View Full Version : Obama most competent POTUS since Dwight D. Eisenhower

09-10-2013, 10:26 PM
This man is so damn sharp and so damn competent. His striking contrast to Bush makes him look even better of course, but regardless, he is good... really good.

09-10-2013, 10:28 PM

09-10-2013, 10:40 PM
Striking contrast to Bush? What you smokin' brotha?

09-10-2013, 10:47 PM

09-10-2013, 10:57 PM
Striking contrast to Bush? What you smokin' brotha?

no..what are smoking...:lmao


09-10-2013, 11:01 PM
I miss bush...he was hilarious...I didn't hate him as much as I dislike the current republican party

Clipper Nation
09-11-2013, 12:41 AM
Eisenhower warned against increases in military spending, Obama continues to pump more money into nation-building and interventionism abroad....

09-11-2013, 12:54 AM
Bush sucked but at least you knew what you were getting. One of the few things that was good about Bush was the fact that he basically did not give a fuck whether or not people liked him or not. Obama cares way too much what humans think of him and whether or not people like him.

09-11-2013, 07:34 AM
either that or Idiocy

09-11-2013, 07:40 AM
Obama most competent POTUS since Dwight D. Eisenhower

That's pretty hard slam of all the presidents you had since Eisenhower. You really think so low of them all?

Wild Cobra
09-11-2013, 02:11 PM
Striking contrast to Bush? What you smokin' brotha?
I think he figured out how to smoke PTFE.

09-11-2013, 02:18 PM
Eisenhower warned against increases in military spending, Obama continues to pump more money into nation-building and interventionism abroad....

mainly this

09-11-2013, 03:43 PM
mainly this

Ike's MIC was already unstoppable in 1960, and it's VASTLY more unstoppable now.

No President or party or voters will EVER stop its growth and certainly not roll it back.

Pretty fucking stupid to stick the MIC's growth on Obama.

09-11-2013, 03:55 PM
Ike's MIC was already unstoppable in 1960, and it's VASTLY more unstoppable now.

No President or party or voters will EVER stop its growth and certainly not roll it back.

Pretty fucking stupid to stick the MIC's growth on Obama.

If the people woke up and revolted they could be stopped, but they are too much into their shitty reality shows, beer and NFL and stuffing their fat faces with gmo foods, meds, and tap water that they are too stupid to know there is a problem or to even give a fuck to find out.

That's how the govt likes it.

And the others, like YOU who should and do know better are blinded by pathetic party loyalty which makes u no better than the other blind 'assholes'.

Obama has much blame on his shoulders with a shit load of blood. It's time you got sorry ass Bush's name out your mouth and let Obama's piece of shit credibility attempt to stand on its own two feet.

09-11-2013, 05:22 PM


09-11-2013, 06:12 PM
If the people woke up and revolted they could be stopped, but they are too much into their shitty reality shows, beer and NFL and stuffing their fat faces with gmo foods, meds, and tap water that they are too stupid to know there is a problem or to even give a fuck to find out.

That's how the govt likes it.

And the others, like YOU who should and do know better are blinded by pathetic party loyalty which makes u no better than the other blind 'assholes'.

Obama has much blame on his shoulders with a shit load of blood. It's time you got sorry ass Bush's name out your mouth and let Obama's piece of shit credibility attempt to stand on its own two feet.

Only chance of overthrowing the government is a coup. Militia nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

09-11-2013, 06:29 PM
Only chance of overthrowing the government is a coup. Militia nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

I'm fine with a coup

Clipper Nation
09-11-2013, 06:33 PM
Ike's MIC was already unstoppable in 1960, and it's VASTLY more unstoppable now.

No President or party or voters will EVER stop its growth and certainly not roll it back.

Pretty fucking stupid to stick the MIC's growth on Obama.
For someone who insists there's no fixing the government and that all politicians and voters are powerless to stop it, you sure do spend a lot of time spamming with partisan crap and promoting Team Blue :lol

09-11-2013, 06:41 PM
And the others, like YOU who should and do know better are blinded by pathetic party loyalty which makes u no better than the other blind 'assholes'.

:lol Me? to which party am I BLINDLY, PATHETICALLY loyal? :lol

09-11-2013, 07:30 PM
I'm fine with a coup

Sure and the chances of that are about nil. Well, unless their commanders start asking them to do grossly immoral things on our own citizenry. Their was a militia movement in the 90s and once they blew up OKC the feds came down on them with a vengeance. There are a few fringe groups up in the NW but nothing legitimate.

09-11-2013, 08:41 PM
If the people woke up and revolted they could be stopped, but they are too much into their shitty reality shows, beer and NFL and stuffing their fat faces with gmo foods, meds, and tap water that they are too stupid to know there is a problem or to even give a fuck to find out.

That's how the govt likes it.

And the others, like YOU who should and do know better are blinded by pathetic party loyalty which makes u no better than the other blind 'assholes'.

Obama has much blame on his shoulders with a shit load of blood. It's time you got sorry ass Bush's name out your mouth and let Obama's piece of shit credibility attempt to stand on its own two feet.

LOL, this coming from a complete partisan hack.

09-11-2013, 09:05 PM
Eisenhower warned against increases in military spending, Obama continues to pump more money into nation-building and interventionism abroad....

they aren't the same thing...

09-11-2013, 09:16 PM
Greatest President since FDR to be honest....

09-11-2013, 09:40 PM
Greatest President since FDR to be honest....

You are a hack

09-11-2013, 09:53 PM
a coup is totally possible if we keep winning the information war for another 5 years

Wild Cobra
09-12-2013, 12:11 AM
a coup is totally possible if we keep winning the information war for another 5 years

Maybe some day, the herded libtards that vote, will realize they are voting for their own chains of poverty.

