse than I thought they did.

Don't do it Pop!

07-21-2005, 10:18 PM
would you trade rasho for amare if the salaries worked out :lol

Sigh! N :depressed

07-21-2005, 10:26 PM
kid quick? :lol

07-22-2005, 06:59 AM
But if we trade Scola, we will never have three Argentinians in our starting lineup...

Argentinean President could sign an Executive order giving all the Spurs the ARG citizenship ... :smokin

07-22-2005, 07:01 AM
Josh Childress would be nice and the hawks have shown a tendency to be stupid. Sans cap ramifications Rasho/Scola for Childress straight up I think i might pull the trigger.

The kid was killer at Stanford a couple back.

Hes making less than $3million a year so the salaries are hard to make work. Hes at about 2.7 mil a year and with rasho at 6.7 youd need about 3.5+ more to make it work. Diaw makes 1.3/year so not much help. Tony Delk on the other hand makes close to 3 mil a year and suddenly your figures are closer.

More than likely the Hawks are trying to offer Harrington. The salaries make too mcuh sense. That said i would only take that if a first was included. Probably wont happen.

Would Rasho/Scola for Delk/Childress work?

I think it would be close. Throw in Diaw and the salaries are almost exact.

07-22-2005, 07:16 AM
I think it was chump dumper that stated that the salaries don't have to match do to the Hawks being under the cap.

07-22-2005, 07:18 AM
so ?
Having three gold medal winners cannot be a bad thing, eh pato?

07-22-2005, 07:44 AM
On further review Delk/Childress works.


Josh Childress $2.66
Tony Delk $3.38

Total $6.04

Rasho $6.72

According to the 115% + 100k rule that means that that package could go for a return of $7.05

The trade works.

This however leaves the Hawks with no point guard.

However with Smith and Harrison, Childress is expendable.

I still say that they want to move Harrington though.

07-22-2005, 07:49 AM
I think it was chump dumper that stated that the salaries don't have to match do to the Hawks being under the cap.

True they only have $18 million on the books at the moment. Did not think of that.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 07:49 AM
I wouldn't mind Delk on this team.

FYI: the rule has been changed to "125% +$100K" in the new CBA. And if the Hawks are under the cap (as we assume they will be) then you wouldn't have to match salaries. It could be Rasho for Childress straight up.

07-22-2005, 08:24 AM
I wouldn't mind Delk on this team.

FYI: the rule has been changed to "125% +$100K" in the new CBA. And if the Hawks are under the cap (as we assume they will be) then you wouldn't have to match salaries. It could be Rasho for Childress straight up.

Yeah but the point of this thread is that the Hawks want Scola.

Scola for Childress doesnt work. We cant take on salary for nothing.

If Scola is in the equation, you have to include Rasho.

Scola/Rasho for Childress is bad juju. Atlanta would have to sweeten the pot.

Unless they are going to resign Lue there is no way they are going to move Delk.

If that is the case then what do we ask for? a second round pick?

If we trade for Harrington ill puke. We could sign Robinson for much less money.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 08:36 AM
Yeah but the point of this thread is that the Hawks want Scola.

...and/or Rasho.

Scola for Childress doesnt work. We cant take on salary for nothing.

If Scola is in the equation, you have to include Rasho.

Scola/Rasho for Childress is bad juju. Atlanta would have to sweeten the pot.


Unless they are going to resign Lue there is no way they are going to move Delk.

If that is the case then what do we ask for? a second round pick?

Yeah, definitely a pick of some sort. Also, Spurs could ask for the rights to the Turkish kid the Hawks drafted this year.

If we trade for Harrington ill puke. We could sign Robinson for much less money.


07-22-2005, 08:38 AM
San Antonio Trade Breakdown
Radoslav Nesterovic
7-0 C from Slovenia
5.9 ppg, 6.6 rpg, 1.0 apg in 25.5 minutes
Luis Scola
6-9 from Buenos Aires (Argentina)
No games yet played in 2004/05
Tony Delk
6-2 PG from Kentucky
11.9 ppg, 2.3 rpg, 1.9 apg in 23.9 minutes
Josh Childress
6-8 SF from Stanford
10.1 ppg, 6.0 rpg, 1.9 apg in 29.7 minutes
Change in team outlook: +16.1 ppg, +1.7 rpg, and +2.8 apg.

