View Full Version : "Popsuckers" and "Manutards"

09-29-2013, 01:24 AM

I can honestly say I did not envision hearing this kind of vocabulary this far into the offseason, tbh. It's always a real treat to listen to these little trolls attempt to accomplish their agenda :-)

09-29-2013, 08:22 AM
It is ignorance in the extreme on display here, and all because they don't know how to discuss their opinions with others who maybe disagree a lot or a little, without resorting to calling people derogatory names.
Most rational people can opine about something once or twice, and we get that, but these spoiled bandwagon brats are obsessive compulsive in that they must say the same thing over and over again, instead of having an intelligent debate. That is not a passionate debate, it is Obsession in extreme, pure and simple!
We got it the first time. Ok, already! We heard you!
We don't need to hear it again, and again, and again, and again, in every single thread, unto infinity ad nauseum!
When they say it that much, then you realize that even they do not really believe what they are saying, and thus they have to say it enough times in order to convince themselves!
We all have different and varying opinions about the subject is all. Nothing in this life is absolute. And everything is subject to change. Besides, it is already ancient history and no one wants to live in the past.
We are not tards and suckers, or anything else, of anyone, whatsoever!
That is juvenile, childish, and immature to make such accusations just because someone does not agree with these boorish crybaby whiners!

09-29-2013, 08:33 AM
If you haven't figured it out, the core are not even spurs fans. They're denizens from "downstairs", just up to stir shit up, and reel in suckers like SBM.

09-29-2013, 08:37 AM
If you haven't figured it out, the core are not even spurs fans. They're denizens from "downstairs", just up to stir shit up, and reel in suckers like SBM.

Glad to know this about them.
I suspected all along that they were not Spurs fans.
They are just jealous of the success of the Spurs.
And they want to gloat over the fact the Spurs lost, even though they came within a hairs breath of winning their 5th title.

09-29-2013, 10:23 AM
It is ignorance in the extreme on display here, and all because they don't know how to discuss their opinions with others who maybe disagree a lot or a little, without resorting to calling people derogatory names.
Most rational people can opine about something once or twice, and we get that, but these spoiled bandwagon brats are obsessive compulsive in that they must say the same thing over and over again, instead of having an intelligent debate. That is not a passionate debate, it is Obsession in extreme, pure and simple!
We got it the first time. Ok, already! We heard you!
We don't need to hear it again, and again, and again, and again, in every single thread, unto infinity ad nauseum!
When they say it that much, then you realize that even they do not really believe what they are saying, and thus they have to say it enough times in order to convince themselves!
We all have different and varying opinions about the subject is all. Nothing in this life is absolute. And everything is subject to change. Besides, it is already ancient history and no one wants to live in the past.
We are not tards and suckers, or anything else, of anyone, whatsoever!
That is juvenile, childish, and immature to make such accusations just because someone does not agree with these boorish crybaby whiners!LMAO... you are displaying hypocrisy at its highest level. Us non-biased Spurs fans live in the past?

Well the homers (Popsuckers & Manutards) keep saying "Manu helped contribute to three championships" or "Gregg Popovich has four rings" therefore they can fuck up all they want because "we already have 4 rings." Now tell me, who lives more in the past? The Manutards that still remember Manu from the championship years and act like he's still a great player and Game 6 never happened? The Popsuckers that think very highly of Lord Pop because "he has 4 rings" even though Pop has gone senile for the past 5 years? The homers still live off of accomplishments from the past!

Game 6 happened approximately 3 months ago. The Spurs glory days of championships happened 6 years ago. Yeah... so much for living in the past smh. You homers are stuck in 2007 and don't want to admit that Manu is washed up and that Pop is a playoff chokster. Pop has become a stubborn man and just like Daddy and Son, so has Manu. They have become family men where winning a championship is no longer a priority in their life. They have developed a "loser mentality" like SBM would say.

Losers are happy with 2nd place.
Losers feel fortunate to have already won a title.
Losers will accept anything the front office does - because - well - see above...
Losers think you are selfish and spoiled - to be critical of anything - Pop and the front office do.

Do you think Lakers and Celtics fans - should just stop wanting their team to win more titles?
Do you think the Celtics fans gave up their rights to question their front office?

Spurstalk is full of losers and this offseason has revealed what losers most of you are. No one is calling for Pop's head. No one is calling bullshit on the Manu contract - as much as I love Manu - he is not worth this contract and he has deteriorated significantly and it is painful to see.

