View Full Version : 300+ lb people under the age of 30

log in/log out goods
10-12-2013, 08:10 AM
Unless these guys are linemen or play some other athletic sport where they are extremely strong, is there any reason why these extremely obese Americans shouldn't just be put to death? All they're doing is just wasting our tax dollars and that problem is only going to increase as they get older.

10-12-2013, 08:58 AM
What i hate seeing is little fat children waddling around trying to play like normal kids but too fat to run or climb. Its child abuse to do that to a kid and we should prosecute their lazy-ass parents. Kids end up being emo mental messes and live deprived lives missing many of the notable things that bring joy into living.

10-12-2013, 09:42 AM
My brother in law is 6-2, 340 at 28.

But he was an offensive lineman in HS and college until knee injuries ended his career as a sophomore. He goes to the gym three times a week, works a physically demanding job as a in-house caretaker, but while better, his old bad habits of eating, and mostly weight training with little actual cardio, plus his bum knees, make it tough to lose the weight.

I've seen him run while playing sports. The guy runs like 40-yo Sabonis.

Where's the line drawn? For what it's worth, he's raising his 6-yo kid to be active in youth soccer, teeball, and MMA.

10-12-2013, 09:59 AM
how much of it has got to do when the supply chain of ur foods? how much of it is GM or shit injected with growth hormones?

10-12-2013, 10:51 AM
how much of it has got to do when the supply chain of ur foods? how much of it is GM or shit injected with growth hormones?

More that people are told. It's not just GMO, it's in chemicals absorbed from everyday situations, soaps, containers, x-icides used on lawns and crops by the Bs of pounds, sythethic chemicals everywhere, only a tiny percentage have been test for toxicity or

Do These Chemicals Make Me Look Fat?



While chemicals, esp hormone disruptors, are a problem, the overwhelming cause of overweight and obesity is the toxic, pathogenic S.A.D. Standard American (corporate/USDA/FDA) Diet based on refined carbohydrates and procesed dead food-like substance in packages. Anybody saying he morbidly obese because of bad knees and no exercise is lying to himself.

log in/log out goods
10-12-2013, 11:17 AM
My brother in law is 6-2, 340 at 28.

But he was an offensive lineman in HS and college until knee injuries ended his career as a sophomore. He goes to the gym three times a week, works a physically demanding job as a in-house caretaker, but while better, his old bad habits of eating, and mostly weight training with little actual cardio, plus his bum knees, make it tough to lose the weight.

I've seen him run while playing sports. The guy runs like 40-yo Sabonis.

Where's the line drawn? For what it's worth, he's raising his 6-yo kid to be active in youth soccer, teeball, and MMA.

Not talking about det, I really just mean lazy fat asses

Will Hunting
10-12-2013, 11:24 AM
Sup, log in/log out goods

10-12-2013, 11:53 AM
Not talking about det, I really just mean lazy fat asses

Sure, but he has had several weight-related health issues, hasn't been a productive athlete in 7/8 years, and is unlikely to ever lose the weight due to knees unless he gets gastric bypass.

While he's a productive member of society who works hard, helps with multiple athletic causes, he's a current and likely much larger future burden, since his conditions are only going to get worse, and his company's insurance isn't very good.

Where's the line drawn?

I agree something needs to be done.

I'm at a loss about this generation. There's nothing unpleasant about walking. And veggies taste great with many types of meals.

10-12-2013, 11:59 AM
"I'm at a loss about this generation."

?? overweight, obesity, decrepitude is currently at all ages. America The UnBeautiful

Kool Bob Love
10-12-2013, 12:02 PM

10-12-2013, 12:08 PM
More that people are told. It's not just GMO, it's in chemicals absorbed from everyday situations, soaps, containers, x-icides used on lawns and crops by the Bs of pounds, sythethic chemicals everywhere, only a tiny percentage have been test for toxicity or

Do These Chemicals Make Me Look Fat?



