View Full Version : Extra Helpings of Feces, Pus and Chlorine: It's What's For Dinner

10-06-2013, 08:43 AM
Get Ready for Extra Helpings of Feces, Pus and Chlorine on Your Plate — America is Deregulating Its Meat IndustryRisks to food consumers will only increase as the government "washes its hands" of meat and poultry inspection.

Remember in the mid-1990s when USDA began telling people to wash their cutting boards and utensils after preparing meat and always use a meat thermometer? Because US meat and poultry is so full of pathogens, if you don’t kill them they might kill you?

That was the beginning of the government's move to pass food safety risks on to customers, and more distressingly, to meat processors themselves.

The move is continuing with new, alarming government efforts to reduce and disempower meat inspectors at slaughter plants and allow private industry to regulate itself.

In 1998, USDA rolled out its pilot HACCP system. The acronym stood for "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" but federal meat inspectors, industry watchers and food advocates quickly dubbed it “Have a Cup of Coffee and Pray” because it transferred oversight from the government to the plant, in shocking, industry-friendly de-regulation. HACCP was supposed to replace meat inspectors' old-fashioned "poke and sniff" method of visually examining carcasses by instituting advanced microbiology techniques. But it is also an "honors system" in which federal inspectors simply ratify that companies are following their own self-created system. As in “Trust us.”


yep, SELF-REGULATION always works, as in criminal fraud Greenspan just knowing the financial industry were adults who wouldn't take excessive risks.

10-06-2013, 09:37 AM
Playing Chicken With Food Safety


the chicken and other demonstrators had crossed the avenue was to deliver a petition of more than half a million names, speaking out against new rules the US Department of Agriculture wants to put into effect – bad rules that would transfer much of the work inspecting pork and chicken and turkey meat from trained government inspectors to the processing companies themselves. Talk about putting the fox in the henhouse!

The revised regulations also call for a substantial speeding up of the disassembly line along which workers use sharp knives and often painful, repetitive hand motions to cut up and clean carcasses of dirt, blood and other contaminants that can cause infection and sickness.

Not only will this increase in speed – by 25 percent or more — raise the chance of injury, it makes it easier to miss anything wrong – even deadly — with the meat.

To compensate for that, the rules also call for an increase in the use of antimicrobial chemicals sprayed on the meat — but those sprays may actually damage the health of the workers. Inspectors and meat packing employees report instances of asthma, burns, skin rashes, sinus trouble and other respiratory ailments, some of them severe. What’s more, when complaints were made about health or hygiene, the response from employers often came in the form of threats and reprimands.

The Agriculture Department says the new rules will save the Federal budget $30 million annually, but compared to the more than $256 million it will save the poultry industry every year, that’s chickenfeed. In reality, as Tom Philpott, the food and agriculture correspondent for Mother Jones (http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2013/09/gao-squaks-usdas-plan-speed-poultry-kill-lines)magazine, succinctly put it: “…The Obama administration has been pushing a deregulatory sop to a powerful industry based on a shoddy analysis.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that “each year roughly one in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases.”

“Americans are 110 times more likely to die from contaminated food than terrorism… at an annual cost to the economy of nearly $80 billion.”

And yet, when Congress passed the Food Safety Modernization Act almost three years ago, designed to toughen standards, the representatives of the food industry – spending tens of millions in campaign contributions and lobbying money — went after it with a vengeance, delaying and watering the final version down so much that the Food and Drug Administration can barely function, its own inspectors unable to fulfill their duties.

In an introduction to its so-called “agriculture principles,” ALEC announced (http://www.alec.org/model-legislation/alec-agriculture-principles/), “The proper role of government involvement in agriculture is to limit and remove barriers for agricultural production, trade and consumption throughout our innovative food system.” Safety restrictions should “incorporate a least restrictive approach,” it says, while at the same time ALEC encourages high tech, high yield farming and calls out (http://www.alec.org/model-legislation/resolution-on-animal-antibiotic-use/) against “unnecessary additional restrictions on the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture.”