Losers will continue to lose. Enjoy.

09-29-2013, 10:26 AM
If you haven't figured it out, the core are not even spurs fans. They're denizens from "downstairs", just up to stir shit up, and reel in suckers like SBM.
Glad to know this about them.
I suspected all along that they were not Spurs fans.
They are just jealous of the success of the Spurs.
And they want to gloat over the fact the Spurs lost, even though they came within a hairs breath of winning their 5th title.
I am a diehard Spurs fan. I did become a Tim Duncan fan when he was in college but once the Spurs drafted him, I immediately became a Spurs fan. I've witnessed and enjoyed all the Spurs championships. Plus, I was born and raised in San Antonio so I'm just not biased and consumed by homerism like most ppl on ST. There is nothing wrong in starting off as a Tim Duncan fan to becoming a Spurs fan.

Don't believe me? Just ask your beloved Kori Ellis.

Close but not really. I was a Tim Duncan fan (not a Spurs fan though), living in L.A., and posting on SpursReport. However, timvp has been a Spurs fan since he was born.
Both of us were banned from SpursReport together after I had posted there for about a year (timvp had posted there for many years). By the time of banning, timvp and I were married (I had moved to S.A.), and I was covering the Spurs for WOAI.com.
Then we started SpursTalk.

you haven't been here long enough. kori had followed tim duncan since his hs years and she became a fan of him before any spurs fan. living in LA doesn't necessarily mean being a laker or clipper fan imhoThat's right. There is no crime in how I became a Spurs fan.

09-29-2013, 10:36 AM
Glad to know this about them.
I suspected all along that they were not Spurs fans.
They are just jealous of the success of the Spurs.
And they want to gloat over the fact the Spurs lost, even though they came within a hairs breath of winning their 5th title.

It's a lot easier to get to the real content of the forum if you simply put the "noise" on ignore. Really.

09-29-2013, 10:41 AM
^^^ :lol
http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/1297473_o.gif (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=IVKE7F5U48MZKM&tbnid=tYYtuhz9WSzc7M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbookriot.com%2F2013%2F05%2F16%2Fh ow-it-feels-when-your-ex-publishes-a-book%2F&ei=yElIUt74LKj12QX8rIHoBg&bvm=bv.53217764,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNGywxkbVZaMLNGxMkVi6tEGjGOUjA&ust=1380555571785209)

09-29-2013, 10:44 AM
LMAO... you are displaying hypocrisy at its highest level. Us non-biased Spurs fans live in the past?

Well the homers (Popsuckers & Manutards) keep saying "Manu helped contribute to three championships" or "Gregg Popovich has four rings." therefore they can fuck up all they want because "we already have 4 rings." Now tell me, who lives more in the past? The Manutards that still remember Manu from the championship years and act like he's still a great player and Game 6 never happened? The Popsuckers that think very highly of Lord Pop because "he has 4 rings" even though Pop has gone senile for the past 5 years? The homers still live off of accomplishments from the past!

Game 6 happened approximately 3 months ago. The Spurs glory days of championships happened 6 years ago. Yeah... so much for living in the past smh. You homers are stuck in 2007 and don't want to admit that Manu is washed up and that Pop is a playoff chokster. Pop has become a stubborn man and just like Daddy and Son, so has Manu. They have become family men where winning a championship is no longer a priority in their life. They have developed a "loser mentality" like SBM would say.

The hypocrite, crying hypocrite from others?
The closed minded claiming to be non-biased? :lol Predictable!
The denizen up from the depths downstairs right on cue!
With his same mantra all over again, just as I said. :lol

Apparently that's all you know.
When you post a decent non-repetitive and intelligent opinion, we will complement you on it as I have done for you in the past.
But when you post accusatory lies about us, and misquote us by putting your own words in place of ours, and refuse to see any side except your closed minded BS, then we will continue to call you out and correct your falsehoods, every time, until you go back downstairs where came from! :hat
Shame, shame on you!

09-29-2013, 02:35 PM
LMAO... you are displaying hypocrisy at its highest level. Us non-biased Spurs fans live in the past?