Successful Scenario
Due to San Antonio being over the cap, the 25% trade rule is invoked. San Antonio had to be no more than 125% plus $100,000 of the salary given out for the trade to be accepted, which did happen here. This trade satisfies the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Trade ID
Every trade made by fans is allocated a unique Trade ID which you can share with friends and fellow basketball fans to allow them to see your trade scenario. The Trade ID for this scenario is 2496570

Mr. Body
07-22-2005, 08:48 AM
I don't see Atlanta foolishly trading Childress. Josh Smith has all the killer dunks but Childress is the one with real talent and a great work ethic, and I think they know what they have.

But if the trade for Rasho-Childress is somehow there, I'd nab it. Throwing in Scola would suggest something on the other side, but I don't see what Delk could do for the Spurs; it'd have to be a draft pick, and I don't see Atlanta doing that, either (since they know it would be high).

Harrington for Rasho makes sense. But at this point I'm pulling more for Robinson since I'm buying into what people have said about Harrington wanting to start, and he might jet after one season.

07-22-2005, 08:52 AM
Rasho will be traded its just a matter of time after the Oberto signing but the Hawks being under the cap are one of the few teams that makes sense for Scola in that they are under the cap plus they have something we want. The Clippers, Bucks, and Chicago for example are all under the cap but dont have anything we would want.

I think its pretty obvious that Scola has asked the spurs to trade him and unless the cap is raised to $52 mil the hawks look like his best shot.

07-22-2005, 08:55 AM
If Harrington jets let him. The Spurs will have room under the cap to sign someone else.

07-22-2005, 09:04 AM
I don't see Atlanta foolishly trading Childress. Josh Smith has all the killer dunks but Childress is the one with real talent and a great work ethic, and I think they know what they have.

But if the trade for Rasho-Childress is somehow there, I'd nab it. Throwing in Scola would suggest something on the other side, but I don't see what Delk could do for the Spurs; it'd have to be a draft pick, and I don't see Atlanta doing that, either (since they know it would be high).

Harrington for Rasho makes sense. But at this point I'm pulling more for Robinson since I'm buying into what people have said about Harrington wanting to start, and he might jet after one season.

Tony Delk is a PG that has nice 3 point range and is an excellent defender. Hes insurance for Udrih especially if Parker goes down.

07-22-2005, 09:05 AM
It seems like the Hawks will offer Joe Johnson a contract. If they do, I seriously doubt Phoenix will match because of the money issue and because they may get Michael Finley much cheaper. That said, why would Atlanta want Joe Johnson who plays the same position as Josh Smith and Josh Childress. That tells me that they are willing to get rid of either Smith or Childress. The Hawks really need a quality center and could use a power forward. Those two would be Rasho and Luis.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 10:28 AM
JJohnson and JSmith and Harrington and Childress and Williams and Diaw and DSmith...

07-22-2005, 10:36 AM
I think forget it
Scola isn´t going to pay 3 millions buyout for play in Atlanta for 3 years 8-9 millions
He is going to talk since 3 ys-10 millions

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 10:42 AM
If the Hawks land Joe Johnson then he's going to start. Josh Smith is one of the best things the franchise has going for them and he will start. They just drafted Marvin Williams with the #2 overall pick. He's going to start.

Childress seems lost in the mix out on the perimeter. The Hawks need a frontcourt.

2 + 2 = ?

07-22-2005, 10:56 AM
I friend of mine brought up something that cooked my noodle. It came up because he misunderstood what the news story was about but it posed a good question.

Could SA trade the rights to Scola to ATL, then ATL sign and trade Scola back to us in a package deal for Rasho? I tried to look this up in the CBA and can't find what part would deal with such a scenario.

Say Scola to ATL for either a position protected 1st or a 2nd then sign Scola for 4 Mill in the first year then package with Josh Smith and trade back to SA for Rasho? Maybe even add Diaw or Lue to the deal to sweeten the pot and make the $$ match.

Obvious problems with this deal are 1) Is it legal? 2) Would we trade a proven big to ATL to get back our own unproven big with a contract with escalated cost to cover his buyout.

