View Full Version : Patty is not going to be consistent...

10-31-2013, 01:01 AM
...off the gates. So be patient. He had a great 1st half, and a serviceable second half tonight. He'll have to face different players and some nights will be better than others.

We'll see how he does on the road, but if he can keep up the energy and some of the shooting, he'll be filling in an important role for the Spurs.

10-31-2013, 01:07 AM
I don't expect him to be THAT awesome for the entire year, but maybe with this training camp and pre-season under his belt he'll feel a little more comfortable out there and be ALOT more consistent this season than he was last season. The guy looks like a totally different person too, that weight loss did him some good...

10-31-2013, 01:09 AM
I expect him to have some shitty games too, tbh, it's only natural.

Sean Cagney
10-31-2013, 01:10 AM
I just hope he is good this year, thats all i can ask for. I wish Patty well.

10-31-2013, 01:16 AM
I am more concerned about his health.

10-31-2013, 01:17 AM
I think he'll be good as long as he isn't kept on the bench for a bunch of games so De Colo or CoJo can try out being back up PG for a while.

Don't get me wrong, I like CoJo and hope he gets some playing time. I just don't like that whole switching between 2-3 players as back up PG for extended periods of time/very often. I think doing that can make players more inconsistent than anything else.

10-31-2013, 01:17 AM
the entirety of patty mills' value to the team comes from his shooting. on an off shooting night, he's probably going to be a liability. still, its not like CoJo's defense has been otherworldly. at this point i'd rather have patty playing since Manu and Belinelli can babysit like we used to do with the Neal-Manu backcourt

10-31-2013, 01:42 AM
Dude has always brought great energy, but he seems hungrier and more focused this year. as already mentioned, I'll wait to see how he looks in several months, but he looks much improved, he also seems to have added some Parker moves to his game. It sucks to think if we had a JJ Barrea type in the Finals, we would've won, so hopefully we can at least get that from our backup PGs this year.

10-31-2013, 01:57 AM
:lol asking Spurstalk to be patient

10-31-2013, 02:06 AM
I don't think he will be as consistent right away either but luckily it's a long season and the ol' sport isn't stupid, he knows he isn't a lock for backup point guard so he's still competing for the spot

10-31-2013, 02:10 AM
He looked way more in control last night than he did last season for the most part, but he will deff face some tough matchups. I think he started strong last season too (NOV game against SAC?) so we will see, but the weight loss and strong preseason hints at a corner turned for him.

10-31-2013, 02:19 AM
give him a few months, we'll all be looking back like ':lol back up PG uncertainty :lol'

10-31-2013, 04:29 AM
...off the gates. So be patient. He had a great 1st half, and a serviceable second half tonight. He'll have to face different players and some nights will be better than others.

We'll see how he does on the road, but if he can keep up the energy and some of the shooting, he'll be filling in an important role for the Spurs.

Good post. Whether one likes the playstyle or not, We need someone who can tell Pop fuck off, Im shooting this contested three because my balls are just that big. Thatd how Pop works. His PG tough love never ends. Ever.

silverblk mystix
10-31-2013, 09:14 AM
He will be inconsistent as long as Pop plays him inconsistently. Players know how to play. Patty is a player. Cojo is a project and not a prime time player.

If Pop gives him consistent time and doesn't jerk him around - Patty will have a few ups and downs but by the end of the year - he will be a true NBA "player" - but will Pop allow that?

10-31-2013, 10:01 AM
His D is underrated tbh. Losing the weight has improved his lateral movement and allows him to increase his peskiness. Not completely sold on him yet but I'm pullin' for him tbh.

10-31-2013, 10:22 AM
Nono with the realistic but hopeful goods tbh.

If he can keep his effort level up (play well within the offense, defer to Manu when needed but attack when it's an option, hound the ball-handler on D, don't help off shooters) I think he locks up the backup PG position even if he's streaky.