ALEC boasts about the safety and quality of our food system – the highest in the world, it says – but at the same time designs and pushes legislation designed to prosecute and crush journalists, whistleblowers and animal rights activists who would secretly infiltrate the food industry to expose shoddy practices and unsafe, unsanitary conditions that threaten the nation’s well-being.

These so-called “ag-gag” bills (http://billmoyers.com/2013/07/10/alec-activists-and-ag-gag/) criminalize those who would report abuse. If such laws had existed a century ago, a muckraker like Upton Sinclair would never have been allowed to report the sordid practices of the meat packing industry that led to his book “The Jungle” and saved who knows how many from tainted food, sickness and death?


BigFood, BigFarm buying chemicals from BigChem, BigPharma to sicken and/or kill us for profit, all following,and financing, the the ALEC playbook.

10-06-2013, 11:15 AM
The House has passed 8 separate bills funding various parts of the government. I'm pretty certain food inspectors are included along with national parks and veterans issues, but so far Senate leader Dinghy Harry has refused to offer them up for a vote. The American people are going to soon come to the realization that it's the democrats that are shutting down the government.

10-06-2013, 11:23 AM
"the democrats that are shutting down the government."


check the polls, asshole. Even the sheeple don't want the tea bagger shutdown'

10-07-2013, 09:34 AM
boutons has been carpet bombing this forum with feces for years

10-07-2013, 09:42 AM
boutons has been carpet bombing this forum with feces for years

what an original insight, and wrong as always.

10-07-2013, 10:36 AM
Gross. Today is my perfectly healthy daughter's 17th day in hospital following a food-borne intestinal infection that led to acute kidney failure, ICU and dialysis. Still don't know what residual effects she will have to deal with for the rest of her life, but it looks like she won't be the only one!

10-07-2013, 11:36 AM
Gross. Today is my perfectly healthy daughter's 17th day in hospital following a food-borne intestinal infection that led to acute kidney failure, ICU and dialysis. Still don't know what residual effects she will have to deal with for the rest of her life, but it looks like she won't be the only one!

Damn. What did she eat?

10-07-2013, 12:39 PM
Schools return to additive-filled hamburgers because all-beef patties don’t ‘taste right’

But after numerous student complaints that the all-beef patties didn’t “look or taste right,” Fairfax County Public Schools quietly switched back to the Don Lee Farms patties, which contain 26 ingredients and can be stored, frozen, for upwards of 12 months.

Students complained that the all-beef patties were “pink in the middle,” which a school board member, Ryan McElveen, said is “likely [because] the all-beef patties did not have a caramel coloring additive.”

For its part, Don Lee Farms claims that its patties no longer include “pink slime,” which is technically called “lean finely textured beef,” a combination of beef scraps and connective tissue doused with ammonia to kill pathogens.

Without the “pink slime,” a nutritionist contacted by NPR said that the majority of the 26 ingredients pose no threat to children. Most constitute “a Flintstone’s vitamin in the patty,” which is designed as a supplement for students who don’t eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables


Corporations have now brainwashed kids to eat, even insist on, BigFood synthetic garbage.

10-07-2013, 09:19 PM
Hundreds sickened in U.S. from salmonella outbreak linked to raw chicken

Hundreds of people in 18 states have become sick from a salmonella outbreak linked to raw chicken products made at three California plants owned by Foster Farms, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Monday.

"The outbreak is continuing," USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service said in a statement.

An estimated 278 illnesses, mostly in California, were caused by strains of Salmonella Heidelberg. The chicken products were distributed mostly to retail outlets in California, Oregon and Washington state, USDA said.

The illnesses were linked to Foster Farms brand chicken through epidemiologic, laboratory and traceback investigations conducted by local, state and federal officials.

In a statement, Livingston, California-based Foster Farms said it was working with authorities to reduce the incidence of Salmonella Heidelberg on raw chicken products.

No recall is in effect,


278? that's chicken feed


10-07-2013, 09:45 PM
Free market forces will come into play here.

People that buy the tainted chicken will get sick, possibly die, and they won't buy that chicken anymore. That company will lose customers. The company selling the tainted chicken will change its name, thereby fooling a new group of consumers and the process will continue. It's a beautiful system.