07-22-2005, 10:57 AM
If Harrington jets let him. The Spurs will have room under the cap to sign someone else.

We actually wouldn't. We will be far enough over the cap that all it will do is keep us out of the luxury tax.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 10:57 AM
C Rasho
PF Scola
SF Williams
SG Smith

Not a bad team. If they are thinking about throwing money at Zaza PaWHO?lia, they'd be ecstatic getting Rasho at his price.

1 Johnson
2 JSmith
3 Williams
4 Scola
5 Nesterovic

Yeah, Johnson's not a true point but if you are paying him max money he will start. They have Delk still around to handle some of the point duties and let Johnson slide to a natural wing position. That team would be enough to play an entertaining brand of ball and perhaps threaten to make the playoffs in a season or two. Nesterovic and Scola would be good fits for them.

07-22-2005, 11:00 AM
I friend of mine brought up something that cooked my noodle. It came up because he misunderstood what the news story was about but it posed a good question.

Could SA trade the rights to Scola to ATL, then ATL sign and trade Scola back to us in a package deal for Rasho? I tried to look this up in the CBA and can't find what part would deal with such a scenario.

Say Scola to ATL for either a position protected 1st or a 2nd then sign Scola for 4 Mill in the first year then package with Josh Smith and trade back to SA for Rasho? Maybe even add Diaw or Lue to the deal to sweeten the pot and make the $$ match.

Obvious problems with this deal are 1) Is it legal? 2) Would we trade a proven big to ATL to get back our own unproven big with a contract with escalated cost to cover his buyout.

I don't think it is legal. I can't think right now why. But they also won't trade Smith. He is a local guy, he is their only marketable guy, and he is just as good as childress if not better.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 11:04 AM
There is a "lock up period" for trading a free agent you sign. I'm not sure what the rule is for 2nd round picks.

My guess is that if the Spurs trade Scola's rights, then the only thing preventing the scenario of the Spurs trading back for Scola is that after he signed with another team they wouldn't be able to trade him for 90 days or so.

07-22-2005, 11:06 AM
I will be surprised if Scola will start right away. He may, but with who they have I would be surprised if he came off the bench at the beginning. Assuming we got Childress and PHO matches Johnson maybe:


Kori Ellis
07-22-2005, 11:11 AM
My guess is that if the Spurs trade Scola's rights, then the only thing preventing the scenario of the Spurs trading back for Scola is that after he signed with another team they wouldn't be able to trade him for 90 days or so.

I believe that's correct.


I think it falls under this part ... Players can't be traded:

For three months or until December 15th of that season (whichever is later) after signing a contract as a free agent or draft rookie.

07-22-2005, 11:15 AM
hmm what about the rule you never trade big for small unless you are trading for a superstar

07-22-2005, 11:16 AM
There is a rule that says a team cannot reaquire a player they have traded away during that year. They can only claim him off waivers. So no, we could not trade scola and trade back for him.

07-22-2005, 11:19 AM
I believe that's correct.


I think it falls under this part ... Players can't be traded:

For three months or until December 15th of that season (whichever is later) after signing a contract as a free agent or draft rookie.

Actually it falls under the very last one on that list.

07-22-2005, 11:21 AM
I am still curious, do people really think that Oberto will log us 15-20 minutes a game and serve as our first center off the bench?

Kori Ellis
07-22-2005, 11:26 AM
Actually it falls under the very last one on that list.

I thought maybe it didn't because Scola isn't consider a "player" of the Spurs because he's not signed with them. Either way, they can't immediately trade him back.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 11:27 AM
I will be surprised if Scola will start right away. He may, but with who they have I would be surprised if he came off the bench at the beginning. Assuming we got Childress and PHO matches Johnson maybe:


1 Johnson
2 JSmith
3 Williams
4 Harrington
5 Nesterovic

1 Delk
2 Stoudamire
2 DSmith
3 Diaw
4 Scola
5 Collier
5 Willis

07-22-2005, 11:28 AM
I am still curious, do people really think that Oberto will log us 15-20 minutes a game and serve as our first center off the bench?
NO, most belive he will be our starting center

07-22-2005, 11:30 AM
I thought maybe it didn't because Scola isn't consider a "player" of the Spurs because he's not signed with them. Either way, they can't immediately trade him back.