09-12-2013, 12:11 AM
LOL, this coming from a complete partisan hack.

:lmao What a piece of shit liar.

I'm still waiting for your proof of this lol dumbass

09-12-2013, 12:12 AM
:lol Me? to which party am I BLINDLY, PATHETICALLY loyal? :lol

The Obama party

09-12-2013, 05:35 AM
The Obama party


I'm very disappointed in Obama, but now I understand better now than a few years ago that America is totally fucked and unfuckable, no matter how Dem or "socialist" any President, or party, that tries to help, defend the 99% and the environment against corporate, financial predations and wealth-sucking.

Most of the attacks on Obama are bullshit, which I point out not in his defense, but in exposing the bullshit. eg, Obama worse than dubya is pure bullshit.

09-12-2013, 07:20 AM

I'm very disappointed in Obama, but now I understand better now than a few years ago that America is totally fucked and unfuckable, no matter how Dem or "socialist" any President, or party, that tries to help, defend the 99% and the environment against corporate, financial predations and wealth-sucking.

Most of the attacks on Obama are bullshit, which I point out not in his defense, but in exposing the bullshit. eg, Obama worse than dubya is pure bullshit.

Oh really. Bombing more countries than Bush in only half the time, a kill list with American citizens he's already killed without due process, deporting more Mexicans than Bush, more pot busts, his war on whistle blowers, transparency lol

Bush may have killed more ppl in Iraq, but there are many ways in which fraud child mass murdering Peace Prize Obama is worse.

And let's not forget how he has backed Bush and totally protected Bush/Cheney from prosecution of war crimes.

Same person. And making things worse.

09-12-2013, 01:18 PM
Greatest President since FDR to be honest....Ike?

I have him even with Truman, but good call.

09-12-2013, 01:45 PM
Obamacare will NOT be sabotaged in the blue states and it will become a lasting monument to Obama.

the red-states can go fuck themselves like they're fucking over their poor (of all colors) by not implementing Obamacare.

09-12-2013, 01:47 PM
Obama care will be a stopgap until a more universal system comes around. He'll get props for getting the ball rolling.

09-12-2013, 02:48 PM
Obamacare will NOT be sabotaged in the blue states and it will become a lasting monument to Obama.

the red-states can go fuck themselves like they're fucking over their poor (of all colors) by not implementing Obamacare.

Why do the unions hate it?

09-12-2013, 02:59 PM
Why do the unions hate it?

they don't hate it, fuck you and fuck your propaganda

the unions see some problems, are being wary, and want any problems THAT AFFECT THEM fixed, not ACA defunded or repealed. There will be plenty of problems in any program so complex, and they will be fixed.

09-14-2013, 09:16 AM
Obama wins again!!! All he does is win win win no matter what... got money on his mind, he can never get enough... and whenever he steps into the building everybody's hands go up! And they stay there! And they stay there! Up down, Up down, Up down... because all he does is win... win... win... put your hands in the air and make 'em stay there!

09-14-2013, 10:58 AM
Obama care will be a stopgap until a more universal system comes around. He'll get props for getting the ball rolling.

I think this is about right.

09-26-2013, 08:15 PM
I think this is about right.

Pretty much -- which is why I laugh every time I hear repugs say that "it's a slippery slope to :gasp: UNIVERSAL SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE"... because for once, they're actually right.

09-27-2013, 05:18 AM

no-profit govt run health insurance and health care would be cheaper than "free market" capitalistic (our health care bills gotta pay dividends to shareholders), inefficient wealth-sucking health care we have now.

America is already deeply socialized, where a few Animals are a lot more equal than other Animals, but you right-wing fuckers are too stupid to see it, so easily duped by the VRWC propaganda.

09-27-2013, 06:08 AM
Slate Pitch: Obama Is the Shrewdest Political Tactician Since LBJ

Whether by design or dumb luck, Obama succeeded in placing Putin on the hook for Assad's chemical weapons. The Russian leader was now acknowledging that Assad's stockpile was indeed a problem and, more important, assuming the role of guarantor. Certainly, the subsequent negotiations would be difficult, with Assad likely to slow-walk and obfuscate. But having sucked Putin into the process, Obama had increased the odds of achieving his chief goal: preventing the further use of chemical weapons by the regime. With Russia-brokered talks underway, could Assad deploy chemical weapons again? Doing so would risk embarrassing (and maybe angering) Putin, Assad's top benefactor.

Back home, Obama has placed House Speaker Boehner in a different sort of hot seat.

By declining to negotiate with Boehner about defunding Obamacare in order to prevent a government shutdown, the president has fueled the ongoing civil war within GOP ranks. True, this pitched battle would wage with or without Obama, as tea partiers try to hold the government hostage in order to destroy Obama's health care program and less extreme Republicans contend that this act of political terrorism will backfire against their party. But sometimes in politics, it takes discipline to stand back and not get in the way when an opponent is self-immolating.


The Reckoning
09-27-2013, 06:51 AM
obama is an average at best president. maybe even below average.

but the dumb shit republicans really make him look good :pctoss.

09-27-2013, 08:14 AM
No, he's well below average

09-27-2013, 08:34 AM
No, he's well below average

Wherever he is eventually in the evaluations of Presidential historians, he is MANY grades above where Presidents McLiar or Bishop Gecko would have been.

The proof that Obamacare is a fantastic PROGRESSIVE accomplishment is in the extreme, dishonest, bad-faith sabotaging all the Repugs, VRWC, corps are waging against it, exactly like they want to destroy, or have destroyed, FDR's and LBJ's PROGRESSIVE accomplishments for the 99%. Whatever those motherfuckers are against is definitely good for the 99%, and if they're for it, eg privatize SS, it's bad for the 99%.