While chemicals, esp hormone disruptors, are a problem, the overwhelming cause of overweight and obesity is the toxic, pathogenic S.A.D. Standard American (corporate/USDA/FDA) Diet based on refined carbohydrates and procesed dead food-like substance in packages. Anybody saying he morbidly obese because of bad knees and no exercise is lying to himself.

eatting and sitting around no daily excercise would baloon you up...

10-12-2013, 12:14 PM
"I'm at a loss about this generation."

?? overweight, obesity, decrepitude is currently at all ages. America The UnBeautiful

The ages that are converged in this current era.

This is the fattest American has ever been.

Hey, I could lose 30 pounds to be close to the BMI ideal. I like pizza and pasta. But I hike, walk, and occasionally still play sports. I eat veggies, and avoid fast food. My blood pressure is perfect, cholesterol ideal.

But I have great health insurance and never miss the typical yearly tests.

But I see students in this current generation who are 18-20 and are 50 pounds or more overweight, scarfing Chik fil a, guzzling soda, and sitting four hours at a time, taking the elevator to go from first to second floor, etc.

They sit, play on the technology, and eat.

When their metabolism decreases, they'll be 200/250+ in no time, which isn't grotesquely obese, but obese none the less.

Fat boy
10-12-2013, 12:18 PM
I live in the USA and can eat as I damn well please. You health nuts gonna die too.

10-12-2013, 12:26 PM
Boutons, you ever have bad knees? I had one in high school and rehabbed. My bro in law had four surgeries. It matters, especially when you're already big from playing football.

My bro in law knows why he's fat. Because to gain a scholarship he bulk lifted and ate ridiculous amounts of food for heavier center of gravity. Add knee injuries that makes exercise difficult, a decreasing metabolism, and already carrying extra weight, and it's damn hard to make real progress.

I know because I've tried to lose my own extra pounds. No sooner I lose 10 pounds, the next month I'm working 60 hours a week, eating later, not hiking as much and it's back.

10-12-2013, 12:27 PM
i guess working 60 hours per week is the norm in this country these days, i don't see how you guys do it. i got dem bankers hours :smokin

10-12-2013, 12:30 PM
i guess working 60 hours per week is the norm in this country these days, i don't see how you guys do it. i got dem bankers hours :smokin

Don't work it all the time. 40-45 typical, but throw in photographing a wedding, or that week when I have three or four classes have assignments that converge in a week, then yeah, gotta get shit done.

10-12-2013, 02:04 PM
Sure, but he has had several weight-related health issues, hasn't been a productive athlete in 7/8 years, and is unlikely to ever lose the weight due to knees unless he gets gastric bypass.

While he's a productive member of society who works hard, helps with multiple athletic causes, he's a current and likely much larger future burden, since his conditions are only going to get worse, and his company's insurance isn't very good.

Where's the line drawn?

I agree something needs to be done.

I'm at a loss about this generation. There's nothing unpleasant about walking. And veggies taste great with many types of meals.

Weight loss is 90% diet right DUNCANownsKOBE

10-12-2013, 02:22 PM
Weight loss is 90% diet right DUNCANownsKOBE (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=26386)

IMO exercise is important when it comes to making sure you reshape your body and don't have that skinny-fat physique but I agree with your overall point. I've lost like 20 pounds since moving to Texas because I make enough money to fill my fridge with fruits and vegetables so that's what I eat whenever I'm hungry. There isn't a magic formula to losing weight, it's just bullshit how expensive the right diet is in 'Murica.

10-12-2013, 02:23 PM
Weight loss is 90% diet right DUNCANownsKOBE (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=26386)

yeah just ask those ukranian farmers amirite

10-12-2013, 02:33 PM
IMO exercise is important when it comes to making sure you reshape your body and don't have that skinny-fat physique but I agree with your overall point. I've lost like 20 pounds since moving to Texas because I make enough money to fill my fridge with fruits and vegetables so that's what I eat whenever I'm hungry. There isn't a magic formula to losing weight, it's just bullshit how expensive the right diet is in 'Murica.

