View Full Version : TP interview: FNT, Spurs, Wine, Life, cars...

09-30-2013, 09:12 AM
I found this interesting interview on the site l'equipe.fr

gonna translate the part I thought was interesting for you.

1. Comment ça se passe depuis la victoire ?
C’est impressionnant. À l’aéroport, à l’hôtel, c’était de la folie tout ce monde et ces caméras partout(rires). Je n’ai jamais vécu ça en France. Ce titre est pour tout le monde.

2. Comment récupérez-vous ?
J’ai joué 115 matchs cette année. Je fais très attention à mon corps. J’ai aussi un coach très compréhensif si je suis fatigué et si je dois lever le pied. Il adore le basket européen et il ne m’a jamais empêché de jouer. J’en ai bavé pour en arriver là, mais je ne changerais rien à l’histoire. Avec Boris Diaw, quand on a gagné le championnat d’Europe junior en 2000, on s’était promis qu’on le remporterait en sénior. La boucle est bouclée !

3. Comment a réagi votre coach américain après cette victoire ?
C’était l’un des premiers à m’appeler, il criait de joie au téléphone !

4. Lors de la demi-finale contre l’Espagne, qu’avez-vous dit à vos coéquipiers dans le vestiaire ?
J’ai crié sur tout le monde car j’avais l’impression qu’on avait peur. Je leur ai dit : « Vous avez peur de quoi ? Faut qu’on se lâche ! ». Une demi-finale ou une finale, ça ne se joue pas, ça se gagne. J’étais un peu grossier mais je voulais les piquer au vif pour qu’ils utilisent ça contre l’Espagne. Pour moi, c’est le plus beau match de l’histoire du basket français.

5. Que souhaite-t-on après une telle victoire ?
Continuer ! Une fois que tu es au top, tu veux y rester. Il va y avoir les championnats du monde et les JO 2016 au Brésil. Concernant ma participation au Mondial 2014, je réfléchis encore, je verrai comment je me sens physiquement. Quant aux JO, je rêve d’aller en finale et d’accrocher les USA, même s’ils sont intouchables. Il faut rêver, c’est le sport.

6. Où trouvez-vous la motivation ?
Le basket demande beaucoup de sacrifices, mais j’ai la chance d’avoir une famille et des amis qui me suivent et me soutiennent quoi qu’il arrive. Ils étaient à tous les matchs de l’Euro, et le jour de la victoire tout le monde pleurait. Dans 10 ans, on en parlera encore. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de sports qui permettent de vivre ça, ça vaut le coup.

7. Vous aimez d’autres sports ?
J’aime beaucoup le foot. J’ai commencé en jouant au football mais le jour où j’ai vu Michael Jordan à la télé, j’ai dit à mon père que ce serait le basket. J’étais avant-centre en attaque. Je suis fan du PSG, d’ailleurs je vais voir le match au Parc des Princes samedi.

8. Depuis la victoire, on vous compare à Zidane et Platini.
Ça fait chaud au cœur, surtout qu’on se connaît. C’est un honneur d’être cité dans la même phrase que Zizou, il a tellement marqué le sport français. 1998 est l’année où tous les Français étaient les plus heureux du monde.

9. Vous comptez jouer jusqu’à quand ?
J’aimerais bien jouer jusqu’à 37, 38 ans. Je suis passionné, j’adore le basket et je me vois bien faire toute ma carrière avec les San Antonio Spurs. Ça fait déjà 13 ans que je joue avec eux, pourquoi aller ailleurs ? Après, je ne me vois pas entraîneur, je suis plutôt attiré par le management, le marketing, l’idée de développer un business.

10. Vous venez de remporter une victoire historique alors qu’il y a 3 mois vous avez perdu d’un cheveu face au Heat Miami lors d’une finale de la NBA...
C’était très dur. Le sport est parfois cruel. Ça restera la plus grosse défaite de toute ma carrière, j’étais vidé mentalement après. Et puis j’ai dû retrouver les ressources pour jouer trois mois après. Je me suis dit : « Tu sais quoi, on va gagner. S’il y a un dieu du basket, il ne peut pas te faire ça deux fois de suite ». Cette défaite m’a servi de motivation, d’ailleurs chaque défaite permet de progresser. Après les matchs, j’ai souvent remercié Pau Gasol de nous avoir poussé à devenir une meilleure équipe.

11. Vous allez prendre des vacances ?
Non, je repars aux États-Unis le 28 septembre et reprends avec la NBA le 30. Comme je le dis souvent à mon entourage, je me reposerai quand je serai à la retraite. Mais là c’est fini, je peux manger du foie gras et boire du vin !

12. Vous êtes amateur de vin ?
Oui, je dois avoir 1 500 bouteilles dans ma cave. Je les ouvre avec mes amis et ma famille, toujours.

13. Votre top 3 ?
Un Pétrus 1966 qu’on m’a offert pour mon anniversaire, un Cheval Blanc 1982 – l’année de ma naissance – et un Château Latour, de 1982 également.

