View Full Version : War with Syria and the supposed "red line"

09-04-2013, 02:13 PM
Really, who are we trying to kid here? This whole thing is a mess.

"Chmeical weapons are a red line for the world!"... yes, I can tell by how many are up in arms. Oh wait, none of them. Surely a "red line".

It's not another WWII, and it's stupid to compare it to that. Stop. Just stop.

The same people who said we HAVE to do something about Iraq (and ya know, it will magically get better) are now saying we have to do something in Syria (and ya know, it will magically get better.)

Nice to see that Congress can agree on going to war. Well that and bailing out bankers.

Anti war Democrats? Are you there? Bueller?

Republicans, this does not mean Bush was right.

What's the point of having a chemical weapons ban treaty if we are just going to treat those not on the treaty the same way?

People who insist America will "lose credibility" don't have any credibility to begin with. You know what credibility is? Nukes. We still have enough of those.

I love the idea that the AUMF will allow the President to deal with any "Syrian-ish" related things. You know, like just maybe having to attack people in other countries or things like that. Because an open ended AUMF has never caused problems before.


09-04-2013, 03:05 PM
so gassing women and children is okay with you then. Good to know.




09-04-2013, 03:11 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.

09-04-2013, 03:12 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.

Team Murica, FUCK YEAH!!!

09-04-2013, 03:19 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.

it's not that Syria's nor any civil war's non-combattant deaths are not cared about.

It's whether (USA) bombing Assad will really accomplish anything, AND what kind of blowback it will cause (eg, more AQ/jihad terrorism against USA)

09-04-2013, 03:22 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.


09-04-2013, 03:25 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.


Cry Havoc
09-04-2013, 03:26 PM
200,000 people die, no big deal.

1,400 die, suddenly we *have* to respond.

Yep. Logic.

Cry Havoc
09-04-2013, 03:27 PM
so gassing women and children is okay with you then. Good to know.




These images could have been posted weeks months or years ago and it would have just been a bullet in their head/chest, or the remnants of their body from an explosion. Why is dying from conventional warfare more acceptable?

09-04-2013, 03:29 PM
so gassing women and children is okay with you then. Good to know.

maybe the women and children in Syria will be better off with the "gifts" the Americans dropped in Iraq:

http://www.globalpost.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/gp3_small_article/iraq_birth_defects_surge_who_report_october_2012.j pg





09-04-2013, 03:30 PM
It's the chemical weapons and it is old cold war thinking.

I think it should come down to what our allies think. If NATO wants to do it then fine but otherwise fuck it. It can stop being a proxy war and start being a war between the players really quick.

09-04-2013, 03:31 PM
:lmao thinking bombing the shit out of the women and children in Syria will rectify the gassing :lol

09-04-2013, 03:39 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.And what are you doing personally to help the dying Syrians? Do you really believe the US intervening will stop the killing in Syria? It wouldn't surprise me if it sparked more killings, then what?

09-04-2013, 03:40 PM
:lol these posters get more and more hilarious with their excuses for war

The Reckoning
09-04-2013, 04:50 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.


baseline bum
09-04-2013, 04:54 PM
I don't get what the point of this strike would be. Syria's not going to be any kind of ally no matter which side wins, just like Iraq and Afghanistan fucking hate us after we liberat---bombed the shit out of and killed a lot of them. Gotta agree with LnGRRRRR on the WWII comparison; pretty sure if Assad gassed London and invaded France most of us would support taking him out.

09-04-2013, 04:55 PM
and now perhaps feeling a bit left out, CNN turns to promote the voices and opinions of the citizens of a mighty powerful nation that knows a thing or two about fighting wars:


FRANCE :lmao :lmao :lmao

09-04-2013, 04:59 PM
At least with Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, etc. there was international support. Not a whole bunch of countries who are actively opposed to it.

Looks like a good way to start a much bigger war if you ask me.

09-12-2013, 10:04 PM
Idiots parroting what they see on the Daily Show and popular media. Ignoring the fact that people are actually dying out there while they drive their faggoty Priuses and F-150s home to their houses in the suburbs, not caring about shit but their lawns and their taxes. If you stand for nothing you might as well be dead.

09-12-2013, 10:56 PM
This thread is full of failwin. Which is that special type of win that only occurs when someone fails so hard they invert the physics of the universe. Congrats phxspursfan.

09-13-2013, 12:09 AM
Anti war Democrats? Are you there? Bueller?

Anti-war democrats don't want to bomb Syria either.....but can't say the stick and carrot approach hasn't been effective..

09-13-2013, 12:10 AM
..and this thread needs a graphic images warning...

09-13-2013, 12:17 AM
bombing the shit out of syrians comes at a price, civilians..lol obamas version of saving the people is bombing them?

09-13-2013, 12:23 AM
When did Obama bomb the 'shit out of Syrian civilians'?

09-13-2013, 01:07 AM

09-13-2013, 01:36 AM
Oil is power. The Arabs know it and keep trying to attain this resource so there is always never ending conflict in the area. The regimes will always come and go because they are too busy thinking of different reasons on why faction "A" should be in charge instead of faction "B". The cost of losing/gaining the influence of oil is too great that they begin to fight over it with deadly consequences using any manner of excuses to attain it. That whole area is bat shit crazy.

Too many people there seem to fight for gain and not prosperity. To be truly prosperous they need to work together, but after centuries of petty war, it seems that it is all but impossible. Children are born and raised to fight to gain what they want instead of seeing what the others can provide to help. Here is an example...

Osama Bin Laden: Mujahadeen hero that accepted assistance from the USA to repel the Soviets in Afghanistan. Gained fame and glory among the Muslim people after their victory. Iraq invades Kuwait and his home nation of Saudi Arabia fears that they will not stop there. They call for aid. Bin Laden shows up saying that his holy warriors will repel the Iraqi invasion to protect their holy land. Saudi Arabia decides that his Mujahadeen is not the proper choice for the task and opts for the western powers to defend them. Bin Laden loses his chance at new glory and begins to warp the Koran stating that infidels were trespassing on holy lands and begins his jihad.

He could have easily fought alongside the coalition to protect his holy land and been a hero. Instead, he leaves the defense up to the Western Powers while he mopes and does nothing to protect the holy land from Iraq. Then he claims that the holy land was being trespassed on. If he truly cared about the holy land, why the hell wasn't he fighting with us?

The Arab nations keep themselves weak because they have no idea how to work together. They are always looking to achieve something, but go about it the wrong way. When they gain power, they abuse it to maintain it. Why in the world should the US HAVE to be the ones to intervene? Shouldn't it be another Arab nation that does it? It is obvious that the political ties with the Middle east aren't exactly good right now, so why push it further? They should be able to help themselves since they have the resources to do so. This is a never ending cycle. If we go there, it will only prompt the Assad people to use the Koran to commit terrorist plots against the "infidel". I say let them kill each other. When it seems that they will not be getting ANY help from ANYONE but themselves, then maybe their petty issues will resolve themselves in time. If we help and put who we believe is right on the throne in Syria, will the Arab people really believe that the USA means well? It is just a way for the "infidel" to manipulate their resources. I say... FUCK THEM!!! Let them work it out on their own.

09-13-2013, 01:43 AM
In addition...

What kind of Arab nation can sit back and watch this happen and not intervene? What does that say about them? Are they really even worth helping???