No need for the government to intervene.
Just overcook all chicken so it's basically chicken jerky. Smoke the hell out of it and die from cancer at a much later age.

Viva Las Espuelas
10-07-2013, 10:00 PM
We should start eating more duck. You don't have to be as "paranoid" working with it like chicken. It doesn't wallow in its own shit. You can eat duck medium rare. Mmmmmmmmmm.

10-07-2013, 10:21 PM
Schools return to additive-filled hamburgers because all-beef patties don’t ‘taste right’

But after numerous student complaints that the all-beef patties didn’t “look or taste right,” Fairfax County Public Schools quietly switched back to the Don Lee Farms patties, which contain 26 ingredients and can be stored, frozen, for upwards of 12 months.

Students complained that the all-beef patties were “pink in the middle,” which a school board member, Ryan McElveen, said is “likely [because] the all-beef patties did not have a caramel coloring additive.”

For its part, Don Lee Farms claims that its patties no longer include “pink slime,” which is technically called “lean finely textured beef,” a combination of beef scraps and connective tissue doused with ammonia to kill pathogens.

Without the “pink slime,” a nutritionist contacted by NPR said that the majority of the 26 ingredients pose no threat to children. Most constitute “a Flintstone’s vitamin in the patty,” which is designed as a supplement for students who don’t eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables


Corporations have now brainwashed kids to eat, even insist on, BigFood synthetic garbage.

My kids wont eat mcDonalds chicken nuggetts. When the wife tries to make them chicken strips they ask for "real chicken", grilled chicken breast. My kids deal have the same corporations as everyone else does. In your world boutons, does anyone take responsibility for there own choices? Corporations just give us what we want.

Its odd. They dont drink pop either although im sure you blame obscenity on corn syrup corporations.

10-07-2013, 10:38 PM
My kids wont eat mcDonalds chicken nuggetts. When the wife tries to make them chicken strips they ask for "real chicken", grilled chicken breast. My kids deal have the same corporations as everyone else does. In your world boutons, does anyone take responsibility for there own choices? Corporations just give us what we want.

Its odd. They dont drink pop either although im sure you blame obscenity on corn syrup corporations.

How do you know corn syrup is in drinks?

oh shit, they Frkn have to label what they put in their products...?
Government interference again.

10-08-2013, 04:17 AM
"In your world boutons, does anyone take responsibility for there own choices"

the vast majority of Americans are cows. Cows eat any unnatural shit they are given, seeds like corn, soy, molasses. Americans the same, they'll eat or drink anything the corporations put in front of them, not a conscious choice, just an eating reflex. So now a vast majority of Americans are overweight, obese, diseased or heading that way. It's all happened in the last 35 years, just eating whatever the corps feed them. Boom! decrepit fatasses waddling around. Stores have to provide motorized carts since many of them can't even walk.

10-08-2013, 07:59 AM
Spewing ignorance just isn't working for Republicans at any level right now. It has worked for so many years that their logic centers have atrophied. At the same time the Dems have found some gonads. Its a bad,sad time for the R'rs.

10-08-2013, 08:04 AM
When a few corporations dominate supply the free market is no longer a free market. Your fuzzy wet dream about free markets is not valid in the real world.

10-08-2013, 11:01 AM
I notice the Chicago Tribune article says 3 plants "owned by Foster Farms".
Which means at the store the tainted chicken could be labeled under any number of brand names?

10-08-2013, 11:52 AM
Perhaps you would prefer Soylent Green? After all, it is a socialist food designed to feed the masses.

10-08-2013, 11:52 AM
Free market forces will come into play here.

People that buy the tainted chicken will get sick, possibly die, and they won't buy that chicken anymore. That company will lose customers. The company selling the tainted chicken will change its name, thereby fooling a new group of consumers and the process will continue. It's a beautiful system.

No need for the government to intervene.
Just overcook all chicken so it's basically chicken jerky. Smoke the hell out of it and die from cancer at a much later age.

total bullshit

I bet most chicken in unlabeled at retail other than some cryptic tracking code, so customers don't know which chicken farm, which chicken processor? which chicken packager/distributor to boycott after being sickened or killed by bad chicken.

