View Full Version : Immigration Reform: House Unlikely To Turn To Immigration Anytime Soon

10-25-2013, 02:54 PM
REPRESENTATIVE RAUL LABRADOR: I just don't think that what the president and his my-way-or-the-highway mentality about this and of many other issues, that much is going to be able to be accomplished this year.

WELNA: And the Senate bill, is there any prospect for that coming up in the House?


WHIT AYRES: Very few House Republicans will expose themselves to any peril because of the way the districts are drawn. Their greatest peril lies in a Republican primary, not a general election.

WELNA: And the sooner the House does act on immigration, the more likely those Republicans who support a broad overhaul would draw primary challengers.

http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=240685240 (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=240685240)

Immigration reform in the House offers sleazebag Boner yet another chance to accomplish nothing positive, cementing his epitaph as one of worst Speakers.

10-25-2013, 02:56 PM
At this point none of the dc whores aka senators n congressmen will do any work that will endanger them for their reelections. Might as well close dc down till next elections. Filthy whores

10-25-2013, 03:22 PM
Oh gee excuse them for not pissing off the people who elected them

baseline bum
10-25-2013, 03:38 PM
Oh gee excuse them for not pissing off the people who elected them

But they already did that when the nation didn't default.

10-25-2013, 03:56 PM
Conservative Coalition Presses House Republicans to Act on Immigration

With immigration re-emerging as the topic of focus in Washington, an unusual coalition of business executives, Republican Party activists and evangelical leaders will descend on Capitol Hill early next week to pressure House Republicans to pass their own legislation.

“Doing nothing is not the answer,” said Glenn McCall, a retired banker and a Republican National Committee leader from South Carolina, who will be in Washington as part of the lobbying event. “We have done that, and you can see where we are.”

The debate threatens to create another schism in the Republican Party and to further alienate a major source of campaign contributions; several corporate executives interviewed this week said they were considering withholding donations from lawmakers who get in the way.

House Republican leaders, including Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio and Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the majority leader, among others, support taking up their own immigration legislation this year, given that the Senate has already passed a comprehensive bill.

There is intense division within the party over the proposals. In fact, a core group of hard-line conservatives said in interviews this week that they would not be intimidated by pressure from corporate America or other outside parties, even though in this case that includes farmers, evangelical leaders and some prominent conservatives.


10-25-2013, 04:03 PM
If they legalize all the be@ners I'm out of here, heading to Canada. I won't live around such filth in what is quickly becoming a third world infected hellhole.

Chief Brody
10-25-2013, 04:20 PM
If they legalize all the be@ners I'm out of here, heading to Canada. I won't live around such filth in what is quickly becoming a third world infected hellhole.

+1, but Canada is too fucking cold and Canadian for me to live there. Once I do that Afghan job for a year I'll have a sweet nest egg and will work a couple more overseas gigs before permanently settling down abroad. It's a damn shame to see so many second-class citizens polluting my homeland. In a perfect world all male be@ners ages 16-40 that are hoping for naturalization would have to serve 4 years in the military. If they complete that service they should be eligible for the GI bill (or w/e they call it now) like everyone else. All females should receive a health screening, with BMI being a key factor. The elderly are not invited.

10-25-2013, 04:25 PM
Way too lax send them all home

baseline bum
10-25-2013, 04:41 PM
If they legalize all the be@ners I'm out of here, heading to Canada. I won't live around such filth in what is quickly becoming a third world infected hellhole.

Where do you think the Mexicans are going next after trashing the US?

10-25-2013, 04:45 PM
Economic collapse and genetic cleansing after the takeover will come first

10-26-2013, 05:10 AM
Immigration Poses Threat of Another Republican Rift

A push to bring immigration legislation to the House floor, led by an unusual coalition of business executives, prominent conservatives and evangelical leaders, threatens to create another schism in the Republican Party and could have a noticeable effect on campaign contributions before the midterm elections.

Several Republican executives and donors who are part of a lobbying blitz coming to Capitol Hill next week said they were considering withholding, or had already decided to withhold, future financial support to Republican lawmakers they believe are obstructing progress on immigration.

“I respect people’s views and concerns about the fact that we have a situation in the United States where we have millions of undocumented immigrants,” said Justin Sayfie, a lawyer from Florida who said he helped Mitt Romney raise more than $100,000 for his presidential campaign last year, in addition to helping other Republican candidates. “But we have what we have. This is October 2013. And the country will be better off if we fix it.”

Capitol Hill has for months been the focus of immigration advocates urging lawmakers to take up one of the four measures that have been approved by the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee. What is different about next week’s lobbying effort is that it will include about 600 mostly conservative leaders in business, agriculture and religion who will focus on 80 representatives from 40 states — all of them Republican.

A growing number of Republicans, however, privately say they see no political advantage for the party to move ahead on immigration legislation right now. They do not expect it to be a critical issue in the 2014 midterms — in fact, some House Republicans may be even more reluctant to take a tough vote on immigration during an election year — and they say it simply needs to be dealt with before the 2016 presidential election. Thus, they say, they are most optimistic about pushing through an overhaul in 2015.

http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/10/26/us/politics/conservative-coalition-presses-house-republicans-to-act-on-immigration.html?from=homepage (http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/10/26/us/politics/conservative-coalition-presses-house-republicans-to-act-on-immigration.html?from=homepage)

Cruz and the tea baggers own the Repug party now, they will obstruct everything, Dem or Repug.

Wild Cobra
10-26-2013, 11:02 AM
Yep, those who vote to allow illegal immigrants to flood the low wage job market even more, will likely lose a general election.

Why do liberals want more low wage workers? You guys like spending more money from the coffers?

10-26-2013, 12:26 PM
fuck those wetbacks

:cry muh southwest, muh reconquista :cry

10-26-2013, 01:01 PM
Yep, those who vote to allow illegal immigrants to flood the low wage job market even more, will likely lose a general election.

Why do liberals want more low wage workers? You guys like spending more money from the coffers?

pure comedy!

"even more" how so?

Dems will electorally beat the fuck out of Repugs for Repugs blocking immigration reform.

Liberals want more low wage workers? link?

It's your adored, untouchable United Corporation of America that have been suppressing wages for 35 years, cutting benefits, exporting jobs, etc.

10-26-2013, 01:12 PM
^giving jobs to millions of foreigners over american citizens etc

10-26-2013, 01:28 PM
+1, but Canada is too fucking cold and Canadian for me to live there. Once I do that Afghan job for a year I'll have a sweet nest egg and will work a couple more overseas gigs before permanently settling down abroad. It's a damn shame to see so many second-class citizens polluting my homeland. In a perfect world all male be@ners ages 16-40 that are hoping for naturalization would have to serve 4 years in the military. If they complete that service they should be eligible for the GI bill (or w/e they call it now) like everyone else. All females should receive a health screening, with BMI being a key factor. The elderly are not invited.

What would them serving 4 years in the military do for America? Our military is already bloated and out of control while the military is having no issues getting people to enlist because of the shitty alternatives, adding a few million be@ners to the military and being forced to give them 4 years of pay, followed by free college tuition does nothing good for America except burden us with more needless military spending. If the best an illegal has to offer America is being capable of a 4 year government job any HS grad who's able to wipe his own ass can sign up for, he's as low skilled and useless as it gets.

There's a reason corporations and the MIC support the dream act and it's so they'll have a bunch of illegals to send to whatever 3rd world country they decide to invade next.

10-26-2013, 02:38 PM
i know i can count on DoK to join me in my quest to de-be@nerize america, i'll have to watch out for the backstab though christians in ukraine etc