Well the homers (Popsuckers & Manutards) keep saying "Manu helped contribute to three championships" or "Gregg Popovich has four rings" therefore they can fuck up all they want because "we already have 4 rings." Now tell me, who lives more in the past? The Manutards that still remember Manu from the championship years and act like he's still a great player and Game 6 never happened? The Popsuckers that think very highly of Lord Pop because "he has 4 rings" even though Pop has gone senile for the past 5 years? The homers still live off of accomplishments from the past!

Game 6 happened approximately 3 months ago. The Spurs glory days of championships happened 6 years ago. Yeah... so much for living in the past smh. You homers are stuck in 2007 and don't want to admit that Manu is washed up and that Pop is a playoff chokster. Pop has become a stubborn man and just like Daddy and Son, so has Manu. They have become family men where winning a championship is no longer a priority in their life. They have developed a "loser mentality" like SBM would say.

silverblk mystix
09-29-2013, 03:12 PM
It is ignorance in the extreme on display here, and all because they don't know how to discuss their opinions with others who maybe disagree a lot or a little, without resorting to calling people derogatory names.
Most rational people can opine about something once or twice, and we get that, but these spoiled bandwagon brats are obsessive compulsive in that they must say the same thing over and over again, instead of having an intelligent debate. That is not a passionate debate, it is Obsession in extreme, pure and simple!
We got it the first time. Ok, already! We heard you!
We don't need to hear it again, and again, and again, and again, in every single thread, unto infinity ad nauseum!
When they say it that much, then you realize that even they do not really believe what they are saying, and thus they have to say it enough times in order to convince themselves!
We all have different and varying opinions about the subject is all. Nothing in this life is absolute. And everything is subject to change. Besides, it is already ancient history and no one wants to live in the past.
We are not tards and suckers, or anything else, of anyone, whatsoever!
That is juvenile, childish, and immature to make such accusations just because someone does not agree with these boorish crybaby whiners!

I hope your kids never find out how much of a bleeding vagina their daddy was.


09-29-2013, 03:19 PM
I hope your kids never find out how much of a bleeding vagina their daddy was.


Oooooh, the one with the insults again. :lol
Does it make you feel like a superior person that you can create an insult?
How utterly pathetic and foolish you are, in point of fact, you'll never win an argument resorting to insults.
And you can never insult me, ......... better than I can insult myself.
Nor can you make a fool of me, .......... better than I can make a fool of myself.
But you are welcome to keep wasting your time and energy trying, even for such a lost cause.
Because you are doing a magnificent job of making a total fool of yourself in the process!
No wonder you are embarrassed. You should also be ashamed. :lol

09-29-2013, 03:29 PM

09-29-2013, 04:12 PM
Both sides have heir merits, but I don't think one has to call people names to be "objective" or "open minded". Sure they did cost us a title or 2, but at the end of the day I'd very much rather have 4 titles and 2 near titles than none at all. Besides, those two helped us be competitive year in and year out. They've always been contenders and have never missed the playoffs despite a sucky team (09-10).

09-29-2013, 04:19 PM
Both sides have heir merits, but I don't think one has to call people names to be "objective" or "open minded". Sure they did cost us a title or 2, but at the end of the day I'd very much rather have 4 titles and 2 near titles than none at all. Besides, those two helped us be competitive year in and year out. They've always been contenders and have never missed the playoffs despite a sucky team (09-10).

Now this is a rational post, attempting to see both sides of the issue, and doing so without antagonizing anyone, and certainly not resorting to baseless insults, or having to say the same redundant mantra over and over again.
Thank you, good post.

09-29-2013, 04:27 PM
Oooooh, the one with the insults again. :lol
Does it make you feel like a superior person that you can create an insult?
How utterly pathetic and foolish you are, in point of fact, you'll never win an argument resorting to insults.
And you can never insult me, ......... better than I can insult myself.
Nor can you make a fool of me, .......... better than I can make a fool of myself.
But you are welcome to keep wasting your time and energy trying, even for such a lost cause.
Because you are doing a magnificent job of making a total fool of yourself in the process!
No wonder you are embarrassed. You should also be ashamed. :lol A pot going after a kettle?

09-29-2013, 04:28 PM

If you're "objective", you're not a fan, you're an observer. The word "fan" is derived from the word fanatic.

PLEASE call me a homer. Fans of their teams are SUPPOSED to be. It's only a derogatory term for media, who are not supposed to have a team rooting interest.

