View Full Version : Almost everytime there's some bad news in this league

11-06-2013, 08:37 PM
It surrounds the Denver Broncos...like every fucking time I see some NFL story its bad news about the Broncos. Now one of their O-linemen randomly decides to leave to pursue happiness...this bitch thinks he's Will Smith.

I know its not a big deal, but its something every week or so.


Playing in the NFL seems like a fantasy for most red-blooded American males, but it's not always an easy life. Moffitt explained his decision to suddenly retire to the Associated Press. (http://www.9news.com/sports/article/363137/345/John-Moffitt-walks-away-from-Broncos)
"I just really thought about it and decided I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all," Moffitt told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Seattle. "And I think it's really madness to risk your body, risk your well-being and risk your happiness for money.
"Everybody, they just don't get it and they think it's crazy. But I think what I was doing is crazy."
Moffitt told the AP he didn't care about playing in a Super Bowl, which the Broncos might do this season. He said that even though he doesn't have a history of concussions, the possibility worried him.

"I just want to be happy," Moffitt told the AP. "And I find that people that have the least in life are sometimes the happiest. And I don't have the least in life. I have enough in life. And I won't sacrifice my health for that.
"I'm not trying to be the poster boy for 'Oh, I thought I should leave because of concussions.' I'm just saying, it's a valid point. I love the game and I respect the game and everybody who plays it knows what they risk and I knew what I risked when I played, and I'm no longer willing to risk it."

11-06-2013, 09:01 PM
Lol Sociology major. He'll be answering phones in a call center three years from now

11-07-2013, 12:22 AM
Should've Haynesworth'ed himself into a big contract then walked imho

11-07-2013, 12:35 AM
:cry my dominant team never gets any breaks except when they made the biggest free agent signing in league history

Clipper Nation
11-07-2013, 02:08 AM
Your team signed an all-time great (regular season) quarterback in Peyton Manning and has won two Super Bowls in recent memory and you're on here crying about some bad luck.... GTFO :lol