And maybe it doesn't, but the reason I assumed that, was because my understanding of owning someone's "rights" means that they are your player. No one else has any connection to them and cannot even contact them.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 11:31 AM
There is a rule that says a team cannot reaquire a player they have traded away during that year. They can only claim him off waivers. So no, we could not trade scola and trade back for him.

I'm not too sure about that. Players have been traded, waived and then re-signed by the team that originally traded them before. That's why there is a deadline for players to be waived so they can be eligible for the playoffs. I believe it's informally known as the 'Paultz Rule'...

07-22-2005, 11:33 AM
1 Johnson
2 JSmith
3 Williams
4 Harrington
5 Nesterovic

1 Delk
2 Stoudamire
2 DSmith
3 Diaw
4 Scola
5 Collier
5 Willis

Why do you think PHO won't match Johnson? Just curious. I guess I think they value him too much to just let him walk. They envision him and amare being able to hold down the fort for a very long time.

07-22-2005, 11:35 AM
I'm not too sure about that. Players have been traded, waived and then re-signed by the team that originally traded them before. That's why there is a deadline for players to be waived so they can be eligible for the playoffs. I believe it's informally known as the 'Paultz Rule'...

That is right. That is why I said they can claim them off waivers but cannot trade back for them. Maybe I didn't say that clear enough in my post.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 11:35 AM
Edit - cool.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 11:36 AM
Why do you think PHO won't match Johnson? Just curious. I guess I think they value him too much to just let him walk. They envision him and amare being able to hold down the fort for a very long time.

Too much guaranteed money committed to other players and Johnson's a nice player but the max is a bit much for him.

07-22-2005, 11:41 AM
Edit - cool.


07-22-2005, 11:44 AM
Too much guaranteed money committed to other players and Johnson's a nice player but the max is a bit much for him.

I agree. It was a nice summer to be a SG. But I think they were pretty sure going into the summer that it was going to take close to max to keep him. And for some reason no one other than Atl has shown interest, making me wonder if others think that Pho will match no matter what.

Marcus Bryant
07-22-2005, 11:50 AM
I think the Suns counted on his restricted free agent status being enough to keep his price down (ala Manu). They can, of course, match Atlanta's offer and then make a future deal to pare down payroll, but should they do that then they will be losing talent.

This definitely makes one appreciate what the Spurs were able to do with Manu and TP. They have both locked up long term without either on a max deal. Very nice.

07-22-2005, 11:52 AM
I think the Suns counted on his restricted free agent status being enough to keep his price down (ala Manu). They can, of course, match Atlanta's offer and then make a future deal to pare down payroll, but should they do that then they will be losing talent.

This definitely makes one appreciate what the Spurs were able to do with Manu and TP. They have both locked up long term without either on a max deal. Very nice.

Maybe so, but now comes the question, could he really play the point?

07-22-2005, 01:01 PM
Good stuff.. I read through the CBA FAQ before I posted here and didn't see anything I felt was very specific to this scenario. Unless we work a three or four team trade I don't see any scenario I will be happy with if it doesnt include Smith. I will be OK with Childress but I prefer Smith.

07-22-2005, 01:11 PM
It looks to me like the Hawks are jammed up with good young (long) small forwards--Harrington, Josh Smith, Josh Childress, and draft pick Marvin Williams. Their center, Collier, is rather pedestrian at best and we're gonna have three pretty good ones, Oberto, Rasho, and Nasr (plus TD) at that position.

Could we package a straight trade deal to send either Nasr or Rasho to the Hawks for one of their excess forwards? Would the dollars work or could we make them work. Some of you GM candidates would know.

07-22-2005, 01:12 PM
I actually think they will keep all their swingmen. Williams can play the 4. At least that is what Atlanta will try. I still feel that Curry will go there through a trade for Harrington. And they will fill their PG and backup PF need with one of the leftovers at the end of free agency unless they are able to get JJ.