09-29-2013, 04:30 PM
A pot going after a kettle?

Just telling it like it is.
If I am the pot, or the kettle, so be it.
I Am That I Am.

09-29-2013, 06:38 PM
Now this is a rational post, attempting to see both sides of the issue, and doing so without antagonizing anyone, and certainly not resorting to baseless insults, or having to say the same redundant mantra over and over again.
Thank you, good post.

Thank you, kind sir. :toast

09-29-2013, 06:55 PM

If you're "objective", you're not a fan, you're an observer. The word "fan" is derived from the word fanatic.

PLEASE call me a homer. Fans of their teams are SUPPOSED to be. It's only a derogatory term for media, who are not supposed to have a team rooting interest.

I guess we're all homers under that definition! :lol

09-29-2013, 09:39 PM
We used to just have big-dicked Texans, but now these little-dicked Texans showed up.

The Reckoning
09-29-2013, 09:43 PM
popsucker has been in use for years

09-29-2013, 10:14 PM
We used to just have big-dicked Texans, but now these little-dicked Texans showed up.
Mine is huge. Four inches....

Clipper Nation
09-29-2013, 10:30 PM
Popovich > any other coach

09-30-2013, 05:53 AM
Mine is huge. Four inches....

I figured you for an innie.

09-30-2013, 09:26 AM
ITT: :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

09-30-2013, 01:30 PM
I figured you for an innie.

That was width. ;)

09-30-2013, 01:39 PM
So for the lot of you that love to use the term popsucker, who are you going to bring in to replace Pop?

and what will you tell Tony who wants Pop to stay?

09-30-2013, 01:53 PM
So for the lot of you that love to use the term popsucker, who are you going to bring in to replace Pop?

and what will you tell Tony who wants Pop to stay?

See? The Pop haters have no answers.
I've asked this question many times before and get silence in return.
Or they bring up a coach who is already under contract somewhere else, which is a total cop out!
The pure and simple truth is There Is No One Better right now, and probably not in the foreseeable future either.
I have been extremely critical of Pop over the years, especially about Finley, SJax, Bogans, Udoka, and Bonner.
Yet just because I see the bigger picture of this last playoffs and refuse to Vehemently criticize him, then all of a sudden I am now a Popsucker?
That is a completely ignorant, baseless, narrow and closed minded, and whiny insult, pure and simple.
The truth is if Pop were let go now, every team in the league would be fighting each other to get him!

09-30-2013, 03:55 PM
That was width. ;)

yes. asshole width.

09-30-2013, 07:11 PM
So for the lot of you that love to use the term popsucker, who are you going to bring in to replace Pop?

and what will you tell Tony who wants Pop to stay?

That's what I've been wondering...

09-30-2013, 08:24 PM
yes. asshole width.Yours, not mine.

09-30-2013, 08:45 PM
So for the lot of you that love to use the term popsucker, who are you going to bring in to replace Pop?

and what will you tell Tony who wants Pop to stay?

If you haven't figured it out, the core are not even spurs fans. They're denizens from "downstairs", just up to stir shit up, and reel in suckers like SBM.

That's what I've been wondering...

They have no rational answer. Not one among them has come up with a viable replacement who is available.
That is not to say someone out there could be better, but if so, then who is available.
All you get from the haters are blank stares, and more ignorant bashing.
Just another broken record that repeats their same over used boring mantra.

10-01-2013, 04:08 AM
That was width. ;)

"Innie" means "inverted" and there's no such thing as inverted width, Einstein.

Someone dropped you on your head and now you think like Jason Terry.

10-01-2013, 12:03 PM
I'm still waiting to hear from the Pop haters of a better available coach!
Yet their silence speaks volumes!
Heaven forbid, could it be, ......... that there isn't one?
Oh my god! Now what are we going to do?
Woe is me! Alas, the haters have no messiah!

10-01-2013, 12:27 PM
If you're expecting me to give an answer, I've never called for Pop's head completely. I've already stated it on SBM's Popsucker thread. We should replace Pop come playoff time and let someone younger and hungrier take over in crunch time. Pop is an excellent regular season coach. Let one of his assistant coaches take over and Pop can downgrade himself to an assistant or video coordinator :lol. Or like Hi-Fi says, let Timmy take over coaching during crucial times.

