View Full Version : Your longest run without food

09-16-2013, 10:11 PM
So after breakfast, what's your next meal? Lunch? yeah, for most people the answer is yes, but not for me since I usually skip lunch, especially during my college days because the foods served in the school's canteen were really shitty and disgusting.

I remember one time, when I had classes to attend at night, I spent the whole day at school, skipping both lunch and supper, and when I got home around 9:30 there was no food available. Then I slept in starvation and rushed to school the next morning, without eating anything. I felt I couldn't stand it anymore when it came the noon, so I went back home and ate voraciously. So it was like, I ate something for breakfast, then ate again at lunch, the lunch of the next day...

09-16-2013, 10:14 PM
16 hours without food or any liquid, everyday for a month

During summer


09-16-2013, 10:19 PM
So after breakfast, what's your next meal? Lunch? yeah, for most people the answer is yes, but not for me since I usually skip lunch, especially during my college days because the foods served in the school's canteen were really shitty and disgusting.

I remember one time, when I had classes to attend at night, I spent the whole day at school, skipping both lunch and supper, and when I got home around 9:30 there was no food available. Then I slept in starvation and rushed to school the next morning, without eating anything. I felt I couldn't stand it anymore when it came the noon, so I went back home and ate voraciously. So it was like, I ate something for breakfast, then ate again at lunch, the lunch of the next day...

well for niggas like Kool, Buddy, Trill, Lebomb, and Creepn we gots ta eat every 2-3 hrs since all that pussy drains and saps our energy...for people like you....I suspect you can go up to 2-3 weeks without food or water since you're not fucking...:lol

Chief Brody
09-16-2013, 10:20 PM
16 hours without food or any liquid, everyday for a month

During summer


So how was Algeria?

09-16-2013, 10:25 PM
well for niggas like Kool, Buddy, Trill, Lebomb, and Creepn we gots ta eat every 2-3 hrs since all that pussy drains and saps our energy...for people like you....I suspect you can go up to 2-3 weeks without food or water since you're not fucking...:lol
No one can live like a reptile but Zhang Sanfeng (a legendary Daoist in ancient china) lived a similar style of life imho. dude only ate once in 2-3 days but he ate an monster amount each time. I think that might be the secret for him to live such a long healthy life, and I want to follow him that way. So, the shitty food at school ain't the only reason why I skip lunches, tbh.

09-16-2013, 11:04 PM
So how was Algeria?

09-16-2013, 11:05 PM
4 days without sleeping or eating during S.E.R.E. other than pretty much zoning out of reality. It gets to a point where nothing can keep you awake. I mean shit you swear you cannot possibly sleep through, you do but in and out. It's like recharging your phone for a minute at a time.

You know that commercial about V8 where the dude is slanted sideways as he's walking? I swear that's what I thought I was doing, the ground was sideways and I was like "wow, how's this possible?" That was the sleep deprivation more than the hunger.

09-17-2013, 02:13 AM
DMC is REAL MAN !!!!

Venti Quattro
09-17-2013, 02:22 AM
2 days, when I was REALLY sick and couldn't eat anything because everything tasted bitter.

09-17-2013, 07:17 AM
Four days after tonsillectomy and 3 in Army

09-17-2013, 08:36 AM
well for niggas like Kool, Buddy, Trill, Lebomb, and Creepn we gots ta eat every 2-3 hrs since all that pussy drains and saps our energy...for people like you....I suspect you can go up to 2-3 weeks without food or water since you're not fucking...:lol

Yep.........and I can always roll over and eat my girls ass.

09-17-2013, 09:00 AM
tonsillectomy sounds bad enough and it must be painful. A tiny spot of inflamation in my mouth was painful enough to make eating a process of suffering to me, and I often had to drink coca cola one can after another to soothe that shit when I was suffering it. I've been more than careful with chewing food in my mouth since I went to college (because it'd not only be painful but also dangerous to eat the food not cooked by mom or myself, with a little wound in my mouth), making sure to not bite the inside of my mouth. Maybe that's also because I don't eat meat as often as I used to, so there's rarely any protein in my mouth for the harmful bacteria to feed upon.

My goddess had also undergone tonsillectomy once, imho.


09-17-2013, 09:02 AM
26.2 miles.

09-17-2013, 09:25 AM
4 days without sleeping or eating during S.E.R.E. other than pretty much zoning out of reality. It gets to a point where nothing can keep you awake. I mean shit you swear you cannot possibly sleep through, you do but in and out. It's like recharging your phone for a minute at a time.