While exercise is important a 340 pound man should easily lose weight just eating at the maintenance level of a 210 pound man

10-12-2013, 02:37 PM
formula is simple:

consume more calories than you burn to gain weight

burn more calories than you consume to lose weight

or consume as many as you burn in order to maintain the same weight

if you're eating normal healthy portions you'll lose weight regardless of exercise if you're that big

10-12-2013, 02:53 PM
While exercise is important a 340 pound man should easily lose weight just eating at the maintenance level of a 210 pound man

Yeah like I said I agree. As the post above says, there's nothing complicated about weight loss. If you burn more calories than you consume (and a 340 lbs. body probably burns 2500+ calories daily w/o any exercise) you lose weight.

And also the other thing about exercise is what JMark said, fat people lifting weights and doing no cardio. All I do when I exercise is cardio/body weight exercises/plyo.

10-12-2013, 03:17 PM
Weight loss is 90% diet right DUNCANownsKOBE

In my case, yep, because I was fit to begin with, remained active, and still participate in strenuous activities such as hiking at 8000+ feet, if I curbed pizza, pasta, red meat, I'd lose weight.

But I'm not someone who's been fat since high school for sport. I've known George since his junior year in college, and he's always been big, strong, with bad knees.

My point isn't to justify. My dad even tried to get him to do weight watchers with him. George has just never known the benefits of "fit" and while he tries to eat right, stay active, honestly, it seems there's only so much it does. Now, if he didn't have fucked up knees, or got Gastric, then sure, but he's that guy when you first meet you ask if he played football.

I'm just asking, where's the line?

I get the question or statement made.

10-12-2013, 03:23 PM
Yeah like I said I agree. As the post above says, there's nothing complicated about weight loss. If you burn more calories than you consume (and a 340 lbs. body probably burns 2500+ calories daily w/o any exercise) you lose weight.

And also the other thing about exercise is what JMark said, fat people lifting weights and doing no cardio. All I do when I exercise is cardio/body weight exercises/plyo.

Yeah, I mostly do cardio with hikes, and weight training toting my heavy-ass camera shit around.

I get the food argument. Like I said, he has a lifetime of bad habits aiding him staying obese. When you're at your peak as a scholarship athlete, where your primary job is working out, you have to eat tons to gain weight.

No he doesn't eat as much, but like quitting anything, radical changes are hard.

10-12-2013, 03:39 PM
good place to put this


10-12-2013, 03:59 PM
I'd judge George more if he hadn't started HS around 240 (which is fat, but he was pretty buff looking at pictures), and have coaches want/require him to add 100 pounds, most of which was fat, all for sport.

Now he's stuck trying to break the bad eating habits cultivated, exercise on two bum knees, and work 40/50 per week.

It's been 5 years since he's noticeably gained weight. Sub-30, maybe he can figure diet out enough to lose 30-40 pounds, but I see him always being a productive, loving father who is 300+ mostly due to his time in athletics.

The Reckoning
10-12-2013, 04:11 PM
only eat when you're hungry and not as a time filler. walk instead of drive as much as possible. exercise three times a week with non bulk weight but instead a medium between bulk and shaping. find yourself a woman who doesn't dead fish in bed and actually fucks you lights out. if your girl is fit, you'll have more incentive to be fit as well.

it's more of a lifestyle issue than food imo.

australia doesn't have corn syrup in their food, but they're still fat fucks over here. it's because in a big country you tend to drive more and walk less.

The Reckoning
10-12-2013, 04:25 PM
I'd judge George more if he hadn't started HS around 240 (which is fat, but he was pretty buff looking at pictures), and have coaches want/require him to add 100 pounds, most of which was fat, all for sport.

Now he's stuck trying to break the bad eating habits cultivated, exercise on two bum knees, and work 40/50 per week.

It's been 5 years since he's noticeably gained weight. Sub-30, maybe he can figure diet out enough to lose 30-40 pounds, but I see him always being a productive, loving father who is 300+ mostly due to his time in athletics.

he needs to start swimming then. it'll be alot better in distributing the resistance so it's not so hard on his knees. swimming is an epic workout.