10-31-2013, 10:24 AM
I like Patty, glad to see him getting some well deserved playing time. http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/4788/clap2t.gif His outstanding towel waiving alone almost took us back to the promised land, now lets see what he can do on the court :fro

11-13-2013, 10:49 PM
How would you assess Patty's first 9 games as the official backup point guard of the Spurs? In my opinion, Patty seems to have meshed well with Manu and Bellineli. His passing hasn't improved much, but then again, he isn't the primary play maker, so we can cut him some slack for that. His defense, on the other hand, has significantly improved to the point where he's not a liability when he's on the floor.

11-13-2013, 10:51 PM
He's been solid. :tu

11-13-2013, 10:52 PM
How would you assess Patty's first 9 games as the official backup point guard of the Spurs? In my opinion, Patty seems to have meshed well with Manu and Bellineli. His passing hasn't improved much, but then again, he isn't the primary play maker, so we can cut him some slack for that. His defense, on the other hand, has significantly improved to the point where he's not a liability on the floor when he's on the floor.

you've been waiting for this moment for awhile.

as for Patty, I've always liked him because of his heart and energy. I think so far he's finally trying to play to his potential. Part of that is contract year, but I also thinks he wants to put his signature on this team and help it to get over the top. I have no complaints at all about him right now. He's always had the energy, it just seemed a bit unfocused, but this year it looks way more focused.

11-13-2013, 10:56 PM
His improvement on defense is what makes this possible. He's not a great defender, but he's not getting blown by everytime anymore. He does bring energy and a big spark off the bench. He is playing the Neal role, which is a pseudo-point guard. He fits in fine

11-13-2013, 10:58 PM
How would you assess Patty's first 9 games as the official backup point guard of the Spurs? In my opinion, Patty seems to have meshed well with Manu and Bellineli. His passing hasn't improved much, but then again, he isn't the primary play maker, so we can cut him some slack for that. His defense, on the other hand, has significantly improved to the point where he's not a liability when he's on the floor.

Well, this thread was made to pull back expectations a bit after the solid start... he just hasn't let go. I hope he keeps it up, would love to eat crow on this one.

11-13-2013, 11:16 PM
His improvement on defense is what makes this possible. He's not a great defender, but he's not getting blown by everytime anymore. He does bring energy and a big spark off the bench. He is playing the Neal role, which is a pseudo-point guard. He fits in fine

His improvement on defense in the main reason, you're definitely right about that. He's gotta keep playing defense, not get lost, not get caught behind screens and not get blown by most of the time. If he can do that, while keeping his awareness out there on the defensive end at all times, then I have no problem at all with him out there. The defensive side of the court is where he needed to improve the most, for him to have any chance at a spot in the rotation, and it seems all that work that he has put in during the off season has been paying off so far.

11-13-2013, 11:41 PM
Well, this thread was made to pull back expectations a bit after the solid start... he just hasn't let go. I hope he keeps it up, would love to eat crow on this one.

You are, IMHO. But that's a good thing! :toast

11-13-2013, 11:54 PM
He might be inconsistent, but not all the time.

11-14-2013, 12:51 AM
:lol asking Spurstalk to be patient

11-14-2013, 12:51 AM
He might be inconsistent, but not all the time.
Tiger blood.

11-14-2013, 01:23 AM
He's been solid. :tu

Very happy for him. Seems to have figured out how to bring what he does as the main guy on his national team to his more limited role on the Spurs. Wasn't sure he'd ever manage that, now I'm glad the Spurs kept him around to find out. :tu

11-14-2013, 02:39 AM
I think he's been pretty damn good(yes, I'm exaggerating). CoJo still looks pretty raw, tbh.

11-14-2013, 05:36 AM
Mills and Diaw are clearly the players most improved. De Colo looks like he's done sulking and was a positive presence last night.

11-14-2013, 05:36 AM
you've been waiting for this moment for awhile.

as for Patty, I've always liked him because of his heart and energy. I think so far he's finally trying to play to his potential. Part of that is contract year, but I also thinks he wants to put his signature on this team and help it to get over the top. I have no complaints at all about him right now. He's always had the energy, it just seemed a bit unfocused, but this year it looks way more focused.