You know that commercial about V8 where the dude is slanted sideways as he's walking? I swear that's what I thought I was doing, the ground was sideways and I was like "wow, how's this possible?" That was the sleep deprivation more than the hunger.


09-17-2013, 10:52 AM
about 3 days due to being ill. just couldn't eat a thing and only drank water the whole time.

09-17-2013, 10:54 AM
I tried a 5 day juice fast. I lasted a day.

09-17-2013, 10:57 AM
I tried a 5 day juice fast. I lasted a day.

I did this with the lemonade cleanse for a week. But I'm not sure that counts as no food because it involved mixing maple syrup or agave into the lemonade.

09-17-2013, 11:07 AM
I did this with the lemonade cleanse for a week. But I'm not sure that counts as no food because it involved mixing maple syrup or agave into the lemonade.
The lemonade with agave sounds good. Not sure about the maple syrup though lol.

09-17-2013, 11:15 AM
The lemonade with agave sounds good. Not sure about the maple syrup though lol.

It was fucking awful. I couldn't eat maple syrup for a very long time after that. Also, you're supposed to drink a quart of luke warm water with 2 TSP of sea salt each morning. I misread and drank it with 2 TBSP. I literally had to get up every 10 minutes and shoot a hot stream of water and lemonade mix out of my butt for half of the day.

09-17-2013, 11:23 AM
It was fucking awful. I couldn't eat maple syrup for a very long time after that. Also, you're supposed to drink a quart of luke warm water with 2 TSP of sea salt each morning. I misread and drank it with 2 TBSP. I literally had to get up every 10 minutes and shoot a hot stream of water and lemonade mix out of my butt for half of the day.

Left you cleansed and lemony fresh though, right? :lol

09-17-2013, 11:28 AM
Left you cleansed and lemony fresh though, right? :lol

It did at that.

The funny thing is that the next day after I used the correct amounts of salt, I felt disappointed with the "outcome". But not enough to choke down a quart of water with 2 TBSP of salt.

09-17-2013, 05:08 PM
6 days due to pancreatitis...twice.

09-17-2013, 05:45 PM
4 days. Was really sick and had zero appetite. I ended up forcing myself to eat 2 slices of fajita chicken and a small piece of broccoli. After another 1-2 days of not eating, I finally got my appetite back.

09-17-2013, 05:47 PM
murcan gringos r all fat

fat country = failure

usa = failure

09-17-2013, 10:08 PM
I had also gone through ill time when I was a kid (I have been healthy as fuck since I began practicing Chi in highschool, so I could only dig up those memories of being ill from my childhood), and although I didn't feel like eating anything, my mom still cajoled me into slurping some porridge at least. I ate several pieces of biscuits the next morning, I forgot to say, so it was only 24 hours during which I put in my mouth nothing but water, but it was still torturous enough for a health person imho.

09-17-2013, 11:55 PM
I got swine flu back in 2009 right before it became a big news story and went about three full days without eating any actual food food. I was chugging Pedialite and had some chicken broth a couple of times, but that's it. I was miserable. The worst thing was that I wasn't even nauseous, or anything. I was just running such a high fever and was so weak that I didn't have the energy to even go into the kitchen and throw something in the microwave. And I didn't want to bother any of my friends to come take care of me. I was fucking starving.

09-18-2013, 02:34 AM

09-18-2013, 04:16 AM
murcan gringos r all fat

fat country = failure

usa = failureBut but..I iz no trollz

09-18-2013, 02:11 PM
But but..I iz no trollz
Yes, yes, you are.

09-18-2013, 02:25 PM
Yes, yes, you are.LMAO..way to keep up, that was obviously an impression of you short bus

09-18-2013, 05:55 PM
Fasted on water/(some juice a few times in between) only for 21 days, another time juice fasted for 28 days.

09-18-2013, 07:43 PM
LMAO..way to keep up, that was obviously an impression of you short bus
Bite me.

Buddy Mignon
09-18-2013, 10:44 PM
well for niggas like Kool, Buddy, Trill, Lebomb, and Creepn we gots ta eat every 2-3 hrs since all that pussy drains and saps our energy...for people like you....I suspect you can go up to 2-3 weeks without food or water since you're not fucking...:lol

I was on day six of a ten day master cleanse and met some new pussy that begged for the dick that night. Guess who broke his fast... lol.