As the Feds hand animal inspection to animal producers (aka fox guarding the henhouse, self-regulation NEVER works), my expectation is that tainted, polluted, sickening animal products will become more common. Animal food industry's objective is profit, and they will cut every corner and take every health risk to maximize profit. the shittiest possible product (tasteless crap filled with weird shit) for the lowest possible cost. Few 100s killed or 10K sickened will not drive any producer out of business. They'll survive the handslap fines and keep on pumping out the shit.

10-09-2013, 11:06 AM
How do you know corn syrup is in drinks?

oh shit, they Frkn have to label what they put in their products...?
Government interference again.

How does any of that have to do with blaming corporations for choices made?

10-09-2013, 11:11 AM
How does any of that have to do with blaming corporations for choices made?

choices made by whom?

If BigFood and BigFarm would ship quality food, then consumers choosing their food wouldn't be risky, wouldn't be long-term pathogenic.

10-09-2013, 03:58 PM
choices made by whom?

If BigFood and BigFarm would ship quality food, then consumers choosing their food wouldn't be risky, wouldn't be long-term pathogenic.

They ship what they ship bc of the price point. If consumers want higher quality food there most certainly is that option out there. Consumers expect filet mignon at spam prices. Corporations are built to make money. People buy the cheapest baby formula there is then act shocked because it's tainted with crap bc it's made in China.

Pay more-get quality.

I'm not saying we should expect to get sick. But the difference between making a profit and not may mean spraying a chemical over the top versus more expensive safety procedures.

10-09-2013, 04:07 PM
choosing cheap doesn't mean accepting the risk of tainted, poisoned food

10-09-2013, 07:47 PM
Somehow this is not another "Conspiracy" topic?

You assholes deserve every swallow of your poisoned tainted meat GMO created bacterial infested BEEF / Chicken / and Pork.

you had been warned years ago but ignored it.

10-09-2013, 07:54 PM
Somehow this is not another "Conspiracy" topic?

You assholes deserve every swallow of your poisoned tainted meat GMO created bacterial infested BEEF / Chicken / and Pork.

you had been warned years ago but ignored it.

conspiracy? a few years ago, ADM was caught colluding, price fixing the price of lysine.

10-11-2013, 09:33 AM
aka, a handslap by captured, weak regulator

Foster Farms makes changes, can stay open after salmonella outbreak, USDA says

Three Foster Farms poultry plants in California can remain open after the firm agreed to fix problems tied to an outbreak of salmonella that has sickened nearly 300 people in 17 states since March, federal agriculture officials said Thursday.

U.S. Department of Agriculture officials said inspectors will remain onsite at two plants in Fresno and one in Livingston, Calif., allowing the firms to operate, but continuing intensified sampling for illness-causing bacteria for three months.

"Foster Farms has submitted and implemented immediate, substantive changes to their slaughter and processing to allow for continued operations," Aaron Lavallee, a spokesman for the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service said in a statement. "FSIS inspectors will verify that these changes are being implemented in a continuous and ongoing basis."



Will Foster pay the medical, hospital, lost income of their 300+ victims?

USDA is out sourcing/privatizing CAFO inspections to ..... the CAFO operators themselves. :lol

10-11-2013, 12:42 PM
conspiracy? a few years ago,

My point was people who have been posting at this site for years about dangers in the food corrupt inspectors etc....are always labeled conspiracy nuts just because we happen to find things out years before the average poster does.

Can't wait to see how many igmo's in this forum react when the rest of the so called conspiracies turn out to be facts.

10-11-2013, 01:14 PM
Why The USDA Isn’t Recalling Salmonella-Contaminated Chicken That’s Sickening Hundreds (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/10/11/2770331/salmonella-usda-regulation-fail/)

U.S. Department of Agriculture regulators have declined to crack down on the poultry processing plants that spread the pathogen

a federal court decision in 2001 that crippled the USDA’s ability to take meaningful action against meat processors that violate food safety standards. The notoriously conservative Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the USDA did not have the authority to shut down Supreme Beef, a meat processing plant that repeatedly flunked (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/evaluating/supremebeef.html) tests for salmonella contamination. The justification for this ruling was that the meat was safe if it was cooked properly. Thanks to this decision, the USDA has only the power to ask the company at fault to recall their products voluntarily.