10-01-2013, 03:18 PM
If you're expecting me to give an answer, I've never called for Pop's head completely. I've already stated it on SBM's Popsucker thread. We should replace Pop come playoff time and let someone younger and hungrier take over in crunch time. Pop is an excellent regular season coach. Let one of his assistant coaches take over and Pop can downgrade himself to an assistant or video coordinator :lol. Or like Hi-Fi says, let Timmy take over coaching during crucial times.

you're stupid.

10-01-2013, 07:51 PM
"Innie" means "inverted" and there's no such thing as inverted width, Einstein.

Someone dropped you on your head and now you think like Jason Terry.

^ Obviously needs to get laid.

10-01-2013, 07:52 PM
you're stupid.
How original. Idiot.

silverblk mystix
10-01-2013, 07:57 PM
I'm still waiting to hear from the Pop haters of a better available coach!
Yet their silence speaks volumes!
Heaven forbid, could it be, ......... that there isn't one?
Oh my god! Now what are we going to do?
Woe is me! Alas, the haters have no messiah!


First - get rid of Pop.

Then we'll talk.

Otherwise - you can piss in the wind all you want but don't try to recruit others to get their faces pissed on the way you like to get yours pissed on.

Until Pop is gone - this is a very stupid question that only stupid people try to answer or get others to answer.


10-01-2013, 08:04 PM
Again, I love Pop as a regular season coach but he goes senile come playoff time.

10-01-2013, 08:05 PM

First - get rid of Pop.

Then we'll talk.

Otherwise - you can piss in the wind all you want but don't try to recruit others to get their faces pissed on the way you like to get yours pissed on.

Until Pop is gone - this is a very stupid question that only stupid people try to answer or get others to answer.

Stupid.What a terrible attempt at stalling.

silverblk mystix
10-01-2013, 08:15 PM
I want piss on my face,please.

10-01-2013, 08:26 PM

First - get rid of Pop.

Then we'll talk.

Otherwise - you can piss in the wind all you want but don't try to recruit others to get their faces pissed on the way you like to get yours pissed on.

Until Pop is gone - this is a very stupid question that only stupid people try to answer or get others to answer.


Ooooh, is the itty bitty baby mad? :lol
At least I can do better than faking quotes.
Aren't we clever.
You can actually write? Are you chewing gum too?

10-01-2013, 09:15 PM
^ Obviously needs to get laid.


10-01-2013, 09:28 PM


SBM loves to write his words and stick them in quotes and attribute them to others.
He has done it to both me and to chump.
How impressive and original.
Who came up with that idea first, you or TGY? Or was it a joint effort?
I'm surprised SBM can write and still chew that gum at the same time.
Or ......... maybe not. :lol

10-01-2013, 09:34 PM
Uh...no. But your inversion comment most certainly was.

10-02-2013, 12:10 AM

I can honestly say I did not envision hearing this kind of vocabulary this far into the offseason, tbh. It's always a real treat to listen to these little trolls attempt to accomplish their agenda :-)
They are stupid people who have the IQ of an ant. They don't have the vocabulary to make intelligent, rational arguments, so they resort to name-calling and idiocy.

10-02-2013, 12:11 AM
popsucker has been in use for years
By stupid idiots, yes.

10-02-2013, 12:12 AM
Again, I love Pop as a regular season coach but he goes senile come playoff time.
Intelligent post.


10-02-2013, 12:13 AM
Uh...no. But your inversion comment most certainly was.
:lol Mark Levin

10-02-2013, 05:20 AM
Uh...no. But your inversion comment most certainly was.




james evans
10-06-2013, 12:58 PM
Popovich > any other coach
i don't even like phil jackson. for years i've said he's the most overrated coach in sports history, but i find it hard to believe he'd pull rodman out of a game in which the bulls were up by 3 in the closing seconds only to have bill wennington subbed in. i don't ever see that happening.

10-06-2013, 10:04 PM
Not throwing some of the most respected and faithful members of the Spurs organization under the bus at the slightest opportunity - you're a sycophantic bitch.

basically, you must hate like petulant children if you want to be cool. these guys are the real fans because they're victims of the moment at all times.

10-06-2013, 10:49 PM
Not throwing some of the most respected and faithful members of the Spurs organization under the bus at the slightest opportunity - you're a sycophantic bitch.

basically, you must hate like petulant children if you want to be cool. these guys are the real fans because they're victims of the moment at all times.