10-12-2013, 04:35 PM
What i hate seeing is little fat children waddling around trying to play like normal kids but too fat to run or climb. Its child abuse to do that to a kid and we should prosecute their lazy-ass parents. Kids end up being emo mental messes and live deprived lives missing many of the notable things that bring joy into living.

One handed fat kids, playing with one hand, because the other has a push up or a Popsicle.

Salad Tosser
10-12-2013, 05:41 PM
Eat more salads. There are thousands of possibilities.

10-12-2013, 07:27 PM
I'm far below 300 but still pretty overweight considering my height. 6-2, 340 ain't too bad imho, i know some guy from high school who's about my height (5'7) but weighs more than 120 kilograms (don't know how many pounds it's equivalent of)

10-12-2013, 07:30 PM
I seriously don't get the mindset of some people, I have a friend that looks like Biggie, we both have a weight training class in College and you rarely see him busting some ass in there, his been fat ever since he was a child, I have no idea how some people don't get concern whether they'll die from a heart attack or dying from some other shit related to obesity, I know death can hit us at any given moment, but its the people that don't take advantage of the amazing attribute the body is that will mostly likely go first.

Fat boy
10-12-2013, 07:34 PM
I seriously don't get the mindset of some people, I havhealthyriend that looks like Biggie, we both have a weight training class in College and you rarely see him busting some ass in there, his been fat ever since he was a child, I have no idea how some people don't get concern whether they'll die from a heart attack or dying from some other shit related to obesity, I know death can hit us at any given moment, but its the people that don't take advantage of the amazing attribute the body is that will mostly likely go first.

Some like to live life in the moment and don't think about dropping dead. dying healthy doesn't meam you ain't still dead

10-12-2013, 07:43 PM
Some like to live life in the moment and don't think about dropping dead. dying healthy doesn't meam you ain't still deadI seriously doubt people who are really over weight want to live in the moment, more like killing themselves more quickly.

10-12-2013, 10:11 PM
Blaming the food for making us fat. Classic.

Even more classic is the shock the certain healthy foods are expensive. Try commercially growing fruits and veggies that doesn't rely on lots of labor.

10-12-2013, 11:34 PM
"Blaming the food for making us fat. Classic."

:lol you're right! food couldn't possibly make somebody fat! :lol

10-13-2013, 12:01 AM
"Blaming the food for making us fat. Classic."

:lol you're right! food couldn't possibly make somebody fat! :lol

It's true. Food cannot make you fat. You are required to consume more of it than you can use before your body will produce fat. Over eating makes you fat. Food cannot perform the act of "making".

Food makes you fat just as water makes you drown.

10-13-2013, 06:14 AM
People hate making changes. They know what they must do in order to lose weight(stop eating so fucking much, fatty, and exercise regularly) but they keep making excuses, like children, or work. Wake up a little earlier, go outside more, do some light jogging and stretching, hit the gym every now and then.

It's so fucking simple, yet there are literally millions upon millions that are like 6 ft and 250+ pounds, sitting on their fat ass and watching TV.

10-14-2013, 08:24 AM
I think it depends on what things you're talking about imho. For me, I like changes in some areas but I don't want to, or I'm just afraid to make any changes in some other areas. Like, I quit a treadmill job last year and managed to make my way back to school which I think has to be a positive change even though school is overrated. I majored in physics during college years but I switched to a literature one (not exactly literature but something similar) for graduate study. Meanwhile, I can't be more resistant to those changes that might possibly take place in my personal life. I'm living a happy life as a celibate, in my parents home, and I don't see no reason to make any change to it. My cousins got married and got babies but "I don't ever wanna be that way" because "I don't wanna grow up."

The affection for my goddess and the process of writing a story concerning her have brought me more mental satisfaction than a hypothetic marriage could've ever afforded to give me, tbh