“The CDPH has not requested Foster Farms to recall chickens because, with proper handling and preparation, this product is safe for consumption…Provided that consumers do not cross-contaminate fully cooked chicken with raw chicken juices, it is safe to consume.”

the poultry industry lobbied for drastically weakened poultry inspection rules.

The USDA’s proposed poultry plant rule replaces federal food inspectors with internal inspectors (http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2012/03/16/445889/privatized-poultry-inspection-usda/) who work for the company, and speeds up the assembly line so that inspectors will only have a third of a second (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/03/14/1716351/poultry-plant-rule-food-inspection-usda/) to examine each chicken.

Inspectors in test plants said they observed many poultry plant employees ignoring birds covered in fecal matter, and were reprimanded if they tried to remove diseased birds, and the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that the USDA’s justification for this rule was based on inaccurate and antiquated data (http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-13-775).


So it's OK with "notoriously conservative Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals" if the CAFOs sell crappy, tainted, poisonous shit, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to defend yourself (and preserve CAFO profits) and your family from the corporate shit.

fucking conservatives, destroying the country

Corporate-Americans' profits and rights always have priority over Human-Americans rights and the environment,

10-11-2013, 02:38 PM
FDA deliberately deceiving Americans over arsenic in rice, chicken and other foods

Mike Adams
Natural News
September 15, 2013

There is arsenic in rice, and it’s generally higher in brown rice than in white rice. Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products in 2012 and found significant levels of arsenic in most of them, including inorganic arsenic (the really toxic kind).

As Consumer Reports found, it’s not unusual to see arsenic at levels of 200 ppb or more in rice-based baby cereals. Click here for the complete test results.

The release of this information freaked out the U.S. rice industry, resulting in enormous pressure being put on the FDA to try to assuage fears that rice products were contaminated with arsenic (which they are).


10-11-2013, 04:03 PM
FDA Sued For Withholding Info On Dangerous Animal Growth Drugs

Several public interest groups have filed suit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for allegedly withholding records related to its approval of the controversial animal growth drug ractopamine.

Although ractopamine (http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/factsheet/ractopamine/) is banned in more than 100 countries, the FDA’s approval of the drug allows it to be used widely in U.S. factory farm operations. This week, the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a lawsuit against the agency because of its inability (or unwillingness) to produce data to support its decision to approve the drug.

Ractopamine is used to speed weight gain among animals raised for food, yet that’s rarely the only side effect. Unintended consequences include toxicity; behavioral changes; and cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and endocrine problems. It is also associated with high stress levels in animals, “downer” or lame animals, hyperactivity, broken limbs, hoof lesions, and death, reports the ALDF. As a result, the European Union, China, Taiwan, and Russia ban or restrict the drug.

“FDA’s illegal delay is deeply troubling. The human health effects of eating meat with traces of these drugs are not well known, and the data we do have is alarming. The American people have a right to know what they are eating. What does the FDA have to hide?” said Paige Tomaselli, senior attorney with Center for Food Safety.


02-27-2015, 10:49 AM
In 2004, Elsa Murano (http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=22386533&ticker=HRL&previousCapId=23491&previousTitle=TI%2520Ventures)stepped down from her post as chief of the US Department of Agriculture division that oversees food safety at the nation's slaughterhouses. Two years later, she joined the board of directors of pork giant Hormel (https://www.hormelfoods.com/About/Leadership/Board-of-Directors.aspx), a company that runs some of the nation's largest slaughterhouses. Murano received $238,000 in compensation for her service on Hormel's board in 2014 (http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/48465/000110465914087273/a14-25138_1def14a.htm) alone.

This is a classic example of the "revolving door" that separates US government regulators from the corporations they regulate. It's hardly the most shocking thing I gleaned from the whistleblower-protection group Government Accountability Project's recent exposé (http://www.foodwhistleblower.org/campaign/hormel-hogs/#affidavits) of conditions at three hog-slaughter facilities associated with Hormel. But it's interesting to think about in light of GAP's allegations, found in sworn affidavits filed by four USDA inspectors stationed in Hormel-owned plants. Three of the inspectors chose to remain anonymous; the fourth, Joe Ferguson, gave his name.

