View Full Version : Amateur: angel_luv would be proud...

09-09-2013, 10:13 AM
Who are you to judge? Seriously!
If you are truly a Christian and go by Christian values and tenets, then you have no right to judge, or rather cast the first stone. As a true Christian shouldn't you be praying for them rather than judging them?
I won't go into whether divorce is right or wrong. It is most hurtful to the kids in any case.
Besides, it's none of your or my business. That is between them and their Maker Who is the only One Who may judge......
unless of course you consider yourself greater than God. You do sound very judgmental, maybe too much for your own good, from reading some of your ridiculous posts in this forum although not as insane as the great yacht or kobyz, but just as illiterate and prejudicial!
Ignorance is my pet peeve, and religious ignorance and intolerance are the worst kinds.

09-09-2013, 10:14 AM
You are wrong again. No shock there. Read your bible. We are commanded to judge righteously by Christ's standard those WITHIN THE CHURCH and leave those OUTSIDE to God. You are a typical brainwashed false gospel, God hating, divorce loving so-called Christian.

09-09-2013, 10:14 AM
And you sir, are a narrow minded bigoted ignorant poor excuse for a Christian, the worse kind.
You should be ashamed of yourself!
I am ashamed you call yourself a Christian, as am I.:nope

The bible also says do not judge lest ye be judged, and I've already given you the referrence about casting the first stone which is just the tip of the iceberg on not making judgements (see Mary Magdalene). As I said, since you apparently are too dense and ignorant to read, I'm not making a call on the rightness or wrongness of the people involved in the divorce. I personally don't believe in divorce. But I don't judge others' actions and make ignorant comments about them.

IMHO ignorance of this nature should be a mortal sin, especially in this day and age of Enlightenment.
But who am I to judge, especially if you are seeking the light of God (or whatever you believe) in your own way.

09-09-2013, 10:15 AM
No, it says do not judge UNrighteously. For by the UNrighteous standard you judge so shall you be judged. What you fail to recognize in your ignorance is all will be judged by the Lord's standard, which both Jesus and Paul COMMANDED US to use on those within the church. Otherwise, why would Paul have bothered to tell us to not associate with unrepentant sinners in the church, you clueless clown?

09-09-2013, 10:15 AM
etc etc... http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=221398&page=5

09-09-2013, 10:15 AM

Venti Quattro
09-09-2013, 10:16 AM

09-09-2013, 10:26 AM
fuck Allah

09-09-2013, 10:28 AM

09-09-2013, 10:29 AM
lol arguing over what some bullshit book of fairy tales says as if it meant anything.

09-09-2013, 11:00 AM
:cry Christian values :cry divorce :cry not good :cry amen :cry

09-09-2013, 11:03 AM
The word is fornication. Sexual immorality is a modern mistranslation started with the NIV.

09-09-2013, 11:04 AM
how did I miss that thread tbh ?

09-10-2013, 07:24 PM
Hey Brazil, do you mind if I include you in my newest novel "Wedding in Paris"? I think it would be fun since you're from France. a cameo appearance at least?

09-10-2013, 07:39 PM
Angel_luv is a filthy pig looking whore.

it always blows my mind how spurstalk users pay too much attention to that ugly Slovenian. Her and that other ogre looking chick i forget her username..Makes you think if spurstalk posters really do bang hot chicks like they claim

09-10-2013, 07:47 PM
Angel Luv? Sounds like a pornstar name lol.

09-10-2013, 08:20 PM
Hey Brazil, do you mind if I include you in my newest novel "Wedding in Paris"? I think it would be fun since you're from France. a cameo appearance at least?

Sure ... No pb

09-11-2013, 08:20 AM
clowns who are obsessed with the superstitious of religions are fkn tool who go do the opposite, htf can u be a christian or buddhist and be a OG trafficking drugs and shit? then go to church or whatever to repent? gtfo

I. Hustle
09-11-2013, 08:42 AM
clowns who are obsessed with the superstitious of religions are fkn tool who go do the opposite, htf can u be a christian or buddhist and be a OG trafficking drugs and shit? then go to church or whatever to repent? gtfo