07-22-2005, 02:31 PM
hmm what about the rule you never trade big for small unless you are trading for a superstar

07-22-2005, 03:19 PM
This is a trade that's become very intriguing for me in the last couple of days. It would be Rasho and Scola for Al Harrington. They could throw in Boris Diaw and it would still work under the CBA.

If they are looking at this, there are a few things to wait on:

1. To see if Atlanta lands Joe Johnson. That would mean less money for #2:

2. To see if Atlanta can land Eddie Curry or Sam Dalembert. Either one would make Nesterovic less necessary.

3. To see if the Spurs can lock down Mohammed with an extension. I feel Rasho is cramped in the Spurs' scheme, though uncomplainingly, and could prosper in a different system (though that system probably isn't Atlanta's, but anyway...). I also feel Mohammed is a much more natural fit for the Spurs offense, where his unparalleled offensive rebounding is extremely helpful, and where he'll learn the defense to be comparable to Rasho.

Thoughts about Harrington on the Spurs:

1. One year left on his contract. He doesn't work out? Pfft. Contract disappears. Atlanta might not think they could keep him after this year. With Jason Collier or whoever they stick in as C, they practically have nothing.

2. Is a great character guy. Took Josh Smith under his wing last year the way Antonio Davis took him under his wing in Indiana. This might be a reason for Atlanta to balk.

3. More natural a bench player than a star. He produced for the Pacers off the bench and would do so again. Most scouting reports list him as a marginal starter at best but a very good bench guy.

4. He lacks three point range, almost a necessity in the Spurs' offense. They'd have to figure out what to do with a SF who doesn't like sitting in the corners. Fortunately, he has a good midrange jumper and would hit it on kick-outs, and with time, he could possibly be a threat from downtown.

5. He is a decent banger and plays well inside. In essence, this would transform the team the way a SAR acquisition would have (not saying that was possible), by giving the Spurs their first legitimate inside scorer in some time (other than Duncan). It would be an intriguing wrinkle to the offense.

In sum, this is a solid all-around player who struggled somewhat in Atlanta trying to be something he's not, which was a team-leader and number one player. However, he could have a big impact off the bench. We would lose a big, bulky defender, but Nesterovic is superfluous with the Oberto signing. Harrington has a strong character, so there is no issue there. If the relationship with Scola is irreparable, then his rights could be included to sweeten the pot. Harrington is a sure quality at this point who would be good for at least a season try out, with the consolation for semi-failure being cap relief.

Very intriguing, in my mind. Too bad he doesn't stick the three, but this is something that helps both teams and the Spurs would have to look very long and very hard at.

Nice take.

07-22-2005, 04:17 PM

i have always hated blanket statements like this one. here is another one:

dont pay your bench players $7mil a season.

obviously the team is taking the wait and see approach on this one but rasho isnt going to see the light of day out there except against maybe miami. even that is doubtful now with the signing of oberto.

another way to look at your statement is that bigs have tremendous value.

childress if they could get him would be a steal at $3mil per season. he shoots a high percentage, rebounds well, doesnt turn the ball over and plays excellent defense. he needs to add weight and work on his range but at 22 years he already could contribute and can only get better.

factor in our need for a genuine 3 especially considering bowen just turned 34 and is sooner or later not going to be able to keep up with the lebron james of the world.

im really really hoping that phoenix remains financially solid and declines to match johnsons contract. 2007 with 3 max players doesnt bode well for them. with the aquisition of thomas im interested to see how they handle this.

if they decline i would expect a deal with the spurs almost immediately. now i have to wait for stupid dominoes.

07-22-2005, 05:51 PM

Is that question for me? Because personally I don't agree with the rule and you aren't even saying it correctly. The UNWRITTEN rule is that you don't trade a big of comparable quality with a small. Is Nesterovic of comparable quality with Childress, I don't know. Is Scola of comparable quality with Childress, I don't know. That is up to pop and the other Spurs brass to decide. I have seen very little of them in person. And all I have seen has been from the 73rd row or my couch. So would I trade Nesterovic for Childress, possibly if it made our team better. Which also means we would need a backup plan for Nazr, because I don't believe Oberto is it. Does that answer your question?

07-22-2005, 05:53 PM
Looks like fuzzy and I were thinking the same thing and both thought the question was directed at us. So hope you got your answer from one of us alien.