You know I might disagree with this in one respect. I doubt that 'contract year' is really an issue. Patty was facing NBA survival and has worked hard - good on him for that. But a strength for Patty has always been his team dynamic off the floor - he works hard there too and the team chemistry (not talking JR Smith chemistry) is vital on a team over a long season.

silverblk mystix
02-21-2014, 04:23 PM
He will be inconsistent as long as Pop plays him inconsistently. Players know how to play. Patty is a player. Cojo is a project and not a prime time player.

If Pop gives him consistent time and doesn't jerk him around - Patty will have a few ups and downs but by the end of the year - he will be a true NBA "player" - but will Pop allow that?

02-21-2014, 04:34 PM
solid bump... I think the Spurs have finally settled on their backup PG, and moving DeColo asserts that idea.

02-21-2014, 04:38 PM
solid bump... I think the Spurs have finally settled on their backup PG, and moving DeColo asserts that idea.
You're right. CoJo is a beast.

02-21-2014, 04:41 PM
You're right. CoJo is a beast.


02-21-2014, 05:03 PM
solid bump... I think the Spurs have finally settled on their backup PG, and moving DeColo asserts that idea.

Mills deserves great credit for the work he did over the summer which resulted in such a significant improvement in his fitness. His improvement as a defender is plainly obvious and he's been rewarded, justifiably, for all his hard work.

02-21-2014, 08:57 PM
Look, Mills has had this offensive talent all along - look at the final regular season game 2 seasons ago. He simply wasn't good enough defensively, and his ball handling was extremely poor. Even last year, he would get the ball and look terrified of dribbling when there was a defender within 15 feet of him. This year, he is extremely confident handling the ball when he has to and he's become an absolute pest on defense and it has made a world of difference.

jARS mEsH sEt
02-21-2014, 09:04 PM
This is the first time in like 23984798324794 times that silverblk mystix was actually right about something. He's usually wrong like 99.999% of the time :lmao

02-21-2014, 09:07 PM
Hopefully Mills doesn't get demoted in the playoffs :(.

02-21-2014, 09:32 PM
Hopefully Mills doesn't get demoted in the playoffs :(.

Pop does have a tendency to panic over one bad possession in the PO.

Look for Bonner to move to PG if that happens.

02-21-2014, 09:47 PM
Mills is still a horrible defender. His conditioning has helped his rebounding, though.

02-21-2014, 10:03 PM
Spot on. I love Patty Mills, but this is the reason why anybody who says we can afford to give away Parker is a dummy.

02-21-2014, 10:08 PM
Are you saying Parker doesn't have 1-8 games?

Heck last night Durant had a terrible start.

Only chance for Spurs to make any noise this year is if Patty pulls a Danny Green 2.0, the only reason Spurs was competitive at all vs Miami was because of Green's historical 3 point shooting through 3 games.

Patty can take 20 shots a game with Parker out, and lead the team in scoring.

02-21-2014, 10:12 PM
mills is a scrub. always has been always will be

silverblk mystix
02-22-2014, 10:12 AM
This is the first time in like 23984798324794 times that silverblk mystix was actually right about something. He's usually wrong like 99.999% of the time :lmao

Just showing you that I have been right all along and will continue to be...

Pop with the Tiago/TD pairing - check (lol 3 yrs to see what anyone else could see)

Bonner - check

Can Spurs win a title -IN SPITE - of Pop --- check (see Spurs/Miami game 6)

I could go on but....


02-22-2014, 10:52 AM
Just showing you that I have been right all along and will continue to be...

Pop with the Tiago/TD pairing - check (lol 3 yrs to see what anyone else could see)

Bonner - check

Can Spurs win a title -IN SPITE - of Pop --- check (see Spurs/Miami game 6)

I could go on but....


Oh yeah, you were one of the guys who picked the Spurs to be in the FINALS despite Pop.
Mr. Vegas...

silverblk mystix
02-22-2014, 11:45 AM
Oh yeah, you were one of the guys who picked the Spurs to be in the FINALS despite Pop.
Mr. Vegas...

...and you were one of the "Bonner is God" posters here...

just sayin'

02-22-2014, 01:27 PM
Spurs shot 34% vs 51%, Spurs well under and Suns well over their team averages. Patty wasn't the only Spur missing the side of the barn.

that sh!t happens to every team one or more times per season.