View Full Version : Hands Off the Ball, or Risk a Technical Foul

11-13-2013, 11:23 AM


11-13-2013, 11:32 AM
This rule is there to speed up the game ... right now it has the opposite effect, but players will adapt. But I do not forget how Timmy got called for that in the pre-season, a few minutes later a player from the opposing team does the same and is not called. Timmy couldn't believe it - his reaction towards the ref was priceless.

11-13-2013, 12:22 PM
They were calling it every time, to start the year. Now I've noticed them miss a few. I like the rule. ..Leave the ball alone!!

11-13-2013, 12:24 PM
I hope they straighten it out soon. This and the college hand check calls are ruining basketball viewing right now.

11-13-2013, 12:29 PM
I don't like the rule. I didn't think it slowed the game down door the players to pass the ball to the ref. I think it should only be called if it seems like the player is trying to delay the game unfairly.

11-13-2013, 01:11 PM
Passing the ball to the ref wasn't the problem, esp not if the offense wanted to slow down the game to set their offense and/or stop a fast break out of net.

Old School 44
11-13-2013, 01:39 PM
I don't like the rule. I didn't think it slowed the game down door the players to pass the ball to the ref. I think it should only be called if it seems like the player is trying to delay the game unfairly.

I agree. It's going to be terrible when the ref is forced to make this call in a close game or worse, a tight playoff game.

11-13-2013, 02:27 PM
stupidest rule ever, IMO.

11-13-2013, 02:32 PM
I don't like the rule. I didn't think it slowed the game down door the players to pass the ball to the ref. I think it should only be called if it seems like the player is trying to delay the game unfairly.

I disagree.
If they do that, then in a couple of weeks we are gonna be mad because some guy touch the ball (unfairly) and didnt get a call.
I like the rule as it is, as long as they call it. And if a ref doenst call it, then we know 100% he didnt call it on purpose and not because he thought that it didnt afect the game.

11-13-2013, 02:43 PM
I don't like the rule. I didn't think it slowed the game down door the players to pass the ball to the ref. I think it should only be called if it seems like the player is trying to delay the game unfairly.

100 agree.

Regardless of how much you tell players before the game to not do it, it's tough to prevent yourself from doing it specially after a dunk or a layup when the ball would literrly go to you after.

Stupid rule IMO.

11-13-2013, 03:08 PM
Some of you haven't played organized basketball before..I can tell. Its not hard to leave the ball alone, after it goes through the hoop. It shouldn't be any harder than remembering to dribble, when moving with the ball.

11-13-2013, 03:16 PM
I think they should allow a player grabbing the ball after it goes through the hoop as long as the players drops it relatively quickly.

I think the rule was designed for guys that were starting to throw the ball harder and harder at the official after they thought they should have an and1. Guys like Blake Griffin did it every single time he went to the hole and scored.

11-13-2013, 03:19 PM
“It’s their league,” said World Peace, who clearly had no idea what he had done wrong. “It’s a hard adjustment for these guys making the rules because a lot of them have never played basketball. It’s like me trying to make rules for Microsoft or something.”

:tu Good stuff Metta..

11-13-2013, 03:24 PM
Metta World Peace with the truthbombs

this is what happens when you let a bunch of weak nerds with a bowties and glasses who've never even held a basketball, intervene in NBA rulebook.

what an embarrassment to the league. First the Spurs fine last year and now this. Stern going out like a damn scrub

Drom John
11-13-2013, 04:04 PM


Particularly in last year's playoffs, the common play was to grab the ball before the player wanting to take it out of bound gets it, followed by a fade away lob to the ref, as the defense gets back. Or the standard Carmelo Anthony play when called for an offensive foul, carrying the ball to half court while arguing, before slow rolling the ball backcourt to the ref.
Combine this with the D-League experiment with FIBA goal tending, and I think the NBA is going in the right direction.

11-13-2013, 04:20 PM
Until they don't call it, like they did when Pau touched the ball in the last minute of the game against the Spurs.

11-13-2013, 05:55 PM
Rule sucks! It doesn't make the game any quicker, and forget the excuse about "well the players are adjusting to it right now BS" What happens when the ball rolls all the way down the other side of the court? The team who scored still can't touch it to get it to the ref quicker than the opposing team?? It really is just a BS rule.

11-13-2013, 07:48 PM
Some of you haven't played organized basketball before..I can tell. Its not hard to leave the ball alone, after it goes through the hoop. It shouldn't be any harder than remembering to dribble, when moving with the ball.

Actually, it's the exact opposite. The players have become conditioned to touching the ball after a made basket. In your example, it would be like the league making a rule that players couldn't dribble without looking at the ball. I guarantee you that that would take some time for everyone to adjust to that.

11-13-2013, 08:21 PM
I disagree.
If they do that, then in a couple of weeks we are gonna be mad because some guy touch the ball (unfairly) and didnt get a call.
I like the rule as it is, as long as they call it. And if a ref doenst call it, then we know 100% he didnt call it on purpose and not because he thought that it didnt afect the game.

its always a matter of consistency.
refs werent consistent in calling delays before. all of you guys saying "if you've played basketball"... if you've played you know there are players out there that will take every advantage, and fumbling the ball around was a low harmless risk. i think a lot of times its just faster when they can tap it out legit, but that doesnt always happen.

so you make it so no one can touch it to make it black or white. I agree its annoying as hell to watch, but if its more consistent players will adapt quickly.
But if they're still inconsistent we're back to the same position as before.

Personally, I wish they would eliminate / streamline the replay process, if anything makes the games unbearably long its those constant reviews over mostly clear calls at the end of games.

11-13-2013, 08:26 PM
This rule will effect the outcome of a playoff game some day, book it. When that happens people are going to go ape shit lol.

11-13-2013, 10:04 PM
This rule will effect the outcome of a playoff game some day, book it. When that happens people are going to go ape shit lol.

By the time the playoffs roll around, everyone should have gotten the message.