14. Pourquoi avoir monté un partenariat avec Renault ?
Ma première voiture était une Scénic, c’est un très bon souvenir. Je suis content que Koleos soit une grosse voiture, du fait de ma double culture, ça me correspond bien. Renault et moi partageons un intérêt commun pour la Chine. Koleos est la voiture Renault la plus vendue en Chine et je suis assez connu là-bas (depuis janvier, son nouvel équipementier Peak est chinois, ndlr). Et Renault m’aide aussi avec mes fondations caritatives, c’est très important pour moi.

15. Vous avez quoi comme voiture ?
Que des Renault (rires) ! J’adore les voitures et j’ai une petite collection. Pour mes trente ans, je me suis offert une DeLorean, car je suis fan de Retour vers le futur. J’ai aussi trois Lamborghini – dont la LM002 4x4 et une LP640 de 1989 –, deux Ferrari – une 599GTB et une F430 – et une Cadillac Escalade. Et bientôt, une Renault Koleos noire ! Tout le monde se demandera ce que je conduis quand j’irai à l’entraînement ! J’aurai la seule Koleos des États-Unis (rires).

09-30-2013, 09:28 AM
2. How do you feel ?
I played 115 games this season. I am very careful with my body. I have the chance to have a coach who understands if I'm tired if I need to rest. He likes European basketball and never prevent me from playing. I worked hard to get there but I wouldn't change anything. With Boris when we won the Euro in 2000 in junior, we made a promise to each other to win it as senior. Loop is complete.

3. How did react your coach after the win ?
He was one of the first to call me, he was happily screaming over the phone.

4. During the semi final what did you say to your team mates in the locker room ?
I yelled at everybody because I thought we were afraid. I told them what are you afraid of ? We need to play without fear. You don't play decise games, you win decisive games. I was a bit rude but I wanted them to react to use that against Spain. For me that's the greatest game of FNT history.

5. What do we wish for you after such a win ?
Keep going. Once you are on the top you want to stay here. There is going to be the world championship and the Olympics in 2016 in Rio. Regarding my participation to the world championship I'm still thinking about it, I will see how I feel. Concerning the Olympics, I dream to play the finale against the USA and make it hard for them even if they untouchables. You have to dream that's the sport.

09-30-2013, 09:35 AM
7. Do you like other sports ?
I like soccer. I started playing soccer but the day I saw MJ playing on tv I told my dad that it will be basket. I was striker. I'm a PSG fan, I'm going to see the game this saturday at the parc des prince.

9. How long will you continue to play ?
I'd like to play untill I am 37, 38 y/o. I'm passionate, I love basketball and I can see myself playing for the Spurs my whole carreer. After 13 years why leaving ? After I don't see myself as a coach, I am more interested by the management, the marketing, the idea of developing a business.

09-30-2013, 09:35 AM
will continue in a moment

09-30-2013, 09:59 AM
2. How do you feel ?
I played 115 games this season. I am very careful with my body. I have the chance to have a coach who understands if I'm tired if I need to rest. He likes European basketball and never prevent me from playing. I worked hard to get there but I wouldn't change anything. With Boris when we won the Euro in 2000 in junior, we made a promise to each other to win it as senior. Loop is complete.

3. How did react your coach after the win ?
He was one of the first to call me, he was so happy.

4. During the semi final what did you say to your team mates in the locker room ?
I yelled at everybody because I thought we were afraid. I told them what are you afraid of ? We need to play without fear. You don't play decise games, you win decisive games. I was a bit rude but I wanted them to react to use that against Spain. For me that's the greatest game of FNT history.

5. What do we wish for you after such a win ?
Keep going. Once you are on the top you want to stay here. There is going to be the world championship and the Olympics in 2016 in Rio. Regarding my participation to the world championship I'm still thinking about it, I will see how I feel. Concerning the Olympics, I dream to play the finale against the USA and make it hard for them even if they untouchables. You have to dream that's the sport.

If i may add, Parker says that Pop was screaming over the phone

09-30-2013, 11:47 AM
If i may add, Parker says that Pop was screaming over the phone


09-30-2013, 11:53 AM
10.You just got an historic win, and 3 months ago you lost by a hair against the heat...

It was really tough. Sport is cruel sometimes. This will be the biggest loss of my career, I was mentally spent. I had to find the strength to carry on and play 3 months later. I told to myself: "You know what? We will win, if there is a basketball god he cannot do this to me twice in a row." This loss helped me get motivated, in fact each loss helps to improve. After the games, Ioften thanked Pau Gasol because he pushed us to become a better team.

09-30-2013, 12:17 PM
10. You just won an historical game although 3 months ago you lost a very close one against the Heat during the NBA finals....
That was tough. Sometimes Sport is cruel. It will stay the biggest loss of my carreer, I was drained mentally after. Then I found energy to play three months after. I told to myself: " you know what? we gonna win. If there is a basketball god, he cannot do that to me twice in a row" I used this loss as a motivation, every loss is an opportunity for you to progress. After the lost games, I thanked Pau Gasol because he pushed us to be a better team.