Buddy Mignon
09-19-2013, 12:25 AM
well for niggas like Kool, Buddy, Trill, Lebomb, and Creepn we gots ta eat every 2-3 hrs since all that pussy drains and saps our energy...for people like you....I suspect you can go up to 2-3 weeks without food or water since you're not fucking...:lol

I was on day six of a ten day master cleanse and met some new pussy that begged for the dick that night. Guess who broke his fast... lol.

09-19-2013, 04:02 AM
Bite me.Again with the homoerotic come ons. You just cant help yourself can you little froggy

09-19-2013, 08:10 PM
I usually don't eat while I run tbh . .

09-19-2013, 08:24 PM
Again with the homoerotic come ons. You just cant help yourself can you little froggy
You know you want some mfer.

It's really not my fault that you're a fat gringo. Stop stuffing your face with food, tbh.

09-20-2013, 01:14 PM
You know you want some mfer.

It's really not my fault that you're a fat gringo. Stop stuffing your face with food, tbh.No means no flamer. And I guess mommy never taught you that ASSumptions only make an ASS out of U. Probably too busy on the street turning tricks

Chief Brody
09-20-2013, 01:23 PM
tonsillectomy sounds bad enough and it must be painful. A tiny spot of inflamation in my mouth was painful enough to make eating a process of suffering to me, and I often had to drink coca cola one can after another to soothe that shit when I was suffering it. I've been more than careful with chewing food in my mouth since I went to college (because it'd not only be painful but also dangerous to eat the food not cooked by mom or myself, with a little wound in my mouth), making sure to not bite the inside of my mouth. Maybe that's also because I don't eat meat as often as I used to, so there's rarely any protein in my mouth for the harmful bacteria to feed upon.

My goddess had also undergone tonsillectomy once, imho.


Diphtheria has been eradicated from the western world.

09-20-2013, 01:52 PM
No means no flamer. And I guess mommy never taught you that ASSumptions only make an ASS out of U. Probably too busy on the street turning tricks
:lol :lol :lol

I don't have time for this shit. We do real things in France.

09-20-2013, 01:54 PM
..Really GAY things

09-20-2013, 04:41 PM
I haven't eaten in two days as of now because I'm taking study drugs :lol I have no time between work/school to get shit done so this helps me knock shit out since I've had 3 tests this week. Shit is terrible for lifting though, can put on muscle if you ain't eating lots. But I'll be back to normal tomorrow for the weekend...and more work

09-20-2013, 04:43 PM
I was on day six of a ten day narutoforum hiatus but a new erotic fan fiction came out that night. Guess who broke his fast... lol.

sounds about right

09-20-2013, 04:43 PM
..Really GAY things

Like not showering and smelling like sweaty ballsacks

09-20-2013, 04:44 PM
Fasted on water/(some juice a few times in between) only for 21 days, another time juice fasted for 28 days.
damn son. how did you feel by the end of it? were you having hunger delusions?

09-20-2013, 06:50 PM
damn son. how did you feel by the end of it? were you having hunger delusions?

The best ever. Body fully cleansed, more energy than ever, haven't been sick since the first fast (I think almost 9 years). Pretty much got rid of a lot cravings for bad/processed foods as well, got rid of migraines I had all life long. I recommend it. Takes will power, but your immune system and health will probably be stronger than anyone you will ever meet. Hunger bothered me more in the first week, that's the tough time, for me at least. So sometimes I'll juice a bit for the calories during that period to ease into it.

09-20-2013, 07:20 PM
Diphtheria has been eradicated from the western world.

True but my Goddess lives in the east, the NYC. The pic in my last post was one I found on wikipedia which I first thought was my goddess's mouth but later turned out not, the following pic whereas is confirmed my goddess's. I just searched it on Yahoo and found it with ease. It's 100% verified my goddess by the positions of her incisors, the right one (from the viewer's perspective not my goddess herself) of which looks slightly slanted.


Bazooka Joe
09-22-2013, 10:13 AM
About 60 hours

The Reckoning
09-22-2013, 12:28 PM
adderall (that shouldn't have been prescribed to me) binge in high school where i didn't sleep or eat for four days straight. never afuckingain.

also had terrible strep throat after a root canal where i couldn't physically eat for a couple of days.

09-23-2013, 08:34 AM