Their comments focus on three Hormel-associated plants, which are among just five hog facilities enrolled in a pilot inspection program run by the USDA. In the regular oversight system, USDA-employed inspectors are stationed along the kill line, charged with ensuring that conditions are as sanitary as possible and that no tainted meat ends up being packed for consumption. In the pilot program, known as HIMP (short for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points-based Inspection Models Project), company employees take over inspection duties, relegating USDA inspectors to an oversight role on the sidelines...

All four affidavits offer blistering critiques of the hog version of the pilot program. Three themes run through them: 1) company inspectors are poorly trained and prepared for the task of overseeing a fast-moving kill line involving large carcasses; 2) company-employed and USDA inspectors alike face pressure from the company not to perform their jobs rigorously; and 3) lots of unappetizing stuff is getting through as the result of 1) and 2).

The testimony of Inspector 3, affidavit here (http://www.foodwhistleblower.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Affidavit-3-Redacted_1.pdf), is full of choice nuggets, though not of the sort you want to sample before lunch. Here are a few:

"Not only are plant supervisors not trained, the employees taking over USDA's inspection duties have no idea what they are doing. Most of them come into the plant with no knowledge of pathology or the industry in general."
"Food safety has gone down the drain under HIMP. Even though fecal contamination has increased under the program (though the company does a good job of hiding it), USDA inspectors are encouraged not to stop the line for fecal contamination."
"HIMP was initially designed for the kill of young, healthy animals. This hasn't always been the case. A lot of the animals the plant has killed were too old. Some also had different diseases. They didn’t even slow down the line for the diseased carcasses."
"The company threatens plant employees with terminations if they see them condemning too many carcasses or carcass parts."


02-27-2015, 10:50 AM
However, the USDA's and Hormel's rosy assessment of HIMP presents a stark contrast to a scathing 2013 report (http://www.usda.gov/oig/webdocs/24601-0001-41.pdf) from yet another USDA agency, the Office of the Inspector General, which found HIMP plants—which it did not name—made up three of the top ten US hog plants earning the most food-safety and animal-welfare citations in the period of fiscal years 2008 to 2011. Moreover, by far the most-cited slaughterhouse in the US over that period was in the program—it drew "nearly 50 percent more [citations] than the plant with the next highest number." The OIG also concluded that that the Food Safety and Inspection Service "did not provide adequate oversight" of HIMP over its first 15 years, and as a result, "HIMP plants may have a higher potential for food safety risks."same

Wild Cobra
02-27-2015, 01:50 PM

Like any other job, they hire people who have experience in what they need. She knows how that particular bureaucracy works, and how to manipulate it.

02-27-2015, 02:25 PM
I take my pus on the side

03-01-2015, 03:34 AM
Like any other job, they hire people who have experience in what they need. She knows how that particular bureaucracy works, and how to manipulate it.so then, industry hires USDA inspectors to teach them how to haze inspectors and sell substandard and unsafe meat to you and me.

you approve?

03-01-2015, 08:02 AM
Like any other job, they hire people who have experience in what they need. She knows how that particular bureaucracy works, and how to manipulate it.

to grovel before the false god of austerity (for the 99%), govt inspectors are being cut back, to let BigAnimal inspect itself!

08-16-2023, 02:01 PM
the more things change...


baseline bum
08-16-2023, 02:09 PM
the more things change...

LOL now look up who Biden's postmaster general is

08-16-2023, 08:07 PM
LOL now look up who Biden's postmaster general is

Why is DeJoy still in charge of the USPS?

dejoy is Trash's guy, not Biden's

baseline bum
08-16-2023, 08:45 PM
Why is DeJoy still in charge of the USPS?

dejoy is Trash's guy, not Biden's

Dejoy is Biden's guy too since he refuses to put in a board that will replace him.

08-16-2023, 09:28 PM
Dejoy is Biden's guy too since he refuses to put in a board that will replace him.

...then he's okay. tee, hee.

baseline bum
08-16-2023, 09:39 PM
...then he's okay. tee, hee.

Biden's a bitch