11. Are you gonna take some days off ?
No, I will be back in the US September 28th and will start NBA the 30th. As I always say to my family and friends, I will rest when I retire. But now it's over, I can eat foie gras and drink wine.

12. You are a wine amateur ?
Yes I may have 1500 bottles in my wine cellar.I always open it with my friends and family.

09-30-2013, 12:22 PM
13. your top 3?
1966 Petrus, a birthday present, un 82 cheval blanc (year of my birthday) and a 82 Latour.

15. What kind of cars do you have?
Only Renault (laugh) (nb: Parker signed a marketing agreement with French car manufacturer) I love cars and I have a small collection. For my 30 y/o I bought a DeLorean because I'm a fan of the movie "back to the future". I also have 3 Lamborghini including the LMoo2 and a 1989 LP640, 2 ferrari: a 599 gtb and a F430 and an Escaldade. Soon I will have a black Renault Koleos ! Everybody will ask what I'm driving when I will go to the gym! I will be the only one in US to have one.

09-30-2013, 12:25 PM
for those who could ask what a freaking Koleos is


Johnny RIngo
09-30-2013, 12:29 PM
9. How long will you continue to play ?
I'd like to play untill I am 37, 38 y/o. I'm passionate, I love basketball and I can see myself playing for the Spurs my whole carreer. After 13 years why leaving ? After I don't see myself as a coach, I am more interested by the management, the marketing, the idea of developing a business.

Yeah, that's not happening. Parker needs to take good, hard look at Manu's rapid decay the past few years and make a decision about quitting international basketball. Otherwise, he's going to end up just like Gino...missing 40 games a year and putting up role player numbers on low efficiency.

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
09-30-2013, 12:32 PM
Yeah, that's not happening. Parker needs to take good, hard look at Manu's rapid decay the past few years and make a decision about quitting international basketball. Otherwise, he's going to end up just like Gino...missing 40 games a year and putting up role player numbers on low efficiency.

Because Ginobili and Parker's playing style imitate each others so well.

Johnny RIngo
09-30-2013, 12:50 PM
Because Ginobili and Parker's playing style imitate each others so well.

You're naive if you think Parker will be able to play NBA and international ball until he's age 38. We already saw TP's body give out last season during the Finals. It's kinda embarassing that out oldest player had to average the most points/rebounds/blocks for our team to have a chance against the Heat. Meanwhile, our MVP shit the bed and our overpaid shooting guard decided to switch teams and play for the Heat.

09-30-2013, 03:01 PM
You're naive if you think Parker will be able to play NBA and international ball until he's age 38.

I don't think Parker will play international bball untill he's 38. His objective is Olympics in Rio in 2016, he will be 34 y/o and already made clear that next world championship is not a top priority as he is saying he is thinking about it, there is no doubt tho regarding Olympics after I think he will retire from international competition.
Not gonna waste my time on the second part of your post.

09-30-2013, 04:36 PM
Thanks for the translations.

I have a query.

Whats with the reference to Pau Gasol? Did Gasol talk to Parker to motivate him after the losses? Or was it something to do with schadenfreude?

09-30-2013, 04:51 PM
:tu for the translations Brazil

good stuff to hear, he sounds much stronger and confident after the win. Glad he could turn lemonade from lemons after the Finals. Also cool that MVPau tried to help, once again showing he's a class act and the Lakers greatest player post Shaq.

D-rob fan
09-30-2013, 04:52 PM
Thanks for the translations.

I have a query.

Whats with the reference to Pau Gasol? Did Gasol talk to Parker to motivate him after the losses? Or was it something to do with schadenfreude?

Probably because Pau's Spanish team would always beat them in years past. And it motivated them to become better this year.

09-30-2013, 11:30 PM
Probably because Pau's Spanish team would always beat them in years past. And it motivated them to become better this year.

Exactly France had tough losses against Spain. This is why Parker told Pau that it is pushing France to be a better team.

10-01-2013, 12:41 AM
Yes Tony said he thought after winning the junior Eurobasketball in 2000 it would be possible to win the senoir, but 'then, Pau Gasol happened.' He used Pau as inspiration to not give up on the promise Boris and he made to win it all one day.

10-01-2013, 02:57 AM
I saw him in that black escalade by the dominion, it was pretty sweet flat black with big rims and tires and his number all over it.

10-01-2013, 04:18 AM
Happy for Tony. Congratulations to the FNT.

Harry Callahan
10-04-2013, 06:42 AM
The great thing about the key guys on the Spurs is they are self motivated. That is a big reason why they make deep playoff runs on a regular basis and in reality have over-achieved in many respects the last 2 years.

I think I would collect some sweet cars to if I had huge amounts of disposable income like TP. Seven or eight cars would be no big deal for him.

There would definitely be an Italian sports car of some kind and a 64 or 65 Mustang for me.

Here's to another successful Spurs season. Thankfully this off season is just about in the rear view mirror.